blob: cf9bce4ca96be4c2eaf97348bbeacc81a3596d96 [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ixheaac_type_def.h"
#include "ixheaac_constants.h"
#include "ixheaace_aac_constants.h"
#include "ixheaac_error_standards.h"
#include "ixheaace_error_codes.h"
#include "ixheaac_basic_ops32.h"
#include "ixheaac_basic_ops16.h"
#include "ixheaac_basic_ops40.h"
#include "ixheaac_basic_ops.h"
#include "ixheaace_common_rom.h"
#include "ixheaace_sbr_header.h"
#include "ixheaace_sbr_def.h"
#include "ixheaace_resampler.h"
#include "ixheaace_sbr_rom.h"
#include "ixheaace_sbr_tran_det.h"
#include "ixheaace_sbr_main.h"
#include "ixheaace_sbr_frame_info_gen.h"
static IA_ERRORCODE ixheaace_spectral_change(FLOAT32 *ptr_energies[16], FLOAT32 total_energy,
WORD32 num_sfb, WORD32 start, WORD32 border,
WORD32 stop, WORD32 is_ld_sbr, FLOAT32 *ptr_delta) {
WORD32 i, j;
WORD32 len1 = border - start;
WORD32 len2 = stop - border;
FLOAT32 energy_1[MAXIMUM_FREQ_COEFFS] = {0};
FLOAT32 energy_2[MAXIMUM_FREQ_COEFFS] = {0};
FLOAT32 len_ratio = (FLOAT32)len1 / (FLOAT32)(len2);
FLOAT32 delta, delta_sum = 0.0f;
FLOAT32 pos_wt = (0.5f - (FLOAT32)len1 / (FLOAT32)(len1 + len2));
pos_wt = 1.0f - 4.0f * pos_wt * pos_wt;
if ((is_ld_sbr) && (total_energy == 0.0f)) {
*ptr_delta = 0.0f;
return IA_NO_ERROR;
if (!is_ld_sbr) {
for (j = 0; j < num_sfb; j++) {
energy_1[j] = 1.0e6f * len1;
energy_2[j] = 1.0e6f * len2;
for (j = 0; j < num_sfb; j++) {
for (i = start; i < border; i++) {
energy_1[j] += ptr_energies[i][j];
for (i = border; i < stop; i++) {
energy_2[j] += ptr_energies[i][j];
delta = (float)fabs(log(energy_2[j] / energy_1[j] * len_ratio));
delta_sum += (float)(sqrt((energy_1[j] + energy_2[j]) / total_energy) * delta);
*ptr_delta = delta_sum * pos_wt;
return IA_NO_ERROR;
FLOAT32 ixheaace_add_lowband_energies(FLOAT32 **ptr_energies, UWORD8 *ptr_freq_band_tab,
WORD32 time_slots, WORD32 is_ld_sbr) {
WORD32 band, ts;
FLOAT32 energy = 1.0f;
WORD32 tran_offset = 0;
if (is_ld_sbr) {
tran_offset = 7;
energy = 0.0f;
for (ts = tran_offset; ts < time_slots + tran_offset; ts++) {
for (band = 0; band < ptr_freq_band_tab[0]; band++) {
energy += ptr_energies[ts][band];
} else {
for (ts = tran_offset; ts < time_slots + tran_offset; ts++) {
for (band = 0; band < ptr_freq_band_tab[0]; band++) {
energy += ptr_energies[(ts + time_slots / 2) / 2][band];
return energy;
static FLOAT32 ixheaace_add_highband_energies(FLOAT32 **ptr_energies, FLOAT32 *ptr_energies_m[16],
UWORD8 *ptr_freq_band_tab, WORD32 num_sfb,
WORD32 time_slots, WORD32 time_step,
WORD32 is_ld_sbr) {
WORD32 band, ts, sfb, low_band, high_band, st;
FLOAT32 energy = 1.0f, tmp;
if (is_ld_sbr) {
energy = 0.0f;
for (ts = 0; ts < time_slots; ts++) {
for (sfb = 0; sfb < num_sfb; sfb++) {
tmp = 0;
low_band = ptr_freq_band_tab[sfb];
high_band = ptr_freq_band_tab[sfb + 1];
band = low_band;
while (band < high_band) {
tmp += ptr_energies[ts][band];
ptr_energies_m[ts][sfb] = tmp;
energy += tmp;
} else {
for (ts = 0; ts < time_slots; ts++) {
for (sfb = 0; sfb < num_sfb; sfb++) {
tmp = 0;
low_band = ptr_freq_band_tab[sfb];
high_band = ptr_freq_band_tab[sfb + 1];
band = low_band;
while (band < high_band) {
st = 0;
while (st < time_step) {
tmp += ptr_energies[ts + (st / 2)][band];
ptr_energies_m[ts][sfb] = tmp;
energy += ptr_energies[ts][sfb];
return energy;
ixheaace_frame_splitter(FLOAT32 **ptr_energies,
ixheaace_pstr_sbr_trans_detector pstr_sbr_trans_detector,
UWORD8 *ptr_freq_band_tab, WORD32 num_scf, WORD32 time_step,
WORD32 no_cols, WORD32 *ptr_tran_vector,
FLOAT32 *ptr_frame_splitter_scratch, WORD32 is_ld_sbr) {
WORD32 border, i;
WORD32 num_sbr_slots = no_cols / time_step;
FLOAT32 *ptr_energies_m[16] = {0};
FLOAT32 low_band_energy, high_band_energy, total_energy;
FLOAT32 delta = 0.0f;
if ((num_sbr_slots <= 0) || (num_sbr_slots * time_step != no_cols)) {
memset(ptr_frame_splitter_scratch, 0,
sizeof(ptr_energies_m[0][0]) * MAXIMUM_FREQ_COEFFS * num_sbr_slots);
for (i = 0; i < num_sbr_slots; i++) {
ptr_energies_m[i] = ptr_frame_splitter_scratch;
ptr_frame_splitter_scratch += MAXIMUM_FREQ_COEFFS;
low_band_energy =
ixheaace_add_lowband_energies(ptr_energies, ptr_freq_band_tab, no_cols, is_ld_sbr);
high_band_energy =
ixheaace_add_highband_energies(ptr_energies, ptr_energies_m, ptr_freq_band_tab, num_scf,
num_sbr_slots, time_step, is_ld_sbr);
border = (num_sbr_slots + 1) >> 1;
