blob: d3726cf53448e4513f1e5dbff484dffb61537c63 [file] [log] [blame]
* "$Id: file.c 6962 2007-09-17 20:35:47Z mike $"
* File functions for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
* Since stdio files max out at 256 files on many systems, we have to
* write similar functions without this limit. At the same time, using
* our own file functions allows us to provide transparent support of
* gzip'd print files, PPD files, etc.
* Copyright 2007-2008 by Apple Inc.
* Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
* property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
* law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
* which should have been included with this file. If this file is
* file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
* Contents:
* cupsFileClose() - Close a CUPS file.
* cupsFileCompression() - Return whether a file is compressed.
* cupsFileEOF() - Return the end-of-file status.
* cupsFileFind() - Find a file using the specified path.
* cupsFileFlush() - Flush pending output.
* cupsFileGetChar() - Get a single character from a file.
* cupsFileGetConf() - Get a line from a configuration file...
* cupsFileGetLine() - Get a CR and/or LF-terminated line that may contain
* binary data.
* cupsFileGets() - Get a CR and/or LF-terminated line.
* cupsFileLock() - Temporarily lock access to a file.
* cupsFileNumber() - Return the file descriptor associated with a CUPS
* file.
* cupsFileOpen() - Open a CUPS file.
* cupsFileOpenFd() - Open a CUPS file using a file descriptor.
* cupsFilePeekChar() - Peek at the next character from a file.
* cupsFilePrintf() - Write a formatted string.
* cupsFilePutChar() - Write a character.
* cupsFilePuts() - Write a string.
* cupsFileRead() - Read from a file.
* cupsFileRewind() - Set the current file position to the beginning of
* the file.
* cupsFileSeek() - Seek in a file.
* cupsFileStderr() - Return a CUPS file associated with stderr.
* cupsFileStdin() - Return a CUPS file associated with stdin.
* cupsFileStdout() - Return a CUPS file associated with stdout.
* cupsFileTell() - Return the current file position.
* cupsFileUnlock() - Unlock access to a file.
* cupsFileWrite() - Write to a file.
* cups_compress() - Compress a buffer of data...
* cups_fill() - Fill the input buffer...
* cups_read() - Read from a file descriptor.
* cups_write() - Write to a file descriptor.
* Include necessary headers...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "http-private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "debug.h"
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
# include <zlib.h>
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
#ifdef WIN32
# include <io.h>
# include <sys/locking.h>
#endif /* WIN32 */
* Some operating systems support large files via open flag O_LARGEFILE...
# define O_LARGEFILE 0
#endif /* !O_LARGEFILE */
* Some operating systems don't define O_BINARY, which is used by Microsoft
* and IBM to flag binary files...
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0
#endif /* !O_BINARY */
* Types and structures...
struct _cups_file_s /**** CUPS file structure... ****/
int fd; /* File descriptor */
char mode, /* Mode ('r' or 'w') */
compressed, /* Compression used? */
is_stdio, /* stdin/out/err? */
eof, /* End of file? */
buf[4096], /* Buffer */
*ptr, /* Pointer into buffer */
*end; /* End of buffer data */
off_t pos, /* Position in file */
bufpos; /* File position for start of buffer */
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
z_stream stream; /* (De)compression stream */
Bytef cbuf[4096]; /* (De)compression buffer */
uLong crc; /* (De)compression CRC */
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
* Local functions...
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
static ssize_t cups_compress(cups_file_t *fp, const char *buf, size_t bytes);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
static ssize_t cups_fill(cups_file_t *fp);
static ssize_t cups_read(cups_file_t *fp, char *buf, size_t bytes);
static ssize_t cups_write(cups_file_t *fp, const char *buf, size_t bytes);
* 'cupsFileClose()' - Close a CUPS file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsFileClose(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
int fd; /* File descriptor */
char mode; /* Open mode */
int status; /* Return status */
int is_stdio; /* Is a stdio file? */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileClose(fp=%p)\n", fp));
* Range check...
if (!fp)
return (-1);
* Flush pending write data...
if (fp->mode == 'w')
status = cupsFileFlush(fp);
status = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed && status >= 0)
if (fp->mode == 'r')
* Free decompression data...
* Flush any remaining compressed data...
unsigned char trailer[8]; /* Trailer CRC and length */
int done; /* Done writing... */
fp->stream.avail_in = 0;
for (done = 0;;)
if (fp->stream.next_out > fp->cbuf)
if (cups_write(fp, (char *)fp->cbuf,
fp->stream.next_out - fp->cbuf) < 0)
status = -1;
fp->stream.next_out = fp->cbuf;
fp->stream.avail_out = sizeof(fp->cbuf);
if (done || status < 0)
done = deflate(&fp->stream, Z_FINISH) == Z_STREAM_END &&
fp->stream.next_out == fp->cbuf;
* Write the CRC and length...
trailer[0] = fp->crc;
trailer[1] = fp->crc >> 8;
trailer[2] = fp->crc >> 16;
trailer[3] = fp->crc >> 24;
trailer[4] = fp->pos;
trailer[5] = fp->pos >> 8;
trailer[6] = fp->pos >> 16;
trailer[7] = fp->pos >> 24;
if (cups_write(fp, (char *)trailer, 8) < 0)
status = -1;
* Free all memory used by the compression stream...
