| RCSID: $MirOS: src/bin/mksh/mksh.faq,v 1.7 2020/04/25 12:09:55 tg Exp $ |
| ToC: spelling |
| Title: How do you spell <tt>mksh</tt>? How do you pronounce it? |
| |
| <p>This <a href="@@RELPATH@@mksh.htm">shell</a> is spelt either |
| “<tt>mksh</tt>” (with, even at the beginning of a sentence, <a |
| href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style/Capital_letters#Items_that_require_initial_lower_case">an |
| initial lowercase letter</a>; this is important) or “MirBSD Korn Shell”, |
| possibly with “the”.</p> |
| <p>I usually pronounce it as “<span xml:lang="de-DE-1901">em-ka-es-ha</span>”, |
| that is, the letters individually in my native German, or say “MirBSD Korn |
| Shell”, although it is manageable, mostly for Slavic speakers, to actually |
| say “mksh” as if it were a word ☺</p> |
| <p>Oh… I’ve run into this one, didn’t I? “MirBSD” is pronounced “<span |
| xml:lang="de-DE-1901">Mir-Be-Es-De</span>” germanically, for anglophones |
| “Mir-beas’tie” is fine.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: sowhatismksh |
| Title: I’m a $OS (<i>Android, OS/2, …</i>) user, so what’s mksh? |
| |
| <p>mksh is a so-called (Unix) “shell” or “command interpreter”, similar to |
| <tt>COMMAND.COM</tt>, <tt>CMD.EXE</tt> or PowerShell on other operating |
| systems you might know. Basically, it runs in a terminal (“console” or |
| “DOS box”) window, taking user input and running that as commands. It’s |
| also used to write so-called (shell) “script”s, short programs made by |
| putting several of those commands into a “batch file”.</p> |
| <p>On Android, mksh is used as the system shell — basically, the one |
| running commands at system startup, in the background, and on user |
| behalf (but never of its own). Any privilege pop-ups you might <a |
| href="https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1963976">be |
| encountering</a> are therefore <a |
| href="https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=33550523&postcount=1553">not |
| caused by mksh</a> but by some other code invoking mksh to do something |
| on its behalf.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: os2 |
| Title: I’m an OS/2 user, what else do I need to know? |
| |
| <p>Unlike the native command prompt, the current working directory is, |
| for security reasons common on Unix systems which the shell is designed |
| for, not in the search path at all; if you really need this, run the |
| command <tt>PATH=.$PATHSEP$PATH</tt> or add that to a suitable |
| initialisation file (<tt>~/.mkshrc</tt>).</p> |
| <p>There are two different newline modes for mksh-os2: standard (Unix) |
| mode, in which only LF (0A hex) is supported as line separator, and |
| “textmode”, which also accepts ASCII newlines (CR+LF), like most other |
| tools on OS/2, but creating an incompatibility with standard mksh. If |
| you compiled mksh from source, you will get the standard Unix mode unless |
| <tt>-T</tt> is added during compilation; however, you will most likely |
| have gotten this shell through komh’s port on Hobbes, or from his OS/2 |
| Factory on eComStation Korea, which uses “textmode”, though. Most OS/2 |
| users will want to use “textmode” unless they need absolute compatibility |
| with Unix mksh and other Unix shells and tools.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: kornshell |
| Title: How does this relate to ksh or the Korn Shell? |
| |
| <p>The Korn Shell (AT&T ksh) was authored by David Korn; two major |
| flavours exist (ksh88 and ksh93), the latter having been maintained |
| until 2012 (last formal release) and 2014 (last beta snapshot, buggy). |
| A ksh86 did exist.</p> |
| <p>There’s now <tt>ksh2020</tt>, a project having restarted development |
| around November 2017 forking the last <tt>ksh93 v-</tt> (beta) snapshot |
| and continuing to develop it, presented at FOSDEM.</p> |
| <p>AT&T ksh88 is “the (original) Korn Shell”. Other implementations, |
| of varying quality (MKS Toolkit’s MKS ksh being named as an example of |
| the lower end, MirBSD’s mksh at the upper end). They are all <em>not</em> |
| “Korn Shell” or “ksh”. However, mksh got blessed by David Korn, as long |
| as it cannot be confused with the original Korn Shell.</p> |
