blob: 1894e86cddff4b843848dc38bfb6a16bb5da03d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
/** The root object and entry point for the MobileDataDownload library. */
public interface MobileDataDownload {
* Adds for download the data file group in {@link AddFileGroupRequest}, after running validation
* on the group. This group will replace any previous version of this group once it is downloaded.
* <p>This api takes {@link AddFileGroupRequest} that contains data file group, and it can be used
* to set extra params such as account.
* <p>This doesn't start the download right away. The download starts later when the tasks
* scheduled via {@link #schedulePeriodicTasks} are run.
* <p>Calling this api with the exact same parameters multiple times is a no-op.
* @param addFileGroupRequest The request to add file group in MDD.
* @return ListenableFuture of true if the group was successfully added, or the group was already
* present; ListenableFuture of false if the group is invalid or an I/O error occurs.
ListenableFuture<Boolean> addFileGroup(AddFileGroupRequest addFileGroupRequest);
* Removes all versions of the data file group that matches {@link RemoveFileGroupRequest} from
* MDD. If no data file group matches, this call is a no-op.
* <p>This api takes {@link RemoveFileGroupRequest} that contains data file group, and it can be
* used to set extra params such as account.
* @param removeFileGroupRequest The request to remove file group from MDD.
* @return Listenable of true if the group was successfully removed, or no group matches;
* Listenable of false if the matching group fails to be removed.
ListenableFuture<Boolean> removeFileGroup(RemoveFileGroupRequest removeFileGroupRequest);
* Removes all versions of the data file groups that match {@link RemoveFileGroupsByFilterRequest}
* from MDD. If no data file group matches, this call is a no-op.
* <p>This api takes a {@link RemoveFileGroupsByFilterRequest} that contains optional filters for
* the group name, group source, associated account, etc.
* <p>A resolved future will only be returned if the removal completes successfully for all
* matching file groups. If any failures occur during this method, it will return a failed future
* with an {@link AggregateException} containing the failures that occurred.
* <p>NOTE: This only removes the metadata from MDD, not file content. Downloaded files that are
* no longer needed are deleted during MDD's daily maintenance task.
* @param removeFileGroupsByFilterRequest The request to remove file group from MDD.
* @return ListenableFuture that resolves with {@link RemoveFileGroupsByFilterResponse}, or fails
* with {@link AggregateException}
ListenableFuture<RemoveFileGroupsByFilterResponse> removeFileGroupsByFilter(
RemoveFileGroupsByFilterRequest removeFileGroupsByFilterRequest);
* Gets the file group definition that was added to MDD. This API cannot be used to access files,
* but it can be accessed by populators to manipulate the existing file group state - eg, to
* rename a file group, or otherwise migrate from one format to another.
* @return DataFileGroup if downloaded file group is found, otherwise a failing LF.
default ListenableFuture<DataFileGroup> readDataFileGroup(
ReadDataFileGroupRequest readDataFileGroupRequest) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Returns the latest downloaded data that we have for the given group name.
* <p>This api takes an instance of {@link GetFileGroupRequest} that contains group name, and it
* can be used to set extra params such as account.
* <p>This listenable future will return null if no group exists or has been downloaded for the
* given group name.
* <p>Note: getFileGroup returns a snapshot of the latest state, but it's possible for the state
* to change between a getFileGroup call and accessing the files if the ClientFileGroup gets
* cached. Caching the returned ClientFileGroup is therefore discouraged.
* @param getFileGroupRequest The request to get a single file group.
* @return The ListenableFuture of requested client file group for the given request.
ListenableFuture<ClientFileGroup> getFileGroup(GetFileGroupRequest getFileGroupRequest);
* Returns all the data that we have for the given {@link GetFileGroupsByFilterRequest}.
* <p>This listenable future will return a list of file groups with their current download status.
* <p>Only present fields in {@link GetFileGroupsByFilterRequest} will be used to perform the
* filtering, i.e. when no account is specified in the filter, file groups won't be filtered based
* on account.