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
* Save the file descriptor we used and free memory...
fd = fp->fd;
mode = fp->mode;
is_stdio = fp->is_stdio;
* Close the file, returning the close status...
if (mode == 's')
if (closesocket(fd) < 0)
status = -1;
else if (!is_stdio)
if (close(fd) < 0)
status = -1;
return (status);
* 'cupsFileCompression()' - Return whether a file is compressed.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - @code CUPS_FILE_NONE@ or @code CUPS_FILE_GZIP@ */
cupsFileCompression(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
return (fp ? fp->compressed : CUPS_FILE_NONE);
* 'cupsFileEOF()' - Return the end-of-file status.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - 1 on end of file, 0 otherwise */
cupsFileEOF(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
return (fp ? fp->eof : 1);
* 'cupsFileFind()' - Find a file using the specified path.
* This function allows the paths in the path string to be separated by
* colons (UNIX standard) or semicolons (Windows standard) and stores the
* result in the buffer supplied. If the file cannot be found in any of
* the supplied paths, @code NULL@ is returned. A @code NULL@ path only
* matches the current directory.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
const char * /* O - Full path to file or @code NULL@ if not found */
cupsFileFind(const char *filename, /* I - File to find */
const char *path, /* I - Colon/semicolon-separated path */
int executable, /* I - 1 = executable files, 0 = any file/dir */
char *buffer, /* I - Filename buffer */
int bufsize) /* I - Size of filename buffer */
char *bufptr, /* Current position in buffer */
*bufend; /* End of buffer */
* Range check input...
if (!filename || !buffer || bufsize < 2)
return (NULL);
if (!path)
* No path, so check current directory...
if (!access(filename, 0))
strlcpy(buffer, filename, bufsize);
return (buffer);
return (NULL);
* Now check each path and return the first match...
bufend = buffer + bufsize - 1;
bufptr = buffer;
while (*path)
#ifdef WIN32
if (*path == ';' || (*path == ':' && ((bufptr - buffer) > 1 || !isalpha(buffer[0] & 255))))
if (*path == ';' || *path == ':')
#endif /* WIN32 */
if (bufptr > buffer && bufptr[-1] != '/' && bufptr < bufend)
*bufptr++ = '/';
strlcpy(bufptr, filename, bufend - bufptr);
#ifdef WIN32
if (!access(buffer, 0))
if (!access(buffer, executable ? X_OK : 0))
#endif /* WIN32 */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileFind: Returning \"%s\"\n", buffer));
return (buffer);
bufptr = buffer;
else if (bufptr < bufend)
*bufptr++ = *path;
path ++;
* Check the last path...
if (bufptr > buffer && bufptr[-1] != '/' && bufptr < bufend)
*bufptr++ = '/';
strlcpy(bufptr, filename, bufend - bufptr);
if (!access(buffer, 0))
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileFind: Returning \"%s\"\n", buffer));
return (buffer);
DEBUG_puts("cupsFileFind: Returning NULL");
return (NULL);
* 'cupsFileFlush()' - Flush pending output.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsFileFlush(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes to write */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileFlush(fp=%p)\n", fp));
* Range check input...
if (!fp || fp->mode != 'w')
DEBUG_puts("cupsFileFlush: Attempt to flush a read-only file...");
return (-1);
bytes = (ssize_t)(fp->ptr - fp->buf);
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileFlush: Flushing " CUPS_LLFMT " bytes...\n",
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
if (bytes > 0)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
bytes = cups_compress(fp, fp->buf, bytes);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
bytes = cups_write(fp, fp->buf, bytes);
if (bytes < 0)
return (-1);
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
return (0);
* 'cupsFileGetChar()' - Get a single character from a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - Character or -1 on end of file */
cupsFileGetChar(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGetChar(fp=%p)\n", fp));
if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's'))
DEBUG_puts("cupsFileGetChar: Bad arguments!");
return (-1);
* If the input buffer is empty, try to read more data...
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) < 0)
DEBUG_puts("cupsFileGetChar: Unable to fill buffer!");
return (-1);
* Return the next character in the buffer...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGetChar: Returning %d...\n", *(fp->ptr) & 255));
fp->pos ++;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGetChar: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (*(fp->ptr)++ & 255);
* 'cupsFileGetConf()' - Get a line from a configuration file...
