blob: c0b9c9975fd2407d9c35cc293446a184e043934f [file] [log] [blame]
//! Path canonicalization.
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
/// An on-stack stack of values.
/// Used for tracking locations of parent components within a path.
struct StackStack<T> {
n: usize,
vals: [MaybeUninit<T>; 60],
impl<T: Copy> StackStack<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
StackStack {
n: 0,
// Safety: we only access vals[i] after setting it.
vals: unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() },
fn push(&mut self, val: T) {
if self.n >= self.vals.len() {
panic!("too many path components");
self.n += 1;
fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
if self.n > 0 {
self.n -= 1;
// Safety: we only access vals[i] after setting it.
Some(unsafe { self.vals[self.n].assume_init() })
} else {
/// Lexically canonicalize a path, removing redundant components.
/// Does not access the disk, but only simplifies things like
/// "foo/./bar" => "foo/bar".
/// These paths can show up due to variable expansion in particular.
/// Returns the new length of the path, guaranteed <= the original length.
pub fn canon_path_fast(path: &mut str) -> usize {
// Safety: this traverses the path buffer to move data around.
// We maintain the invariant that *dst always points to a point within
// the buffer, and that src is always checked against end before reading.
unsafe {
let mut components = StackStack::<*mut u8>::new();
let mut dst = path.as_mut_ptr();
let mut src = path.as_ptr();
let start = path.as_mut_ptr();
let end = src.add(path.len());
if src == end {
return 0;
if *src == b'/' || *src == b'\\' {
src = src.add(1);
dst = dst.add(1);
// Outer loop: one iteration per path component.
while src < end {
// Peek ahead for special path components: "/", ".", and "..".
match *src {
b'/' | b'\\' => {
src = src.add(1);
b'.' => {
let mut peek = src.add(1);
if peek == end {
break; // Trailing '.', trim.
match *peek {
b'/' | b'\\' => {
// "./", skip.
src = src.add(2);
b'.' => {
// ".."
peek = peek.add(1);
if !(peek == end || *peek == b'/' || *peek == b'\\') {
// Componet that happens to start with "..".
// Handle as an ordinary component.
// ".." component, try to back up.
if let Some(ofs) = components.pop() {
dst = ofs;
} else {
*dst = b'.';
dst = dst.add(1);
*dst = b'.';
dst = dst.add(1);
if peek != end {
*dst = *peek;
dst = dst.add(1);
src = src.add(3);
_ => {}
_ => {}
// Mark this point as a possible target to pop to.
// Inner loop: copy one path component, including trailing '/'.
while src < end {
*dst = *src;
src = src.add(1);
dst = dst.add(1);
if *src.offset(-1) == b'/' || *src.offset(-1) == b'\\' {
if dst == start {
*start = b'.';
} else {
dst.offset_from(start) as usize
pub fn canon_path<T: Into<String>>(path: T) -> String {
let mut path = path.into();
let len = canon_path_fast(&mut path);
mod tests {
use super::*;
// Assert that canon path equals expected path with different path separators
fn assert_canon_path_eq(left: &str, right: &str) {
assert_eq!(canon_path(left), right);
canon_path(left.replace('/', "\\")),
right.replace('/', "\\")
fn noop() {
assert_canon_path_eq("foo", "foo");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/bar", "foo/bar");
fn dot() {
assert_canon_path_eq("./foo", "foo");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/.", "foo/");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/./bar", "foo/bar");
assert_canon_path_eq("./", ".");
assert_canon_path_eq("./.", ".");
assert_canon_path_eq("././", ".");
assert_canon_path_eq("././.", ".");
assert_canon_path_eq(".", ".");
fn slash() {
assert_canon_path_eq("/foo", "/foo");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo//bar", "foo/bar");
fn parent() {
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/../bar", "bar");
assert_canon_path_eq("/foo/../bar", "/bar");
assert_canon_path_eq("../foo", "../foo");
assert_canon_path_eq("../foo/../bar", "../bar");
assert_canon_path_eq("../../bar", "../../bar");
assert_canon_path_eq("./../foo", "../foo");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/..", ".");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/../", ".");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/../../", "../");
assert_canon_path_eq("foo/../../bar", "../bar");