blob: 2b7bbaaada8359959ee01057f719e629c504336e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <cfloat>
#include "ultrahdr_api.h"
#include "ultrahdr/ultrahdr.h"
#include "ultrahdr/ultrahdrcommon.h"
#include "ultrahdr/jpegdecoderhelper.h"
#include "ultrahdr/jpegencoderhelper.h"
namespace ultrahdr {
// Default configurations
// gainmap image downscale factor
static const int kMapDimensionScaleFactorDefault = 1;
static const int kMapDimensionScaleFactorAndroidDefault = 4;
// JPEG compress quality (0 ~ 100) for base image
static const int kBaseCompressQualityDefault = 95;
// JPEG compress quality (0 ~ 100) for gain map
static const int kMapCompressQualityDefault = 95;
static const int kMapCompressQualityAndroidDefault = 85;
// Gain map calculation
static const bool kUseMultiChannelGainMapDefault = true;
static const bool kUseMultiChannelGainMapAndroidDefault = false;
// encoding preset
static const uhdr_enc_preset_t kEncSpeedPresetDefault = UHDR_USAGE_BEST_QUALITY;
static const uhdr_enc_preset_t kEncSpeedPresetAndroidDefault = UHDR_USAGE_REALTIME;
// Default gamma value for gain map
static const float kGainMapGammaDefault = 1.0f;
// The current JPEGR version that we encode to
static const char* const kJpegrVersion = "1.0";
* Holds information of jpeg image
struct jpeg_info_struct {
std::vector<uint8_t> imgData = std::vector<uint8_t>(0);
std::vector<uint8_t> iccData = std::vector<uint8_t>(0);
std::vector<uint8_t> exifData = std::vector<uint8_t>(0);
std::vector<uint8_t> xmpData = std::vector<uint8_t>(0);
std::vector<uint8_t> isoData = std::vector<uint8_t>(0);
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int numComponents;
* Holds information of jpegr image
struct jpegr_info_struct {
unsigned int width; // copy of primary image width (for easier access)
unsigned int height; // copy of primary image height (for easier access)
jpeg_info_struct* primaryImgInfo = nullptr;
jpeg_info_struct* gainmapImgInfo = nullptr;
typedef struct jpeg_info_struct* j_info_ptr;
typedef struct jpegr_info_struct* jr_info_ptr;
class JpegR {
JpegR(void* uhdrGLESCtxt = nullptr,
int mapDimensionScaleFactor = kMapDimensionScaleFactorAndroidDefault,
int mapCompressQuality = kMapCompressQualityAndroidDefault,
bool useMultiChannelGainMap = kUseMultiChannelGainMapAndroidDefault,
float gamma = kGainMapGammaDefault,
uhdr_enc_preset_t preset = kEncSpeedPresetAndroidDefault, float minContentBoost = FLT_MIN,
float maxContentBoost = FLT_MAX, float targetDispPeakBrightness = -1.0f);
/*!\brief Encode API-0.
* Create ultrahdr jpeg image from raw hdr intent.
* Experimental only.
* Input hdr image is tonemapped to sdr image. A gainmap coefficient is computed between hdr and
* sdr intent. sdr intent and gain map coefficient are compressed using jpeg encoding. compressed
* gainmap is appended at the end of compressed sdr image.
* \param[in] hdr_intent hdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store compressed ultrahdr image
* \param[in] quality quality factor for sdr intent jpeg compression
* \param[in] exif optional exif metadata that needs to be inserted in
* compressed output
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t encodeJPEGR(uhdr_raw_image_t* hdr_intent, uhdr_compressed_image_t* dest,
int quality, uhdr_mem_block_t* exif);
/*!\brief Encode API-1.
* Create ultrahdr jpeg image from raw hdr intent and raw sdr intent.
* A gainmap coefficient is computed between hdr and sdr intent. sdr intent and gain map
* coefficient are compressed using jpeg encoding. compressed gainmap is appended at the end of
* compressed sdr image.
* NOTE: Color transfer of sdr intent is expected to be sRGB.
