| // Copyright 2022 Google LLC |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| syntax = "proto2"; |
| |
| package mdi.download; |
| |
| import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; |
| import "transform.proto"; |
| |
| option java_package = "com.google.mobiledatadownload"; |
| option java_outer_classname = "DownloadConfigProto"; |
| option objc_class_prefix = "Icing"; |
| //option go_api_flag = "OPEN_TO_OPAQUE_HYBRID"; // See <internal>. |
| |
| // The top-level proto for Mobile Data Download (<internal>). |
| message DownloadConfig { |
| repeated DataFileGroup data_file_group = 1; |
| |
| reserved 2; |
| } |
| |
| // HTTP headers are described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2 |
| // as key:value, where the value may have a whitespace on each end. |
| message ExtraHttpHeader { |
| optional string key = 1; |
| optional string value = 2; |
| } |
| |
| // A FileGroup is a set of files that should be atomically updated. |
| // Next id: 29 |
| message DataFileGroup { |
| // Unique name to identify the group. It should be unique per owner package. |
| // In GMSCore, use the module name as the prefix of the group name. |
| // |
| // Ex: A group name in mdisync module could be named: mdisync-profile-photos. |
| // |
| // This shouldn't ideally be something like "config", and |
| // instead should better define the feature it will be used for. |
| // |
| // Ex: "icing-language-detection-model", "smart-action-detection-model" |
| // |
| // IMPORTANT: this group name will be logged to clearcut, and must never |
| // contain PII. |
| optional string group_name = 1; |
| |
| // The name of the package that owns this group. If this field is left empty, |
| // the owner is assumed to be the package name of the host app. |
| // |
| // The files will only be downloaded onto the device if the owner package is |
| // present on the device. |
| // |
| // Ex: "com.google.android.gms", "com.google.android.apps.bugle" |
| optional string owner_package = 6; |
| |
| // Client set version number used to identify the file group. |
| // |
| // Note that this does not uniquely identify the contents of the file group. |
| // It simply reflects a snapshot of client config changes. |
| // For example: say there's a file group 'language-detector-model' that |
| // downloads a different file per user locale. |
| // data_file_group { |
| // file_group_name = 'language-detector-model' |
| // file_group_version_number = 1 |
| // file { |
| // url = 'en-model' |
| // } |
| // } |
| // data_file_group { |
| // file_group_name = 'language-detector-model' |
| // file_group_version_number = 1 |
| // file { |
| // url = 'es-model' |
| // } |
| // } |
| // Note that even though the actual contents of the file group are different |
| // for each locale, the version is the same because this config was pushed |
| // at the same snapshot. |
| // |
| // Available GMS v18+. |
| optional int32 file_group_version_number = 10; |
| |
| reserved 20; |
| |
| // Custom metadata attached to the file group. |
| // |
| // This allows clients to include specific metadata about the group for their |
| // own processing purposes. The metadata will be stored with the group and |
| // accessible when the file group is retrieved. |
| // |
| // This property should only be used if absolutely necessary. Please consult |
| // with <internal>@ if you have questions about this property or a potential |
| // use-case. |
| // |
| // Available for aMDD Lib only. |
| optional google.protobuf.Any custom_metadata = 27; |
| |
| reserved 22; |
| |
| reserved 21; |
| |
| enum AllowedReaders { |
| ALL_APPS = 2; |
| } |
| |
| // Defines who is allowed to read this file group. Currently the options are: |
| // |
| // ALL_GOOGLE_APPS: accessible to all Google 1p Apps. |
| // ONLY_GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES: accessible to only GMS Core. |
| // |
| // If this field is not explicitly set it defaults to "ALL_GOOGLE_APPS". |
| // |
| // Available GMS v20+. |
| optional AllowedReaders allowed_readers_enum = 12; |
| |
| // Length of time (in seconds) for which a file group version will live after |
| // a newer version became fully downloaded. Clients should set this time |
| // to be more than the time in which they call MDD to refresh their data. |
| // NOTE: MDD will delete the file group version within a day of this time. |
| // Ex: 172800 // 2 Days |
| optional int64 stale_lifetime_secs = 3; |
| |
| // The timestamp at which this filegroup should be deleted specified in |