| <p>The POSIX shell standard, while lacking most Korn Shell features, was |
| largely based on AT&T ksh88, with some from the Bourne shell.</p> |
| <p>mksh is the currently active development of what started as the Public |
| Domain Bourne Shell in the mid-1980s with ksh88-compatibl-ish extensions |
| having been added later, making the Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh), |
| which, while never officially blessed, was the only way for most to get |
| a Korn Shell-like command interpreter for AT&T’s was proprietary, |
| closed-source code for a very long time. pdksh’s development ended in |
| 1999, with some projects like Debian and NetBSD® creating small bug fixes |
| (which often introduced new bugs) as part of maintenance. Around 2003, |
| OpenBSD started cleaning up their shipped version of pdksh, removing old |
| and compatibility code and modernising it. In 2002, development of what |
| is now mksh started as the system shell of MirBSD, which took over almost |
| all of OpenBSD’s cleanup, adding compatibility to other operating systems |
| back on top of it, and after 2004, independent, massive development of |
| bugfixes including a complete reorganisation of the way the parser works, |
| and of new features both independent and compatible with other shells |
| (ksh93, GNU bash, zsh, BSD csh) started and was followed by working with |
| the group behind POSIX to fix issues both in the standard and in mksh. |
| mksh became the system shell in several other operating systems and Linux |
| distributions and Android and thus is likely the Korn shell, if not Unix |
| shell, flavour with the largest user base. It has replaced pdksh in all |
| contemporary systems except QNX, NetBSD® and OpenBSD (who continue to |
| maintain their variant on “low flame”).</p> |
| <p>dtksh is the “Desktop Korn Shell”, a build of AT&T ksh93 with some |
| additional built-in utilities for graphics programming (windows, menu |
| bars, dialogue boxes, etc.) utilising Motif bindings.</p> |
| <p>MKS ksh is a proprietary reimplemention aiming for, but not quite |
| getting close to, ksh88 compatibility.</p> |
| <p>SKsh is an AmigaOS-specific Korn Shell-lookalike by Steve Koren.</p> |
| <p>The <a href="@@RELPATH@@ksh-chan.htm">Homepage of the <tt>#ksh</tt> |
| channel on Freenode IRC</a> contains more information about the Korn |
| Shell in general and its flavours.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: packaging |
| Title: How should I package mksh? (common cases) |
| |
| <p>Export a few environment variables, namely <tt>CC</tt> (the C compiler), |
| <tt>CPPFLAGS</tt> (all C præprocessor definitions), <tt>CFLAGS</tt> (only |
| compiler flags, <em>no</em> <tt>-Dfoo</tt> or anything!), <tt>LDFLAGS</tt> |
| (for anything to pass to the C compiler while linking) and <tt>LIBS</tt> |
| (appended to the linking command line after everything else. You might |
| wish to <tt>export LDSTATIC=-static</tt> for a static build as well.</p> |
| <p>When cross-compiling, <tt>CC</tt> is the <em>cross</em> compiler (mksh |
| currently does not require a compiler targetting the build system), but |
| you <em>must</em> also export <tt>TARGET_OS</tt> to whatever system you |
| are compiling for, e.g. “Linux”. For most operating systems, that’s just |
| the uname(1) output. Some very rare systems also need <tt>TARGET_OSREV</tt>; |
| consult the source code of <tt>Build.sh</tt> for details.</p> |
| <p>Create two subdirectories, say <tt>build-mksh</tt> and <tt>build-lksh</tt>. |
| In each of them, start a compilation by issuing <tt>sh ../Build.sh -r</tt> |
| followed by running the testsuite<a href="#packaging-fn1">¹</a> via |
| <tt>./test.sh</tt>. For lksh(1) add <tt>-DMKSH_BINSHPOSIX</tt> to |
| <tt>CPPFLAGS</tt> and use <tt>sh ../Build.sh -r -L</tt> to compile.</p> |
| <p>See <a href="#testsuite-fails">below</a> if the testsuite fails.</p> |
| <p>Install <tt>build-mksh/mksh</tt> as <tt>/bin/mksh</tt> (or similar), |
| <tt>build-lksh/lksh</tt> as <tt>/bin/lksh</tt> with a symlink(7) to it |
| from <tt>/bin/sh</tt> (if desred), and <tt>mksh.1</tt> and <tt>lksh.1</tt> |
| as manpages (mdoc macropackage required). Install <tt>dot.mkshrc</tt> |
| either as <tt>/etc/skel/.mkshrc</tt> (meaning your users will have to |