* @since CUPS 1.2@
char * /* O - Line read or @code NULL@ on end of file or error */
cupsFileGetConf(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
char *buf, /* O - String buffer */
size_t buflen, /* I - Size of string buffer */
char **value, /* O - Pointer to value */
int *linenum) /* IO - Current line number */
char *ptr; /* Pointer into line */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGetConf(fp=%p, buf=%p, buflen=" CUPS_LLFMT
", value=%p, linenum=%p)\n", fp, buf, CUPS_LLCAST buflen,
value, linenum));
if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's') ||
!buf || buflen < 2 || !value)
if (value)
*value = NULL;
return (NULL);
* Read the next non-comment line...
*value = NULL;
while (cupsFileGets(fp, buf, buflen))
(*linenum) ++;
* Strip any comments...
if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '#')) != NULL)
if (ptr > buf && ptr[-1] == '\\')
// Unquote the #...
_cups_strcpy(ptr - 1, ptr);
// Strip the comment and any trailing whitespace...
while (ptr > buf)
if (!isspace(ptr[-1] & 255))
ptr --;
*ptr = '\0';
* Strip leading whitespace...
for (ptr = buf; isspace(*ptr & 255); ptr ++);
if (ptr > buf)
_cups_strcpy(buf, ptr);
* See if there is anything left...
if (buf[0])
* Yes, grab any value and return...
for (ptr = buf; *ptr; ptr ++)
if (isspace(*ptr & 255))
if (*ptr)
* Have a value, skip any other spaces...
while (isspace(*ptr & 255))
*ptr++ = '\0';
if (*ptr)
*value = ptr;
* Strip trailing whitespace and > for lines that begin with <...
ptr += strlen(ptr) - 1;
if (buf[0] == '<' && *ptr == '>')
*ptr-- = '\0';
else if (buf[0] == '<' && *ptr != '>')
* Syntax error...
*value = NULL;
return (buf);
while (ptr > *value && isspace(*ptr & 255))
*ptr-- = '\0';
* Return the line...
return (buf);
return (NULL);
* 'cupsFileGetLine()' - Get a CR and/or LF-terminated line that may
* contain binary data.
* This function differs from @link cupsFileGets@ in that the trailing CR
* and LF are preserved, as is any binary data on the line. The buffer is
* nul-terminated, however you should use the returned length to determine
* the number of bytes on the line.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
size_t /* O - Number of bytes on line or 0 on end of file */
cupsFileGetLine(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - File to read from */
char *buf, /* I - Buffer */
size_t buflen) /* I - Size of buffer */
int ch; /* Character from file */
char *ptr, /* Current position in line buffer */
*end; /* End of line buffer */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGetLine(fp=%p, buf=%p, buflen=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n",
fp, buf, CUPS_LLCAST buflen));
if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's') || !buf || buflen < 3)
return (0);
* Now loop until we have a valid line...
for (ptr = buf, end = buf + buflen - 2; ptr < end ;)
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) <= 0)
*ptr++ = ch = *(fp->ptr)++;
fp->pos ++;
if (ch == '\r')
* Check for CR LF...
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) <= 0)
if (*(fp->ptr) == '\n')
*ptr++ = *(fp->ptr)++;
fp->pos ++;
else if (ch == '\n')
* Line feed ends a line...
*ptr = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGetLine: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (ptr - buf);
* 'cupsFileGets()' - Get a CR and/or LF-terminated line.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
char * /* O - Line read or @code NULL@ on end of file or error */
cupsFileGets(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
char *buf, /* O - String buffer */
size_t buflen) /* I - Size of string buffer */
int ch; /* Character from file */
char *ptr, /* Current position in line buffer */
*end; /* End of line buffer */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGets(fp=%p, buf=%p, buflen=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", fp, buf,
CUPS_LLCAST buflen));
if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's') || !buf || buflen < 2)
return (NULL);
* Now loop until we have a valid line...
for (ptr = buf, end = buf + buflen - 1; ptr < end ;)
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) <= 0)
if (ptr == buf)
return (NULL);
ch = *(fp->ptr)++;
fp->pos ++;
if (ch == '\r')
* Check for CR LF...
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) <= 0)
if (*(fp->ptr) == '\n')
fp->ptr ++;
fp->pos ++;
else if (ch == '\n')
* Line feed ends a line...
*ptr++ = ch;
*ptr = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileGets: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (buf);
* 'cupsFileLock()' - Temporarily lock access to a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsFileLock(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
int block) /* I - 1 to wait for the lock, 0 to fail right away */
* Range check...
if (!fp || fp->mode == 's')
return (-1);
* Try the lock...
#ifdef WIN32
return (locking(fp->fd, block ? _LK_LOCK : _LK_NBLCK, 0));
return (lockf(fp->fd, block ? F_LOCK : F_TLOCK, 0));
#endif /* WIN32 */
* 'cupsFileNumber()' - Return the file descriptor associated with a CUPS file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - File descriptor */
cupsFileNumber(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
if (fp)
return (fp->fd);
return (-1);
* 'cupsFileOpen()' - Open a CUPS file.
