blob: 3333eba367220984dddff19c0e19af4ffc94b211 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if git log -n 1 --format='%B' $1 | grep -q -E "^Ignore-Upstream-First: .+" ; then
# Change is explicitly marked as ok to skip upstream
exit 0
elif git log -n 1 --format='%s' $1 | grep -q -E "^(UPSTREAM|Upstream): .+" ; then
# Change is explicitly marked as coming from the upstream
exit 0
echo "WARNING: Here is not the upstream."
echo ""
echo "Do not submit changes to this repository directly. Please submit changes to upstream"
echo "from"
echo ""
echo "If the change is from the upstream, please prepend \"UPSTREAM: \" to the subject."
echo ""
echo "If indeed necessary, please add \"Ignore-Upstream-First: <reason>\" to commit message"
echo "to bypass."
exit 1