blob: 82a11c65d3f5cceed3ac8631b18c3811cec5a805 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <type_traits>
#include "ultrahdr_api.h"
#include "ultrahdr/ultrahdrcommon.h"
#include "ultrahdr/jpegr.h"
using namespace ultrahdr;
// Color gamuts for image data, sync with ultrahdr_api.h
constexpr int kCgMin = UHDR_CG_UNSPECIFIED;
constexpr int kCgMax = UHDR_CG_BT_2100;
// Color ranges for image data, sync with ultrahdr_api.h
constexpr int kCrMin = UHDR_CR_UNSPECIFIED;
constexpr int kCrMax = UHDR_CR_FULL_RANGE;
// Transfer functions for image data, sync with ultrahdr_api.h
constexpr int kTfMin = UHDR_CT_UNSPECIFIED;
constexpr int kTfMax = UHDR_CT_SRGB;
class UltraHdrEncFuzzer {
UltraHdrEncFuzzer(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) : mFdp(data, size) {};
void process();
template <typename T>
void fillBuffer(T* data, int width, int height, int stride);
FuzzedDataProvider mFdp;
template <typename T>
void UltraHdrEncFuzzer::fillBuffer(T* data, int width, int height, int stride) {
if (!mFdp.remaining_bytes()) return;
T* tmp = data;
std::vector<T> buffer(width);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); i++) {
buffer[i] = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<T>();
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += buffer.size()) {
memcpy(tmp + i,, std::min((int)buffer.size(), (width - i)) * sizeof(*data));
std::shuffle(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(),
tmp += stride;
void UltraHdrEncFuzzer::process() {
if (mFdp.remaining_bytes()) {
struct uhdr_raw_image hdrImg{};
struct uhdr_raw_image sdrImg{};
struct uhdr_raw_image gainmapImg{};
// which encode api to select
int muxSwitch = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(0, 4);
// hdr_img_fmt
int hdr_fmt_select = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(0, 2);
uhdr_img_fmt_t hdr_img_fmt;
if (hdr_fmt_select == 0) hdr_img_fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_24bppYCbCrP010;
else if (hdr_fmt_select == 1) hdr_img_fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA1010102;
else if (hdr_fmt_select == 2) hdr_img_fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_64bppRGBAHalfFloat;
// sdr_img_fmt
uhdr_img_fmt_t sdr_img_fmt =
mFdp.ConsumeBool() ? UHDR_IMG_FMT_12bppYCbCr420 : UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA8888;
if (muxSwitch > 1) sdr_img_fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_12bppYCbCr420;
// width
int width = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint16_t>(kMinWidth, kMaxWidth);
if (hdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_24bppYCbCrP010 || sdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_12bppYCbCr420) {
width = (width >> 1) << 1;
// height
int height = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint16_t>(kMinHeight, kMaxHeight);
if (hdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_24bppYCbCrP010 || sdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_12bppYCbCr420) {
height = (height >> 1) << 1;
// hdr Ct
auto hdr_ct =
static_cast<uhdr_color_transfer_t>(mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(kTfMin, kTfMax));
// hdr Cg
auto hdr_cg =
static_cast<uhdr_color_gamut_t>(mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(kCgMin, kCgMax));
// sdr Cg
auto sdr_cg =
static_cast<uhdr_color_gamut_t>(mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(kCgMin, kCgMax));
// color range
auto hdr_cr =
static_cast<uhdr_color_range_t>(mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int8_t>(kCrMin, kCrMax));
// base quality factor
auto base_quality = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int8_t>();
// gain_map quality factor
auto gainmap_quality = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int8_t>();
// multi channel gainmap
auto multi_channel_gainmap = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int8_t>();
// gainmap scale factor
auto gm_scale_factor = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int16_t>(-32, 192);
// encoding speed preset
auto enc_preset = mFdp.ConsumeBool() ? UHDR_USAGE_REALTIME : UHDR_USAGE_BEST_QUALITY;
// gainmap metadata
auto minBoost = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-4.0f, 64.0f);
auto maxBoost = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-4.0f, 64.0f);
auto gamma = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-1.0f, 5);
auto offsetSdr = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-1.0f, 1.0f);
auto offsetHdr = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-1.0f, 1.0f);
auto minCapacity = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-4.0f, 48.0f);
auto maxCapacity = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(-4.0f, 48.0f);
// target display peak brightness
auto targetDispPeakBrightness = mFdp.ConsumeFloatingPointInRange<float>(100.0f, 10500.0f);
// raw buffer config