| manually resynchronise their home directories’ copies after every package |
| upgrade) or as <tt>/etc/mkshrc</tt>, in which case you install a <a |
| href="https://evolvis.org/plugins/scmgit/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=alioth/mksh.git;a=blob;f=debian/.mkshrc;hb=HEAD">redirection |
| script like Debian’s</a> into <tt>/etc/skel/.mkshrc</tt>. You may need a <a |
| href="@@RELPATH@@TaC-mksh.txt">summary of the licence information</a>.</p> |
| <p>At runtime, the presence of <tt>/bin/ed</tt> as default history editor |
| is recommended, as well as a manpage formatter; you can also install |
| preformatted manpages from <tt>build-*ksh/*ksh.cat1</tt> if nroff(1) (or |
| <tt>$NROFF</tt>) is available at build time by removing the <tt>-r</tt> |
| flag from either <tt>Build.sh</tt> invocation.</p> |
| <p>Some shell features require the ability to create temporary files and |
| FIFOS (cf. mkfifo(2))/pipes at runtime. Set <tt>TMPDIR</tt> to a suitable |
| location if <tt>/tmp</tt> isn’t it; if this is known ahead of time, you |
| can add <tt>-DMKSH_DEFAULT_TMPDIR=\"/path/to/tmp\"</tt> to CPPFLAGS. We |
| currently are unable to determine one on Android because its bionic libc |
| does not expose any method suitable to do so in the generic case.</p> |
| <p id="packaging-fn1">① To run the testsuite, ed(1) must be available as |
| <tt>/bin/ed</tt>, and perl(1) is needed. When cross-compiling, the version |
| of the first <tt>ed</tt> binary on the <tt>PATH</tt> <em>must</em> be the |
| same as that in the target system on which the tests are to be run, in |
| order to be able to detect which flavour of ed to adjust the tests for. |
| Busybox ed is broken beyond repair, and all three ed-related tests will |
| always fail with it.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: mkshrc |
| Title: How does mksh load configuration files? |
| |
| <p>The shell loads first <tt>/etc/profile</tt> then <tt>~/.profile</tt> |
| if called as login shell or with the <tt>-l</tt> flag, then loads the file |
| <tt>$ENV</tt> points to (defaulting to <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt>) for interactive |
| shells (that includes login shells).</p> |
| <p>Distributors should take care to either install the <tt>dot.mkshrc</tt> |
| example provided into <tt>/etc/skel/.mkshrc</tt> (so that it’s available |
| for newly created user accounts) and ensure it can propagate to existing |
| accounts or, if upgrading these is difficult, install the shipped file |
| as, for example, <tt>/etc/mkshrc</tt> and install a skeleton file, such |
| as the one in Debian, that sources the file in <tt>/etc</tt>.</p> |
| <p>It’s vital that users can change the configuration, so do not force a |
| root-provided config file onto them; the shipped file, after all, is just |
| an example.</p> |
| <p>If you need central user and configuration management and cannot use |
| something that installs skeleton files upon home directory creation |
| (like pam_mkhomedir), you can <tt>export ENV</tt> in <tt>/etc/profile</tt> |
| to a file (say <tt>/etc/shellrc</tt>) that sources the per-shell file. |
| Users can, this way, still override it by setting a different <tt>$ENV</tt> |
| in their <tt>~/.profile</tt>.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: testsuite-fails |
| Title: The testsuite fails! |
| |
| <p>The mksh testsuite has uncovered numerous bugs in operating systems |
| (kernels, libraries), compilers and toolchains. It is likely that you |
| just ran into one. If you’re using LTO (the <tt>Build.sh</tt> option |
| <tt>-c lto</tt>) try to disable it first — especially GCC is a repeat |
| offender breaking LTO and its antecessor <tt>-fwhole-program --combine</tt> |
| and tends to do wrong code generation quite a bit. Otherwise, try |
| lowering the optimisation levels, bisecting, etc.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: selinux-androidiocy |
| Title: I forbid stat(2) in my SELinux policy, and some things do not work! |
| |
| Don’t break Unix. Read up on the GIGO principle. Duh. |
| ---- |
| ToC: makefile |
| Title: Why doesn’t this use a Makefile to build? |
| |
| <p>Not all supported target operating environments have a make utility |
