blob: 83381269201aac05de71d03405204c2870a2c7e8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ptp.h
* Copyright (C) 2001 Mariusz Woloszyn <[email protected]>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __PTP_H__
#define __PTP_H__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include "gphoto2-endian.h"
/* PTP datalayer byteorder */
#define PTP_DL_BE 0xF0
#define PTP_DL_LE 0x0F
/* PTP request/response/event general PTP container (transport independent) */
struct _PTPContainer {
uint16_t Code;
uint32_t SessionID;
uint32_t Transaction_ID;
/* params may be of any type of size less or equal to uint32_t */
uint32_t Param1;
uint32_t Param2;
uint32_t Param3;
/* events can only have three parameters */
uint32_t Param4;
uint32_t Param5;
/* the number of meaningfull parameters */
uint8_t Nparam;
typedef struct _PTPContainer PTPContainer;
/* PTP USB Bulk-Pipe container */
/* USB bulk max packet length for high speed endpoints */
/* I have changed this from 512 to 4096 now. The spec says
* "end of data transfers are signaled by short packets or NULL
* packets". It never says anything about 512.
* So it should work like this and the MTP folks will be happier...
* -Marcus
#define PTP_USB_BULK_HDR_LEN (2*sizeof(uint32_t)+2*sizeof(uint16_t))
#define PTP_USB_BULK_REQ_LEN (PTP_USB_BULK_HDR_LEN+5*sizeof(uint32_t))
struct _PTPUSBBulkContainer {
uint32_t length;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t code;
uint32_t trans_id;
union {
struct {
uint32_t param1;
uint32_t param2;
uint32_t param3;
uint32_t param4;
uint32_t param5;
} params;
unsigned char data[PTP_USB_BULK_PAYLOAD_LEN];
} payload;
typedef struct _PTPUSBBulkContainer PTPUSBBulkContainer;
/* PTP USB Asynchronous Event Interrupt Data Format */
struct _PTPUSBEventContainer {
uint32_t length;
uint16_t type;
uint16_t code;
uint32_t trans_id;
uint32_t param1;
uint32_t param2;
uint32_t param3;
typedef struct _PTPUSBEventContainer PTPUSBEventContainer;
struct _PTPCanon_directtransfer_entry {
uint32_t oid;
char *str;
typedef struct _PTPCanon_directtransfer_entry PTPCanon_directtransfer_entry;
/* USB container types */
/* PTP/IP definitions */
#define PTPIP_EVENT 8
#define PTPIP_PING 13
#define PTPIP_PONG 14
struct _PTPIPHeader {
uint32_t length;
uint32_t type;
typedef struct _PTPIPHeader PTPIPHeader;
/* Vendor IDs */
#define PTP_VENDOR_EASTMAN_KODAK 0x00000001
#define PTP_VENDOR_SEIKO_EPSON 0x00000002
#define PTP_VENDOR_AGILENT 0x00000003
#define PTP_VENDOR_POLAROID 0x00000004
#define PTP_VENDOR_AGFA_GEVAERT 0x00000005
#define PTP_VENDOR_MICROSOFT 0x00000006
#define PTP_VENDOR_EQUINOX 0x00000007
#define PTP_VENDOR_VIEWQUEST 0x00000008
#define PTP_VENDOR_NIKON 0x0000000A
#define PTP_VENDOR_CANON 0x0000000B
/* Operation Codes */
#define PTP_OC_Undefined 0x1000
#define PTP_OC_GetDeviceInfo 0x1001
#define PTP_OC_OpenSession 0x1002
#define PTP_OC_CloseSession 0x1003
#define PTP_OC_GetStorageIDs 0x1004
#define PTP_OC_GetStorageInfo 0x1005
#define PTP_OC_GetNumObjects 0x1006
#define PTP_OC_GetObjectHandles 0x1007
#define PTP_OC_GetObjectInfo 0x1008
#define PTP_OC_GetObject 0x1009
#define PTP_OC_GetThumb 0x100A
#define PTP_OC_DeleteObject 0x100B
#define PTP_OC_SendObjectInfo 0x100C
#define PTP_OC_SendObject 0x100D
#define PTP_OC_InitiateCapture 0x100E
#define PTP_OC_FormatStore 0x100F
#define PTP_OC_ResetDevice 0x1010
#define PTP_OC_SelfTest 0x1011
#define PTP_OC_SetObjectProtection 0x1012
#define PTP_OC_PowerDown 0x1013
#define PTP_OC_GetDevicePropDesc 0x1014
#define PTP_OC_GetDevicePropValue 0x1015
#define PTP_OC_SetDevicePropValue 0x1016
#define PTP_OC_ResetDevicePropValue 0x1017
#define PTP_OC_TerminateOpenCapture 0x1018
#define PTP_OC_MoveObject 0x1019
#define PTP_OC_CopyObject 0x101A
#define PTP_OC_GetPartialObject 0x101B
#define PTP_OC_InitiateOpenCapture 0x101C
/* Eastman Kodak extension Operation Codes */
#define PTP_OC_EK_GetSerial 0x9003
#define PTP_OC_EK_SetSerial 0x9004
#define PTP_OC_EK_SendFileObjectInfo 0x9005
#define PTP_OC_EK_SendFileObject 0x9006
#define PTP_OC_EK_SetText 0x9008
/* Canon extension Operation Codes */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetPartialObjectInfo 0x9001
#define PTP_OC_CANON_SetObjectArchive 0x9002
/* 9002 - sends 2 uint32, nothing back */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_9003 0x9003
/* 9003 - sends nothing, nothing back */
/* no 9004 observed yet */
/* no 9005 observed yet */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetObjectHandleByName 0x9006
/* no 9007 observed yet */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_StartShootingMode 0x9008
#define PTP_OC_CANON_EndShootingMode 0x9009
/* 900a - sends nothing, nothing back */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_900a 0x900A
#define PTP_OC_CANON_ViewfinderOn 0x900B
#define PTP_OC_CANON_ViewfinderOff 0x900C
#define PTP_OC_CANON_DoAeAfAwb 0x900D
/* 900e - send nothing, gets 5 uint16t in 32bit entities back in 20byte datablob */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetCustomizeSpec 0x900E
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetCustomizeItemInfo 0x900F
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetCustomizeData 0x9010
#define PTP_OC_CANON_SetCustomizeData 0x9011
/* initiate movie capture:
9010 startmoviecapture?
9003 stopmoviecapture?
