blob: 106e82df0244f1f3e04438031beb170b9aa988ce [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
/* Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2001 */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
/* (at your option) any later version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* the GNU General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
/* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
/* */
* File: ltpapicmd.c
* Description: This program impliments a command line version of some of the
* LTP harness API's. This will enable tests written in shell and
* other scripts to report problems and log results in the LTP
* harness format. The intent is to have a common format in which
* the C tests and tests written in scripts report results in
* a common format.
* The following LTP API's are available currently in command line
* form:
* tst_brk - Print result message and break remaining test cases
* tst_brkm - Print result message, including file contents, and
* break remaining test cases
* tst_res - Print result message, including file contents
* tst_resm - Print result message
* tst_flush - Print any messages pending because of CONDENSE mode,
* and flush output stream
* tst_exit - Exit test with a meaningful exit value
* These are the minimum set of functions or commands required to
* report results.
* Exit: All commands exit with
* 0 - on success
* -1 - on failure
* Description: Unlike the above commands tst_kvercmp has an unusual exit status
* tst_kvercmp - Compare running kernel to specified version
* Exit:
* 2 - running newer kernel
* 1 - running same age kernel
* 0 - running older kernel
* -1 - on failure
* History
* Dec 10 2002 - Created - Manoj Iyer [email protected]
* Dec 12 2002 - Modified - Code that checked if the environment variables
* TCID and TST_TOTAL were set did not print usage message.
* Modified code to print usage message in each case.
* Dec 16 2002 - Modified - Code to get the test number, gets environment
* variable TST_COUNT and initializes Tst_count.
* Dec 16 2002 - Documentation and comment changes.
* Feb 11 2003 - Tst_count was set to -1 during init or setup in the script.
* this was causing tst_resm to issue a warning message.
* This bug is now fixed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"
#include "usctest.h"
#include "safe_macros.h"
char *TCID; /* Name of the testcase */
int TST_TOTAL; /* Total number of testcases */
* Function: ident_ttype - Return test result type.
* Description: This function will return the test result type, it actually
* the string that is entered by the user to an integer value that
* is understood by the API's.
* on success
* -1 on failure
int ident_ttype(char *tstype)
/* test result type one of TPASS, TFAIL, etc */
if (strcmp(tstype, "TBROK") == 0)
return TBROK;
else if (strcmp(tstype, "TFAIL") == 0)
return TFAIL;
else if (strcmp(tstype, "TPASS") == 0)
return TPASS;
else if (strcmp(tstype, "TCONF") == 0)
return TCONF;
else if (strcmp(tstype, "TRETR") == 0)
return TRETR;
else if (strcmp(tstype, "TWARN") == 0)
return TWARN;
else if (strcmp(tstype, "TINFO") == 0)
return TINFO;
return -1;
* Function: main - entry point of this program
* Description: Parses the arguments to each command. Most commands have in
* common atlest 2 arguments, type of test result, which is one of
* TPASS, TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, etc, and a message that describes
* the result. Other arguments are a file, the contents of which
* are printed after the type of test result and associated message
* is printed, also a cleanup function that will be executed.
* Currently this function name is ignored but MUST be provided
* for compatability reasons.
* The different commands are actually a hard link to this program
* the program invokes the appropriate function based on the
* command name with which it was invoked.
* Set the values for TCID to the name of the test case.
* set the value for TST_TOTAL for total number of tests this is
* required in case one test breaks and all following tests also
* should be reported as broken.
* Set Tst_count before every individual test.
