| Building and Installing |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| See the "INSTALL" file. |
| |
| |
| Heritage |
| -------- |
| |
| libmtp is based on several ancestors: |
| |
| * libptp2 by Mariusz Woloszyn was the starting point used |
| by Richard A. Low for the initial starter port. You can |
| find it at http://libptp.sourceforge.net/ |
| |
| * libgphoto2 by Mariusz Woloszyn and Marcus Meissner was |
| used at a later stage since it was (is) more actively |
| maintained. libmtp tracks the PTP implementation in |
| libgphoto2 and considers it an upstream project. We will |
| try to submit anything generally useful back to libgphoto2 |
| and not make double efforts. In practice this means we |
| use ptp.c, ptp.h and ptp-pack.c verbatim from the libgphoto2 |
| source code. If you need to change things in these files, |
| make sure it is so general that libgphoto2 will want to |
| merge it to their codebase too. You find libgphoto2 as part |
| of gPhoto: http://gphoto.sourceforge.net/ |
| |
| * libnjb was a project that Richard and Linus were working |
| on before libmtp. When Linus took Richards initial port |
| and made an generic C API he re-used the philosophy and |
| much code from libnjb. Many of the sample programs are for |
| example taken quite literally from libnjb. You find it here: |
| http://libnjb.sourceforge.net/ |
| |
| |
| Contacting and Contributing |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| See the project page at http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/ |
| We always need your help. There is a mailinglist and a |
| bug report system there. |
| |
| People who want to discuss MTP devices in fora seem to |
| hang out on the forums at AnythingbutiPod: |
| http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/ |
| |
| |
| Compiling programs for libmtp |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| libmtp has support for the pkg-config script by adding a libmtp.pc |
| entry in $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig. To compile a libmtp program, |
| "just" write: |
| |
| gcc -o foo `pkg-config --cflags --libs libmtp` foo.c |
| |
| This also simplifies compilation using autoconf and pkg-config: just |
| write e.g. |
| |
| |
| To have libmtp LIBS and CFLAGS defined. Needless to say, this will |
| only work if you have pkgconfig installed on your system, but most |
| people have nowadays. |
| |
| If your library is installed in e.g. /usr/local you may have to tell |
| this to pkgconfig by setting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH thus: |
| |
| export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig |
| |
| |
| Documentation |
| ------------- |
| |
| Read the API documentation that can be generated with doxygen. |
| It will be output in doc/html if you have Doxygen properly |
| installed. (It will not be created unless you have Doxygen!) |
| |
| For information about the Media Transfer Protocol, see: |
| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol |
| |
| The official 1.0 specification for MTP was released by the |
| USB Implementers Forum in may, 2008. Prior to this, only a |
| proprietary Microsoft version was available, and quite a few |
| devices out there still use some aspects of the Microsoft |
| version, which deviates from the specified standard. You can |
| find the official specification here: |
| http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/MTP_1.0.zip |
| |
| |
| The Examples |
| ------------ |
| |
| In the subdirectory "examples" you find a number of |
| command-line tools, illustrating the use of libmtp in very |
| simple terms. |
| |
| Please do not complain about the usability or documentation |
| of these examples, they look like they do for two reasons: |
| |
| 1. They are examples, not tools. If they were intended for |
| day-to-day usage by commandline freaks, I would have |
| called them "tools" not "examples". |
| |
| 2. The MTP usage paradigm is that a daemon should hook |
| the device upon connection, and that it should be |
| released by unplugging. GUI tools utilizing HAL (hald) |
| and D-Bus do this much better than any commandline |
| program ever can. (See below on bugs.) Specificationwise |
| this is a bug, however it is present in many, many |
| devices. |
| |
| That said, if you want to pick up and maintain the examples, |
| please volunteer. |
| |
| |
| New Devices |
| ----------- |
| |