* The "mode" parameter can be "r" to read, "w" to write, overwriting any
* existing file, "a" to append to an existing file or create a new file,
* or "s" to open a socket connection.
* When opening for writing ("w"), an optional number from 1 to 9 can be
* supplied which enables Flate compression of the file. Compression is
* not supported for the "a" (append) mode.
* When opening a socket connection, the filename is a string of the form
* "address:port" or "hostname:port". The socket will make an IPv4 or IPv6
* connection as needed, generally preferring IPv6 connections when there is
* a choice.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
cups_file_t * /* O - CUPS file or @code NULL@ if the file or socket cannot be opened */
cupsFileOpen(const char *filename, /* I - Name of file */
const char *mode) /* I - Open mode */
cups_file_t *fp; /* New CUPS file */
int fd; /* File descriptor */
char hostname[1024], /* Hostname */
*portname; /* Port "name" (number or service) */
http_addrlist_t *addrlist; /* Host address list */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileOpen(filename=\"%s\", mode=\"%s\")\n", filename,
* Range check input...
if (!filename || !mode ||
(*mode != 'r' && *mode != 'w' && *mode != 'a' && *mode != 's') ||
(*mode == 'a' && isdigit(mode[1] & 255)))
return (NULL);
* Open the file...
switch (*mode)
case 'a' : /* Append file */
fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_LARGEFILE | O_BINARY, 0666);
case 'r' : /* Read file */
fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | O_BINARY, 0);
case 'w' : /* Write file */
fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | O_BINARY, 0666);
case 's' : /* Read/write socket */
strlcpy(hostname, filename, sizeof(hostname));
if ((portname = strrchr(hostname, ':')) != NULL)
*portname++ = '\0';
return (NULL);
* Lookup the hostname and service...
if ((addrlist = httpAddrGetList(hostname, AF_UNSPEC, portname)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
* Connect to the server...
if (!httpAddrConnect(addrlist, &fd))
return (NULL);
default : /* Remove bogus compiler warning... */
return (NULL);
if (fd < 0)
return (NULL);
* Create the CUPS file structure...
if ((fp = cupsFileOpenFd(fd, mode)) == NULL)
if (*mode == 's')
* Return it...
return (fp);
* 'cupsFileOpenFd()' - Open a CUPS file using a file descriptor.
* The "mode" parameter can be "r" to read, "w" to write, "a" to append,
* or "s" to treat the file descriptor as a bidirectional socket connection.
* When opening for writing ("w"), an optional number from 1 to 9 can be
* supplied which enables Flate compression of the file. Compression is
* not supported for the "a" (append) mode.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
cups_file_t * /* O - CUPS file or @code NULL@ if the file could not be opened */
cupsFileOpenFd(int fd, /* I - File descriptor */
const char *mode) /* I - Open mode */
cups_file_t *fp; /* New CUPS file */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileOpenFd(fd=%d, mode=\"%s\")\n", fd, mode));
* Range check input...
if (fd < 0 || !mode ||
(*mode != 'r' && *mode != 'w' && *mode != 'a' && *mode != 's') ||
(*mode == 'a' && isdigit(mode[1] & 255)))
return (NULL);
* Allocate memory...
if ((fp = calloc(1, sizeof(cups_file_t))) == NULL)
return (NULL);
* Open the file...
fp->fd = fd;
switch (*mode)
case 'a' :
fp->pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
case 'w' :
fp->mode = 'w';
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
fp->end = fp->buf + sizeof(fp->buf);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (mode[1] >= '1' && mode[1] <= '9')
* Open a compressed stream, so write the standard gzip file
* header...
unsigned char header[10]; /* gzip file header */
time_t curtime; /* Current time */
curtime = time(NULL);
header[0] = 0x1f;
header[1] = 0x8b;
header[2] = Z_DEFLATED;
header[3] = 0;
header[4] = curtime;
header[5] = curtime >> 8;
header[6] = curtime >> 16;
header[7] = curtime >> 24;
header[8] = 0;
header[9] = 0x03;
cups_write(fp, (char *)header, 10);
* Initialize the compressor...
deflateInit2(&(fp->stream), mode[1] - '0', Z_DEFLATED, -15, 8,
fp->stream.next_out = fp->cbuf;
fp->stream.avail_out = sizeof(fp->cbuf);
fp->compressed = 1;
fp->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
case 'r' :
fp->mode = 'r';
case 's' :
fp->mode = 's';
default : /* Remove bogus compiler warning... */
return (NULL);
* Don't pass this file to child processes...
#ifndef WIN32
fcntl(fp->fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fp->fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC);
#endif /* !WIN32 */
return (fp);
* 'cupsFilePeekChar()' - Peek at the next character from a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - Character or -1 on end of file */
cupsFilePeekChar(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
* Range check input...
if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's'))
return (-1);
* If the input buffer is empty, try to read more data...