#define PTP_OC_CANON_CheckEvent 0x9013
#define PTP_OC_CANON_FocusLock 0x9014
#define PTP_OC_CANON_FocusUnlock 0x9015
#define PTP_OC_CANON_InitiateCaptureInMemory 0x901A
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetPartialObjectEx 0x901B
#define PTP_OC_CANON_SetObjectTime 0x901C
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetViewfinderImage 0x901D
#define PTP_OC_CANON_ChangeUSBProtocol 0x901F
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetChanges 0x9020
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetObjectInfoEx 0x9021
#define PTP_OC_CANON_TerminateDirectTransfer 0x9023
#define PTP_OC_CANON_InitiateDirectTransferEx2 0x9028
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetTargetHandles 0x9029
#define PTP_OC_CANON_NotifyProgress 0x902A
#define PTP_OC_CANON_NotifyCancelAccepted 0x902B
/* 902c: no parms, read 3 uint32 in data, no response parms */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_902C 0x902C
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetDirectory 0x902D
#define PTP_OC_CANON_SetPairingInfo 0x9030
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetPairingInfo 0x9031
#define PTP_OC_CANON_DeletePairingInfo 0x9032
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetMACAddress 0x9033
/* 9034: 1 param, no parms returned */
#define PTP_OC_CANON_SetDisplayMonitor 0x9034
#define PTP_OC_CANON_PairingComplete 0x9035
#define PTP_OC_CANON_GetWirelessMAXChannel 0x9036
/* Nikon extension Operation Codes */
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_GetProfileAllData 0x9006
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_SendProfileData 0x9007
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_DeleteProfile 0x9008
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_SetProfileData 0x9009
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_AdvancedTransfer 0x9010
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_GetFileInfoInBlock 0x9011
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_Capture 0x90C0
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_SetControlMode 0x90C2
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_CurveDownload 0x90C5
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_CurveUpload 0x90C6
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_CheckEvent 0x90C7
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_DeviceReady 0x90C8
#define PTP_OC_NIKON_GetDevicePTPIPInfo 0x90E0
/* Microsoft / MTP extension codes */
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetSecureTimeChallenge 0x9101
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetSecureTimeResponse 0x9102
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SetLicenseResponse 0x9103
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetSyncList 0x9104
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SendMeterChallengeQuery 0x9105
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetMeterChallenge 0x9106
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SetMeterResponse 0x9107
#define PTP_OC_MTP_CleanDataStore 0x9108
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetLicenseState 0x9109
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjectPropsSupported 0x9801
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjectPropDesc 0x9802
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjectPropValue 0x9803
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SetObjectPropValue 0x9804
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjPropList 0x9805
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SetObjPropList 0x9806
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetInterdependendPropdesc 0x9807
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SendObjectPropList 0x9808
#define PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjectReferences 0x9810
#define PTP_OC_MTP_SetObjectReferences 0x9811
#define PTP_OC_MTP_UpdateDeviceFirmware 0x9812
#define PTP_OC_MTP_Skip 0x9820
/* Proprietary vendor extension operations mask */
#define PTP_OC_EXTENSION 0x9000
/* Response Codes */
#define PTP_RC_Undefined 0x2000
#define PTP_RC_OK 0x2001
#define PTP_RC_GeneralError 0x2002
#define PTP_RC_SessionNotOpen 0x2003
#define PTP_RC_InvalidTransactionID 0x2004
#define PTP_RC_OperationNotSupported 0x2005
#define PTP_RC_ParameterNotSupported 0x2006
#define PTP_RC_IncompleteTransfer 0x2007
#define PTP_RC_InvalidStorageId 0x2008
#define PTP_RC_InvalidObjectHandle 0x2009
#define PTP_RC_DevicePropNotSupported 0x200A
#define PTP_RC_InvalidObjectFormatCode 0x200B
#define PTP_RC_StoreFull 0x200C
#define PTP_RC_ObjectWriteProtected 0x200D
#define PTP_RC_StoreReadOnly 0x200E
#define PTP_RC_AccessDenied 0x200F
#define PTP_RC_NoThumbnailPresent 0x2010
#define PTP_RC_SelfTestFailed 0x2011
#define PTP_RC_PartialDeletion 0x2012
#define PTP_RC_StoreNotAvailable 0x2013
#define PTP_RC_SpecificationByFormatUnsupported 0x2014
#define PTP_RC_NoValidObjectInfo 0x2015
#define PTP_RC_InvalidCodeFormat 0x2016
#define PTP_RC_UnknownVendorCode 0x2017
#define PTP_RC_CaptureAlreadyTerminated 0x2018
#define PTP_RC_DeviceBusy 0x2019
#define PTP_RC_InvalidParentObject 0x201A
#define PTP_RC_InvalidDevicePropFormat 0x201B
#define PTP_RC_InvalidDevicePropValue 0x201C
#define PTP_RC_InvalidParameter 0x201D
#define PTP_RC_SessionAlreadyOpened 0x201E
#define PTP_RC_TransactionCanceled 0x201F
#define PTP_RC_SpecificationOfDestinationUnsupported 0x2020
/* Eastman Kodak extension Response Codes */
#define PTP_RC_EK_FilenameRequired 0xA001
#define PTP_RC_EK_FilenameConflicts 0xA002
#define PTP_RC_EK_FilenameInvalid 0xA003
/* Nikon specific response codes */
#define PTP_RC_NIKON_AdvancedTransferCancel 0xA022
/* Microsoft/MTP specific codes */
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Undefined 0xA800
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Invalid_ObjectPropCode 0xA801
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Invalid_ObjectProp_Format 0xA802
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Invalid_ObjectProp_Value 0xA803
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Invalid_ObjectReference 0xA804
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Invalid_Dataset 0xA806
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Specification_By_Group_Unsupported 0xA808
#define PTP_RC_MTP_Object_Too_Large 0xA809
/* libptp2 extended ERROR codes */
#define PTP_ERROR_IO 0x02FF
/* PTP Event Codes */
#define PTP_EC_Undefined 0x4000
#define PTP_EC_CancelTransaction 0x4001
#define PTP_EC_ObjectAdded 0x4002
#define PTP_EC_ObjectRemoved 0x4003
#define PTP_EC_StoreAdded 0x4004
#define PTP_EC_StoreRemoved 0x4005
#define PTP_EC_DevicePropChanged 0x4006
#define PTP_EC_ObjectInfoChanged 0x4007
#define PTP_EC_DeviceInfoChanged 0x4008
#define PTP_EC_RequestObjectTransfer 0x4009
#define PTP_EC_StoreFull 0x400A
#define PTP_EC_DeviceReset 0x400B
#define PTP_EC_StorageInfoChanged 0x400C
#define PTP_EC_CaptureComplete 0x400D
#define PTP_EC_UnreportedStatus 0x400E
/* Canon extension Event Codes */
#define PTP_EC_CANON_ExtendedErrorcode 0xC005 /* ? */