| If you happen upon a device which libmtp claims it cannot |
| autodetect, please submit the vendor ID and device ID |
| (these can be obtained from the "lsusb" and "lsusb -n" |
| commands run as root) as a bug, patch or feature request |
| on the Sourceforge bug tracker at our homepage. If it |
| gives a sensible output from "mtp-detect" then please attach |
| the result as well as it teach us some stuff about your |
| device. If you've done some additional hacking, join our |
| mailinglist and post your experiences there. |
| |
| If you want to be able to hack some more and you're not |
| afraid of C hacking, add an entry for your device's |
| vendor/product ID and a descriptive string to the database |
| in the file src/music-players.h. |
| |
| If you want to poke around to see if your device has some |
| special pecularities, you can test some special device |
| flags (defined in src/device-flags.h) by inserting them |
| together with your device entry in src/music-players.h. |
| Flags can be tested in isolation or catenated with "|" |
| (binary OR). If relatives to your device use a certain |
| flag, chances are high that a new device will need it |
| too, typically from the same manufacturer. |
| |
| The most common flag that needs to be set is the |
| DEVICE_FLAG_UNLOAD_DRIVER that detach any Linux kernel |
| drivers that may have attached to the device making |
| MTP access impossible. This is however not expected to |
| really work: this is a problem being tracked as of |
| now (2007-08-04). See the "last resort" solutions below |
| if you really need to get your dual-mode device to work |
| with MTP. |
| |
| Another flag which is easy to identify is the |
| DEVICE_FLAG_NO_ZERO_READS, which remedies connection |
| timeouts when getting files, and some timeouts on e.g. |
| successive "mtp-connect" calls. |
| |
| If you are a device vendor, please consider assigning one |
| of your employees as a contact person for libmtp, have them |
| sign up to the libmtp development list and answer questions |
| and post new device ID:s as they are released to our |
| mailing list. By the way: do you have spare devices you |
| can give us? Send them to Richard (Mac support) or Linus |
| (Linux support). (So far nobody did that except for Microsoft |
| who sent us a Zune by proxy!) |
| |
| If your device is very problematic we are curious of how it |
| works under Windows, so we enjoy reading USB packet sniffs |
| that reveal the low-level traffic carried out between |
| Windows Media Player and your device. This can be done |
| using e.g.: |
| |
| * USBsnoop: |
| http://benoit.papillault.free.fr/usbsnoop/ |
| |
| * The trial version of HHD Softwares software-only |
| USB monitor. You need to get a copy of version 2.37 since |
| the newer trial versions won't let you carry out the |
| needed packet sniffs. (As of 2007-03-10 a copy can be found |
| at: http://www.cobbleware.com/files/usb-monitor-237.exe) |
| |
| There are other USB monitors as well, some more expensive |
| alternatives use hardware and even measure electronic |
| characteristics of the traffic (which is far too much |
| detail for us). |
| |
| Device sniffs are an easy read since the PTP/MTP protocol |
| is nicely structured. All commands will have a structure such |
| as this in the log, we examplify with a object list request: |
| |
| 000120: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 03.09.2007 12:49:25.9843750 +0.0 |
| Pipe Handle: 0x863ce234 (Endpoint Address: 0x2) |
| Send 0x20 bytes to the device: |
| 20 00 00 00 01 00 05 98 23 00 00 00 27 03 00 10 ......?#...'... |
| Length TYPE CMD Trans# Param1 |
| |
| 00 00 00 00 02 DC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .....Ü.......... |
| Param2 Param3 Param4 Param5 |
| |
| 000121: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 03.09.2007 12:49:26.0 +0.0156250 |
| Pipe Handle: 0x863ce214 (Endpoint Address: 0x81) |
| Get 0x1a bytes from the device: |
| 1A 00 00 00 02 00 05 98 23 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 .......?#....... |
| Length TYPE CMD Trans# DATA |
| |
| 27 03 00 10 02 DC 04 00 00 30 '....Ü...0 |
| |
| 000122: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 03.09.2007 12:49:26.0 +0.0 |
| Pipe Handle: 0x863ce214 (Endpoint Address: 0x81) |
| Get 0xc bytes from the device: |
| 0C 00 00 00 03 00 01 20 23 00 00 00 ....... #... |
| Length TYPE CODE Trans# |
| |
| * One send (OUT to the device), two reads (IN from the device). |
| |
