blob: 46b43a0a70cfde8dbf7a9569141556de0989c527 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright © 2020 - 2022 Collabora Ltd.
# Authors:
# Tomeu Vizoso <[email protected]>
# David Heidelberg <[email protected]>
# Guilherme Gallo <[email protected]>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
'''Shared functions between the scripts.'''
import logging
import os
import re
import time
from functools import cache
from pathlib import Path
TOKEN_DIR = Path(os.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") or Path.home() / ".config")
# Known GitLab token prefixes:
TOKEN_PREFIXES: dict[str, str] = {
"Personal access token": "glpat-",
"OAuth Application Secret": "gloas-",
"Deploy token": "gldt-",
"Runner authentication token": "glrt-",
"CI/CD Job token": "glcbt-",
"Trigger token": "glptt-",
"Feed token": "glft-",
"Incoming mail token": "glimt-",
"GitLab Agent for Kubernetes token": "glagent-",
"SCIM Tokens": "glsoat-",
def print_once(*args, **kwargs):
"""Print without spamming the output"""
print(*args, **kwargs)
def pretty_duration(seconds):
"""Pretty print duration"""
hours, rem = divmod(seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)
if hours:
return f"{hours:0.0f}h{minutes:02.0f}m{seconds:02.0f}s"
if minutes:
return f"{minutes:0.0f}m{seconds:02.0f}s"
return f"{seconds:0.0f}s"
def get_gitlab_pipeline_from_url(gl, pipeline_url) -> tuple:
Extract the project and pipeline object from the url string
:param gl: Gitlab object
:param pipeline_url: string with a url to a pipeline
:return: ProjectPipeline, Project objects
pattern = rf"^{re.escape(GITLAB_URL)}/(.*)/-/pipelines/([0-9]+)$"
match = re.match(pattern, pipeline_url)
if not match:
raise AssertionError(f"url {pipeline_url} doesn't follow the pattern {pattern}")
namespace_with_project, pipeline_id = match.groups()
cur_project = gl.projects.get(namespace_with_project)
pipe = cur_project.pipelines.get(pipeline_id)
return pipe, cur_project
def get_gitlab_project(glab, name: str):
"""Finds a specified gitlab project for given user"""
if "/" in name:
project_path = name
username = glab.user.username
project_path = f"{username}/{name}"
return glab.projects.get(project_path)
def get_token_from_default_dir() -> str:
Retrieves the GitLab token from the default directory.
str: The path to the GitLab token file.
FileNotFoundError: If the token file is not found.
token_file = TOKEN_DIR / "gitlab-token"
return str(token_file.resolve())
except FileNotFoundError as ex:
f"Could not find {token_file}, please provide a token file as an argument"
raise ex
def validate_gitlab_token(token: str) -> bool:
# Match against recognised token prefixes
token_suffix = None
for token_type, token_prefix in TOKEN_PREFIXES.items():
if token.startswith(token_prefix):"Found probable token type: {token_type}")
token_suffix = token[len(token_prefix):]
if not token_suffix:
return False
# Basic validation of the token suffix based on:
if not re.match(r"(\w+-)?[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]{20,64}", token_suffix):
return False
return True
def get_token_from_arg(token_arg: str | Path | None) -> str | None:
if not token_arg:"No token provided.")
return None
token_path = Path(token_arg)
if token_path.is_file():
return read_token_from_file(token_path)
return handle_direct_token(token_path, token_arg)
def read_token_from_file(token_path: Path) -> str:
token = token_path.read_text().strip()"Token read from file: {token_path}")
return token
def handle_direct_token(token_path: Path, token_arg: str | Path) -> str | None:
if token_path == Path(get_token_from_default_dir()):
f"The default token file {token_path} was not found. "
"Please provide a token file or a token directly via --token arg."
return None"Token provided directly as an argument.")
return str(token_arg)
def read_token(token_arg: str | Path | None) -> str | None:
token = get_token_from_arg(token_arg)
if token and not validate_gitlab_token(token):
logging.warning("The provided token is either an old token or does not seem to "
"be a valid token.")
logging.warning("Newer tokens are the ones created from a Gitlab 14.5+ instance.")
return token
def wait_for_pipeline(projects, sha: str, timeout=None):
"""await until pipeline appears in Gitlab"""
project_names = [project.path_with_namespace for project in projects]
print(f"⏲ for the pipeline to appear in {project_names}..", end="")
start_time = time.time()
while True:
for project in projects:
pipelines = project.pipelines.list(sha=sha)
if pipelines:
print("", flush=True)
return (pipelines[0], project)
print("", end=".", flush=True)
if timeout and time.time() - start_time > timeout:
print(" not found", flush=True)
return (None, None)