blob: b401a59609f3fd3456f706c8047eb2ca7bffe0c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
#include "OverrideLog.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <hardware/hardware.h>
#include <hardware/nfc.h>
#include "HalAdaptation.h"
* NCI HAL method implementations.
static int hal_open (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev, nfc_stack_callback_t *p_hal_cback, nfc_stack_data_callback_t *p_hal_data_callback)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t *dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiOpen (dev, p_hal_cback, p_hal_data_callback);
return retval;
static int hal_write (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev,
uint16_t data_len, const uint8_t *p_data)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiWrite (dev, data_len, p_data);
return retval;
static int hal_core_initialized (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev,
uint8_t* p_core_init_rsp_params)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiCoreInitialized (dev, p_core_init_rsp_params);
return retval;
static int hal_pre_discover (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiPreDiscover (dev);
return retval;
static int hal_close (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiClose (dev);
return retval;
static int hal_control_granted (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiControlGranted (dev);
return retval;
static int hal_power_cycle (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiPowerCycle (dev);
return retval;
static int hal_get_max_nfcee (const struct nfc_nci_device *p_dev, uint8_t* maxNfcee)
int retval = 0;
bcm2079x_dev_t* dev = (bcm2079x_dev_t*) p_dev;
retval = HaiGetMaxNfcee (dev, maxNfcee);
return retval;
* Generic device handling.
/* Close an opened nfc device instance */
static int nfc_close (hw_device_t *dev)
int retval = 0;
free (dev);
retval = HaiTerminateLibrary ();
return retval;
static int nfc_open (const hw_module_t* module, const char* name, hw_device_t** device)
ALOGD ("%s: enter; name=%s", __FUNCTION__, name);
int retval = 0; //0 is ok; -1 is error
if (strcmp (name, NFC_NCI_CONTROLLER) == 0)
bcm2079x_dev_t *dev = calloc (1, sizeof(bcm2079x_dev_t));
// Common hw_device_t fields
dev->nci_device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
dev->nci_device.common.version = 0x00010000; // [31:16] major, [15:0] minor
dev->nci_device.common.module = (struct hw_module_t*) module;
dev->nci_device.common.close = nfc_close;
// NCI HAL method pointers
dev-> = hal_open;
dev->nci_device.write = hal_write;
dev->nci_device.core_initialized = hal_core_initialized;
dev->nci_device.pre_discover = hal_pre_discover;
dev->nci_device.close = hal_close;
dev->nci_device.control_granted = hal_control_granted;
dev->nci_device.power_cycle = hal_power_cycle;
// TODO maco commented out for binary HAL compatibility
// dev->nci_device.get_max_ee = hal_get_max_nfcee;
// Copy in
*device = (hw_device_t*) dev;
retval = HaiInitializeLibrary (dev);
retval = -EINVAL;
ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
return retval;
static struct hw_module_methods_t nfc_module_methods =
.open = nfc_open,
struct nfc_nci_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM =
.common =
.tag = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, .module_api_version = 0x0100, // [15:8] major, [7:0] minor (1.0)
.hal_api_version = 0x00, // 0 is only valid value
.name = "Default NFC NCI HW HAL",
.author = "The Android Open Source Project",
.methods = &nfc_module_methods,