| * All three byte chunks commands are |
| sent/recieved/recieeved by the function ptp_transaction() |
| in the file ptp.c. |
| |
| * It boils down to ptp_usb_sendreq(), optionally ptp_usb_senddata() |
| or ptp_usb_getdata() and finally ptp_usb_getresp() in the file |
| libusb-glue.c. Notice ptp_usb_sendreq() and ptp_usb_getresp() |
| are ALWAYS called. The TYPE field correspond to this, so the |
| TYPES in this case are "COMMAND" (0x0001), "DATA" (0x0002), |
| and "RESPONSE" (0x0003). |
| |
| * Notice that the byte order is little endian, so you need to read |
| each field from right to left. |
| |
| * This COMMAND has: |
| CMD 0x99805, we see in ptp.h that this is PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjPropList. |
| Transaction# 0x00000023. |
| REQUEST parameters 0x10000327, 0x00000000, 0x0000DC02, 0x00000000 |
| 0x00000000, in this case it means "get props for object 0x10000327", |
| "any format", "property 0xDC02" (PTP_OPC_ObjectFormat), then two |
| parameters that are always zero (no idea what they mean or their |
| use). |
| |
| * The DATA has: |
| CMD 0x99805, we see in ptp.h that this is PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjPropList. |
| Transaction# 0x00000023. |
| Then comes data 0x00000001, 0x10000327, 0xDC02, 0x0004, 0x3000 |
| Which means in this case, (and this is the tricky part) "here |
| you have 1 property", "for object 0x10000327", "it is property |
| 0xDC02" (PTP_OPC_ObjectFormat), "which is of type 0x0004" |
| (PTP_DTC_UINT16), "and set to 0x3000" (PTP_OFC_Undefined, it |
| is perfectly valid to have undefined object formats, since it |
| is a legal value defining this). |
| |
| * This RESPONSE has: |
| CMD 0x99805, we see in ptp.h that this is PTP_OC_MTP_GetObjPropList. |
| Return Code ("RC") = 0x2001, PTP_RC_OK, all went fine. |
| Transaction# 0x00000023. |
| |
| If you want to compare the Windows behaviour with a similar |
| operation using libmtp you can go into the src/libusb-glue.c |
| file and uncomment the row that reads: |
| |
| |
| (I.e. remove the two //.) |
| |
| This will make libmtp print out a hex dump of every bulk USB |
| transaction. The bulk transactions contain all the PTP/MTP layer |
| data, which is usually where the problems appear. |
| |
| |
| Devices does not work - last resort: |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| Some devices that are dual-mode are simply impossible to get |
| to work under Linux because the usb-storage(.ko) kernel |
| module hook them first, and refuse to release them, even |
| when we specify the DEVICE_FLAG_UNLOAD_DRIVER flag. (Maybe |
| it DOES release it but the device will immediately be probed |
| at the USB mass storage interface AGAIN because it |
| enumerates.) |
| |
| Linux: Try this, if you have a recent 2.6.x Linux kernel, |
| run (as root) something like: |
| |
| > rmmod usb_storage ; mtp-detect |
| |
| You can run most any command or a client like gnomad2 or |
| Amarok immediately after the rmmod command. This works |
| sometimes. Another way: |
| |
| * Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist |
| |
| * Add the line "blacklist usb-storage" |
| |
| * Reboot. |
| |
| Now none of you USB disks, flash memory sticks etc will be |
| working (you just disabled them all). However you *can* try |
| your device, and it might have started working because there |
| is no longer a USB mass storage driver that tries to hook onto |
| the mass storage interface of your device. |
| |
| If not even blacklisting works (check with |
| "lsmod | grep usb-storage"), there is some problem with |
| something else and you may need to remove or rename the file |
| /lib/modules/<VERSION>/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko |
| manually. |
| |
| If you find the PerfectSolution(TM) to this dilemma, so you |
| can properly switch for individual devices whether to use it |
| as USB mass storage or not, please tell us how you did it. We |
| know we cannot use udev, because udev is called after-the-fact: |
| the device is already configured for USB mass storage when |
| udev is called. |
| |
| On Mac OS there is another ugly hack: |
| |
| 1. Open up a terminal window |
| 2. Type: |
| sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext |
| /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext.disabled |
| |
| and when prompted enter your password. |
| |
| 3. Restart. |
| |
| To reverse this change, just reverse the filenames: |
| |
| sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/ |
| IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext.disabled /System/Library/Extensions/ |
| IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext |
| |
| and restart. |
| |
| |
| Calendar and contact support: |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| The Creative Zen series can read VCALENDAR2 (.ics) files |
| and VCard (.vcf) files from programs like for example |
| Evolution with the following limitations/conditions: |
| |
| - The file must be in DOS (CR/LF) format, use the unix2dos |
| program to convert if needed |
| |
| - Repeat events in calendar files do not seem to be supported, |
| entries will only appear once. |
| |
| - Calendar (.ics) files should be stored in the folder "My Organizer" |
| when sent to the device (this directory should be autodetected |
| for use with calendar files, otherwise use the option |
| -f "My Organizer" to sendfile for this) Apparently this file can |
| also contain tasklists. |
| |
| - Contact (.vcf) files should be stored in the folder "My Contacts" |
| when sent to the device. (-f "My Contacts") |
| |
| - Some devices are picky about the name of the calendar and |
| contact files. For example the Zen Microphoto wants: |
| |
| Calendar: My Organizer/6651416.ics |
| Contacts: My Organizer/6651416.vcf |
| |
| |
| Syncing in with Evolution and Creative Devices |
| ---------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Evolution can easily export .ics an .vcf files, but you currently |
| need some command-line hacking to get you stuff copied over in |
| one direction host -> device. The examples/ directory contains a script |
| created for the Creative Zen Microphoto by Nicolas Tetreault. |
| |
| |
| It's Not Our Bug! |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Some MTP devices have strange pecularities. We try to work around |
| these whenever we can, sometimes we cannot work around it or we |
| cannot test your solution. |
| |
| * Generic MTP/PTP disconnect misbehaviour: we have noticed that |
| Windows Media Player apparently never close the session to an MTP |
| device. There is a daemon in Windows that "hooks" the device |
| by opening a PTP session to any MTP device, whenever it is |
| plugged in. This daemon proxies any subsequent transactions |
| to/from the device and will never close the session, thus |
| Windows simply does not close sessions at all. |
| |
| Typical sign of this illness: broken pipes on closing sessions, |
| on the main transfer pipes(s) or the interrupt pipe: |
| |
| Closing session |
| usb_clear_halt() on INTERRUPT endpoint: Broken pipe |
| OK. |
| |
| This means that device manufacturers doesn't notice any problems |
| with devices that do not correctly handle closing PTP/MTP |
| sessions, since Windows never do it. The proper way of closing |
| a session in Windows is to unplug the device, simply put. |
| |
| Since libmtp actually tries to close sessions, some devices |
| may fail since the close session functionality has never been |
| properly tested, and "it works with Windows" is sort of the |
| testing criteria at some companies. |
| |
| You can get Windows-like behaviour on Linux by running a HAL-aware |
| libmtp GUI client like Rhythmbox or Gnomad2, which will "hook" |
| the device when you plug it in, and "release" it if you unplug |
| it. |
| |
| If this bug in your device annoys you, contact your device |
| manufacturer and ask them to test their product with some libmtp |
| program. |
| |
| * Generic USB misbehaviour: some devices behave badly under MTP |
| and USB mass storage alike, even down to the lowest layers |
| of USB. You can always discuss such issues at the linux-usb |
| mailing list if you're using Linux: |
| http://www.linux-usb.org/mailing.html |
| |
| If you have a problem specific to USB mass storage mode, there |
| is a list of strange behaving devices in the Linux kernel: |
| http://lxr.linux.no/linux/drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h |
| You can discuss this too on the mentioned list, for understanding |
| the quirks, see: |
| http://www2.one-eyed-alien.net/~mdharm/linux-usb/target_offenses.txt |
| |
| * Kernel bug on Linux. Linux 2.6.16 is generally speaking required |
| to use any MTP device under USB 2.0. This is because the EHCI |
| driver previously did not support zero-length writes to endpoints. |
| It should work in most cases however, or if you connect it |