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) < 0)
return (-1);
* Return the next character in the buffer...
return (*(fp->ptr) & 255);
* 'cupsFilePrintf()' - Write a formatted string.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - Number of bytes written or -1 on error */
cupsFilePrintf(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
const char *format, /* I - Printf-style format string */
...) /* I - Additional args as necessary */
va_list ap; /* Argument list */
ssize_t bytes; /* Formatted size */
char buf[8192]; /* Formatted text */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFilePrintf(fp=%p, format=\"%s\", ...)\n", fp, format));
if (!fp || !format || (fp->mode != 'w' && fp->mode != 's'))
return (-1);
va_start(ap, format);
bytes = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap);
if (bytes >= sizeof(buf))
return (-1);
if (fp->mode == 's')
if (cups_write(fp, buf, bytes) < 0)
return (-1);
fp->pos += bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFilePrintf: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (bytes);
if ((fp->ptr + bytes) > fp->end)
if (cupsFileFlush(fp))
return (-1);
fp->pos += bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFilePrintf: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
if (bytes > sizeof(fp->buf))
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
return (cups_compress(fp, buf, bytes));
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
return (cups_write(fp, buf, bytes));
memcpy(fp->ptr, buf, bytes);
fp->ptr += bytes;
return (bytes);
* 'cupsFilePutChar()' - Write a character.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsFilePutChar(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
int c) /* I - Character to write */
* Range check input...
if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'w' && fp->mode != 's'))
return (-1);
if (fp->mode == 's')
* Send character immediately over socket...
char ch; /* Output character */
ch = c;
if (send(fp->fd, &ch, 1, 0) < 1)
return (-1);
* Buffer it up...
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cupsFileFlush(fp))
return (-1);
*(fp->ptr) ++ = c;
fp->pos ++;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFilePutChar: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (0);
* 'cupsFilePuts()' - Write a string.
* Like the @code fputs@ function, no newline is appended to the string.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - Number of bytes written or -1 on error */
cupsFilePuts(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
const char *s) /* I - String to write */
ssize_t bytes; /* Bytes to write */
* Range check input...
if (!fp || !s || (fp->mode != 'w' && fp->mode != 's'))
return (-1);
* Write the string...
bytes = (int)strlen(s);
if (fp->mode == 's')
if (cups_write(fp, s, bytes) < 0)
return (-1);
fp->pos += bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFilePuts: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (bytes);
if ((fp->ptr + bytes) > fp->end)
if (cupsFileFlush(fp))
return (-1);
fp->pos += bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFilePuts: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
if (bytes > sizeof(fp->buf))
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
return (cups_compress(fp, s, bytes));
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
return (cups_write(fp, s, bytes));
memcpy(fp->ptr, s, bytes);
fp->ptr += bytes;
return (bytes);
* 'cupsFileRead()' - Read from a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
ssize_t /* O - Number of bytes read or -1 on error */
cupsFileRead(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
char *buf, /* O - Buffer */
size_t bytes) /* I - Number of bytes to read */
size_t total; /* Total bytes read */
ssize_t count; /* Bytes read */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRead(fp=%p, buf=%p, bytes=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", fp, buf,
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
* Range check input...
if (!fp || !buf || bytes < 0 || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's'))
return (-1);
if (bytes == 0)
return (0);
* Loop until all bytes are read...
total = 0;
while (bytes > 0)
if (fp->ptr >= fp->end)
if (cups_fill(fp) <= 0)
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRead: cups_fill() returned -1, total=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n",
CUPS_LLCAST total));
if (total > 0)
return ((ssize_t)total);
return (-1);
count = (ssize_t)(fp->end - fp->ptr);
if (count > (ssize_t)bytes)
count = (ssize_t)bytes;
memcpy(buf, fp->ptr, count);
fp->ptr += count;
fp->pos += count;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRead: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
* Update the counts for the last read...
bytes -= count;
total += count;
buf += count;
* Return the total number of bytes read...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRead: total=%d\n", (int)total));
return ((ssize_t)total);
* 'cupsFileRewind()' - Set the current file position to the beginning of the
* file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
off_t /* O - New file position or -1 on error */
cupsFileRewind(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRewind(fp=%p)\n", fp));
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRewind: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
if (!fp || fp->mode != 'r')
return (-1);
* Handle special cases...
if (fp->bufpos == 0)
* No seeking necessary...
fp->pos = 0;
if (fp->ptr)
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
fp->eof = 0;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRewind: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (0);
* Otherwise, seek in the file and cleanup any compression buffers...