#define PTP_EC_CANON_ObjectInfoChanged 0xC008
#define PTP_EC_CANON_RequestObjectTransfer 0xC009
#define PTP_EC_CANON_CameraModeChanged 0xC00C
#define PTP_EC_CANON_StartDirectTransfer 0xC011
#define PTP_EC_CANON_StopDirectTransfer 0xC013
/* Nikon extension Event Codes */
#define PTP_EC_Nikon_ObjectAddedInSDRAM 0xC101
/* Gets 1 parameter, objectid pointing to DPOF object */
#define PTP_EC_Nikon_AdvancedTransfer 0xC103
/* constants for GetObjectHandles */
#define PTP_GOH_ALL_STORAGE 0xffffffff
#define PTP_GOH_ALL_FORMATS 0x00000000
#define PTP_GOH_ALL_ASSOCS 0x00000000
/* PTP device info structure (returned by GetDevInfo) */
struct _PTPDeviceInfo {
uint16_t StandardVersion;
uint32_t VendorExtensionID;
uint16_t VendorExtensionVersion;
char *VendorExtensionDesc;
uint16_t FunctionalMode;
uint32_t OperationsSupported_len;
uint16_t *OperationsSupported;
uint32_t EventsSupported_len;
uint16_t *EventsSupported;
uint32_t DevicePropertiesSupported_len;
uint16_t *DevicePropertiesSupported;
uint32_t CaptureFormats_len;
uint16_t *CaptureFormats;
uint32_t ImageFormats_len;
uint16_t *ImageFormats;
char *Manufacturer;
char *Model;
char *DeviceVersion;
char *SerialNumber;
typedef struct _PTPDeviceInfo PTPDeviceInfo;
/* PTP storageIDs structute (returned by GetStorageIDs) */
struct _PTPStorageIDs {
uint32_t n;
uint32_t *Storage;
typedef struct _PTPStorageIDs PTPStorageIDs;
/* PTP StorageInfo structure (returned by GetStorageInfo) */
struct _PTPStorageInfo {
uint16_t StorageType;
uint16_t FilesystemType;
uint16_t AccessCapability;
uint64_t MaxCapability;
uint64_t FreeSpaceInBytes;
uint32_t FreeSpaceInImages;
char *StorageDescription;
char *VolumeLabel;
typedef struct _PTPStorageInfo PTPStorageInfo;
/* PTP objecthandles structure (returned by GetObjectHandles) */
struct _PTPObjectHandles {
uint32_t n;
uint32_t *Handler;
typedef struct _PTPObjectHandles PTPObjectHandles;
#define PTP_HANDLER_SPECIAL 0xffffffff
#define PTP_HANDLER_ROOT 0x00000000
/* PTP objectinfo structure (returned by GetObjectInfo) */
struct _PTPObjectInfo {
uint32_t StorageID;
uint16_t ObjectFormat;
uint16_t ProtectionStatus;
uint32_t ObjectCompressedSize;
uint16_t ThumbFormat;
uint32_t ThumbCompressedSize;
uint32_t ThumbPixWidth;
uint32_t ThumbPixHeight;
uint32_t ImagePixWidth;
uint32_t ImagePixHeight;
uint32_t ImageBitDepth;
uint32_t ParentObject;
uint16_t AssociationType;
uint32_t AssociationDesc;
uint32_t SequenceNumber;
char *Filename;
time_t CaptureDate;
time_t ModificationDate;
char *Keywords;
typedef struct _PTPObjectInfo PTPObjectInfo;
/* max ptp string length INCLUDING terminating null character */
#define PTP_MAXSTRLEN 255
/* PTP Object Format Codes */
/* ancillary formats */
#define PTP_OFC_Undefined 0x3000
#define PTP_OFC_Association 0x3001
#define PTP_OFC_Script 0x3002
#define PTP_OFC_Executable 0x3003
#define PTP_OFC_Text 0x3004
#define PTP_OFC_HTML 0x3005
#define PTP_OFC_DPOF 0x3006
#define PTP_OFC_AIFF 0x3007
#define PTP_OFC_WAV 0x3008
#define PTP_OFC_MP3 0x3009
#define PTP_OFC_AVI 0x300A
#define PTP_OFC_MPEG 0x300B
#define PTP_OFC_ASF 0x300C
#define PTP_OFC_QT 0x300D /* guessing */
/* image formats */
#define PTP_OFC_EXIF_JPEG 0x3801
#define PTP_OFC_TIFF_EP 0x3802
#define PTP_OFC_FlashPix 0x3803
#define PTP_OFC_BMP 0x3804
#define PTP_OFC_CIFF 0x3805
#define PTP_OFC_Undefined_0x3806 0x3806
#define PTP_OFC_GIF 0x3807
#define PTP_OFC_JFIF 0x3808
#define PTP_OFC_PCD 0x3809
#define PTP_OFC_PICT 0x380A
#define PTP_OFC_PNG 0x380B
#define PTP_OFC_Undefined_0x380C 0x380C
#define PTP_OFC_TIFF 0x380D
#define PTP_OFC_TIFF_IT 0x380E
#define PTP_OFC_JP2 0x380F
#define PTP_OFC_JPX 0x3810
/* Eastman Kodak extension ancillary format */
#define PTP_OFC_EK_M3U 0xb002
/* MTP extensions */
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_Firmware 0xb802
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_WindowsImageFormat 0xb882
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedAudio 0xb900
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_WMA 0xb901
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_OGG 0xb902
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AudibleCodec 0xb904
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedVideo 0xb980
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_WMV 0xb981
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_MP4 0xb982
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedCollection 0xba00
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractMultimediaAlbum 0xba01
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractImageAlbum 0xba02
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractAudioAlbum 0xba03
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractVideoAlbum 0xba04
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractAudioVideoPlaylist 0xba05
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractContactGroup 0xba06
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractMessageFolder 0xba07
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractChapteredProduction 0xba08
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_WPLPlaylist 0xba10
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_M3UPlaylist 0xba11
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_MPLPlaylist 0xba12
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_ASXPlaylist 0xba13
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_PLSPlaylist 0xba14
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedDocument 0xba80
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractDocument 0xba81
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedMessage 0xbb00
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractMessage 0xbb01
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedContact 0xbb80
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractContact 0xbb81
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_vCard2 0xbb82
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_vCard3 0xbb83
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedCalendarItem 0xbe00
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_AbstractCalendarItem 0xbe01
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_vCalendar1 0xbe02
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_vCalendar2 0xbe03
#define PTP_OFC_MTP_UndefinedWindowsExecutable 0xbe80
/* PTP Association Types */
#define PTP_AT_Undefined 0x0000
#define PTP_AT_GenericFolder 0x0001
#define PTP_AT_Album 0x0002
#define PTP_AT_TimeSequence 0x0003
#define PTP_AT_HorizontalPanoramic 0x0004
#define PTP_AT_VerticalPanoramic 0x0005
#define PTP_AT_2DPanoramic 0x0006
#define PTP_AT_AncillaryData 0x0007
/* PTP Protection Status */
#define PTP_PS_NoProtection 0x0000
#define PTP_PS_ReadOnly 0x0001
/* PTP Storage Types */
#define PTP_ST_Undefined 0x0000
#define PTP_ST_FixedROM 0x0001
#define PTP_ST_RemovableROM 0x0002
#define PTP_ST_FixedRAM 0x0003
#define PTP_ST_RemovableRAM 0x0004
/* PTP FilesystemType Values */
#define PTP_FST_Undefined 0x0000
#define PTP_FST_GenericFlat 0x0001
#define PTP_FST_GenericHierarchical 0x0002
