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'\" t
.TH floppyd 1 "08Jan22" mtools-4.0.37
.SH Name
floppyd - floppy daemon for remote access to floppy drive
'\" t
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.tr \(is'
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.SH Note\ of\ warning
This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo
documentation, and may not be entirely accurate or complete. See the
end of this man page for details.
.SH Description
\&\fR\&\f(CWFloppyd\fR is used as a server to grant access to the floppy drive
to clients running on a remote machine, just as an X server grants
access to the display to remote clients. It has the following syntax:
\&\fR\&\f(CWfloppyd\fR [\fR\&\f(CW-d\fR] [\fR\&\f(CW-l\fR] [\fR\&\f(CW-s\fR \fIport\fR] [\fR\&\f(CW-r\fR
\&\fIuser\fR] [\fR\&\f(CW-b\fR \fIipaddr\fR] [\fR\&\f(CW-x\fR \fIdisplay\fR] \fIdevicenames\fR
\&\fR\&\f(CWfloppyd\fR is always associated with an X server. It runs on the
same machine as its X server, and listens on port 5703 and above.
.SH Authentication
\&\fR\&\f(CWfloppyd\fR authenticates remote clients using the \fR\&\f(CWXauthority\fR
protocol. Xhost authentication is not supported. Each floppyd is
associated with an X server. When a remote client attempts to connect
to floppyd, it sends floppyd the X authority record corresponding to
floppyd's X server. Floppyd in turn then tries to open up a connection
to the X server in order to verify the authenticity of the xauth record.
If the connection to the X server succeeds, the client is granted
\&\fBCaution\fR: In order to make authentication work correctly, the
local host should \fBnot\fR be listed in the \fR\&\f(CWxhost\fR list of
allowed hosts.
Indeed, hosts listed in \fR\&\f(CWxhost\fR do not need a correct
\&\fR\&\f(CWXauthority\fR cookie to connect to the X server. As \fR\&\f(CWfloppyd\fR
runs on the same host as the X server, all its probe connection would
succeed even for clients who supplied a bad cookie. This means that
your floppy drive would be open to the world, i.e. a huge security hole.
If your X server does not allow you to remove \fR\&\f(CWlocalhost:0\fR and
\&\fR\&\f(CW:0\fR from the \fR\&\f(CWxhost\fR list, you can prevent floppyd from
probing those display names with the \fR\&\f(CW-l\fR option.
.SH Command\ line\ options
Daemon mode. Floppyd runs its own server loop. Do not supply this if
you start floppyd from \fR\&\f(CWinetd.conf\fR
\&\fR\&\f(CWs\ \ \fIport\fR\&\f(CW\fR\
Port number for daemon mode. Default is 5703 + \fIdisplaynumber\fR.
This flag implies daemon mode. For example, for display
\&\fR\&\f(CWhitchhiker:5\fR, the port would be 5708.
\&\fR\&\f(CWb\ \ \fIipaddr\fR\&\f(CW\fR\
Bind address (for multi homed hosts). This flag implies daemon mode
\&\fR\&\f(CWr\ \fIuser\fR\&\f(CW\fR\
Run the server under as the given user
\&\fR\&\f(CWx\ \fIdisplay\fR\&\f(CW\fR\
X display to use for authentication. By default, this is taken from the
\&\fR\&\f(CWDISPLAY\fR variable. If neither the \fR\&\f(CWx\fR attribute is present
nor \fR\&\f(CWDISPLAY\fR is set, floppyd uses \fR\&\f(CW:0.0\fR.
\&\fIdevicenames\fR is a list of device nodes to be opened. Default
is \fR\&\f(CW/dev/fd0\fR. Multiple devices are only supported on mtools
versions newer than 3.9.11.
.SH Connecting\ to\ floppyd
In order to use floppyd, add the flag \fR\&\f(CWremote\fR to the device
description in your \fR\&\f(CW\(if~/.mtoolsrc\(is\fR file. If the flag \fR\&\f(CWremote\fR
is given, the \fR\&\f(CWfile\fR parameter of the device description is taken
to be a remote address. It's format is the following:
\&\fIhostname\fR\fR\&\f(CW:\fR\fIdisplaynumber\fR[\fR\&\f(CW/\fR[\fIbaseport\fR][\fR\&\f(CW/\fR\fIdrive\fR]]. When
using this entry, mtools connects to port
\&\fIbaseport\fR+\fIdisplaynumber\fR at \fIhostname\fR. By default
\&\fIbaseport\fR is 5703. The drive parameter is to distinguish among
multiple drives associated with a single display (only mtools versions
more recent than 3.9.11)
.SH Examples:
The following starts a floppy daemon giving access to \fR\&\f(CW\(if/dev/fd0\(is\fR,
listening on the default port 5703, tied to the default X servers:
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
floppyd -d /dev/fd0
.in -0.3i
.ft R
Each of the following starts a floppy daemon giving access to
\&\fR\&\f(CW\(if/dev/fd1\(is\fR, tied to the :1 local X servers, and listening on port
5704. We assume that the local host is named \fR\&\f(CWhitchhiker\fR.
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
floppyd -d /dev/fd0
floppyd -d -x :1 -p 5704 /dev/fd0
.in -0.3i
.ft R
If you want to start floppyd by \fR\&\f(CWinetd\fR instead of running it as a
daemon, insert the following lines into \fR\&\f(CW\(if/etc/services\(is\fR:
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
# floppy daemon
floppyd-0 5703/tcp # floppy daemon for X server :0
floppyd-1 5704/tcp # floppy daemon for X server :1
.in -0.3i
.ft R
And insert the following into \fR\&\f(CW\(if/etc/inetd.conf\(is\fR (assuming that you
have defined a user named floppy in your \fR\&\f(CW\(if/etc/passwd\(is\fR):
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
# floppy daemon
floppyd-0 stream tcp wait floppy /usr/sbin/floppyd floppyd /dev/fd0
floppyd-1 stream tcp wait floppy /usr/sbin/floppyd floppyd -x :1 /dev/fd0
.in -0.3i
.ft R
Note that you need to supply the X display names for the second
floppyd. This is because the port is opened by inetd.conf, and hence
floppyd cannot know its number to interfere the display number.
On the client side, insert the following into your \fR\&\f(CW\(if~/.mtoolsrc\(is\fR
to define a drive letter accessing floppy drive in your X terminal:
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
drive x: file="$DISPLAY" remote
.in -0.3i
.ft R
If your X terminal has more than one drive, you may access the
additional drives as follows:
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
drive y: file="$DISPLAY//1" remote
drive z: file="$DISPLAY//2" remote
.in -0.3i
.ft R
.SH See\ Also
Mtools' texinfo doc
.SH Viewing\ the\ texi\ doc
This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo
documentation. However, this process is only approximative, and some
items, such as crossreferences, footnotes and indices are lost in this
translation process. Indeed, these items have no appropriate
representation in the manpage format. Moreover, not all information has
been translated into the manpage version. Thus I strongly advise you to
use the original texinfo doc. See the end of this manpage for
instructions how to view the texinfo doc.
* \ \
To generate a printable copy from the texinfo doc, run the following
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
./configure; make dvi; dvips mtools.dvi
.in -0.3i
.ft R
* \ \
To generate a html copy, run:
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
./configure; make html
.in -0.3i
.ft R
\&\fRA premade html can be found at
* \ \
To generate an info copy (browsable using emacs' info mode), run:
.ft 3
.in +0.3i
./configure; make info
.in -0.3i
.ft R
The texinfo doc looks most pretty when printed or as html. Indeed, in
the info version certain examples are difficult to read due to the
quoting conventions used in info.