* \param[in] hdr_intent hdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in] sdr_intent sdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store compressed ultrahdr image
* \param[in] quality quality factor for sdr intent jpeg compression
* \param[in] exif optional exif metadata that needs to be inserted in
* compressed output
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t encodeJPEGR(uhdr_raw_image_t* hdr_intent, uhdr_raw_image_t* sdr_intent,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* dest, int quality, uhdr_mem_block_t* exif);
/*!\brief Encode API-2.
* Create ultrahdr jpeg image from raw hdr intent, raw sdr intent and compressed sdr intent.
* A gainmap coefficient is computed between hdr and sdr intent. gain map coefficient is
* compressed using jpeg encoding. compressed gainmap is appended at the end of compressed sdr
* intent. ICC profile is added if one isn't present in the sdr intent JPEG image.
* NOTE: Color transfer of sdr intent is expected to be sRGB.
* NOTE: sdr intent raw and compressed inputs are expected to be related via compress/decompress
* operations.
* \param[in] hdr_intent hdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in] sdr_intent sdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in] sdr_intent_compressed sdr intent compressed input image descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store compressed ultrahdr
* image
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t encodeJPEGR(uhdr_raw_image_t* hdr_intent, uhdr_raw_image_t* sdr_intent,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* sdr_intent_compressed,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* dest);
/*!\brief Encode API-3.
* Create ultrahdr jpeg image from raw hdr intent and compressed sdr intent.
* The sdr intent is decoded and a gainmap coefficient is computed between hdr and sdr intent.
* gain map coefficient is compressed using jpeg encoding. compressed gainmap is appended at the
* end of compressed sdr image. ICC profile is added if one isn't present in the sdr intent JPEG
* image.
* NOTE: Color transfer of sdr intent is expected to be sRGB.
* \param[in] hdr_intent hdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in] sdr_intent_compressed sdr intent compressed input image descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store compressed ultrahdr
* image
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t encodeJPEGR(uhdr_raw_image_t* hdr_intent,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* sdr_intent_compressed,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* dest);
/*!\brief Encode API-4.
* Create ultrahdr jpeg image from compressed sdr image and compressed gainmap image
* compressed gainmap image is added at the end of compressed sdr image. ICC profile is added if
* one isn't present in the sdr intent compressed image.
* \param[in] base_img_compressed sdr intent compressed input image descriptor
* \param[in] gainmap_img_compressed gainmap compressed image descriptor
* \param[in] metadata gainmap metadata descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store compressed ultrahdr
* image
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t encodeJPEGR(uhdr_compressed_image_t* base_img_compressed,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* gainmap_img_compressed,
uhdr_gainmap_metadata_ext_t* metadata,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* dest);
/*!\brief Decode API.
* Decompress ultrahdr jpeg image.
* NOTE: This method requires that the ultrahdr input image contains an ICC profile with primaries
* that match those of a color gamut that this library is aware of; Bt.709, Display-P3, or
* Bt.2100. It also assumes the base image color transfer characteristics are sRGB.
* \param[in] uhdr_compressed_img compressed ultrahdr image descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store decoded output
* \param[in] max_display_boost (optional) the maximum available boost supported by a
* display, the value must be greater than or equal
* to 1.0
* \param[in] output_ct (optional) output color transfer
* \param[in] output_format (optional) output pixel format
* \param[in, out] gainmap_img (optional) output image descriptor to store decoded
* gainmap image
* \param[in, out] gainmap_metadata (optional) descriptor to store gainmap metadata
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
* NOTE: This method only supports single gain map metadata values for fields that allow
* multi-channel metadata values.
* NOTE: Not all combinations of output color transfer and output pixel format are supported.