| // seconds since epoch. This is a hard deadline and can be applied to file |
| // groups still in the ACTIVE state. If the value is 0, that is the same as |
| // unset (no expiration). Expiration is performed at next cleanup time, which |
| // is typically daily. Therefore, file groups may remain even after expired, |
| // and may do so indefinitely if cleanup is not scheduled. |
| // |
| // NOTE this is not the way to delete a file group. For example, setting an |
| // expiration date in the past will fail, potentially leaving an unexpired |
| // file group in place indefinitely. Use the MDD removeFileGroup API for that |
| // on device. From the server, the way to delete a file group is to add a new |
| // one with the same name, but with no files (this functions as a tombstone). |
| // |
| // NOTE b/252890898 for behavior on CastOS (cMDD) |
| // NOTE b/252885626 for missing support for delete in MobServe Ingress |
| optional int64 expiration_date = 11; |
| |
| // Specify the conditions under which the file group should be downloaded. |
| optional DownloadConditions download_conditions = 13; |
| |
| // Setting this flag to true will mean that the downloaded files will appear |
| // to be in a directory by themselves. |
| // The file name/file path of the exposed file will be the filename set in the |
| // file.relative_file_path field, OR if that field is empty, the file name |
| // from the file.url_to_download field. This enables downloaded files to refer |
| // to each other by name. |
| // It's invalid to set this flag to true if two files end up with the same |
| // file path. |
| // Valid on iOS, cMDD, and aMDD. |
| // |
| // NOTE: For aMDD, this feature is not available if Android Blob Sharing is |
| // enabled or if using an API level below 21 (L). If either case is true, this |
| // option will be ignored. |
| optional bool preserve_filenames_and_isolate_files = 14; |
| |
| // List of files in the group. |
| repeated DataFile file = 2; |
| |
| // Tag for the network traffic to download this file group. |
| // Tag space is determined by the host app. |
| // For Gmscore, the tag should come from: |
| // <internal> |
| optional int32 traffic_tag = 16; |
| |
| // Extra HTTP headers to apply when downloading all files in the group. |
| repeated ExtraHttpHeader group_extra_http_headers = 17; |
| |
| reserved 19; |
| |
| // Unique identifier of a DataFileGroup config (i.e. a "snapshot") created |
| // when using MDD Ingress API. |
| optional int64 build_id = 23; |
| |
| // A fingerprint allowing clients to identify a DataFileGroup |
| // config based on a given set of properties (i.e. a "partition" of |
| // any file group properties). This can be used by clients as an exact match |
| // for a class of DataFileGroups during targeting or as a compatibility check. |
| optional string variant_id = 26; |
| |
| // The locales compatible with the file group. This can be different from the |
| // device locale. |
| // |
| // Values in this list may be exact locales (e.g. "en-US") or language-only |
| // ("en-*"). |
| // Example 1: locale = ["en-US"]; // compatible with "en-US" only |
| // Example 2: locale = ["en-US", "en-CA"]; // compatible with "en-US" or |
| // // "en-CA" |
| // Example 3: locale = ["en-*"]; // compatible with all "en" locales |
| repeated string locale = 25; |
| |
| reserved 28; |
| |
| reserved 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 24, 248813966 /*aMDD extension*/, |
| 248606552 /*cMDD extension*/; |
| } |
| |
| // A data file represents all the metadata to download the file and then |
| // manage it on the device. |
| // Next tag: 22 |
| // |
| // This should not contain any fields that are marked internal, as we compare |
| // the protos directly to decide if it is a new version of the file. |
| // LINT.IfChange(data_file) |
| message DataFile { |
| // A unique identifier of the file within the group, that can be used to |
| // get this file from the group. |
| // Ex: "language-detection-model" |
| optional string file_id = 7; |
| |
| // Url from where the file is to be downloaded. |
| // Ex: https://www.gstatic.com/group-name/model_1234.zip |
| optional string url_to_download = 2; |
| |
| // Exact size of the file. This is used to check if there is space available |
| // for the file before scheduling the download. |
| // The byte_size is optional. If not set, MDD will not be able check the space |
| // available before schedulding the download. |
| optional int32 byte_size = 4; |
| |
| // Enum for checksum types. |
| // NOTE: do not add any new checksum type here, older MDD versions would break |
