| .\" |
| .\" lpr man page for CUPS. |
| .\" |
| .\" Copyright 2007-2016 by Apple Inc. |
| .\" Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products. |
| .\" |
| .\" These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the |
| .\" property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright |
| .\" law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" |
| .\" which should have been included with this file. If this file is |
| .\" file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". |
| .\" |
| .TH lpr 1 "CUPS" "2 May 2016" "Apple Inc." |
| .SH NAME |
| lpr \- print files |
| .B lpr |
| [ |
| .B \-E |
| ] [ |
| \fB\-H \fIserver\fR[\fB:\fIport\fR] |
| ] [ |
| .B \-U |
| .I username |
| ] [ |
| \fB\-P \fIdestination\fR[\fB/\fIinstance\fR] |
| ] [ |
| .B \-# |
| .I num-copies |
| [ |
| .B \-h |
| ] [ |
| .B \-l |
| ] [ |
| .B \-m |
| ] [ |
| \fB\-o \fIoption\fR[\fB=\fIvalue\fR] |
| ] [ |
| .B \-p |
| ] [ |
| .B \-q |
| ] [ |
| .B \-r |
| ] [ |
| .B \-C |
| .I title |
| ] [ |
| .B \-J |
| .I title |
| ] [ |
| .B \-T |
| .I title |
| ] [ |
| .I file(s) |
| ] |
| \fBlpr\fR submits files for printing. |
| Files named on the command line are sent to the named printer or the default destination if no destination is specified. |
| If no files are listed on the command-line, \fBlpr\fR reads the print file from the standard input. |
| CUPS provides many ways to set the default destination. The \fBLPDEST\fR and \fBPRINTER\fR environment variables are consulted first. |
| If neither are set, the current default set using the |
| .BR lpoptions (1) |
| command is used, followed by the default set using the |
| .BR lpadmin (8) |
| command. |
| The following options are recognized by \fIlpr\fR: |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-E |
| Forces encryption when connecting to the server. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-H \fIserver\fR[\fB:\fIport\fR] |
| Specifies an alternate server. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-C "\fIname\fB"\fR |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-J "\fIname\fB"\fR |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-T "\fIname\fB"\fR |
| Sets the job name/title. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-P \fIdestination\fR[\fB/\fIinstance\fR] |
| Prints files to the named printer. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-U \fIusername\fR |
| Specifies an alternate username. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-# \fIcopies\fR |
| Sets the number of copies to print. |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-h |
| Disables banner printing. This option is equivalent to \fI-o job\-sheets=none\fR. |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-l |
| Specifies that the print file is already formatted for the destination and should be sent without filtering. |
| This option is equivalent to \fI-o raw\fR. |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-m |
| Send an email on job completion. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o \fIoption\fR[\fB=\fIvalue\fR] |
| Sets a job option. |
| See "COMMON JOB OPTIONS" below. |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-p |
| Specifies that the print file should be formatted with a shaded header with the date, time, job name, and page number. |
| This option is equivalent to \fI\-o prettyprint\fR and is only useful when printing text files. |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-q |
| Hold job for printing. |
| .TP 5 |
| .B \-r |
| Specifies that the named print files should be deleted after submitting them. |
| Aside from the printer-specific options reported by the |
| .BR lpoptions (1) |
| command, the following generic options are available: |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o collate=true\fR |
| Prints collated copies. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o fit\-to\-page\fR |
| Scales the print file to fit on the page. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o job-hold-until=\fIwhen\fR |
| Holds the job until the specified local time. |
| "when" can be "indefinite" to hold the until released, "day-time" to print the job between 6am and 6pm local time, "night" to print the job between 6pm and 6am local time, "second-shift" to print the job between 4pm and 12am local time, "third-shift" to print the job between 12am and 8am local time, or "weekend" to print the job on Saturday or Sunday. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o job-hold-until=\fIhh:mm\fR |
| Holds the job until the specified time in hours and minutes UTC. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o job-priority=\fIpriority\fR |
| Set the priority to a value from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest), which influences when a job is scheduled for printing. |
| The default priority is typically 50. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o job-sheets=\fIname\fR\fR |
| Prints a cover page (banner) with the document. |
| The "name" can be "classified", "confidential", "secret", "standard", "topsecret", or "unclassified". |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o job-sheets=\fIstart-name,end-name\fR\fR |
| Prints cover pages (banners) with the document. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o media=\fIsize\fR |
| Sets the page size to \fIsize\fR. Most printers support at least the size names "a4", "letter", and "legal". |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o mirror\fR |
| Mirrors each page. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o number\-up=\fR{\fI2|4|6|9|16\fR} |
| Prints 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16 document (input) pages on each output page. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o number\-up\-layout=\fIlayout\fR |
| Specifies the layout of pages with the "number-up" option. |
| The "layout" string can be "btlr", "btrl", "lrbt", "lrtb", "rlbt", "rltb", "tblr", or "tbrl" - the first two letters determine the column order while the second two letters determine the row order. |
| "bt" is bottom-to-top, "lr" is left-to-right, "rl" is right-to-left, and "tb" is top-to-bottom. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o orientation\-requested=4\fR |
| Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise). |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o orientation\-requested=5\fR |
| Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees clockwise). |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o orientation\-requested=6\fR |
| Prints the job in reverse portrait (rotated 180 degrees). |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o outputorder=reverse\fR |
| Prints pages in reverse order. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o page\-border=\fIborder\fR |
| Prints a border around each document page. |
| "border" is "double", "double\-thick", "single", or "single\-thick". |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o page\-ranges=\fIpage-list\fR |
| Specifies which pages to print in the document. |
| The list can contain a list of numbers and ranges (#-#) separated by commas, e.g., "1,3-5,16". |
| The page numbers refer to the output pages and not the document's original pages - options like "number-up" can affect the numbering of the pages. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o sides=one\-sided\fR |
| Prints on one side of the paper. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o sides=two\-sided\-long\-edge\fR |
| Prints on both sides of the paper for portrait output. |
| .TP 5 |
| \fB\-o sides=two\-sided\-short\-edge\fR |
| Prints on both sides of the paper for landscape output. |
| The \fI\-c\fR, \fI\-d\fR, \fI\-f\fR, \fI\-g\fR, \fI\-i\fR, \fI\-n\fR, \fI\-t\fR, \fI\-v\fR, and \fI\-w\fR options are not supported by CUPS and produce a warning message if used. |
| Print two copies of a document to the default printer: |
| .nf |
| |
| lpr -# 2 filename |
| |
| .fi |
| Print a double-sided legal document to a printer called "foo": |
| .nf |
| |
| lpr -P foo -o media=legal -o sides=two-sided-long-edge filename |
| |
| .fi |
| Print a presentation document 2-up to a printer called "foo": |
| .nf |
| |
| lpr -P foo -o number-up=2 filename |
| .fi |
| .BR cancel (1), |
| .BR lp (1), |
| .BR lpadmin (8), |
| .BR lpoptions (1), |
| .BR lpq (1), |
| .BR lprm (1), |
| .BR lpstat (1), |
| CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help) |
| Copyright \[co] 2007-2016 by Apple Inc. |