#define PTP_FST_DCF 0x0003
/* PTP StorageInfo AccessCapability Values */
#define PTP_AC_ReadWrite 0x0000
#define PTP_AC_ReadOnly 0x0001
#define PTP_AC_ReadOnly_with_Object_Deletion 0x0002
/* Property Describing Dataset, Range Form */
union _PTPPropertyValue {
char *str; /* common string, malloced */
uint8_t u8;
int8_t i8;
uint16_t u16;
int16_t i16;
uint32_t u32;
int32_t i32;
/* XXXX: 64bit and 128 bit signed and unsigned missing */
struct array {
uint32_t count;
union _PTPPropertyValue *v; /* malloced, count elements */
} a;
typedef union _PTPPropertyValue PTPPropertyValue;
/* Metadata lists for MTP operations */
struct _MTPPropList {
uint16_t property;
uint16_t datatype;
PTPPropertyValue propval;
struct _MTPPropList *next;
typedef struct _MTPPropList MTPPropList;
struct _PTPPropDescRangeForm {
PTPPropertyValue MinimumValue;
PTPPropertyValue MaximumValue;
PTPPropertyValue StepSize;
typedef struct _PTPPropDescRangeForm PTPPropDescRangeForm;
/* Property Describing Dataset, Enum Form */
struct _PTPPropDescEnumForm {
uint16_t NumberOfValues;
PTPPropertyValue *SupportedValue; /* malloced */
typedef struct _PTPPropDescEnumForm PTPPropDescEnumForm;
/* Device Property Describing Dataset (DevicePropDesc) */
struct _PTPDevicePropDesc {
uint16_t DevicePropertyCode;
uint16_t DataType;
uint8_t GetSet;
PTPPropertyValue FactoryDefaultValue;
PTPPropertyValue CurrentValue;
uint8_t FormFlag;
union {
PTPPropDescEnumForm Enum;
PTPPropDescRangeForm Range;
typedef struct _PTPDevicePropDesc PTPDevicePropDesc;
/* Object Property Describing Dataset (DevicePropDesc) */
struct _PTPObjectPropDesc {
uint16_t ObjectPropertyCode;
uint16_t DataType;
uint8_t GetSet;
PTPPropertyValue FactoryDefaultValue;
uint32_t GroupCode;
uint8_t FormFlag;
union {
PTPPropDescEnumForm Enum;
PTPPropDescRangeForm Range;
typedef struct _PTPObjectPropDesc PTPObjectPropDesc;
/* Canon filesystem's folder entry Dataset */
#define PTP_CANON_FilenameBufferLen 13
#define PTP_CANON_FolderEntryLen 28
struct _PTPCANONFolderEntry {
uint32_t ObjectHandle;
uint16_t ObjectFormatCode;
uint8_t Flags;
uint32_t ObjectSize;
time_t Time;
char Filename[PTP_CANON_FilenameBufferLen];
typedef struct _PTPCANONFolderEntry PTPCANONFolderEntry;
/* Nikon Tone Curve Data */
#define PTP_NIKON_MaxCurvePoints 19
struct _PTPNIKONCoordinatePair {
uint8_t X;
uint8_t Y;
typedef struct _PTPNIKONCoordinatePair PTPNIKONCoordinatePair;
struct _PTPNTCCoordinatePair {
uint8_t X;
uint8_t Y;
typedef struct _PTPNTCCoordinatePair PTPNTCCoordinatePair;
struct _PTPNIKONCurveData {
char static_preamble[6];
uint8_t XAxisStartPoint;
uint8_t XAxisEndPoint;
uint8_t YAxisStartPoint;
uint8_t YAxisEndPoint;
uint8_t MidPointIntegerPart;
uint8_t MidPointDecimalPart;
uint8_t NCoordinates;
PTPNIKONCoordinatePair CurveCoordinates[PTP_NIKON_MaxCurvePoints];
typedef struct _PTPNIKONCurveData PTPNIKONCurveData;
struct _PTPEKTextParams {
char *title;
char *line[5];
typedef struct _PTPEKTextParams PTPEKTextParams;
/* Nikon Wifi profiles */
struct _PTPNIKONWifiProfile {
/* Values valid both when reading and writing profiles */
char profile_name[17];
uint8_t device_type;
uint8_t icon_type;
char essid[33];
/* Values only valid when reading. Some of these are in the write packet,
* but are set automatically, like id, display_order and creation_date. */
uint8_t id;
uint8_t valid;
uint8_t display_order;
char creation_date[16];
char lastusage_date[16];
/* Values only valid when writing */
uint32_t ip_address;
uint8_t subnet_mask; /* first zero bit position, e.g. 24 for */
uint32_t gateway_address;
uint8_t address_mode; /* 0 - Manual, 2-3 - DHCP ad-hoc/managed*/
uint8_t access_mode; /* 0 - Managed, 1 - Adhoc */
uint8_t wifi_channel; /* 1-11 */
uint8_t authentification; /* 0 - Open, 1 - Shared, 2 - WPA-PSK */
uint8_t encryption; /* 0 - None, 1 - WEP 64bit, 2 - WEP 128bit (not supported: 3 - TKIP) */
uint8_t key[64];
uint8_t key_nr;
// char guid[16];
typedef struct _PTPNIKONWifiProfile PTPNIKONWifiProfile;
/* DataType Codes */
#define PTP_DTC_UNDEF 0x0000
#define PTP_DTC_INT8 0x0001
#define PTP_DTC_UINT8 0x0002
#define PTP_DTC_INT16 0x0003
#define PTP_DTC_UINT16 0x0004
#define PTP_DTC_INT32 0x0005
#define PTP_DTC_UINT32 0x0006
#define PTP_DTC_INT64 0x0007
#define PTP_DTC_UINT64 0x0008
#define PTP_DTC_INT128 0x0009
#define PTP_DTC_UINT128 0x000A
#define PTP_DTC_ARRAY_MASK 0x4000
#define PTP_DTC_STR 0xFFFF
/* Device Properties Codes */
#define PTP_DPC_Undefined 0x5000
#define PTP_DPC_BatteryLevel 0x5001
#define PTP_DPC_FunctionalMode 0x5002
#define PTP_DPC_ImageSize 0x5003
#define PTP_DPC_CompressionSetting 0x5004
#define PTP_DPC_WhiteBalance 0x5005
#define PTP_DPC_RGBGain 0x5006
#define PTP_DPC_FNumber 0x5007
#define PTP_DPC_FocalLength 0x5008
#define PTP_DPC_FocusDistance 0x5009
#define PTP_DPC_FocusMode 0x500A
#define PTP_DPC_ExposureMeteringMode 0x500B
#define PTP_DPC_FlashMode 0x500C
#define PTP_DPC_ExposureTime 0x500D
#define PTP_DPC_ExposureProgramMode 0x500E
#define PTP_DPC_ExposureIndex 0x500F
#define PTP_DPC_ExposureBiasCompensation 0x5010
#define PTP_DPC_DateTime 0x5011
#define PTP_DPC_CaptureDelay 0x5012
#define PTP_DPC_StillCaptureMode 0x5013
#define PTP_DPC_Contrast 0x5014
#define PTP_DPC_Sharpness 0x5015
#define PTP_DPC_DigitalZoom 0x5016
#define PTP_DPC_EffectMode 0x5017
#define PTP_DPC_BurstNumber 0x5018
#define PTP_DPC_BurstInterval 0x5019
#define PTP_DPC_TimelapseNumber 0x501A
#define PTP_DPC_TimelapseInterval 0x501B
#define PTP_DPC_FocusMeteringMode 0x501C
#define PTP_DPC_UploadURL 0x501D
#define PTP_DPC_Artist 0x501E
#define PTP_DPC_CopyrightInfo 0x501F
/* Proprietary vendor extension device property mask */
#define PTP_DPC_EXTENSION 0xD000
/* Vendor Extensions device property codes */
/* Eastman Kodak extension device property codes */
#define PTP_DPC_EK_ColorTemperature 0xD001
#define PTP_DPC_EK_DateTimeStampFormat 0xD002
#define PTP_DPC_EK_BeepMode 0xD003
#define PTP_DPC_EK_VideoOut 0xD004
#define PTP_DPC_EK_PowerSaving 0xD005
#define PTP_DPC_EK_UI_Language 0xD006
/* Canon extension device property codes */
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_BeepMode 0xD001
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ViewfinderMode 0xD003
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ImageQuality 0xD006
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_D007 0xD007
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ImageSize 0xD008
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_FlashMode 0xD00A
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ShootingMode 0xD00C
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_DriveMode 0xD00E
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_MeteringMode 0xD010
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_AFDistance 0xD011
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_FocusingPoint 0xD012
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_WhiteBalance 0xD013
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ISOSpeed 0xD01C
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_Aperture 0xD01D