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
fp->compressed = 0;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
if (lseek(fp->fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRewind: lseek failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)));
return (-1);
fp->bufpos = 0;
fp->pos = 0;
fp->ptr = NULL;
fp->end = NULL;
fp->eof = 0;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileRewind: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (0);
* 'cupsFileSeek()' - Seek in a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
off_t /* O - New file position or -1 on error */
cupsFileSeek(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
off_t pos) /* I - Position in file */
ssize_t bytes; /* Number bytes in buffer */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek(fp=%p, pos=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", fp,
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek: fp->pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek: fp->ptr=%p, fp->end=%p\n", fp->ptr, fp->end));
* Range check input...
if (!fp || pos < 0 || fp->mode != 'r')
return (-1);
* Handle special cases...
if (pos == 0)
return (cupsFileRewind(fp));
if (fp->ptr)
bytes = (ssize_t)(fp->end - fp->buf);
if (pos >= fp->bufpos && pos < (fp->bufpos + bytes))
* No seeking necessary...
fp->pos = pos;
fp->ptr = fp->buf + pos - fp->bufpos;
fp->eof = 0;
return (pos);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (!fp->compressed && !fp->ptr)
* Preload a buffer to determine whether the file is compressed...
if (cups_fill(fp) < 0)
return (-1);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
* Seek forwards or backwards...
fp->eof = 0;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek: bytes=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
if (pos < fp->bufpos)
* Need to seek backwards...
DEBUG_puts("cupsFileSeek: SEEK BACKWARDS");
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
lseek(fp->fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
fp->bufpos = 0;
fp->pos = 0;
fp->ptr = NULL;
fp->end = NULL;
while ((bytes = cups_fill(fp)) > 0)
if (pos >= fp->bufpos && pos < (fp->bufpos + bytes))
if (bytes <= 0)
return (-1);
fp->ptr = fp->buf + pos - fp->bufpos;
fp->pos = pos;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
fp->bufpos = lseek(fp->fd, pos, SEEK_SET);
fp->pos = fp->bufpos;
fp->ptr = NULL;
fp->end = NULL;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek: lseek() returned " CUPS_LLFMT "...\n",
CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
* Need to seek forwards...
DEBUG_puts("cupsFileSeek: SEEK FORWARDS");
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
while ((bytes = cups_fill(fp)) > 0)
if (pos >= fp->bufpos && pos < (fp->bufpos + bytes))
if (bytes <= 0)
return (-1);
fp->ptr = fp->buf + pos - fp->bufpos;
fp->pos = pos;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
fp->bufpos = lseek(fp->fd, pos, SEEK_SET);
fp->pos = fp->bufpos;
fp->ptr = NULL;
fp->end = NULL;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek: lseek() returned " CUPS_LLFMT "...\n",
CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileSeek: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return (fp->pos);
* 'cupsFileStderr()' - Return a CUPS file associated with stderr.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
cups_file_t * /* O - CUPS file */
_cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals... */
* Open file descriptor 2 as needed...
if (!cg->stdio_files[2])
* Flush any pending output on the stdio file...
* Open file descriptor 2...
if ((cg->stdio_files[2] = cupsFileOpenFd(2, "w")) != NULL)
cg->stdio_files[2]->is_stdio = 1;
return (cg->stdio_files[2]);
* 'cupsFileStdin()' - Return a CUPS file associated with stdin.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
cups_file_t * /* O - CUPS file */
_cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals... */
* Open file descriptor 0 as needed...
if (!cg->stdio_files[0])
* Open file descriptor 0...
if ((cg->stdio_files[0] = cupsFileOpenFd(0, "r")) != NULL)
cg->stdio_files[0]->is_stdio = 1;
return (cg->stdio_files[0]);
* 'cupsFileStdout()' - Return a CUPS file associated with stdout.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
cups_file_t * /* O - CUPS file */
_cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals... */
* Open file descriptor 1 as needed...
if (!cg->stdio_files[1])
* Flush any pending output on the stdio file...
* Open file descriptor 1...
if ((cg->stdio_files[1] = cupsFileOpenFd(1, "w")) != NULL)
cg->stdio_files[1]->is_stdio = 1;
return (cg->stdio_files[1]);
* 'cupsFileTell()' - Return the current file position.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
off_t /* O - File position */
cupsFileTell(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileTell(fp=%p)\n", fp));
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileTell: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST (fp ? fp->pos : -1)));
return (fp ? fp->pos : 0);
* 'cupsFileUnlock()' - Unlock access to a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsFileUnlock(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
* Range check...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileUnlock(fp=%p)\n", fp));
if (!fp || fp->mode == 's')
return (-1);
* Unlock...
#ifdef WIN32
return (locking(fp->fd, _LK_UNLCK, 0));
return (lockf(fp->fd, F_ULOCK, 0));
#endif /* WIN32 */
* 'cupsFileWrite()' - Write to a file.
* @since CUPS 1.2@
ssize_t /* O - Number of bytes written or -1 on error */
cupsFileWrite(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
const char *buf, /* I - Buffer */
size_t bytes) /* I - Number of bytes to write */
* Range check input...