* <p>Note: getFileGroupsByFilter returns a snapshot of the latest state, but it's possible for
* the state to change between a getFileGroupsByFilter call and accessing the files if the
* ClientFileGroup gets cached. Caching the returned ClientFileGroup is therefore discouraged.
* @param getFileGroupsByFilterRequest The request to get multiple file groups after filtering.
* @return The ListenableFuture that will resolve to a list of the requested client file groups,
* including pending and downloaded versions; this ListenableFuture will resolve to all client
* file groups when {@code getFileGroupsByFilterRequest.includeAllGroups} is true.
ListenableFuture<ImmutableList<ClientFileGroup>> getFileGroupsByFilter(
GetFileGroupsByFilterRequest getFileGroupsByFilterRequest);
* Imports Inline Files into an Existing MDD File Group.
* <p>This api takes a {@link ImportFilesRequest} containing identifying information about an
* existing File Group, an optional list of {@link DataFile}s to import into the existing File
* Group, and a Map of file content to import into MDD.
* <p>The identifying information is used to identify a file group and its specific version. This
* prevents the caller from accidentally importing files into the wrong file group or the wrong
* version of the file group. An optional {@link Account} parameter can also be specified if the
* existing file group was associated with an account.
* <p>The given {@link DataFile} list allows updated files (still compatible with a given file
* group version) to be imported into MDD. This API wll merge the given DataFiles into the
* existing file group in the following manner:
* <ul>
* <li>DataFiles included in the DataFile list but not the existing file group will be added as
* new DataFiles
* <li>DataFiles included in the DataFile list will replace DataFiles in the existing file group
* if their file Ids match.
* <li>DataFiles included in the existing file group but not the DataFile list will remain
* untouched.
* </ul>
* <p>{@link ImportFilesRequest} also requires a Map of file sources that should be imported by
* MDD. The Map is keyed by the fileIds of DataFiles and contains the contents of the file to
* import within a {@link ByteString}. This Map must contains an entry for all {@link DataFile}s
* which require an inline file source. Only "Inline" {@link DataFile}s should be included in this
* map (see details below).
* <p>An inline {@link DataFile} is the same as a standard {@link DataFile}, but instead of an
* "https" url, the url should match the following format:
* <pre>{@code "inlinefile:<key>"}</pre>
* <p>Where {@code key} is a unique identifier of the file. In most cases, the checksum should be
* used as this key. If the checksum is not used, another unique identifier should be used to
* allow proper deduping of the file import within MDD.
* <p>Example inline file url:
* <pre>{@code inlinefile:sha1:9a4ea3ca81d3f1d631531cbc216a62d9b10509ee}</pre>
* <p>NOTE: Inline files can be specified by the given DataFile list in {@link
* ImportFilesRequest}, but can also be specified by a {@link DataFileGroup} added via {@link
* #addFileGroup}. A File Group that contains inline files will not be considered DOWNLOADED until
* all inline files are imported via this API.
* <p>Because this method performs an update to the stored File Group metadata, the given {@link
* ImportFilesRequest} must satisfy the following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li>The requests identifying information must match an existing File Group
* <li>All inline DataFiles must have file content specified in the request's Inline File Map
* </ul>
* <p>If either of these conditions is not met, this operation will return a failed
* ListenableFuture.
* <p>Finally, this API is a atomic operation. That is, <em>either all inline files will be
* imported successfully or none will be imported</em>. If there is a failure with importing a
* file, MDD will not update the file group (i.e. future calls to {@link #getFileGroup} will
* return the same {@link ClientFileGroup} as before this call).
* @param importFilesRequest Request containing required parameters to perform import files
* operation.
* @return ListenableFuture that resolves when all inline files are successfully imported.
ListenableFuture<Void> importFiles(ImportFilesRequest importFilesRequest);
* Downloads a single file.
* <p>This api takes {@link SingleFileDownloadRequest}, which contains a download url of the file
* to download. the destination location on device must also be specified. See
* SingleFileDownloadRequest for full list of required/optional parameters.
* <p>The returned ListenableFuture will fail if there is an error during the download. The caller
* is responsible for calling downloadFile again to restart the download.