bool hasHdrStride = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
size_t yHdrStride = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint16_t>(width, width + 128);
if (!hasHdrStride) yHdrStride = width;
bool isHdrUVContiguous = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
bool hasHdrUVStride = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
size_t uvHdrStride = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint16_t>(width, width + 128);
if (!hasHdrUVStride) uvHdrStride = width;
bool hasSdrStride = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
size_t ySdrStride = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint16_t>(width, width + 128);
if (!hasSdrStride) ySdrStride = width;
bool isSdrUVContiguous = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
bool hasSdrUVStride = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
size_t uvSdrStride = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint16_t>(width / 2, width / 2 + 128);
if (!hasSdrUVStride) uvSdrStride = width / 2;
// editing effects
auto applyMirror = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
uhdr_mirror_direction_t direction =
auto applyRotate = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
int degrees = degrees = mFdp.PickValueInArray({-90, 0, 90, 180, 270});
auto applyCrop = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
int left = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int16_t>();
int right = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int16_t>();
int top = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int16_t>();
int bottom = mFdp.ConsumeIntegral<int16_t>();
auto applyResize = mFdp.ConsumeBool();
int resizeWidth = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int32_t>(-32, kMaxWidth + 128);
int resizeHeight = mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<int32_t>(-32, kMaxHeight + 128);
// exif
char greeting[] = "Exif says hello world";
uhdr_mem_block_t exif{greeting, mFdp.ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(0, sizeof greeting * 2),
sizeof greeting};
ALOGV("encoding configuration options : ");
ALOGV("encoding api - %d ", (int)muxSwitch);
ALOGV("image dimensions %d x %d ", (int)width, (int)height);
ALOGV("hdr intent color aspects: gamut %d, transfer %d, range %d, format %d ", (int)hdr_cg,
(int)hdr_ct, (int)hdr_cr, (int)hdr_img_fmt);
ALOGV("sdr intent color aspects: gamut %d, format %d ", (int)sdr_cg, (int)sdr_img_fmt);
"gainmap img config: scale factor %d, enabled multichannel gainmap %s, gainmap quality %d ",
(int)gm_scale_factor, (int)multi_channel_gainmap ? "Yes" : "No", (int)gainmap_quality);
ALOGV("base image quality %d ", (int)base_quality);
ALOGV("encoding preset %d ", (int)enc_preset);
"gainmap metadata: min content boost %f, max content boost %f, gamma %f, offset sdr %f, "
"offset hdr %f, hdr min capacity %f, hdr max capacity %f",
(float)minBoost, (float)maxBoost, (float)gamma, (float)offsetSdr, (float)offsetHdr,
(float)minCapacity, (float)maxCapacity);
ALOGV("hdr intent luma stride %d, chroma stride %d", yHdrStride, uvHdrStride);
ALOGV("sdr intent luma stride %d, chroma stride %d", ySdrStride, uvSdrStride);
if (applyMirror) ALOGV("added mirror effect, direction %d", (int)direction);
if (applyRotate) ALOGV("added rotate effect, degrees %d", (int)degrees);
if (applyCrop)
ALOGV("added crop effect, crop-left %d, crop-right %d, crop-top %d, crop-bottom %d", left,
right, top, bottom);
if (applyResize)
ALOGV("added resize effect, resize wd %d, resize ht %d", resizeWidth, resizeHeight);
std::unique_ptr<uint64_t[]> bufferFpHdr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> bufferHdr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint16_t[]> bufferYHdr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint16_t[]> bufferUVHdr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> bufferYSdr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> bufferUVSdr = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> gainMapImageRaw = nullptr;
uhdr_codec_private_t* enc_handle = uhdr_create_encoder();
if (!enc_handle) {
ALOGE("Failed to create encoder");
#define ON_ERR(x) \
{ \
uhdr_error_info_t status_ = (x); \
if (status_.error_code != UHDR_CODEC_OK) { \
if (status_.has_detail) { \
ALOGE("%s", status_.detail); \
} \
} \
if (muxSwitch != 4) {
// init p010/rgba1010102 image
hdrImg.w = width;
hdrImg.h = height; = hdr_cg;
hdrImg.fmt = hdr_img_fmt;
hdrImg.ct = hdr_ct;
hdrImg.range = hdr_cr;
hdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = yHdrStride;
if (hdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_24bppYCbCrP010) {
if (isHdrUVContiguous) {
size_t p010Size = yHdrStride * height * 3 / 2;
bufferYHdr = std::make_unique<uint16_t[]>(p010Size);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = bufferYHdr.get();
fillBuffer<uint16_t>(bufferYHdr.get(), width, height, yHdrStride);