| available, and shell was required for “mirtoconf” (like autoconf) |
| already anyway, so it was chosen to run the make part as well.</p> |
| <p>You can, however, add the <tt>-M</tt> flag to your <tt>Build.sh</tt> |
| invocations to let it produce a <tt>Makefrag.inc</tt> file <em>tailored |
| for this specific build</em> which you can then include in a Makefile, |
| such as with the BSD make(1) “.include” command or <a |
| href="https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Include">GNU |
| make</a> equivalent. It even contains, for the user to start out with, |
| a commented-out example of how to do that in the most basic manner.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: oldbsd |
| Title: Why do other BSDs and QNX still use pdksh instead of mksh? |
| |
| <p>Some systems are resistent to change, mostly due to bikeshedding |
| (some people would, for example, rather see all shells banned to |
| ports/pkgsrc®) and hysterial raisins (historical reasons ☻). Most |
| BSDs have mksh packages available, and it works on all of them and |
| QNX just fine.</p> |
| <p>In fact, on all of these systems, you can replace their 1999-era |
| <tt>/bin/ksh</tt> (which is a pdksh) with mksh. On at least NetBSD® |
| 1.6 and up (not 1.5) and OpenBSD, even <tt>/bin/sh</tt> is fair game.</p> |
| <p>MidnightBSD notably has adopted mksh as system shell (thanks laffer1).</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: openbsd |
| Title: Why is there no mksh in OpenBSD’s ports tree? |
| |
| OpenBSD don’t like people who fork off their project at all; heck, |
| they don’t even like the people they themselves forked off (NetBSD®). |
| Several people tried over the years to get one committed, but nobody |
| dared so as to not lose their commit bit. If you try, succeed, and |
| survive Theo, however, kudos to you! See also <a href="#oldbsd">the |
| “other BSDs” FAQ entry</a>. |
| ---- |
| ToC: book |
| Title: I’d like an introduction. |
| |
| Unfortunately, nobody has written a book about mksh yet, although |
| other shells have received (sometimes decent) attention from authors |
| and publishers. This FAQ lists a subset of things packagers and |
| generic people ask, and the mksh(1) manpage is more of a reference, |
| so you are probably best off starting with a shell-agnostic, POSIX |
| or ksh88 reference such as the first edition (the second one deals |
| with ksh93 which differs far more from mksh than ksh88, as ancient |
| as it is, does) of the O’Reilly book (⚠ disclaimer: only an example, |
| not a recommendation) and going forward by reading scripts (the |
| “shellsnippets” repository referenced in the <tt>#ksh</tt> channel |
| homepage (see the top of this document) has many examples) and |
| trying to understand them and the mksh specifics from the manpage. |
| ---- |
| ToC: ps1conv |
| Title: My prompt from <<i>some other shell</i>> does not work! |
| |
| <a href="#contact">Contact</a> us on the mailing list or on IRC, |
| we’ll convert it for you. Also have a look at the PS1 section in |
| the mksh(1) manpage (search for “otherwise unused char”, e.g. with |
| <tt>/</tt> in less(1), to spot it quickly). |
| ---- |
| ToC: ps1weird |
| Title: My prompt is weird! |
| |
| <p>There are several reasons why your <tt>PS1</tt> might be not |
| what you’d expect:</p><ul> |
| <li><tt>$PS1</tt> is <tt>export</tt>ed. <strong>Do not export PS1!</strong> |
| (This was agreed upon as suggestion in a discussion between bash, zsh and |
| Korn shell developers.) The feature set of different shells vastly differs |
| and each shell should use its default PS1 or from its startup files.</li> |
| <li><tt>$ENV</tt> <a href="#env">is set and/or <tt>export</tt>ed</a>.</li> |
| <li>Your prompt is just “<tt># </tt>”: you’re entering a root shell, and |
| <tt>$PS1</tt> does not contain the ‘#’ character, in which case the shell |
| forces this prompt, making extra privileges obvious.</li> |
| <li>Your prompt is just “<tt>$ </tt>”: perhaps your system administrator |
| did not install the shipped <tt>dot.mkshrc</tt> file, or you did not copy |
| <tt>/etc/skel/.mkshrc</tt> into your home directory (perhaps it was created |