| to an UHCI/OHCI port instead (yielding lower speed). But |
| please just use a recent kernel. |
| |
| * Zen models AVI file seeking problem: the Zens cannot parse the |
| files for the runlength metadata. Do not transfer file with e.g. |
| mtp-sendfile, use mtp-sendtr and set the length of the track to |
| the apropriate number of seconds and it will work. In graphical |
| clients, use a "track transfer" function to send these AVI files, |
| the Zens need the metadata associated with tracks to play back |
| movies properly. Movies are considered "tracks" in the MTP world. |
| |
| * Some devices that disregard the metadata sent with the MTP |
| commands will parse the files for e.g. ID3 metadata. Some still |
| of these devices expect only ID3v2.3 metadata and will fail with |
| a modern ID3v2,4 tag writer, like many of those found in Linux |
| applications. Windows Media Player use ID3v2.3 only, so many |
| manufacturers only test this version. |
| |
| * The Zen Vision:M (possibly more Creative Zens) has a firmware bug |
| that makes it drop the last two characters off a playlist name. |
| It is fixed in later firmware. |
| |
| * For Creative Technology devices, there are hard limits on how |
| many files can be put onto the device. For a 30 GiB device (like |
| the Zen Xtra) the limit is 6000, for a 60 GiB device the limit |
| is 15000 files. For further Creative pecularities, see the |
| FAQ sections at www.nomadness.net. |
| |
| * Sandisk sansa c150 and probably several other Sandisk devices |
| (and possibly devices from other manufacturers) have a dual |
| mode with MTP and USB mass storage. The device will initially |
| claim to be mass storage so udev will capture is and make the |
| use of MTP mode impossible. One way of avoiding it could be to |
| be to blacklist the "usb-storage" module in |
| /etc/modprobe.c/blacklist with a row like this: |
| "blacklist usb-storage". Some have even removed the |
| "usb-storage.ko" (kernel module file) to avoid loading. |
| |
| * Sandisk Sansa Fuze has three modes: auto, MTP or mass storage |
| (MSC). Please set it to MTP to avoid problems with libmtp. |
| |
| * The iriver devices (possibly all of them) cannot handle the |
| enhanced GetObjectPropList MTP command (0x9805) properly. So |
| they have been banned from using it. |
| |
| * iriver devices have problems with older versions of libmtp and |
| with new devices libmtp does not know of as of yet, since it |
| has an oldstyle USB device controller that cannot handle zero |
| writes. (Register your device with us!) All their devices are |
| likely to need a special device flag in the src/libusb-glue.c |
| database. |
| |
| * The Samsung Yepp T9 has several strange characteristics, some |
| that we've managed to work around. (For example it will return |
| multiple PTP packages in a single transaction.) |
| |
| * The early firmware for Philips HDD players is known to be |
| problematic. Please upgrade to as new firmware as you can get. |
| (Yes this requires some kind of Windows Installation I think.) |
| |
| * Philips HDD 1630/16 or 1630/17 etc may lock themselves up, |
| turning inresponsive due to internal corruption. This typically |
| gives an error in opening the PTP session. Apparently you can |
| do a "repair" with the firmware utility (Windows only) which |
| will often fix this problem and make the device responsive |
| again. |
| |
| * Some devices that implement GetObjectPropList (0x9805) will |
| not return the entire object list if you request a list for object |
| 0xffffffffu. (But they should.) So they may need the special |
| |
| * Some (smaller) subset of devices cannot even get all the |
| properties for a single object in one go, these need the |
| iriver devices seem to have this bug. |
| |
| * The Toshiba Gigabeat S (and probably its sibling the |
| Microsoft Zune and other Toshiba devices) will only display |
| album information tags for a song in case there is also |
| an abstract album (created with the album interface) with |
| the exact same name. |
| |
| * The Zen Vision:M has an older firmware which is very corrupt, |
| it is incompatible with the Linux USB stack altogether. The |
| kernel dmesg will look something like this, and you have to |
| upgrade the firmware using Windows: |
| usb 4-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5 |
| usb 4-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice |
| usb 4-5: can't set config #1, error -110 |