fillBuffer<uint16_t>(bufferYHdr.get() + yHdrStride * height, width, height / 2,
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_UV] = bufferYHdr.get() + yHdrStride * height;
hdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_UV] = yHdrStride;
} else {
size_t p010Size = yHdrStride * height;
bufferYHdr = std::make_unique<uint16_t[]>(p010Size);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = bufferYHdr.get();
fillBuffer<uint16_t>(bufferYHdr.get(), width, height, yHdrStride);
size_t p010UVSize = uvHdrStride * hdrImg.h / 2;
bufferUVHdr = std::make_unique<uint16_t[]>(p010UVSize);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_UV] = bufferUVHdr.get();
hdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_UV] = uvHdrStride;
fillBuffer<uint16_t>(bufferUVHdr.get(), width, height / 2, uvHdrStride);
} else if (hdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA1010102) {
size_t rgba1010102Size = yHdrStride * height;
bufferHdr = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(rgba1010102Size);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_PACKED] = bufferHdr.get();
fillBuffer<uint32_t>(bufferHdr.get(), width, height, yHdrStride);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_U] = nullptr;
hdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_U] = 0;
} else if (hdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_64bppRGBAHalfFloat) {
size_t rgbafp16Size = yHdrStride * height;
bufferFpHdr = std::make_unique<uint64_t[]>(rgbafp16Size);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_PACKED] = bufferFpHdr.get();
fillBuffer<uint64_t>(bufferFpHdr.get(), width, height, yHdrStride);
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_U] = nullptr;
hdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_U] = 0;
hdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_V] = nullptr;
hdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_V] = 0;
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_raw_image(enc_handle, &hdrImg, UHDR_HDR_IMG))
} else {
size_t map_width = width / ((gm_scale_factor <= 0) ? 1 : gm_scale_factor);
size_t map_height = height / ((gm_scale_factor <= 0) ? 1 : gm_scale_factor);
gainmapImg.fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_8bppYCbCr400;
gainmapImg.w = map_width;
gainmapImg.h = map_height; = UHDR_CG_UNSPECIFIED;
gainmapImg.ct = UHDR_CT_UNSPECIFIED;
gainmapImg.range = UHDR_CR_FULL_RANGE;
const size_t graySize = map_width * map_height;
gainMapImageRaw = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(graySize);
gainmapImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = gainMapImageRaw.get();
gainmapImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = map_width;
gainmapImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_U] = nullptr;
gainmapImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_V] = nullptr;
gainmapImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_U] = 0;
gainmapImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_V] = 0;
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(gainMapImageRaw.get(), map_width, map_height, map_width);
if (muxSwitch > 0) {
// init yuv420 Image
if (sdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_12bppYCbCr420) {
sdrImg.w = width;
sdrImg.h = height; = sdr_cg;
sdrImg.fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_12bppYCbCr420;
sdrImg.ct = UHDR_CT_SRGB;
sdrImg.range = UHDR_CR_FULL_RANGE;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = ySdrStride;
if (isSdrUVContiguous) {
size_t yuv420Size = ySdrStride * height * 3 / 2;
bufferYSdr = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(yuv420Size);
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = bufferYSdr.get();
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_U] = bufferYSdr.get() + ySdrStride * height;
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_V] = bufferYSdr.get() + ySdrStride * height * 5 / 4;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_U] = ySdrStride / 2;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_V] = ySdrStride / 2;
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(bufferYSdr.get(), width, height, ySdrStride);
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(bufferYSdr.get() + ySdrStride * height, width / 2, height / 2,
ySdrStride / 2);
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(bufferYSdr.get() + ySdrStride * height * 5 / 4, width / 2, height / 2,
ySdrStride / 2);
} else {
size_t yuv420YSize = ySdrStride * height;
bufferYSdr = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(yuv420YSize);
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_Y] = bufferYSdr.get();
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(bufferYSdr.get(), width, height, ySdrStride);
size_t yuv420UVSize = uvSdrStride * sdrImg.h / 2 * 2;
bufferUVSdr = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(yuv420UVSize);