| before <tt>mksh</tt> was installed?). Without another idea for a fix, get <a |
| href="http://www.mirbsd.org/cvs.cgi/~checkout~/src/bin/mksh/dot.mkshrc?rev=HEAD;content-type=text%2Fplain">this |
| file</a> and store it as <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt> then run <tt>mksh</tt>; this |
| will at the very least install our sample (“user@host:path $ ”) prompt.</li> |
| <li>Your prompt contains things like “\u” or “\w”: it is for another shell |
| and <a href="#ps1conv">needs converting</a>.</li> |
| <li>Your prompt contains colours, and when the command line is long the |
| cursor position or screen contents, especially using the history, is off: |
| terminal escapes must be escaped from the shell; check the PS1 section in |
| the manpage: search for “otherwise unused char” (see above).</li> |
| <li>If the prompt doesn’t leave enough space on the right, the shell inserts |
| a line break after it when rendering.</li> |
| </ul> |
| ---- |
| ToC: env |
| Title: On startup files and <tt>$ENV</tt> across and detecting various shells |
| |
| Interactive shells look at <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt> (or <tt>/system/etc/mkshrc</tt> |
| on Android and <tt>/etc/mkshrc</tt> on FreeWRT and OpenWrt) by default. This |
| location can, however, be overridden by setting the <tt>ENV</tt> environment |
| variable. (FreeBSD is rumoured to set it in their system profile.) It’s better |
| to not set <tt>$ENV</tt> if possible and let every shell user their native |
| startup files; otherwise, you must ensure that it runs under all shells. Check |
| <tt>$BASH_VERSION</tt> (GNU bash), <tt>$KSH_VERSION</tt> (contains “LEGACY KSH” |
| or “MIRBSD KSH” for mksh, “PD KSH” for ancient mirbsdksh/oksh/pdksh, “Version” |
| for ksh93); <tt>$NETBSD_SHELL</tt> (NetBSD ash); <tt>POSH_VERSION</tt> (posh, a |
| pdksh derivative); <tt>$SH_VERSION</tt> (“PD KSH” as sh), <tt>$YASH_VERSION</tt> |
| (yash), <tt>$ZSH_VERSION</tt> (or if <tt>$VERSION</tt> begins with “zsh”); a <a |
| href="@@RELPATH@@ksh-chan.htm#which-shell">list of more approaches</a> exists. |
| ---- |
| ToC: ctrl-l-cls |
| Title: ^L (Ctrl-L) does not clear the screen |
| |
| Use ^[^L (Escape+Ctrl-L) or rebind it:<br /> |
| <tt>bind '^L=clear-screen'</tt> |
| ---- |
| ToC: ctrl-u-pico |
| Title: ^U (Ctrl-U) clears the entire line |
| |
| If it should only delete the line up to the cursor, use:<br /> |
| <tt>bind -m ^U='^[0^K'</tt> |
| ---- |
| ToC: cur-up-zsh |
| Title: Cursor Up behaves differently from zsh |
| |
| Some shells make Cursor Up search in the history only for commands |
| starting with what was already entered. mksh separates the shortcuts: |
| Cursor Up goes up one command and PgUp searches the history as described |
| above. You can, of course, rebind:<br /> |
| <tt>bind '^XA=search-history-up'</tt> |
| ---- |
| ToC: current |
| Title: Can mksh set the title of the window according to the command running? |
| |
| There’s no such thing as “the command currently running”; consider |
| pipelines and delays (<tt>cmd1 | (cmd2; sleep 3; cmd3) | cmd4</tt>). |
| There is, however, a way to make the shell display the command <em>line</em> |
| during the time it is executed; for testing, you will need to download <a |
| href="https://evolvis.org/plugins/scmgit/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=shellsnippets/shellsnippets.git;a=blob;f=mksh/terminal-title;hb=HEAD">this |
| script</a> and <tt>source</tt> it. For merging into your <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt> |
| you should first understand how it works: lines 4–18 set a <tt>PS1</tt> |
| (prompt) equivalent to lines 84–96 of the stock <tt>dot.mkshrc</tt>, with |
| one change: line 15 (<tt>print >/dev/tty …</tt>) is new, inserted just |
| before the <tt>return</tt> command of the function substitution in the |
| default prompt; this is what you’ll need to merge into your own, custom, |
| prompt (if you have one; otherwise pull this adaption to the default |
| one). Line 19 is the only other thing in this script rebinding the Ctrl-M |
| key (which is normally produced by the Enter/Return key) to code that… |
| does <em>something crazy</em>. This trick however <em>does funny things with |
| multiline commands</em>, so if you type something out in multiple lines, |