| // otherwise. |
| enum ChecksumType { |
| // Default checksum is SHA1. |
| DEFAULT = 0; |
| |
| // No checksum is provided. |
| // This is NOT currently supported by iMDD. Please contact <internal>@ if you |
| // need this feature. |
| NONE = 1; |
| |
| // This is currently only supported by cMDD. If you need it for Android or |
| // iOS, please contact MDD team <internal>@. |
| SHA256 = 2; |
| } |
| |
| optional ChecksumType checksum_type = 15; |
| |
| // SHA1 checksum to verify the file before it can be used. This is also used |
| // to de-duplicate files between different groups. |
| // For most files, this will be the checksum of the file being downloaded. |
| // For files with download_transform, this should contain the transform of |
| // the file after the transforms have been applied. |
| // The checksum is optional. If not set, the checksum_type must be |
| // ChecksumType.NONE. |
| optional string checksum = 5; |
| |
| // The following are <internal> transforms to apply to the downloaded files. |
| // Transforms are bi-directional and defined in terms of what they do on |
| // write. Since these transforms are applied while reading, their |
| // directionality is reversed. Eg, you'll see 'compress' to indicate that the |
| // file should be decompressed. |
| |
| // These transforms are applied once by MDD after downloading the file. |
| // Currently only compress is available. |
| // Valid on Android. iOS support is tracked by b/118828045. |
| optional mobstore.proto.Transforms download_transforms = 11; |
| |
| // If DataFile has download_transforms, this field must be provided with the |
| // SHA1 checksum of the file before any transform are applied. The original |
| // checksum would also be checked after the download_transforms are applied. |
| optional string downloaded_file_checksum = 14; |
| |
| // Exact size of the downloaded file. If the DataFile has download transforms |
| // like compress and zip, the downloaded file size would be different than |
| // the final file size on disk. Client could use |
| // this field to track the downloaded file size and calculate the download |
| // progress percentage. This field is not used by MDD currently. |
| optional int32 downloaded_file_byte_size = 16; |
| |
| // These transforms are evaluated by the caller on-the-fly when reading the |
| // data with MobStore. Any transforms installed in the caller's MobStore |
| // instance is available. |
| // Valid on Android and cMDD. iOS support is tracked by b/118759254. |
| optional mobstore.proto.Transforms read_transforms = 12; |
| |
| // List of delta files that can be encoded and decoded with base files. |
| // If the device has any base file, the delta file which is much |
| // smaller will be downloaded instead of the full file. |
| // For most clients, only one delta file should be enough. If specifying |
| // multiple delta files, they should be in a sequence from the most recent |
| // base file to the oldest. |
| // This is currently only supported on Android. |
| repeated DeltaFile delta_file = 13; |
| |
| enum AndroidSharingType { |
| // The dataFile isn't available for sharing. |
| |
| // If sharing with the Android Blob Sharing Service isn't available, fall |
| // back to normal behavior, i.e. download locally. |
| } |
| |
| // Defines whether the file should be shared and how. |
| // NOTE: currently this field is only used by aMDD and has no effect on iMDD. |
| optional AndroidSharingType android_sharing_type = 17; |
| |
| // Enum for android sharing checksum types. |
| enum AndroidSharingChecksumType { |
| NOT_SET = 0; |
| |
| // If the file group should be shared through the Android Blob Sharing |
| // Service, the checksum type must be set to SHA256. |
| SHA2_256 = 1; |
| } |
| |
| optional AndroidSharingChecksumType android_sharing_checksum_type = 18; |
| |
| // Checksum used to access files through the Android Blob Sharing Service. |
| optional string android_sharing_checksum = 19; |
| |
| // Relative file path and file name to be preserved within the parent |
| // directory when creating symlinks for the file groups that have |
| // preserve_filenames_and_isolate_files set to true. |
| // This filename should NOT start or end with a '/', and it can not contain |
| // the substring '..'. |
| // Working example: "subDir/FileName.txt". |
| optional string relative_file_path = 20; |
| |
| // Custom metadata attached to the file. |
| // |
| // This allows clients to include specific metadata about the file for their |