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ShutterSpeed 0xD01E
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_ExpCompensation 0xD01F
/* capture data type (?) */
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_D029 0xD029
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_Zoom 0xD02A
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_SizeQualityMode 0xD02C
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_FirmwareVersion 0xD031
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_CameraModel 0xD032
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_CameraOwner 0xD033
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_UnixTime 0xD034
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_DZoomMagnification 0xD039
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_PhotoEffect 0xD040
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_AssistLight 0xD041
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_D045 0xD045
#define PTP_DPC_CANON_AverageFilesizes 0xD048
/* Nikon extension device property codes */
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ShootingBank 0xD010
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ShootingBankNameA 0xD011
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ShootingBankNameB 0xD012
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ShootingBankNameC 0xD013
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ShootingBankNameD 0xD014
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_RawCompression 0xD016
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceAutoBias 0xD017
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceTungstenBias 0xD018
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceFluorescentBias 0xD019
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceDaylightBias 0xD01A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceFlashBias 0xD01B
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceCloudyBias 0xD01C
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceShadeBias 0xD01D
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_WhiteBalanceColorTemperature 0xD01E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ImageSharpening 0xD02A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ToneCompensation 0xD02B
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ColorModel 0xD02C
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_HueAdjustment 0xD02D
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_NonCPULensDataFocalLength 0xD02E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_NonCPULensDataMaximumAperture 0xD02F
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_CSMMenuBankSelect 0xD040
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MenuBankNameA 0xD041
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MenuBankNameB 0xD042
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MenuBankNameC 0xD043
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MenuBankNameD 0xD044
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_A1AFCModePriority 0xD048
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_A2AFSModePriority 0xD049
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_A3GroupDynamicAF 0xD04A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_A4AFActivation 0xD04B
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_A5FocusAreaIllumManualFocus 0xD04C
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FocusAreaIllumContinuous 0xD04D
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FocusAreaIllumWhenSelected 0xD04E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FocusAreaWrap 0xD04F
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_A7VerticalAFON 0xD050
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ISOAuto 0xD054
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_B2ISOStep 0xD055
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_EVStep 0xD056
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_B4ExposureCompEv 0xD057
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ExposureCompensation 0xD058
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_CenterWeightArea 0xD059
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AELockMode 0xD05E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MeterOff 0xD062
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_SelfTimer 0xD063
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MonitorOff 0xD064
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_D1ShootingSpeed 0xD068
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_D2MaximumShots 0xD069
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_D3ExpDelayMode 0xD06A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_LongExposureNoiseReduction 0xD06B
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FileNumberSequence 0xD06C
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_D6ControlPanelFinderRearControl 0xD06D
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ControlPanelFinderViewfinder 0xD06E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_D7Illumination 0xD06F
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_E1FlashSyncSpeed 0xD074
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashShutterSpeed 0xD075
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_E3AAFlashMode 0xD076
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_E4ModelingFlash 0xD077
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_BracketSet 0xD078
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_E6ManualModeBracketing 0xD079
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_BracketOrder 0xD07A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_E8AutoBracketSelection 0xD07B
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_F1CenterButtonShootingMode 0xD080
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_CenterButtonPlaybackMode 0xD081
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_F2Multiselector 0xD082
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_F3PhotoInfoPlayback 0xD083
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_F4AssignFuncButton 0xD084
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_F5CustomizeCommDials 0xD085
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ReverseCommandDial 0xD086
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ApertureSetting 0xD087
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MenusAndPlayback 0xD088
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_F6ButtonsAndDials 0xD089
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_NoCFCard 0xD08A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ImageCommentString 0xD090
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ImageCommentAttach 0xD091
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ImageRotation 0xD092
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_Bracketing 0xD0C0
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ExposureBracketingIntervalDist 0xD0C1
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_BracketingProgram 0xD0C2