| for example <strong>here documents</strong> or <strong>loops</strong> press |
| <strong>Ctrl-J instead of Enter/Return</strong> after <em>each</em> line |
| including the first (at PS1) and final (at PS2) one. |
| ---- |
| ToC: other-tty |
| Title: How do I start mksh on a specific terminal? |
| |
| <p>Normally: <tt>mksh -T<i>/dev/tty2</i></tt></p> |
| <p>However, if you want for it to return (e.g. for an embedded system rescue |
| shell), use this on your real console device instead: |
| <tt>mksh -T!<i>/dev/ttyACM0</i></tt></p> |
| <p>mksh can also daemonise (send to the background): |
| <tt>mksh -T- -c 'exec cdio lock'</tt></p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: completion |
| Title: What about programmable tab completion? |
| |
| The shell itself provides static deterministic tab completion. |
| However, you can use hooks like reprogramming the Tab key to a |
| command line editor macro, and using the <tt>evaluate-region</tt> |
| editor command (modulo a bugfix) together with <tt>quote-region</tt> and shell functions to |
| implement a programmable completion engine. Multiple people have |
| been considering doing so in our IRC channel; we’ll hyperlink to |
| these engines when they are available. |
| ---- |
| ToC: posix-mode |
| Title: How POSIX compliant is mksh? Also, UTF-8 vs. locales? |
| |
| <p>You’ll need to use the <tt>lksh</tt> binary, unless your C <tt>long</tt> |
| type is 32 bits wide, for POSIX-compliant arithmetic in the shell. This is |
| because <tt>mksh</tt> provides consistent, wraparound-defined, 32-bit |
| arithmetics on all platforms normally. You’ll also need to enable POSIX mode |
| (<tt>set -o posix</tt>) explicitly, which also disables brace expansion upon |
| being enabled (use <tt>set -o braceexpand</tt> to reenable if needed).</p> |
| <p>For the purpose of POSIX, mksh supports only the <tt>C</tt> locale. mksh’s |
| <tt>utf8-mode</tt> (which only supports the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) of |
| UCS and maps raw octets into the U+EF80‥U+EFFF wide character range; see |
| <tt>Arithmetic expressions</tt> in mksh(1) for details) <em>must</em> stay |
| disabled in POSIX mode (it is disabled upon enabling POSIX mode in R56+).</p> |
| <p class="boxhead">The following POSIX sh-compatible code toggles the |
| <tt>utf8-mode</tt> option dependent on the current POSIX locale, for mksh |
| to allow using the UTF-8 mode, within the constraints outlined above, in |
| code portable across various shell implementations:</p> |
| <div class="boxtext"> |
| <pre> |
| case ${KSH_VERSION:-} in |
| case ${LC_ALL:-${LC_CTYPE:-${LANG:-}}} in |
| *[Uu][Tt][Ff]8*|*[Uu][Tt][Ff]-8*) set -U ;; |
| *) set +U ;; |
| esac ;; |
| esac |
| </pre> |
| </div><p class="boxfoot">In near future, (UTF-8) locale tracking will |
| be implemented, though.</p> |
| <p>The shell is pretty close to POSIX, when run as <tt>lksh -o posix</tt> |
| under the "C" locale it is intended to match. It does not do everything |
| like other POSIX-compatible or ‑compliant shells, though.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: function-local-scopes |
| Title: What differences in function-local scopes are there? |
| |
| <p><tt>mksh</tt> has a different scope model from AT&T <tt>ksh</tt>, |
| which leads to subtle differences in semantics for identical builtins. |
| This can cause issues with a <tt>nameref</tt> to suddenly point to a |
| local variable by accident. (Other common shells share mksh’s scoping |
| model.)</p> |
| <p class="boxhead">GNU <tt>bash</tt> allows unsetting local variables; in |
| <tt>mksh</tt>, doing so in a function allows back access to the global |
| variable (actually the one in the next scope up) with the same name. The |
| following code, when run before function definitions, changes the behaviour |
| of <tt>unset</tt> to behave like other shells (the alias can be removed |
| after the definitions):</p> |
| <div class="boxtext"> |
| <pre> |
| case ${KSH_VERSION:-} in |
| function unset_compat { |
| \\builtin typeset unset_compat_x |
| |
| for unset_compat_x in "$@"; do |
| eval "\\\\builtin unset $unset_compat_x[*]" |
| done |
| } |
| \\builtin alias unset=unset_compat |
| ;; |