| |
| * The Sirus Stiletto does not seem to allow you to copy any files |
| off the device. This may be someone's idea of copy protection. |
| |
| |
| Lost symbols |
| ------------ |
| |
| Shared libraries can be troublesome to users not experienced with |
| them. The following is a condensed version of a generic question |
| that has appeared on the libmtp mailing list from time to time. |
| |
| > PTP: Opening session |
| > Queried Creative Zen Vision:M |
| > gnomad2: relocation error: gnomad2: undefined symbol: |
| > LIBMTP_Get_Storageinfo |
| > (...) |
| > Are these type of errors related to libmtp or something else? |
| |
| The problem is of a generic nature, and related to dynamic library |
| loading. It is colloquially known as "dependency hell". |
| (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_hell) |
| |
| The gnomad2 application calls upon the dynamic linker in Linux to |
| resolve the symbol "LIBMTP_Get_Storageinfo" or any other symbol |
| (ELF symbol, or link point or whatever you want to call them, a |
| symbol is a label on a memory address that the linker shall |
| resolve from label to actual address.) |
| For generic information on this subject see the INSTALL file and |
| this Wikipedia page: |
| |
| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_(computing) |
| |
| When Linux /lib/ld-linux.so.X is called to link the symbols compiled |
| into gnomad2 (or any other executable using libmtp), it examines the |
| ELF file for the libmtp.so.X file it finds first and cannot resolve |
| the symbol "LIBMTP_Get_Storageinfo" (or whichever symbol you have a |
| problem witj) from it, since it's probably not there. There are many |
| possible causes of this symbol breakage: |
| |
| 1) You installed precompiled libmtp and gnomad2 packages (RPMs, debs |
| whatever) that do not match up. Typical cause: your gnomad2 package was |
| built against a newer version of libmtp than what's installed on your |
| machine. Another typical cause: you installed a package you found on |
| the web, somewhere, the dependency resolution system did not protest |
| properly (as it should) or you forced it to install anyway, ignoring |
| some warnings. |
| |
| 2) You compiled libmtp and/or gnomad2 from source, installing both or |
| either in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/bin. This means at compile-time |
| gnomad2 finds the libmtp library in /usr/local/lib but at runtime, it |
| depends on the Linux system wide library loader (/lib/ld-linux.so.X) in |
| order to resolve the symbols. This loader will look into the file |
| /etc/ld.so.conf and/or the folder /etc/ld.so.conf.d in order to find |
| paths to libraries to be used for resolving the symbols. If you have |
| some older version of libmtp in e.g. /usr/lib (typically installed by a |
| package manager) it will take precedence over the new version you just |
| installed in /usr/local/lib and the newly compiled library in |
| /usr/local/lib will *not* be used, resulting in this error message. |
| |
| 3) You really did install the very latest versions (as of writing libmtp |
| 0.1.5 and gnomad2 2.8.11) from source and there really is no |
| pre-installed package of either on your machine. In that case I'm |
| totally lost, I have no idea what's causing this. |
| |
| Typical remedies: |
| |
| 1) If you don't want to mess around with your system and risk these |
| situations, only use pre-packaged software that came with the |
| distribution or its official support channels. If it still breaks, |
| blame your distribution, they're not packaging correctly. Relying on |
| properly packaged software and not installing things yourself *is* the |
| Linux solution to the "dependency hell" problem. |
| |
| 2) Read about dynamically linked library handling until the stuff I wrote |
| about in the previous list sounds like music to your ears, inspect |
| your /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /etc/ld.so.conf and the |
| /etc/ld.so.conf.d, remove all pre-packed versions using RPM, APT, |
| YaST or whatever your distribution uses, compile libmtp and gnomad2 |
| (or whatever) from source only and you will be enlighted. |
| |
| I don't know if this helps you, it's the best answer we can give. |
| |
| |
| API is obscure - I want plain files! |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| PTP/MTP devices does not actually contain "files", they contain |
| objects. These objects have file names, but that is actually |