* Refer below table for supported combinations.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | color transfer | color format |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | SDR | 32bppRGBA8888 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | HDR_LINEAR | 64bppRGBAHalfFloat |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | HDR_PQ | 32bppRGBA1010102 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | HDR_HLG | 32bppRGBA1010102 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
uhdr_error_info_t decodeJPEGR(uhdr_compressed_image_t* uhdr_compressed_img,
uhdr_raw_image_t* dest, float max_display_boost = FLT_MAX,
uhdr_color_transfer_t output_ct = UHDR_CT_LINEAR,
uhdr_img_fmt_t output_format = UHDR_IMG_FMT_64bppRGBAHalfFloat,
uhdr_raw_image_t* gainmap_img = nullptr,
uhdr_gainmap_metadata_t* gainmap_metadata = nullptr);
/*!\brief This function parses the bitstream and returns information that is useful for actual
* decoding. This does not decode the image. That is handled by decodeJPEGR
* \param[in] uhdr_compressed_img compressed ultrahdr image descriptor
* \param[in, out] uhdr_image_info image info descriptor
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t getJPEGRInfo(uhdr_compressed_image_t* uhdr_compressed_img,
jr_info_ptr uhdr_image_info);
/*!\brief set gain map dimension scale factor
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \param[in] mapDimensionScaleFactor scale factor
* \return none
void setMapDimensionScaleFactor(int mapDimensionScaleFactor) {
this->mMapDimensionScaleFactor = mapDimensionScaleFactor;
/*!\brief get gain map dimension scale factor
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \return mapDimensionScaleFactor
int getMapDimensionScaleFactor() { return this->mMapDimensionScaleFactor; }
/*!\brief set gain map compression quality factor
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \param[in] mapCompressQuality quality factor for gain map image compression
* \return none
void setMapCompressQuality(int mapCompressQuality) {
this->mMapCompressQuality = mapCompressQuality;
/*!\brief get gain map quality factor
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \return quality factor
int getMapCompressQuality() { return this->mMapCompressQuality; }
/*!\brief set gain map gamma
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \param[in] gamma gamma parameter that is used for gain map calculation
* \return none
void setGainMapGamma(float gamma) { this->mGamma = gamma; }
/*!\brief get gain map gamma
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \return gamma parameter
float getGainMapGamma() { return this->mGamma; }
/*!\brief enable / disable multi channel gain map
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \param[in] useMultiChannelGainMap enable / disable multi channel gain map
* \return none
void setUseMultiChannelGainMap(bool useMultiChannelGainMap) {
this->mUseMultiChannelGainMap = useMultiChannelGainMap;
/*!\brief check if multi channel gain map is enabled
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \return true if multi channel gain map is enabled, false otherwise
bool isUsingMultiChannelGainMap() { return this->mUseMultiChannelGainMap; }
/*!\brief set gain map min and max content boost
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \param[in] minBoost gain map min content boost
* \param[in] maxBoost gain map max content boost
* \return none
void setGainMapMinMaxContentBoost(float minBoost, float maxBoost) {
this->mMinContentBoost = minBoost;
this->mMaxContentBoost = maxBoost;
/*!\brief get gain map min max content boost
* NOTE: Applicable only in encoding scenario
* \param[out] minBoost gain map min content boost
* \param[out] maxBoost gain map max content boost
* \return none
void getGainMapMinMaxContentBoost(float& minBoost, float& maxBoost) {
minBoost = this->mMinContentBoost;
maxBoost = this->mMaxContentBoost;
/* \brief Alias of Encode API-0.
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its alias
status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf,
jr_compressed_ptr dest, int quality, jr_exif_ptr exif);
/* \brief Alias of Encode API-1.
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its actual
status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest, int quality,
jr_exif_ptr exif);
/* \brief Alias of Encode API-2.
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its actual
status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
jr_compressed_ptr yuv420jpg_image_ptr, ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf,
jr_compressed_ptr dest);
/* \brief Alias of Encode API-3.
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its actual
status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, jr_compressed_ptr yuv420jpg_image_ptr,
ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest);
/* \brief Alias of Encode API-4.
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its actual
status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_compressed_ptr yuv420jpg_image_ptr,
jr_compressed_ptr gainmapjpg_image_ptr, ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata,
jr_compressed_ptr dest);
/* \brief Alias of Decode API
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its actual
status_t decodeJPEGR(jr_compressed_ptr jpegr_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr dest,
float max_display_boost = FLT_MAX, jr_exif_ptr exif = nullptr,
ultrahdr_output_format output_format = ULTRAHDR_OUTPUT_HDR_LINEAR,
jr_uncompressed_ptr gainmap_image_ptr = nullptr,
ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata = nullptr);
/* \brief Alias of getJPEGRInfo
* \deprecated This function is deprecated. Use its actual
status_t getJPEGRInfo(jr_compressed_ptr jpegr_image_ptr, jr_info_ptr jpegr_image_info_ptr);
/*!\brief This function receives iso block and / or xmp block and parses gainmap metadata and fill
* the output descriptor. If both iso block and xmp block are available, then iso block is
* preferred over xmp.