* <p>The caller can be notified of progress by providing a {@link SingleFileDownloadListener}.
* This listener will also provide callbacks for a completed download, failed download, or paused
* download due to connectivity loss.
* <p>The caller can specify constraints that should be used for the download by providing a
* {@link}. This
* allows downloads to only start when on Wifi, for example. By default, no constraints are
* specified.
* @param singleFileDownloadRequest The request to download a file.
* @return ListenableFuture that resolves when file is downloaded.
ListenableFuture<Void> downloadFile(SingleFileDownloadRequest singleFileDownloadRequest);
* Downloads and returns the latest downloaded data that we have for the given group name.
* <p>This api takes {@link DownloadFileGroupRequest} that contains group name, and it can be used
* to set extra params such as account, download conditions, and download listener.
* <p>The group name must be added using {@link #addFileGroup} before downloading the file group.
* <p>The returned ListenableFuture will be resolved when the file group is downloaded. It can
* also be used to cancel the download.
* <p>The returned ListenableFuture would fail if there is any error during the download. Client
* is responsible to call the downloadFileGroup to resume the download.
* <p>Download progress is supported through the DownloadListener.
* <p>To download under any conditions, clients should use {@link
* @param downloadFileGroupRequest The request to download file group.
ListenableFuture<ClientFileGroup> downloadFileGroup(
DownloadFileGroupRequest downloadFileGroupRequest);
* Downloads a file using a foreground service and notification.
* <p>This is similar to {@link #downloadFile}, but allows the download to continue running when
* the app enters the background.
* <p>The notification created for the download includes a cancel action. This will allow the
* download to be cancelled even when the app is in the background.
* <p>The cancel action in the notification menu requires the ForegroundService to be registered
* with the application (via the AndroidManifest.xml). This allows the cancellation intents to be
* properly picked up. To register the service, the following lines must be included in the app's
* {@code AndroidManifest.xml}:
* <pre>{@code
* <!-- Needed by foreground download service -->
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
* <!-- Service for MDD foreground downloads -->
* <service
* android:name=""
* android:exported="false" />
* }</pre>
* <p>NOTE: The above excerpt is for Framework and Sting apps. Dagger apps should use the same
* excerpt, but change the {@code android:name} property to:
* <pre>{@code
* android:name=""
* }</pre>
ListenableFuture<Void> downloadFileWithForegroundService(
SingleFileDownloadRequest singleFileDownloadRequest);
* Download a file group and show foreground download progress in a notification. User can cancel
* the download from the notification menu.
* <p>The cancel action in the notification menu requires the ForegroundService to be registered
* with the application (via the AndroidManifest.xml). This allows the cancellation intents to be
* properly picked up. To register the service, the following lines must be included in the app's
* {@code AndroidManifest.xml}:
* <pre>{@code
* <!-- Needed by foreground download service -->
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
* <!-- Service for MDD foreground downloads -->
* <service
* android:name=""
* android:exported="false" />
* }</pre>
* <p>NOTE: The above excerpt is for Framework and Sting apps. Dagger apps should use the same
* excerpt, but change the {@code android:name} property to:
* <pre>{@code
* android:name=""
* }</pre>
ListenableFuture<ClientFileGroup> downloadFileGroupWithForegroundService(
DownloadFileGroupRequest downloadFileGroupRequest);
* Cancel an on-going foreground download.
* <p>Attempts to cancel an on-going foreground download using best effort. If download is unknown
* to MDD, this operation is a noop.
* <p>The key passed here must be created using {@link ForegroundDownloadKey}, and must match the
* properties used from the request. Depending on which API was used to start the download, this
* would be {@link DownloadFileGroupRequest} for {@link SingleFileDownloadRequest}.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> In most cases, clients will not need to call this -- it is meant to allow the
* ForegroundDownloadService to cancel a download via the Cancel action registered to a
* notification.
* <p>Clients should prefer to cancel the future returned to them from the download call.
* @param downloadKey the key associated with the download
void cancelForegroundDownload(String downloadKey);
* Triggers the execution of MDD maintenance.