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_LensID 0xD0E0
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FocalLengthMin 0xD0E3
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FocalLengthMax 0xD0E4
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MaxApAtMinFocalLength 0xD0E5
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MaxApAtMaxFocalLength 0xD0E6
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ExposureTime 0xD100
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_MaximumShots 0xD103
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AutoExposureLock 0xD105
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AutoFocusLock 0xD106
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AutofocusLCDTopMode2 0xD107
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AutofocusArea 0xD108
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_LightMeter 0xD10A
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_CameraOrientation 0xD10E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ExposureApertureLock 0xD111
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashExposureCompensation 0xD126
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_OptimizeImage 0xD140
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_Saturation 0xD142
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_BeepOff 0xD160
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AutofocusMode 0xD161
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AFAssist 0xD163
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_PADVPMode 0xD164
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_ImageReview 0xD165
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_AFAreaIllumination 0xD166
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashMode 0xD167
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashCommanderMode 0xD168
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashSign 0xD169
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_RemoteTimeout 0xD16B
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_GridDisplay 0xD16C
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashModeManualPower 0xD16D
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashModeCommanderPower 0xD16E
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_CSMMenu 0xD180
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_BracketingFramesAndSteps 0xD190
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_LowLight 0xD1B0
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashOpen 0xD1C0
#define PTP_DPC_NIKON_FlashCharged 0xD1C1
/* Microsoft/MTP specific */
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_SecureTime 0xD101
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_DeviceCertificate 0xD102
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_SynchronizationPartner 0xD401
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_DeviceFriendlyName 0xD402
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_VolumeLevel 0xD403
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_DeviceIcon 0xD405
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_PlaybackRate 0xD410
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_PlaybackObject 0xD411
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_PlaybackContainerIndex 0xD412
#define PTP_DPC_MTP_PlaybackPosition 0xD413
/* MTP specific Object Properties */
#define PTP_OPC_StorageID 0xDC01
#define PTP_OPC_ObjectFormat 0xDC02
#define PTP_OPC_ProtectionStatus 0xDC03
#define PTP_OPC_ObjectSize 0xDC04
#define PTP_OPC_AssociationType 0xDC05
#define PTP_OPC_AssociationDesc 0xDC06
#define PTP_OPC_ObjectFileName 0xDC07
#define PTP_OPC_DateCreated 0xDC08
#define PTP_OPC_DateModified 0xDC09
#define PTP_OPC_Keywords 0xDC0A
#define PTP_OPC_ParentObject 0xDC0B
#define PTP_OPC_PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier 0xDC41
#define PTP_OPC_SyncID 0xDC42
#define PTP_OPC_PropertyBag 0xDC43
#define PTP_OPC_Name 0xDC44
#define PTP_OPC_CreatedBy 0xDC45
#define PTP_OPC_Artist 0xDC46
#define PTP_OPC_DateAuthored 0xDC47
#define PTP_OPC_Description 0xDC48
#define PTP_OPC_URLReference 0xDC49
#define PTP_OPC_LanguageLocale 0xDC4A
#define PTP_OPC_CopyrightInformation 0xDC4B
#define PTP_OPC_Source 0xDC4C
#define PTP_OPC_OriginLocation 0xDC4D
#define PTP_OPC_DateAdded 0xDC4E
#define PTP_OPC_NonConsumable 0xDC4F
#define PTP_OPC_CorruptOrUnplayable 0xDC50
#define PTP_OPC_RepresentativeSampleFormat 0xDC81
#define PTP_OPC_RepresentativeSampleSize 0xDC82
#define PTP_OPC_RepresentativeSampleHeight 0xDC83
#define PTP_OPC_RepresentativeSampleWidth 0xDC84
#define PTP_OPC_RepresentativeSampleDuration 0xDC85
#define PTP_OPC_RepresentativeSampleData 0xDC86
#define PTP_OPC_Width 0xDC87
#define PTP_OPC_Height 0xDC88
#define PTP_OPC_Duration 0xDC89
#define PTP_OPC_Rating 0xDC8A
#define PTP_OPC_Track 0xDC8B
#define PTP_OPC_Genre 0xDC8C
#define PTP_OPC_Credits 0xDC8D
#define PTP_OPC_Lyrics 0xDC8E
#define PTP_OPC_SubscriptionContentID 0xDC8F
#define PTP_OPC_ProducedBy 0xDC90
#define PTP_OPC_UseCount 0xDC91
#define PTP_OPC_SkipCount 0xDC92
#define PTP_OPC_LastAccessed 0xDC93
#define PTP_OPC_ParentalRating 0xDC94
#define PTP_OPC_MetaGenre 0xDC95
#define PTP_OPC_Composer 0xDC96
#define PTP_OPC_EffectiveRating 0xDC97
#define PTP_OPC_Subtitle 0xDC98
#define PTP_OPC_OriginalReleaseDate 0xDC99
#define PTP_OPC_AlbumName 0xDC9A
#define PTP_OPC_AlbumArtist 0xDC9B
#define PTP_OPC_Mood 0xDC9C
#define PTP_OPC_DRMStatus 0xDC9D
#define PTP_OPC_SubDescription 0xDC9E
#define PTP_OPC_IsCropped 0xDCD1
#define PTP_OPC_IsColorCorrected 0xDCD2
#define PTP_OPC_TotalBitRate 0xDE91
#define PTP_OPC_BitRateType 0xDE92
#define PTP_OPC_SampleRate 0xDE93
#define PTP_OPC_NumberOfChannels 0xDE94
#define PTP_OPC_AudioBitDepth 0xDE95
#define PTP_OPC_ScanDepth 0xDE97
#define PTP_OPC_AudioWAVECodec 0xDE99
#define PTP_OPC_AudioBitRate 0xDE9A
#define PTP_OPC_VideoFourCCCodec 0xDE9B
#define PTP_OPC_VideoBitRate 0xDE9C
#define PTP_OPC_FramesPerThousandSeconds 0xDE9D
#define PTP_OPC_KeyFrameDistance 0xDE9E
#define PTP_OPC_BufferSize 0xDE9F
#define PTP_OPC_EncodingQuality 0xDEA0
/* Device Property Form Flag */
#define PTP_DPFF_None 0x00
#define PTP_DPFF_Range 0x01
#define PTP_DPFF_Enumeration 0x02
/* Object Property Codes used by MTP (first 3 are same as DPFF codes) */
#define PTP_OPFF_None 0x00
#define PTP_OPFF_Range 0x01
#define PTP_OPFF_Enumeration 0x02
#define PTP_OPFF_DateTime 0x03
#define PTP_OPFF_FixedLengthArray 0x04
#define PTP_OPFF_RegularExpression 0x05
#define PTP_OPFF_ByteArray 0x06
#define PTP_OPFF_LongString 0xFF
/* Device Property GetSet type */
#define PTP_DPGS_Get 0x00
#define PTP_DPGS_GetSet 0x01
/* Glue stuff starts here */
typedef struct _PTPParams PTPParams;
/* raw write functions */
typedef short (* PTPIOReadFunc) (unsigned char *bytes, unsigned int size,
void *data, unsigned int *readlen);
typedef short (* PTPIOWriteFunc)(unsigned char *bytes, unsigned int size,
void *data);
* This functions take PTP oriented arguments and send them over an
* appropriate data layer doing byteorder conversion accordingly.
