blob: 3eb46aaa693739a5c5937efdddeb16e729f9d79c [file] [log] [blame]
// "$Id$"
// Option class for the CUPS PPD Compiler.
// Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.
// Copyright 2002-2005 by Easy Software Products.
// These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
// property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
// law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
// which should have been included with this file. If this file is
// file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
// Contents:
// ppdcOption::ppdcOption() - Create a new option.
// ppdcOption::ppdcOption() - Copy a new option.
// ppdcOption::~ppdcOption() - Destroy an option.
// ppdcOption::find_choice() - Find an option choice.
// ppdcOption::set_defchoice() - Set the default choice.
// Include necessary headers...
#include "ppdc.h"
// 'ppdcOption::ppdcOption()' - Create a new option.
ppdcOption::ppdcOption(ppdcOptType ot, // I - Option type
const char *n, // I - Option name
const char *t, // I - Option text
ppdcOptSection s, // I - Section
float o) // I - Ordering number
// printf("ppdcOption(ot=%d, n=\"%s\", t=\"%s\"), this=%p\n",
// ot, n, t, this);
type = ot;
name = new ppdcString(n);
text = new ppdcString(t);
section = s;
order = o;
choices = new ppdcArray();
defchoice = 0;
// 'ppdcOption::ppdcOption()' - Copy a new option.
ppdcOption::ppdcOption(ppdcOption *o) // I - Template option
if (o->defchoice)
type = o->type;
name = o->name;
text = o->text;
section = o->section;
order = o->order;
choices = new ppdcArray(o->choices);
defchoice = o->defchoice;
// 'ppdcOption::~ppdcOption()' - Destroy an option.
if (defchoice)
delete choices;
// 'ppdcOption::find_choice()' - Find an option choice.
ppdcChoice * // O - Choice or NULL
ppdcOption::find_choice(const char *n) // I - Name of choice
ppdcChoice *c; // Current choice
for (c = (ppdcChoice *)choices->first(); c; c = (ppdcChoice *)choices->next())
if (!strcasecmp(n, c->name->value))
return (c);
return (0);
// 'ppdcOption::set_defchoice()' - Set the default choice.
ppdcOption::set_defchoice(ppdcChoice *c) // I - Choice
if (defchoice)
if (c->name)
defchoice = c->name;
// End of "$Id$".