* Exit: 0 on success
* -1 on failure
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int trestype; /* test result type TFAIL, TPASS, TINFO etc */
char *arg_fmt; /* message string printed along with test type */
char *cmd_name; /* name by which this program is invoked tst_brk etc */
char *tst_total;/* total number of tests in the file. */
char *tst_count;/* sets the value of Tst_count with this value */
char *file_name;/* contents of this file are printed; see tst_res() */
arg_fmt = SAFE_MALLOC(NULL, 1024);
cmd_name = SAFE_MALLOC(NULL, 1024);
strcpy(cmd_name, SAFE_BASENAME(NULL, (argv++)[0]));
TCID = getenv("TCID");
tst_total = getenv("TST_TOTAL");
tst_count = getenv("TST_COUNT");
if (TCID == NULL || tst_total == NULL || tst_count == NULL) {
if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_kvercmp") != 0) {
"\nSet variables TCID, TST_TOTAL, and TST_COUNT before each test:\n"
"export TCID=<test name>\n"
"export TST_TOTAL=<Total Number of Tests >\n"
"export TST_COUNT=<Test case number>\n\n");
/* Make sure the user knows there's an error. */
} else {
TST_TOTAL = atoi(tst_total);
Tst_count = atoi(tst_count);
if (Tst_count > 0)
if (strcmp(TCID, " ") == 0) {
"Variable TCID not set, use: TCID=<test name>\n");
if (TST_TOTAL <= 0) {
"Variable TST_TOTAL is set to 0, must be "
"greater than zero\n");
if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_brk") == 0) {
if (argc < 5) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TTYPE FNAME FUNC STRING\n"
"\tTTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, "
"and TRETR.\n"
"\tFNAME - Print contents of this file after the message\n"
"\tFUNC - Cleanup function (ignored), but MUST be provided\n"
"\tSTRING - Message explaining the test result\n",
trestype = ident_ttype((argv++)[0]);
file_name = (argv++)[0];
strcpy(arg_fmt, *argv);
tst_brk(trestype, file_name, NULL, arg_fmt);
} else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_res") == 0) {
if (argc < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TTYPE FNAME STRING\n"
"\tTTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, "
"and TRETR.\n"
"\tFNAME - Print contents of this file after the message\n"
"\tSTRING - Message explaining the test result\n",
trestype = ident_ttype((argv++)[0]);
file_name = (argv++)[0];
strcpy(arg_fmt, *argv);
tst_res(trestype, file_name, arg_fmt);
} else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_brkm") == 0) {
if (argc < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TTYPE FUNC STRING\n"
"\tTTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, "
"and TRETR.\n"
"\tFUNC - Cleanup function (ignored), but MUST be provided\n"
"\tSTRING - Message explaining the test result\n",
trestype = ident_ttype((argv++)[0]);
strcpy(arg_fmt, *argv);
tst_brkm(trestype, NULL, arg_fmt);
} else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_resm") == 0) {
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TTYPE STRING\n"
"\tTTYPE - Test Result Type; one of TFAIL, TBROK, TCONF, "
"and TRETR.\n"
"\tSTRING - Message explaining the test result\n",
trestype = ident_ttype((argv++)[0]);
strcpy(arg_fmt, *argv);
tst_resm(trestype, arg_fmt);
} else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_exit") == 0)
else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_flush") == 0)
else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_kvercmp") == 0) {
int exit_value;
if (argc < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s NUM NUM NUM\n"
"Compares to the running kernel version.\n\n"
"\tNUM - A positive integer.\n"
"\tThe first NUM is the kernel VERSION\n"
"\tThe second NUM is the kernel PATCHLEVEL\n"
"\tThe third NUM is the kernel SUBLEVEL\n\n"
"\tExit status is 0 if the running kernel is older than the\n"
"\t\tkernel specified by NUM NUM NUM.\n"
"\tExit status is 1 for kernels of the same age.\n"
"\tExit status is 2 if the running kernel is newer.\n",
exit_value = tst_kvercmp(atoi(argv[0]), atoi(argv[1]),
if (exit_value < 0)
exit_value = 0;
else if (exit_value == 0)
exit_value = 1;
else if (exit_value > 0)
exit_value = 2;
} else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_ncpus") == 0) {
printf("%li\n", tst_ncpus());
} else if (strcmp(cmd_name, "tst_ncpus_max") == 0) {
printf("%li\n", tst_ncpus_max());