typedef uint16_t (* PTPIOSendReq) (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* req);
typedef uint16_t (* PTPIOSendData) (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* ptp,
unsigned char *data, unsigned int size,
int from_fd);
typedef uint16_t (* PTPIOGetResp) (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* resp);
typedef uint16_t (* PTPIOGetData) (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* ptp,
unsigned char **data, unsigned int *recvlen,
int to_fd);
/* debug functions */
typedef void (* PTPErrorFunc) (void *data, const char *format, va_list args)
#if (__GNUC__ >= 3)
typedef void (* PTPDebugFunc) (void *data, const char *format, va_list args)
#if (__GNUC__ >= 3)
struct _PTPParams {
/* data layer byteorder */
uint8_t byteorder;
/* Data layer IO functions */
PTPIOReadFunc read_func;
PTPIOWriteFunc write_func;
PTPIOReadFunc check_int_func;
PTPIOReadFunc check_int_fast_func;
/* Custom IO functions */
PTPIOSendReq sendreq_func;
PTPIOSendData senddata_func;
PTPIOGetResp getresp_func;
PTPIOGetData getdata_func;
PTPIOGetResp event_check;
PTPIOGetResp event_wait;
/* Custom error and debug function */
PTPErrorFunc error_func;
PTPDebugFunc debug_func;
/* Data passed to above functions */
void *data;
/* ptp transaction ID */
uint32_t transaction_id;
/* ptp session ID */
uint32_t session_id;
/* if we have MTP style split header/data transfers */
int split_header_data;
/* internal structures used by ptp driver */
PTPObjectHandles handles;
PTPObjectInfo * objectinfo;
PTPDeviceInfo deviceinfo;
/* Canon specific flags list */
uint32_t *canon_flags; /* size(handles.n) */
/* Wifi profiles */
uint8_t wifi_profiles_version;
uint8_t wifi_profiles_number;
PTPNIKONWifiProfile *wifi_profiles;
/* PTP/IP related data */
int cmdfd, evtfd;
uint8_t cameraguid[16];
uint32_t eventpipeid;
char *cameraname;
/* iconv converters */
iconv_t cd_locale_to_ucs2;
iconv_t cd_ucs2_to_locale;
/* last, but not least - ptp functions */
uint16_t ptp_usb_sendreq (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* req);
uint16_t ptp_usb_senddata (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* ptp,
unsigned char *data, unsigned int size,
int from_fd);
uint16_t ptp_usb_getresp (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* resp);
uint16_t ptp_usb_getdata (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* ptp,
unsigned char **data, unsigned int *readlen,
int to_fd);
uint16_t ptp_usb_event_check (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* event);
uint16_t ptp_usb_event_wait (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* event);
int ptp_ptpip_connect (PTPParams* params, const char *port);
uint16_t ptp_ptpip_sendreq (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* req);
uint16_t ptp_ptpip_senddata (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* ptp,
unsigned char *data, unsigned int size,
int to_fd);
uint16_t ptp_ptpip_getresp (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* resp);
uint16_t ptp_ptpip_getdata (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* ptp,
unsigned char **data, unsigned int *readlen,
int to_fd);
uint16_t ptp_ptpip_event_wait (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* event);
uint16_t ptp_ptpip_event_check (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* event);
uint16_t ptp_getdeviceinfo (PTPParams* params, PTPDeviceInfo* deviceinfo);
uint16_t ptp_opensession (PTPParams *params, uint32_t session);
uint16_t ptp_closesession (PTPParams *params);
uint16_t ptp_getstorageids (PTPParams* params, PTPStorageIDs* storageids);
uint16_t ptp_getstorageinfo (PTPParams* params, uint32_t storageid,
PTPStorageInfo* storageinfo);
uint16_t ptp_formatstore (PTPParams* params, uint32_t storageid);
uint16_t ptp_getobjecthandles (PTPParams* params, uint32_t storage,
uint32_t objectformatcode,
uint32_t associationOH,
PTPObjectHandles* objecthandles);
uint16_t ptp_getnumobjects (PTPParams* params, uint32_t storage,
uint32_t objectformatcode,
uint32_t associationOH,
uint32_t* numobs);
uint16_t ptp_getobjectinfo (PTPParams *params, uint32_t handle,
PTPObjectInfo* objectinfo);
uint16_t ptp_getobject (PTPParams *params, uint32_t handle,
unsigned char** object);
uint16_t ptp_getobject_tofd (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle, int fd);
uint16_t ptp_getpartialobject (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle, uint32_t offset,
uint32_t maxbytes, unsigned char** object);
uint16_t ptp_getthumb (PTPParams *params, uint32_t handle,
unsigned char** object);
uint16_t ptp_deleteobject (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle,
uint32_t ofc);
uint16_t ptp_sendobjectinfo (PTPParams* params, uint32_t* store,
uint32_t* parenthandle, uint32_t* handle,
PTPObjectInfo* objectinfo);
uint16_t ptp_sendobject (PTPParams* params, unsigned char* object,
uint32_t size);
uint16_t ptp_sendobject_fromfd (PTPParams* params, int fd, uint32_t size);
uint16_t ptp_initiatecapture (PTPParams* params, uint32_t storageid,
uint32_t ofc);
uint16_t ptp_getdevicepropdesc (PTPParams* params, uint16_t propcode,
PTPDevicePropDesc *devicepropertydesc);
uint16_t ptp_getdevicepropvalue (PTPParams* params, uint16_t propcode,
PTPPropertyValue* value, uint16_t datatype);
uint16_t ptp_setdevicepropvalue (PTPParams* params, uint16_t propcode,
PTPPropertyValue* value, uint16_t datatype);
/* Microsoft MTP extensions */
uint16_t ptp_mtp_getobjectpropdesc (PTPParams* params, uint16_t opc, uint16_t ofc,
PTPObjectPropDesc *objectpropertydesc);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_getobjectpropvalue (PTPParams* params, uint32_t oid, uint16_t opc,
PTPPropertyValue *value, uint16_t datatype);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_setobjectpropvalue (PTPParams* params, uint32_t oid, uint16_t opc,