| // own processing purposes. The metadata will be stored with the file and |
| // accessible when the file's file group is retrieved. |
| // |
| // This property should only be used if absolutely necessary. Please consult |
| // with <internal>@ if you have questions about this property or a potential |
| // use-case. |
| // |
| // Available for aMDD Lib only. |
| optional google.protobuf.Any custom_metadata = 21; |
| |
| reserved 1, 3, 6, 8, 9; |
| } |
| // LINT.ThenChange( |
| // <internal>, |
| // <internal>) |
| |
| // A delta file represents all the metadata to download for a diff file encoded |
| // based on a base file |
| // LINT.IfChange(delta_file) |
| message DeltaFile { |
| // These fields all mirror the similarly-named fields in DataFile. |
| optional string url_to_download = 1; |
| optional int32 byte_size = 2; |
| optional string checksum = 3; |
| |
| // Enum of all diff decoders supported |
| enum DiffDecoder { |
| // Default to have no diff decoder specified, will thrown unsupported |
| // exception |
| |
| // VcDIFF decoder |
| // Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format |
| // For more information, please refer to rfc3284 |
| // The VcDiff decoder for GMS service: |
| // <internal> |
| VC_DIFF = 1; |
| } |
| // The diff decoder used to generate full file with delta and base file. |
| // For MDD as a GMS service, a VcDiff decoder will be registered and injected |
| // in by default. Using MDD as a library, clients need to register and inject |
| // in a VcDiff decoder, otherwise, an exception will be thrown. |
| optional DiffDecoder diff_decoder = 5; |
| |
| // The base file represents to a full file on device. It should contain the |
| // bare minimum fields of a DataFile to identify a DataFile on device. |
| optional BaseFile base_file = 6; |
| |
| reserved 4; |
| } |
| // LINT.ThenChange( |
| // <internal>, |
| // <internal>) |
| |
| message BaseFile { |
| // SHA1 checksum of the base file to identify a file on device. It should |
| // match the checksum field of the base file used to generate the delta file. |
| optional string checksum = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // LINT.IfChange |
| // Next id: 5 |
| message DownloadConditions { |
| // TODO(b/143548753): The first value in an enum must have a specific prefix. |
| enum DeviceStoragePolicy { |
| // MDD will block download of files in android low storage. Currently MDD |
| // doesn't delete the files in case the device reaches low storage |
| // after the file has been downloaded. |
| |
| // Block download of files only under a lower threshold defined here |
| // <internal> |
| |
| // Set the storage threshold to an extremely low value when downloading. |
| // IMPORTANT: if the download make the device runs out of disk, this could |
| // render the device unusable. |
| // This should only be used for critical use cases such as privacy |
| // violations. Emergency fix should not belong to this category. Please |
| // talks to <internal>@ when you want to use this option. |
| } |
| |
| // Specify the device storage under which the files should be downloaded. |
| // By default, the files will only be downloaded if the device is not in |
| // low storage. |
| optional DeviceStoragePolicy device_storage_policy = 1; |
| |
| // TODO(b/143548753): The first value in an enum must have a specific prefix. |
| enum DeviceNetworkPolicy { |
| // Only download files on wifi. |
| |
| // Allow download on any network including wifi and cellular. |
| |
| // Allow downloading only on wifi first, then after a configurable time |
| // period set in the field download_first_on_wifi_period_secs below, |
| // allow downloading on any network including wifi and cellular. |
| } |
| |
| // Specify the device network under which the files should be downloaded. |
| // By default, the files will only be downloaded on wifi. |
| // |
| // If your feature targets below v20 and want to download on cellular in |
| // these versions of gms, also set allow_download_without_wifi = true; |
| optional DeviceNetworkPolicy device_network_policy = 2; |
| |
| // This field will only be used when the |
| // MDD will download the file only on wifi for this period of time. If the |
| // download was not finished, MDD will download on any network including |
| // wifi and cellular. |
| // Ex: 604800 // 7 Days |
| optional int64 download_first_on_wifi_period_secs = 4; |
| |
| // TODO(b/143548753): The first value in an enum must have a specific prefix. |
| enum ActivatingCondition { |
| // The download is activated as soon the server side config is received and |