| esac |
| </pre> |
| </div><p class="boxfoot">When a local variable is created (e.g. using |
| <tt>local</tt>, <tt>typeset</tt>, <tt>integer</tt> or |
| <tt>\\builtin typeset</tt>) it does not, like in other shells, inherit |
| the value from the global (next scope up) variable with the same name; |
| it is rather created without any value (unset but defined).</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: regex-comparison |
| Title: I get an error in this regex comparison |
| |
| <p>Use extglobs instead of regexes:<br /> |
| <tt>[[ foo =~ (foo|bar).*baz ]]</tt><br /> |
| … becomes…<br /> |
| <tt>[[ foo = *@(foo|bar)*baz* ]]</tt></p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: extensions-to-avoid |
| Title: Are there any extensions to avoid? |
| |
| <p>GNU <tt>bash</tt> supports “<tt>&></tt>” (and “|&”) to redirect |
| both stdout and stderr in one go, but this breaks POSIX and Korn Shell syntax; |
| use POSIX redirections instead:</p> |
| <table border="1" cellpadding="3"> |
| <tr><td>GNU bash</td><td> |
| <tt>foo |& bar |& baz &>log</tt> |
| </td></tr> |
| <tr><td>POSIX</td><td> |
| <tt>foo 2>&1 | bar 2>&1 | baz >log 2>&1</tt> |
| </td></tr> |
| </table> |
| ---- |
| ToC: while-read-pipe |
| Title: Something is going wrong with my while...read loop |
| |
| <p class="boxhead">Most likely, you’ve encountered the problem in which |
| the shell runs all parts of a pipeline as subshell. The inner loop will |
| be executed in a subshell and variable changes cannot be propagated if |
| run in a pipeline:</p> |
| <div class="boxtext"> |
| <pre> |
| bar | baz | while read foo; do ...; done |
| </pre> |
| </div><p class="boxfoot">Note that <tt>exit</tt> in the inner loop will |
| also only exit the subshell and not the original shell. Likewise, if the |
| code is inside a function, <tt>return</tt> in the inner loop will only |
| exit the subshell and won’t terminate the function.</p> |
| <p class="boxhead">Use co-processes instead:</p> |
| <div class="boxtext"> |
| <pre> |
| bar | baz |& |
| while read -p foo; do ...; done |
| exec 3>&p; exec 3>&- |
| </pre> |
| </div><p class="boxfoot">If <tt>read</tt> is run in a way such as |
| <tt>while read foo; do ...; done</tt> then leading whitespace will be |
| removed (IFS) and backslashes processed. You might want to use |
| <tt>while IFS= read -r foo; do ...; done</tt> for pristine I/O.</p> |
| <p class="boxhead">Similarly, when using the <tt>-a</tt> option, use of the |
| <tt>-r</tt> option might be prudent (<tt>read -raN-1 arr <file</tt>); |
| the same applies for NUL-terminated lines:</p> |
| <div class="boxtext"> |
| <pre> |
| find . -type f -print0 |& \ |
| while IFS= read -d '' -pr filename; do |
| print -r -- "found <${filename#./}>" |
| done |
| </pre> |
| </div> |
| ---- |
| ToC: command-alias |
| Title: “command” doesn’t expand aliases as in ksh93 |
| |
| This is because AT&T ksh93 ships a predefined alias enabling this:<br /> |
| <tt>alias command='command '</tt><br /> |
| put this into your <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt> |
| (note the space before the closing single quote) |
| ---- |
| ToC: builtin-rename |
| Title: “rename” doesn’t work as expected! |
| |
| <p>There’s a <tt>rename</tt> built-in utility in mksh, which is a very |
| thin wrapper around the rename(2) syscall. It receives two pathnames, |
| source and destination where the first is then atomically renamed to |
| the latter. It does not move, i.e. fails for different filesystems.</p> |
| <p>The GNU package <tt>util-linux</tt> has a different <tt>rename</tt> |
| command. If you wish to invoke an external utility (in favour over a |
| builtin), you can use <tt>dot.mkshrc</tt>’s function <tt>enable</tt> |
| or put the following into your <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt>:</p> |
| <pre>alias rename="$(whence -p rename)"</pre> |
| ---- |
| ToC: builtin-sleep |
| Title: “sleep” does not accept ‘m’ for minutes! |
| |
| <p>mksh contains a <tt>sleep</tt> built-in utility, in order to be |
| able to offer sub-second sleep to shell scripts for most platforms. |
| (It does not exist if the platform lacks select(2) — which should |
| be rare.)</p> |
| <p>GNU coreutils contains a sleep implementation accepting suffixed |