| just a name tag on the object. |
| |
| Folders/directories aren't really such entities: they are just |
| objects too, albeit objects that can act as parent to other |
| objects. They are called "associations" and are created in atomic |
| fashion and even though there is an MTP command to get all the |
| associations of a certain association, this command is optional |
| so it is perfectly possible (and most common, actually) to create |
| devices where the "folders" (which are actually associations) have |
| no idea whatsoever of what files they are associated as parents to |
| (i.e. which files they contain). This is very easy for device |
| manufacturers to implement, all the association (i.e. finding out |
| which files are in a certain folder) has to be done by the MTP |
| Initiator / host computer. |
| |
| Moving a file to a new folder is for example very simple in a |
| "real" file system. In PTP/MTP devices it is often not even possible, |
| some devices *may* be able to do that. But actually the only |
| reliable way of doing that is to upload the file to the host, |
| download it with the new parent, then delete the old file. |
| We have played with the idea of implementing this time consuming |
| function, perhaps we will. |
| |
| Then the issue that in PTP/MTP it is legal for two files to have |
| exactly the same path as long as their object IDs differ. A |
| folder/association can contain two files with the exact same name. |
| (And on the Creative devices this even works, too, though most devices |
| implicitly fail at this.) Perhaps one could add some custom hook for |
| handling that, so they become /Foo.mp3 and /Foo.mp3(1) or something |
| similar, but it's really a bit kludgy. |
| |
| Playlists and albums aren't really files, thinking about |
| them as files like the hacks in libgphoto2 is really backwards. They are |
| called associations and are more like a symbolic link that links in a |
| star-shaped pattern to all the files that are part of the album/playlist. |
| Some devices (Samsung) thought that was too complicated and have a |
| different way of storing playlists in an UTF-16 encoded .spl-like file |
| instead! This is why playlists/albums must have their own structs and |
| functions. |
| |
| Plain file access also assumes to be able to write files of an |
| undetermined size, which is simply not possible in a transactional |
| file system like PTP/MTP. (See further below.) |
| |
| |
| I Want Streaming! |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Streaming reads is easy. Just connect the output file descriptor from |
| LIBMTP_Get_File_To_File_Descriptor() (and a similar function for tracks) |
| wherever you want. |
| |
| People have connected this to TCP sockets for streaming web servers |
| etc, works like a charm. Some devices will even survive if the callback |
| functions return non-zero and cancel the download. Some devices will |
| lock up and even require a reset if you do that. Devices are poorly |
| implemented so that's life. If you want to stream off a device, the |
| best idea is always to stream the entire file and discard the stuff |
| at the end you don't want. It will incur a delay if you e.g. want to |
| skip between tracks, sadly. |
| |
| Then we get to the complicated things: streaming WRITES... |
| |
| There is a function: |
| LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File_Descriptor() (and similar for tracks) |
| which will write a file to a device from a file descriptor, which may |
| be a socket or whatever. |
| |
| HOWEVER: this requires a piece of metadata with the .filesize properly |
| set first. |
| |
| This is not because we think it is funny to require that, the protocol |
| requires it. The reason is that PTP/MTP is a transactional file system |
| and it wants to be able to deny file transfer if the file won't fit on |
| the device, so the transaction never even starts, it's impossible to |
| start a transaction without giving file length. |
| |
| People really want streaming so I tried a lot of hacks to see if they |
| would work, such as setting file size to 0xffffffffU or something other |
| unnaturally big and then aborting the file transfer when the stream ends. |
| It doesn't work: either the device crashes or the file simply disappears |
| since the device rolls back all failed transactions. |
| |
| So this is an inherent limitation of the PTP/MTP protocol. |