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileWrite(fp=%p, buf=%p, bytes=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n",
fp, buf, CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
if (!fp || !buf || bytes < 0 || (fp->mode != 'w' && fp->mode != 's'))
return (-1);
if (bytes == 0)
return (0);
* Write the buffer...
if (fp->mode == 's')
if (cups_write(fp, buf, bytes) < 0)
return (-1);
fp->pos += (off_t)bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileWrite: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
return ((ssize_t)bytes);
if ((fp->ptr + bytes) > fp->end)
if (cupsFileFlush(fp))
return (-1);
fp->pos += (off_t)bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cupsFileWrite: pos=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST fp->pos));
if (bytes > sizeof(fp->buf))
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
if (fp->compressed)
return (cups_compress(fp, buf, bytes));
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
return (cups_write(fp, buf, bytes));
memcpy(fp->ptr, buf, bytes);
fp->ptr += bytes;
return ((ssize_t)bytes);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
* 'cups_compress()' - Compress a buffer of data...
static ssize_t /* O - Number of bytes written or -1 */
cups_compress(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
const char *buf, /* I - Buffer */
size_t bytes) /* I - Number bytes */
DEBUG_printf(("cups_compress(fp=%p, buf=%p, bytes=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", fp, buf,
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
* Update the CRC...
fp->crc = crc32(fp->crc, (const Bytef *)buf, bytes);
* Deflate the bytes...
fp->stream.next_in = (Bytef *)buf;
fp->stream.avail_in = bytes;
while (fp->stream.avail_in > 0)
* Flush the current buffer...
DEBUG_printf(("cups_compress: avail_in=%d, avail_out=%d\n",
fp->stream.avail_in, fp->stream.avail_out));
if (fp->stream.avail_out < (int)(sizeof(fp->cbuf) / 8))
if (cups_write(fp, (char *)fp->cbuf, fp->stream.next_out - fp->cbuf) < 0)
return (-1);
fp->stream.next_out = fp->cbuf;
fp->stream.avail_out = sizeof(fp->cbuf);
deflate(&(fp->stream), Z_NO_FLUSH);
return (bytes);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
* 'cups_fill()' - Fill the input buffer...
static ssize_t /* O - Number of bytes or -1 */
cups_fill(cups_file_t *fp) /* I - CUPS file */
ssize_t bytes; /* Number of bytes read */
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
int status; /* Decompression status */
const unsigned char *ptr, /* Pointer into buffer */
*end; /* End of buffer */
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
DEBUG_printf(("cups_fill(fp=%p)\n", fp));
DEBUG_printf(("cups_fill: fp->ptr=%p, fp->end=%p, fp->buf=%p, "
"fp->bufpos=" CUPS_LLFMT ", fp->eof=%d\n",
fp->ptr, fp->end, fp->buf, CUPS_LLCAST fp->bufpos, fp->eof));
if (fp->ptr && fp->end)
fp->bufpos += fp->end - fp->buf;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
DEBUG_printf(("cups_fill: fp->compressed=%d\n", fp->compressed));
while (!fp->ptr || fp->compressed)
* Check to see if we have read any data yet; if not, see if we have a
* compressed file...
if (!fp->ptr)
* Reset the file position in case we are seeking...
fp->compressed = 0;
* Read the first bytes in the file to determine if we have a gzip'd
* file...
if ((bytes = cups_read(fp, (char *)fp->buf, sizeof(fp->buf))) < 0)
* Can't read from file!
DEBUG_printf(("cups_fill: cups_read() returned " CUPS_LLFMT "!\n",
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
return (-1);
if (bytes < 10 || fp->buf[0] != 0x1f ||
(fp->buf[1] & 255) != 0x8b ||
fp->buf[2] != 8 || (fp->buf[3] & 0xe0) != 0)
* Not a gzip'd file!
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
fp->end = fp->buf + bytes;
DEBUG_printf(("cups_fill: Returning " CUPS_LLFMT "!\n",
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
return (bytes);
* Parse header junk: extra data, original name, and comment...
ptr = (unsigned char *)fp->buf + 10;
end = (unsigned char *)fp->buf + bytes;
if (fp->buf[3] & 0x04)
* Skip extra data...
if ((ptr + 2) > end)
* Can't read from file!
return (-1);
bytes = ((unsigned char)ptr[1] << 8) | (unsigned char)ptr[0];
ptr += 2 + bytes;
if (ptr > end)
* Can't read from file!
return (-1);
if (fp->buf[3] & 0x08)
* Skip original name data...
while (ptr < end && *ptr)
ptr ++;
if (ptr < end)
ptr ++;
* Can't read from file!
return (-1);
if (fp->buf[3] & 0x10)
* Skip comment data...
while (ptr < end && *ptr)
ptr ++;
if (ptr < end)
ptr ++;
* Can't read from file!
return (-1);
if (fp->buf[3] & 0x02)
* Skip header CRC data...
ptr += 2;
if (ptr > end)
* Can't read from file!
return (-1);
* Copy the flate-compressed data to the compression buffer...
if ((bytes = end - ptr) > 0)
memcpy(fp->cbuf, ptr, bytes);
* Setup the decompressor data...