| numbers. If you wish to invoke an external utility (in favour over a |
| builtin), you can use <tt>dot.mkshrc</tt>’s function <tt>enable</tt> |
| or put something along the following lines into <tt>~/.mkshrc</tt>:</p> |
| <pre>alias sleep="$(whence -p sleep)"</pre> |
| <pre>timer() { sleep $(($1*60${2:++$2})); } # timer mins [secs]</pre> |
| <pre>timer() { |
| local arg=${1/m/'*60+'} |
| [[ $arg = *+ ]] && arg+=0 |
| sleep $(($arg) |
| }</pre> |
| ---- |
| ToC: string-concat |
| Title: “+=” behaves differently from other shells |
| |
| <p>In POSIX shell, “=” in code like <tt>var=content</tt> is a string |
| assignment, always. You can use <tt>var=$((content))</tt> for an |
| arithmetic assignment that mostly uses C language rules.</p> |
| <p>It stands to consider that the common shell extension “+=” as in |
| <tt>var+=content</tt> would always do string concatenation; it does |
| in mksh, but not in some other shells, in which, when <tt>var</tt> has |
| been declared integer, addition is done instead.</p> |
| <p>You can make the code portable by using “((…))” (a.k.a. <tt>let</tt>) |
| instead: <tt>(( var += content ))</tt> does arithmetic addition in |
| all shells involved.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: set-e |
| Title: I use “set -e” and my code unexpectedly errors out |
| |
| <p>I personally recommend people to not use “<tt>set -e</tt>”, as it |
| makes error handling more difficult. However, some insist. There have |
| been bugfixes (relative to e.g. oksh/loksh and posh) in this aspect, |
| and the user has to make sure <tt>$?</tt> is always 0 ASAP even after |
| a command that doesn’t check it.</p> |
| <pre>istwo() { |
| for i in "$@"; do |
| test x"$i" = x"2" && echo two |
| done |
| } |
| set -e |
| istwo 1 |
| echo END</pre> |
| <p>This can be fixed by either adding an explicit “<tt>:</tt>” (or |
| “<tt>true</tt>”) after the comparison, or even…</p> |
| <pre>test x"$i" = x"2" && echo two || :</pre> |
| <p>… or right after the <tt>done</tt> inside the function, but…</p> |
| <pre>test x"$i" != x"2" || echo two</pre> |
| <p>… negating the condition and using “<tt>||</tt>” is preferable.</p> |
| |
| <p>Remember that Korn shell-style functions (with <tt>function</tt> |
| keyword and <strong>without</strong> parenthesēs) in AT&T ksh93 |
| and mksh R51 and up have their own shell option scope, but while…</p> |
| <pre>function istwo { |
| set +e |
| … |
| }</pre> |
| <p>… might help in error handling, the return status of a function is |
| still the last errorlevel inside, so an explicit true (“<tt>:</tt>”) |
| or, more explicitly, “<tt>return 0</tt>” at its end is still needed |
| if the <em>caller</em> runs under <tt>set -e</tt>.</p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: set-eo-pipefail |
| Title: I use “set -eo pipefail” and my code unexpectedly errors out |
| |
| <p class="boxhead">Related to the above FAQ entry, using |
| <tt>set -o pipefail</tt> makes the following construct error out:</p> |
| <div class="boxtext"> |
| <pre> |
| set -e |
| for x in 1 2; do |
| false && echo $x |
| done | cat |
| </pre> |
| </div><p class="boxfoot">This is because, while the <tt>&&</tt> |
| ensures that the inner command’s failure is not taken, it sets the entire |
| <tt>for</tt>‥<tt>done</tt> loop’s errorlevel, which is passed on by |
| <tt>-o pipefail</tt>.</p> |
| <p>Invert the inner command:<br /> |
| <tt>true || echo $x</tt></p> |
| ---- |
| ToC: faq |
| Title: My question is not answered here! |
| |
| Do read the mksh(1) manual page. You might also wish to read the <a |
| href="@@RELPATH@@ksh-chan.htm">homepage of the <tt>#ksh</tt> IRC channel |
| on Freenode</a> which lists several resources for Korn or POSIX-compatible |
| shells in general. Or, <a href="#contact">contact</a> us (developer and |
| users), for example via IRC. |
| ---- |
| ToC: contact |
| Title: How do I contact you (to say thanks)? |
| |
| You can say hi in the <tt>#!/bin/mksh</tt> channel on Freenode <a |
| href="@@RELPATH@@irc.htm">IRC</a>, although a <a |
| href="@@RELPATH@@danke.htm">donation</a> wouldn’t be amiss ☺ The <a |
| href="http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/">mailing |
| list</a> can also be used. |
| ---- |