blob: e5c00347ccba0a9a604ae174aac7b75c1420a459 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "ClientConfigProto";
option objc_class_prefix = "ICN";
// Next id: 15
message ClientFileGroup {
// Unique name to identify the group, that the client wants to read.
optional string group_name = 1;
optional string owner_package = 3;
// The account associated to the file group.
optional string account = 6;
optional int32 version_number = 4;
enum Status {
// This group is downloaded and ready to use.
// This group is pending download, and should be downloaded by calling
// the download API before it can be used.
// file.file_uri will not be set if the status is set to pending.
// This group has finished downloading, but custom validation has
// not yet been performed. This state is only expected to be seen
// in the CustomFileGroupValidator.
// Status of the client file group.
optional Status status = 5;
// List of files in the group.
repeated ClientFile file = 2;
// Unique identifier of a DataFileGroup config (i.e. a "snapshot") created
// when using MDD Ingress API.
// NOTE: This field name and description are not finalized yet! Reach out to
// <internal>@ to discuss using this field.
optional int64 build_id = 8;
// A fingerprint allowing clients to identify a DataFileGroup
// config based on a given set of properties (i.e. a "partition" of
// any file group properties). This can be used by clients as an exact match
// for a class of DataFileGroups during targeting or as a compatibility check.
// NOTE: This field name and description are not finalized yet! Reach out to
// <internal>@ to discuss using this field.
optional string variant_id = 12;
// The locales compatible with the file group. This can be different from the
// device locale.
// Values in this list may be exact locales (e.g. "en-US") or language-only
// ("en-*").
// Example 1: locale = ["en-US"]; // compatible with "en-US" only
// Example 2: locale = ["en-US", "en-CA"]; // compatible with "en-US" or
// // "en-CA"
// Example 3: locale = ["en-*"]; // compatible with all "en" locales
repeated string locale = 10;
reserved 11;
// Custom metadata attached to the group.
// This allows clients to include specific metadata about the group for their
// own processing purposes. The metadata must be included when the group is
// added to MDD, then it will be available here when retrieving the group.
// This property should only be used if absolutely necessary. Please consult
// with <internal>@ if you have questions about this property or a potential
// use-case.
optional .google.protobuf.Any custom_metadata = 13;
reserved 14;
reserved 7, 9;
// Next id: 6
message ClientFile {
// Unique name to identify the file within the group.
optional string file_id = 1;
// File Uri that can be opened using FileStorage library (<internal>).
optional string file_uri = 2;
// The full size of the file as specified in byte_size field of the config
// given to MDD. For files unzipped from zip file with zip download
// transforms, it will be the actual file size on disk.
optional int32 full_size_in_bytes = 3;
// The download size of the file as specified in downloaded_file_byte_size
// field (<internal>) of the
// config given to MDD. It could be used to track and calculate the download
// progress.
optional int32 download_size_in_bytes = 4;
// Custom metadata attached to the file
// This allows clients to include specific metadata about the file for their
// own processing purposes. The metadata must be included when the file's
// group is added to MDD, then it will be available here when retrieving the
// containing group.
// This property should only be used if absolutely necessary. Please consult
// with <internal>@ if you have questions about this property or a potential
// use-case.
optional .google.protobuf.Any custom_metadata = 5;