PTPPropertyValue *value, uint16_t datatype);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_getobjectreferences (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle, uint32_t** ohArray, uint32_t* arraylen);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_setobjectreferences (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle, uint32_t* ohArray, uint32_t arraylen);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_getobjectproplist (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle, MTPPropList **proplist);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_sendobjectproplist (PTPParams* params, uint32_t* store, uint32_t* parenthandle, uint32_t* handle,
uint16_t objecttype, uint64_t objectsize, MTPPropList *proplist);
/* Eastman Kodak extensions */
uint16_t ptp_ek_9007 (PTPParams* params, unsigned char **serial, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_ek_9009 (PTPParams* params, uint32_t*, uint32_t*);
uint16_t ptp_ek_900c (PTPParams* params, unsigned char **serial, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_ek_getserial (PTPParams* params, unsigned char **serial, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_ek_setserial (PTPParams* params, unsigned char *serial, uint32_t size);
uint16_t ptp_ek_settext (PTPParams* params, PTPEKTextParams *text);
uint16_t ptp_ek_sendfileobjectinfo (PTPParams* params, uint32_t* store,
uint32_t* parenthandle, uint32_t* handle,
PTPObjectInfo* objectinfo);
uint16_t ptp_ek_sendfileobject (PTPParams* params, unsigned char* object,
uint32_t size);
/* Canon PTP extensions */
uint16_t ptp_canon_9012 (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_initiate_direct_transfer (PTPParams* params, uint32_t* out);
uint16_t ptp_canon_get_target_handles (PTPParams* params, PTPCanon_directtransfer_entry**, unsigned int*cnt);
uint16_t ptp_canon_getpartialobjectinfo (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle,
uint32_t p2, uint32_t* size, uint32_t* rp2);
uint16_t ptp_canon_get_mac_address (PTPParams* params, unsigned char **mac);
uint16_t ptp_canon_startshootingmode (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_endshootingmode (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_viewfinderon (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_viewfinderoff (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_aeafawb (PTPParams* params, uint32_t p1);
uint16_t ptp_canon_checkevent (PTPParams* params,
PTPUSBEventContainer* event, int* isevent);
uint16_t ptp_canon_focuslock (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_focusunlock (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_initiatecaptureinmemory (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_canon_getpartialobject (PTPParams* params, uint32_t handle,
uint32_t offset, uint32_t size,
uint32_t pos, unsigned char** block,
uint32_t* readnum);
uint16_t ptp_canon_getviewfinderimage (PTPParams* params, unsigned char** image,
uint32_t* size);
uint16_t ptp_canon_getchanges (PTPParams* params, uint16_t** props,
uint32_t* propnum);
uint16_t ptp_canon_getobjectinfo (PTPParams* params, uint32_t store,
uint32_t p2, uint32_t parenthandle,
uint32_t handle,
PTPCANONFolderEntry** entries,
uint32_t* entnum);
uint16_t ptp_canon_get_objecthandle_by_name (PTPParams* params, char* name, uint32_t* objectid);
uint16_t ptp_canon_get_directory (PTPParams* params, PTPObjectHandles *handles, PTPObjectInfo **oinfos, uint32_t **flags);
uint16_t ptp_canon_setobjectarchive (PTPParams* params, uint32_t oid, uint32_t flags);
uint16_t ptp_canon_get_customize_data (PTPParams* params, uint32_t themenr,
unsigned char **data, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_curve_download (PTPParams* params,
unsigned char **data, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_getptpipinfo (PTPParams* params, unsigned char **data, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_getwifiprofilelist (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_writewifiprofile (PTPParams* params, PTPNIKONWifiProfile* profile);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_deletewifiprofile (PTPParams* params, uint32_t profilenr);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_setcontrolmode (PTPParams* params, uint32_t mode);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_capture (PTPParams* params, uint32_t x);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_check_event (PTPParams* params, PTPUSBEventContainer **evt, int *evtcnt);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_getfileinfoinblock (PTPParams* params, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3,
unsigned char **data, unsigned int *size);
uint16_t ptp_nikon_device_ready (PTPParams* params);
uint16_t ptp_mtp_getobjectpropssupported (PTPParams* params, uint16_t ofc, uint32_t *propnum, uint16_t **props);
/* Non PTP protocol functions */
int ptp_operation_issupported (PTPParams* params, uint16_t operation);
int ptp_event_issupported (PTPParams* params, uint16_t event);
int ptp_property_issupported (PTPParams* params, uint16_t property);
void ptp_free_devicepropdesc (PTPDevicePropDesc* dpd);
void ptp_free_devicepropvalue (uint16_t dt, PTPPropertyValue* dpd);
void ptp_free_objectpropdesc (PTPObjectPropDesc* dpd);
void ptp_perror (PTPParams* params, uint16_t error);
const char*
ptp_get_property_description(PTPParams* params, uint16_t dpc);
ptp_render_property_value(PTPParams* params, uint16_t dpc,
PTPDevicePropDesc *dpd, int length, char *out);
int ptp_render_ofc(PTPParams* params, uint16_t ofc, int spaceleft, char *txt);
int ptp_render_opcode(PTPParams* params, uint16_t opcode, int spaceleft, char *txt);
int ptp_render_mtp_propname(uint16_t propid, int spaceleft, char *txt);
/* ptpip.c */
void ptp_nikon_getptpipguid (unsigned char* guid);
#endif /* __PTP_H__ */