| HOWTO --> PCI-Express test scripts for LTP |
| Amit Khanna amit.khanna@intel.com |
| 08/20/2004 |
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| 1. About this HOWTO |
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| This document describes the addition of PCI-Express test cases to the existing LTP project. |
| These test cases/scripts will enhance the LTP's capability to test PCI-Express devices/drivers. |
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| 2. Copyright (c) Intel Corporation, 2004 |
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| 3. What is this patch doing? |
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| a. A function "test_find_pci_exp_cap" has been added to the tpci.c file of LTP project. |
| (\ltp\testcases\kernel\device-drivers\pci\tpci\tpci.c) |
| This function makes a call to pci_find_capability, which will determine if a device |
| has PCI-Express capability. A PCI Express device function indicates PCI-Express support |
| by implementing the PCI-Express capability structure in its capability list. |
| |
| b. A function "test_read_pci_exp_config" has been added to the tpci.c file of LTP project. |
| This function calls "pci_config_read" and determines if the PCI-Express enhanced config |
| space of the device can be read successfully or not. |
| |
| "pci_config_read" function here reads the Advanced Error Reporting CAP-ID register located |
| at the PCI-Express enhanced config space address 0x100. The value of this register is a READ-ONLY |
| value which is constant on all the PCI-Express devices. If the value read from this register matches with the |
| defined macro AER_CAP_ID_VALUE(in tpci.h) that means that PCI-Express driver is accessing |
| the enhanced config space SUCCESSFULLY. |
| |
| c. A user space function 'ki_generic()" is already available in user_tpci.c file of LTP project, |
| (\ltp\testcases\kernel\device-drivers\pci\user_tpci\user_tpci.c) which will drive the kernel |
| module tpci to test various pci and pci-express functions (defined & prototyped in tpci.c). |
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| 4. Including PCI-Express support into the kernel |
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| By default, the kernel may not enable PCI-Express feature. A kernel |
| configuration option must be selected to enable PCI-Express support. |
| |
| To include PCI-Express support into the kernel requires users to enable PCI-Access mode with |
| "Any" or "MMCFG" in the "General Setup" menu in the kernel configuration menu. |
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| 5. FAQ |
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| Q1. Are there any limitations on using this patch? |
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| A1. If the device supports PCI-Express feature and the PCI-Express feature is enabled in the kernel, |
| then only a user will be able to access the PCI-Express space. |
| Even if the device doesn't support PCI-Express feature, the traditional PCI-space would still be accessible. |
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| Q2. What is this AER_CAP_ID_VALUE macro defined in tpci.h? |
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| A2. AER_CAP_ID_VALUE represents the value of Advanced Error Reporting Capability ID in the PCI Express config space. |
| The default value of this is always same for all PCI-Express devices. i.e. 0x14011. |
| In the function "test_read_pci_exp_config" in tpci.c file, it is compared with the value retrieved from a PCI-Express |
| capable device. If both the values match that means that the PCI-Express driver is accessing the PCI-Express config space |
| ***FINISH*** |