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_U] = bufferUVSdr.get();
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_U] = uvSdrStride;
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(bufferUVSdr.get(), width / 2, height / 2, uvSdrStride);
fillBuffer<uint8_t>(bufferUVSdr.get() + uvSdrStride * height / 2, width / 2, height / 2,
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_V] = bufferUVSdr.get() + uvSdrStride * height / 2;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_V] = uvSdrStride;
} else if (sdr_img_fmt == UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA8888) {
sdrImg.w = width;
sdrImg.h = height; = sdr_cg;
sdrImg.fmt = UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA8888;
sdrImg.ct = UHDR_CT_SRGB;
sdrImg.range = UHDR_CR_FULL_RANGE;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_PACKED] = ySdrStride;
size_t rgba8888Size = ySdrStride * height;
bufferHdr = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(rgba8888Size);
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_PACKED] = bufferHdr.get();
fillBuffer<uint32_t>(bufferHdr.get(), width, height, ySdrStride);
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_U] = nullptr;
sdrImg.planes[UHDR_PLANE_V] = nullptr;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_U] = 0;
sdrImg.stride[UHDR_PLANE_V] = 0;
if (muxSwitch == 1 || muxSwitch == 2) {
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_raw_image(enc_handle, &sdrImg, UHDR_SDR_IMG))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_quality(enc_handle, base_quality, UHDR_BASE_IMG))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_quality(enc_handle, gainmap_quality, UHDR_GAIN_MAP_IMG))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_exif_data(enc_handle, &exif))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_using_multi_channel_gainmap(enc_handle, multi_channel_gainmap))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_gainmap_scale_factor(enc_handle, gm_scale_factor))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_gainmap_gamma(enc_handle, gamma))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_min_max_content_boost(enc_handle, minBoost, maxBoost))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_target_display_peak_brightness(enc_handle, targetDispPeakBrightness))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_preset(enc_handle, enc_preset))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enable_gpu_acceleration(enc_handle, 1))
if (applyMirror) ON_ERR(uhdr_add_effect_mirror(enc_handle, direction))
if (applyRotate) ON_ERR(uhdr_add_effect_rotate(enc_handle, degrees))
if (applyCrop) ON_ERR(uhdr_add_effect_crop(enc_handle, left, right, top, bottom))
if (applyResize) ON_ERR(uhdr_add_effect_resize(enc_handle, resizeWidth, resizeHeight))
uhdr_error_info_t status = {UHDR_CODEC_OK, 0, ""};
if (muxSwitch == 0 || muxSwitch == 1) { // api 0 or api 1
status = uhdr_encode(enc_handle);
} else {
// compressed img
JpegEncoderHelper encoder;
if (encoder.compressImage(&sdrImg, base_quality, nullptr, 0).error_code == UHDR_CODEC_OK) {
struct uhdr_compressed_image jpegImg = encoder.getCompressedImage(); = sdr_cg;
if (muxSwitch != 4) {
// for api 4 compressed image will be set with UHDR_BASE_IMG intent
uhdr_enc_set_compressed_image(enc_handle, &jpegImg, UHDR_SDR_IMG);
if (muxSwitch == 2 || muxSwitch == 3) { // api 2 or api 3
status = uhdr_encode(enc_handle);
} else if (muxSwitch == 4) { // api 4
JpegEncoderHelper gainMapEncoder;
if (gainMapEncoder.compressImage(&gainmapImg, gainmap_quality, nullptr, 0).error_code ==
struct uhdr_compressed_image jpegGainMap = gainMapEncoder.getCompressedImage();
uhdr_gainmap_metadata metadata;
metadata.max_content_boost = maxBoost;
metadata.min_content_boost = minBoost;
metadata.gamma = gamma;
metadata.offset_sdr = offsetSdr;
metadata.offset_hdr = offsetHdr;
metadata.hdr_capacity_min = minCapacity;
metadata.hdr_capacity_max = maxCapacity;
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_compressed_image(enc_handle, &jpegImg, UHDR_BASE_IMG))
ON_ERR(uhdr_enc_set_gainmap_image(enc_handle, &jpegGainMap, &metadata))
status = uhdr_encode(enc_handle);
if (status.error_code == UHDR_CODEC_OK) {
auto output = uhdr_get_encoded_stream(enc_handle);
if (output != nullptr) {
uhdr_codec_private_t* dec_handle = uhdr_create_decoder();
if (dec_handle) {
ON_ERR(uhdr_dec_set_image(dec_handle, output))
ON_ERR(uhdr_dec_set_out_color_transfer(dec_handle, hdr_ct))
if (hdr_ct == UHDR_CT_LINEAR)
ON_ERR(uhdr_dec_set_out_img_format(dec_handle, UHDR_IMG_FMT_64bppRGBAHalfFloat))
else if (hdr_ct == UHDR_CT_SRGB)
ON_ERR(uhdr_dec_set_out_img_format(dec_handle, UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA8888))
ON_ERR(uhdr_dec_set_out_img_format(dec_handle, UHDR_IMG_FMT_32bppRGBA1010102))
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
UltraHdrEncFuzzer fuzzHandle(data, size);
return 0;