fp->stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
fp->stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
fp->stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
fp->stream.next_in = (Bytef *)fp->cbuf;
fp->stream.next_out = NULL;
fp->stream.avail_in = bytes;
fp->stream.avail_out = 0;
fp->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
if (inflateInit2(&(fp->stream), -15) != Z_OK)
return (-1);
fp->compressed = 1;
if (fp->compressed)
* If we have reached end-of-file, return immediately...
if (fp->eof)
return (-1);
* Fill the decompression buffer as needed...
if (fp->stream.avail_in == 0)
if ((bytes = cups_read(fp, (char *)fp->cbuf, sizeof(fp->cbuf))) <= 0)
return (-1);
fp->stream.next_in = fp->cbuf;
fp->stream.avail_in = bytes;
* Decompress data from the buffer...
fp->stream.next_out = (Bytef *)fp->buf;
fp->stream.avail_out = sizeof(fp->buf);
status = inflate(&(fp->stream), Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (fp->stream.next_out > (Bytef *)fp->buf)
fp->crc = crc32(fp->crc, (Bytef *)fp->buf,
fp->stream.next_out - (Bytef *)fp->buf);
if (status == Z_STREAM_END)
* Read the CRC and length...
unsigned char trailer[8]; /* Trailer bytes */
uLong tcrc; /* Trailer CRC */
if (read(fp->fd, trailer, sizeof(trailer)) < sizeof(trailer))
* Can't get it, so mark end-of-file...
fp->eof = 1;
tcrc = (((((trailer[3] << 8) | trailer[2]) << 8) | trailer[1]) << 8) |
if (tcrc != fp->crc)
* Bad CRC, mark end-of-file...
DEBUG_printf(("cups_fill: tcrc=%08x, fp->crc=%08x\n",
(unsigned int)tcrc, (unsigned int)fp->crc));
fp->eof = 1;
return (-1);
* Otherwise, reset the compressed flag so that we re-read the
* file header...
fp->compressed = 0;
bytes = sizeof(fp->buf) - fp->stream.avail_out;
* Return the decompressed data...
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
fp->end = fp->buf + bytes;
if (bytes)
return (bytes);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */
* Read a buffer's full of data...
if ((bytes = cups_read(fp, fp->buf, sizeof(fp->buf))) <= 0)
* Can't read from file!
fp->eof = 1;
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
fp->end = fp->buf;
return (-1);
* Return the bytes we read...
fp->eof = 0;
fp->ptr = fp->buf;
fp->end = fp->buf + bytes;
return (bytes);
* 'cups_read()' - Read from a file descriptor.
static ssize_t /* O - Number of bytes read or -1 */
cups_read(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
char *buf, /* I - Buffer */
size_t bytes) /* I - Number bytes */
ssize_t total; /* Total bytes read */
DEBUG_printf(("cups_read(fp=%p, buf=%p, bytes=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", fp, buf,
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
* Loop until we read at least 0 bytes...
for (;;)
#ifdef WIN32
if (fp->mode == 's')
total = (ssize_t)recv(fp->fd, buf, (unsigned)bytes, 0);
total = (ssize_t)read(fp->fd, buf, (unsigned)bytes);
if (fp->mode == 's')
total = recv(fp->fd, buf, bytes, 0);
total = read(fp->fd, buf, bytes);
#endif /* WIN32 */
DEBUG_printf(("cups_read: total=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST total));
if (total >= 0)
* Reads can be interrupted by signals and unavailable resources...
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
return (-1);
* Return the total number of bytes read...
return (total);
* 'cups_write()' - Write to a file descriptor.
static ssize_t /* O - Number of bytes written or -1 */
cups_write(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - CUPS file */
const char *buf, /* I - Buffer */
size_t bytes) /* I - Number bytes */
size_t total; /* Total bytes written */
ssize_t count; /* Count this time */
DEBUG_printf(("cups_write(fp=%p, buf=%p, bytes=" CUPS_LLFMT ")\n", fp, buf,
CUPS_LLCAST bytes));
* Loop until all bytes are written...
total = 0;
while (bytes > 0)
#ifdef WIN32
if (fp->mode == 's')
count = (ssize_t)send(fp->fd, buf, (unsigned)bytes, 0);
count = (ssize_t)write(fp->fd, buf, (unsigned)bytes);
if (fp->mode == 's')
count = send(fp->fd, buf, bytes, 0);
count = write(fp->fd, buf, bytes);
#endif /* WIN32 */
DEBUG_printf(("cups_write: count=" CUPS_LLFMT "\n", CUPS_LLCAST count));
if (count < 0)
* Writes can be interrupted by signals and unavailable resources...
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
return (-1);
* Update the counts for the last write call...
bytes -= count;
total += count;
buf += count;
* Return the total number of bytes written...
return ((ssize_t)total);
* End of "$Id: file.c 6962 2007-09-17 20:35:47Z mike $".