total_energy = 0.5f * (low_band_energy + pstr_sbr_trans_detector->prev_low_band_energy);
total_energy += high_band_energy;
if ((total_energy > IXHEAACE_SBR_ENERGY_THRESHOLD) || (!is_ld_sbr)) {
err_code = ixheaace_spectral_change(ptr_energies_m, total_energy, num_scf, 0, border,
num_sbr_slots, is_ld_sbr, &delta);
if (err_code) {
return err_code;
} else if (is_ld_sbr) {
delta = 0;
if (delta > pstr_sbr_trans_detector->split_thr) {
ptr_tran_vector[0] = 1;
} else {
ptr_tran_vector[0] = 0;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->prev_low_band_energy = low_band_energy;
return err_code;
VOID ixheaace_create_sbr_transient_detector(
ixheaace_pstr_sbr_trans_detector pstr_sbr_trans_detector, WORD32 sample_freq,
WORD32 total_bitrate, WORD32 codec_bitrate, WORD32 tran_thr, WORD32 mode, WORD32 tran_fc,
WORD32 frame_flag_480, WORD32 is_ld_sbr, WORD32 sbr_ratio_idx,
ixheaace_sbr_codec_type sbr_codec, WORD32 start_band) {
WORD32 no_cols = 32, buffer_length = 96;
FLOAT32 br_fac;
FLOAT32 frm_dur = 2048.0f / (FLOAT32)sample_freq;
FLOAT32 split_thr_fac = frm_dur - 0.01f;
if ((sbr_codec == USAC_SBR) && (sbr_ratio_idx == USAC_SBR_RATIO_INDEX_4_1)) {
frm_dur = frm_dur * 2;
split_thr_fac = frm_dur - 0.01f;
if ((1 == is_ld_sbr) && (1 == frame_flag_480)) {
no_cols = 30;
buffer_length = 90;
memset(pstr_sbr_trans_detector, 0, sizeof(ixheaace_str_sbr_trans_detector));
br_fac = codec_bitrate ? (FLOAT32)total_bitrate / (FLOAT32)codec_bitrate : 1.0f;
split_thr_fac = MAX(split_thr_fac, 0.0001f);
split_thr_fac = 0.000075f / (split_thr_fac * split_thr_fac);
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->split_thr = split_thr_fac * br_fac;
if (is_ld_sbr) {
WORD32 i;
FLOAT32 ratio = ((sample_freq / 2) / IXHEAACE_QMF_CHANNELS) * 0.00075275f;
FLOAT32 tmp = 1024.0f / sample_freq;
tmp -= 0.01f;
tmp = MAX(tmp, 0.001f);
if (1 == frame_flag_480) {
no_cols = 30;
buffer_length = 90;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->split_thr = (br_fac * 0.000075f) / (tmp * tmp) / 2.0f;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->look_ahead = 2;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->time_slots = no_cols / 2;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->buffer_size =
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->look_ahead + pstr_sbr_trans_detector->time_slots;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->stop_band =
(WORD32)fmin(13500 / ((sample_freq >> 1) / IXHEAACE_QMF_CHANNELS), IXHEAACE_QMF_CHANNELS);
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->start_band =
(WORD32)fmin(start_band, pstr_sbr_trans_detector->stop_band - 4);
memset(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->energy, 0,
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->buffer_size * sizeof(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->energy[0]));
memset(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->sbr_transients, 0,
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->buffer_size *
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->delta_energy, 0,
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->buffer_size * sizeof(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->delta_energy[0]));
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->coeff[i] = (FLOAT32)pow(2.0, ratio * (i + 1));
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->no_cols = no_cols;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->tran_fc = tran_fc;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->buffer_length = buffer_length;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->no_rows = 64;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->mode = mode;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->prev_low_band_energy = 0;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->tran_thr = (FLOAT32)tran_thr;
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->ptr_thresholds = &(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->sbr_thresholds[0]);
memset(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->ptr_thresholds, 0,
sizeof(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->ptr_thresholds[0]) * IXHEAACE_QMF_CHANNELS);
pstr_sbr_trans_detector->ptr_transients = &(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->sbr_transients[0]);
memset(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->ptr_transients, 0,
sizeof(pstr_sbr_trans_detector->ptr_transients[0]) *