* \param[in] iso_data iso memory block
* \param[in] iso_size iso block size
* \param[in] xmp_data xmp memory block
* \param[in] xmp_size xmp block size
* \param[in, out] gainmap_metadata gainmap metadata descriptor
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t parseGainMapMetadata(uint8_t* iso_data, size_t iso_size, uint8_t* xmp_data,
size_t xmp_size,
uhdr_gainmap_metadata_ext_t* uhdr_metadata);
/*!\brief This method is used to tone map a hdr image
* \param[in] hdr_intent hdr image descriptor
* \param[in, out] sdr_intent sdr image descriptor
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t toneMap(uhdr_raw_image_t* hdr_intent, uhdr_raw_image_t* sdr_intent);
/*!\brief This method takes hdr intent and sdr intent and computes gainmap coefficient.
* This method is called in the encoding pipeline. It takes uncompressed 8-bit and 10-bit yuv
* images as input and calculates gainmap.
* NOTE: The input images must be the same resolution.
* NOTE: The SDR input is assumed to use the sRGB transfer function.
* \param[in] sdr_intent sdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in] hdr_intent hdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in, out] gainmap_metadata gainmap metadata descriptor
* \param[in, out] gainmap_img gainmap image descriptor
* \param[in] sdr_is_601 (optional) if sdr_is_601 is true, then use BT.601
* gamut to represent sdr intent regardless of the value
* present in the sdr intent image descriptor
* \param[in] use_luminance (optional) used for single channel gainmap. If
* use_luminance is true, gainmap calculation is based
* on the pixel's luminance which is a weighted
* combination of r, g, b channels; otherwise, gainmap
* calculation is based of the maximun value of r, g, b
* channels.
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t generateGainMap(uhdr_raw_image_t* sdr_intent, uhdr_raw_image_t* hdr_intent,
uhdr_gainmap_metadata_ext_t* gainmap_metadata,
std::unique_ptr<uhdr_raw_image_ext_t>& gainmap_img,
bool sdr_is_601 = false, bool use_luminance = true);
/*!\brief This method takes sdr intent, gainmap image and gainmap metadata and computes hdr
* intent. This method is called in the decoding pipeline. The output hdr intent image will have
* same color gamut as sdr intent.
* NOTE: The SDR input is assumed to use the sRGB transfer function.
* \param[in] sdr_intent sdr intent raw input image descriptor
* \param[in] gainmap_img gainmap image descriptor
* \param[in] gainmap_metadata gainmap metadata descriptor
* \param[in] output_ct output color transfer
* \param[in] output_format output pixel format
* \param[in] max_display_boost the maximum available boost supported by a
* display, the value must be greater than or equal
* to 1.0
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store output
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t applyGainMap(uhdr_raw_image_t* sdr_intent, uhdr_raw_image_t* gainmap_img,
uhdr_gainmap_metadata_ext_t* gainmap_metadata,
uhdr_color_transfer_t output_ct, uhdr_img_fmt_t output_format,
float max_display_boost, uhdr_raw_image_t* dest);
/*!\brief compress gainmap image
* \param[in] gainmap_img gainmap image descriptor
* \param[in] jpeg_enc_obj jpeg encoder object handle
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t compressGainMap(uhdr_raw_image_t* gainmap_img, JpegEncoderHelper* jpeg_enc_obj);
/*!\brief This method is called to separate base image and gain map image from compressed
* ultrahdr image
* \param[in] jpegr_image compressed ultrahdr image descriptor
* \param[in, out] primary_image sdr image descriptor
* \param[in, out] gainmap_image gainmap image descriptor
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t extractPrimaryImageAndGainMap(uhdr_compressed_image_t* jpegr_image,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* primary_image,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* gainmap_image);
/*!\brief This function parses the bitstream and returns metadata that is useful for actual
* decoding. This does not decode the image. That is handled by decompressImage().