| // the server configured download conditions are satisfied. |
| |
| // The download is activated when both server side activation conditions |
| // are satisfied and the client has activated the download on device. |
| // |
| // Clients can activate this group using the activateFileGroup API. |
| // <internal> |
| } |
| |
| // Specify how the download is activated. By default, the download is |
| // activated as soon as server configured activating conditions are satisfied. |
| optional ActivatingCondition activating_condition = 3; |
| } |
| // LINT.ThenChange( |
| // <internal>, |
| // <internal>) |
| |
| message PhConfig { |
| repeated PhClient ph_client = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Config for a client that wants to download their data file group using |
| // a phenotype flag. It contains the phenotype flag name where the client |
| // config is present. |
| // This is used by clients that want to download data files conditionally. Its |
| // current usage is to download webref slices. |
| message PhClient { |
| // The phenotype flag name where the config is present. |
| optional string ph_flag_name = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // ManifestConfig to support on device targeting. |
| // The ManifestConfig could be in a payload of a PH flag or it could be in the |
| // content of a Manifest file. See <internal> for more |
| // details. |
| // Each ManifestConfig.Entry will have a Modifier and a corresponding |
| // DataFileGroup. The Modifier will be used for on device filtering/targeting. |
| message ManifestConfig { |
| message Entry { |
| // All the modifier variables are used for filtering/targeting on the device |
| // side. For example, we can specify the locale "en_US" and does the |
| // targeting on the device based on this locale. If you need to add more |
| // fields to Modifier, please email <internal>@. |
| message Modifier { |
| // Locales for which this DataFileGroup is valid. |
| // Locales defined here are application's specific. |
| // It will be consumed by the application's |
| // ManifestConfigFlagPopulator.Overrider to do on-device targeting. The |
| // Overrider will interprete the locales to select best locale matches. |
| // For example, it can invoke the LanguageMatcher [1] to support |
| // "Local Inheritance" [2]. |
| // [1] |
| // <internal> |
| // [2] <internal> |
| repeated string locale = 1; |
| |
| // Custom Properties. |
| // Defined by each application. The application needs to provide a |
| // ManifestConfigOverrider |
| // (<internal> |
| // that understands and filters entries based on this Custom Properties. |
| optional google.protobuf.Any custom_properties = 2; |
| |
| message Location { |
| // S2CellId (<internal>) associated with this DataFileGroup. It will be |
| // used to do location based targeting on device, optionally filtering |
| // extraneous slices if the user has location permissions enabled. |
| // Otherwise location targeting will be based on a rough estimate from |
| // IP-based geolocation on the server. The type fixed64 is a bit more |
| // efficient than int64 for our purposes. This is because int64 uses |
| // prefix encoding, however, for the S2CellIds the high-order bits |
| // encode the face-ID and as a result we often end up with large |
| // numbers. |
| // optional fixed64 s2_cell_id = 1 [ |
| // (datapol.semantic_type) = ST_LOCATION |
| optional fixed64 s2_cell_id = 1; |
| } |
| |
| optional Location location = 3; |
| } |
| |
| optional Modifier modifier = 1; |
| optional DataFileGroup data_file_group = 2; |
| } |
| |
| message UrlTemplate { |
| // Template to construct a {@code DataFile}'s url_to_download on device. |
| // If the url template should be used, the url_to_download field should be |
| // left unpopulated. If the url template and the url_to_download are both |
| // populated, the template will be ignored. |
| optional string file_url_template = 1; |
| } |
| |
| repeated Entry entry = 1; |
| |
| // Template definition for constructing URLs on device. It applies to every |
| // DataFile defined in the ManifestConfig. |
| optional UrlTemplate url_template = 2; |
| } |
| |
| // The flag that MDD gets from P/H, and contains information about the manifest |
| // file to be downloaded. |
| // Next id: 3 |
| message ManifestFileFlag { |
| // The ID for the manifest file. This should be unique in the host app space. |
| optional string manifest_id = 1; |
| |
| // The url to the manifest file on Google hosting service. |
| optional string manifest_file_url = 2; |
| } |