* <p>MDD needs to run maintenance task once a day. If you call {@link
* #schedulePeriodicBackgroundTasks} api, the maintenance will be called automatically. In case
* you don't want to schedule MDD tasks, you can call this maintenance method directly.
* <p>If you do need to call this api, make sure that this api is called exactly once every day.
* <p>The returned ListenableFuture would fail if the maintenance execution doesn't succeed.
ListenableFuture<Void> maintenance();
* Perform garbage collection, which includes removing expired file groups and unreferenced files.
* <p>By default, this is run as part of {@link #maintenance} so doesn't need to be invoked
* directly by client code. If you disabled that behavior via {@link
* Flags#mddEnableGarbageCollection} then this method should be periodically called to clean up
* unused files.
ListenableFuture<Void> collectGarbage();
* Schedule periodic tasks that will download and verify all file groups when the required
* conditions are met, using the given {@link TaskScheduler}.
* <p>If the host app doesn't provide a TaskScheduler, calling this API will be a no-op.
* @deprecated Use the {@link schedulePeriodicBackgroundTasks} instead.
void schedulePeriodicTasks();
* Schedule periodic background tasks that will download and verify all file groups when the
* required conditions are met, using the given {@link TaskScheduler}.
* <p>If the host app doesn't provide a TaskScheduler, calling this API will be a no-op.
ListenableFuture<Void> schedulePeriodicBackgroundTasks();
* Schedule periodic background tasks that will download and verify all file groups when the
* required conditions are met, using the given {@link TaskScheduler}.
* <p>If the host app doesn't provide a TaskScheduler, calling this API will be a no-op.
* @param constraintOverridesMap to allow clients to override constraints requirements.
* <p><code>{@code
* ConstraintOverrides wifiOverrides =
* ConstraintOverrides.newBuilder()
* .setRequiresCharging(false)
* .setRequiresDeviceIdle(true)
* .build();
* ConstraintOverrides cellularOverrides =
* ConstraintOverrides.newBuilder()
* .setRequiresCharging(true)
* .setRequiresDeviceIdle(false)
* .build();
* Map<String, ConstraintOverrides> constraintOverridesMap = new HashMap<>();
* constraintOverridesMap.put(TaskScheduler.WIFI_CHARGING_PERIODIC_TASK, wifiOverrides);
* constraintOverridesMap.put(TaskScheduler.CELLULAR_CHARGING_PERIODIC_TASK, cellularOverrides);
* mobileDataDownload.schedulePeriodicBackgroundTasks(Optional.of(constraintOverridesMap)).get();
* }</code>
ListenableFuture<Void> schedulePeriodicBackgroundTasks(
Optional<Map<String, ConstraintOverrides>> constraintOverridesMap);
* Cancels previously-scheduled periodic background tasks using the given {@link TaskScheduler}.
* Cancelling is best-effort and only meant to be used in an emergency; most apps will never need
* to call it.
* <p>If the host app doesn't provide a TaskScheduler, calling this API is a no-op.
default ListenableFuture<Void> cancelPeriodicBackgroundTasks() {
// TODO(b/223822302): remove default once all implementations have been updated to include it
return Futures.immediateVoidFuture();
* Handle a task scheduled via a task scheduling service.
* <p>This method should not be called on the main thread, as it does work on the thread it is
* called on.
* @return a listenable future which indicates when any async task scheduled is complete.
ListenableFuture<Void> handleTask(String tag);
/** Clear MDD metadata and its managed files. MDD will be reset to a clean state. */
ListenableFuture<Void> clear();
* Return MDD debug info as a string. This could return some PII information so it's not
* recommended to be called in production build.
* <p>This debug info string could be very long. In order to print them in adb logcat, we have to
* split the string. See how it is done in our sample app: <internal>
String getDebugInfoAsString();
* Reports usage of a file group back to MDD. This can be used to track errors with file group
* roll outs. Each usage of the file group should result in a single call of this method in order
* to allow for accurate metrics server side.
* @param usageEvent that will be logged.
* @return a listenable future which indicates that the UsageEvent has been logged.
ListenableFuture<Void> reportUsage(UsageEvent usageEvent);