* \param[in] jpeg_image compressed jpeg image descriptor
* \param[in, out] image_info image info descriptor
* \param[in, out] img_width (optional) image width
* \param[in, out] img_height (optional) image height
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t parseJpegInfo(uhdr_compressed_image_t* jpeg_image, j_info_ptr image_info,
unsigned int* img_width = nullptr,
unsigned int* img_height = nullptr);
/*!\brief This method takes compressed sdr intent, compressed gainmap coefficient, gainmap
* metadata and creates a ultrahdr image. This is done by first generating XMP packet from gainmap
* metadata, then appending in the order,
* SOI, APP2 (Exif is present), APP2 (XMP), base image, gain map image.
* NOTE: In the final output, EXIF package will appear if ONLY ONE of the following conditions is
* fulfilled:
* (1) EXIF package is available from outside input. I.e. pExif != nullptr.
* (2) Compressed sdr intent has EXIF.
* If both conditions are fulfilled, this method will return error indicating that it is unable to
* choose which exif to be placed in the bitstream.
* \param[in] sdr_intent_compressed sdr intent image descriptor
* \param[in] gainmap_compressed gainmap intent input image descriptor
* \param[in] pExif exif block to be placed in the bitstream
* \param[in] pIcc pointer to icc segment that needs to be added to the
* compressed image
* \param[in] icc_size size of icc segment
* \param[in] metadata gainmap metadata descriptor
* \param[in, out] dest output image descriptor to store compressed ultrahdr
* image
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t appendGainMap(uhdr_compressed_image_t* sdr_intent_compressed,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* gainmap_compressed,
uhdr_mem_block_t* pExif, void* pIcc, size_t icc_size,
uhdr_gainmap_metadata_ext_t* metadata,
uhdr_compressed_image_t* dest);
/*!\brief This method is used to convert a raw image from one gamut space to another gamut space
* in-place.
* \param[in, out] image raw image descriptor
* \param[in] src_encoding input gamut space
* \param[in] dst_encoding destination gamut space
* \return uhdr_error_info_t #UHDR_CODEC_OK if operation succeeds, uhdr_codec_err_t otherwise.
uhdr_error_info_t convertYuv(uhdr_raw_image_t* image, uhdr_color_gamut_t src_encoding,
uhdr_color_gamut_t dst_encoding);
* This method will check the validity of the input arguments.
* @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
* @param yuv420_image_ptr pointer to uncompressed SDR image struct. HDR image is expected to
* be in 420p color format
* @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
* @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
* represents the maximum available size of the desitination buffer, and it must be
* set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
* {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
* @return NO_ERROR if the input args are valid, error code is not valid.
status_t areInputArgumentsValid(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr,
jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest_ptr);
* This method will check the validity of the input arguments.
* @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
* @param yuv420_image_ptr pointer to uncompressed SDR image struct. HDR image is expected to
* be in 420p color format
* @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
* @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
* represents the maximum available size of the destination buffer, and it must be
* set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
* {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
* @param quality target quality of the JPEG encoding, must be in range of 0-100 where 100 is
* the highest quality
* @return NO_ERROR if the input args are valid, error code is not valid.
status_t areInputArgumentsValid(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr,
jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest,
int quality);
// Configurations
void* mUhdrGLESCtxt; // opengl es context
int mMapDimensionScaleFactor; // gain map scale factor
int mMapCompressQuality; // gain map quality factor
bool mUseMultiChannelGainMap; // enable multichannel gain map
float mGamma; // gain map gamma parameter
uhdr_enc_preset_t mEncPreset; // encoding speed preset
float mMinContentBoost; // min content boost recommendation
float mMaxContentBoost; // max content boost recommendation
float mTargetDispPeakBrightness; // target display max luminance in nits
* Holds tonemapping results of a pixel
struct GlobalTonemapOutputs {
std::array<float, 3> rgb_out;
float y_hdr;
float y_sdr;
/*!\brief Applies a global tone mapping, based on Chrome's HLG/PQ rendering implemented at
* \param[in] rgb_in hdr intent pixel in array format.
* \param[in] headroom ratio between hdr and sdr peak luminances. Must be greater
* than 1. If the input is normalized, then this is used to
* stretch it linearly from [0.0..1.0] to [0.0..headroom]
* \param[in] is_normalized marker to differentiate, if the input is normalized.
* \return tonemapped pixel in the normalized range [0.0..1.0]
GlobalTonemapOutputs globalTonemap(const std::array<float, 3>& rgb_in, float headroom,
bool is_normalized);
} // namespace ultrahdr