blob: edcf49d5547704c13305191f33799f61c349d549 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Graph loading: runs .ninja parsing and constructs the build graph from it.
use crate::{
canon::{canon_path, canon_path_fast},
eval::{EvalPart, EvalString},
graph::{FileId, RspFile},
{db, eval, graph, parse, trace},
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::{borrow::Cow, path::Path};
/// A variable lookup environment for magic $in/$out variables.
struct BuildImplicitVars<'a> {
graph: &'a graph::Graph,
build: &'a graph::Build,
impl<'a> BuildImplicitVars<'a> {
fn file_list(&self, ids: &[FileId], sep: char) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
for &id in ids {
if !out.is_empty() {
impl<'a> eval::Env for BuildImplicitVars<'a> {
fn get_var(&self, var: &str) -> Option<EvalString<Cow<str>>> {
let string_to_evalstring =
|s: String| Some(EvalString::new(vec![EvalPart::Literal(Cow::Owned(s))]));
match var {
"in" => string_to_evalstring(self.file_list(, ' ')),
"in_newline" => string_to_evalstring(self.file_list(, '\n')),
"out" => string_to_evalstring(self.file_list(, ' ')),
"out_newline" => string_to_evalstring(self.file_list(, '\n')),
_ => None,
/// Internal state used while loading.
pub struct Loader {
graph: graph::Graph,
default: Vec<FileId>,
/// rule name -> list of (key, val)
rules: HashMap<String, SmallMap<String, eval::EvalString<String>>>,
pools: SmallMap<String, usize>,
builddir: Option<String>,
impl Loader {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut loader = Loader::default();
loader.rules.insert("phony".to_owned(), SmallMap::default());
/// Convert a path string to a FileId. For performance reasons
/// this requires an owned 'path' param.
fn path(&mut self, mut path: String) -> FileId {
// Perf: this is called while parsing files. We go to
// some effort to avoid allocating in the common case of a path that
// refers to a file that is already known.
let len = canon_path_fast(&mut path);
fn evaluate_path(&mut self, path: EvalString<&str>, envs: &[&dyn eval::Env]) -> FileId {
fn evaluate_paths(
&mut self,
paths: Vec<EvalString<&str>>,
envs: &[&dyn eval::Env],
) -> Vec<FileId> {
.map(|path| self.evaluate_path(path, envs))
fn add_build(
&mut self,
filename: std::rc::Rc<PathBuf>,
env: &eval::Vars,
b: parse::Build,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let ins = graph::BuildIns {
ids: self.evaluate_paths(b.ins, &[&b.vars, env]),
explicit: b.explicit_ins,
implicit: b.implicit_ins,
order_only: b.order_only_ins,
// validation is implied by the other counts
let outs = graph::BuildOuts {
ids: self.evaluate_paths(b.outs, &[&b.vars, env]),
explicit: b.explicit_outs,
let mut build = graph::Build::new(
graph::FileLoc {
line: b.line,
let rule = match self.rules.get(b.rule) {
Some(r) => r,
None => bail!("unknown rule {:?}", b.rule),
let implicit_vars = BuildImplicitVars {
graph: &self.graph,
build: &build,
// temp variable in order to not move all of b into the closure
let build_vars = &b.vars;
let lookup = |key: &str| -> Option<String> {
// Look up `key = ...` binding in build and rule block.
Some(match rule.get(key) {
Some(val) => val.evaluate(&[&implicit_vars, build_vars, env]),
None => build_vars.get(key)?.evaluate(&[env]),
let cmdline = lookup("command");
let desc = lookup("description");
let depfile = lookup("depfile");
let parse_showincludes = match lookup("deps").as_deref() {
None => false,
Some("gcc") => false,
Some("msvc") => true,
Some(other) => bail!("invalid deps attribute {:?}", other),
let pool = lookup("pool");
let rspfile_path = lookup("rspfile");
let rspfile_content = lookup("rspfile_content");
let rspfile = match (rspfile_path, rspfile_content) {
(None, None) => None,
(Some(path), Some(content)) => Some(RspFile {
path: std::path::PathBuf::from(path),
_ => bail!("rspfile and rspfile_content need to be both specified"),
build.cmdline = cmdline;
build.desc = desc;
build.depfile = depfile;
build.parse_showincludes = parse_showincludes;
build.rspfile = rspfile;
build.pool = pool;
fn read_file(&mut self, id: FileId) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let path = self.graph.file(id).path().to_path_buf();
let bytes = match trace::scope("read file", || scanner::read_file_with_nul(&path)) {
Ok(b) => b,
Err(e) => bail!("read {}: {}", path.display(), e),
self.parse(path, &bytes)
fn evaluate_and_read_file(
&mut self,
file: EvalString<&str>,
envs: &[&dyn eval::Env],
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let evaluated = self.evaluate_path(file, envs);
pub fn parse(&mut self, path: PathBuf, bytes: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let filename = std::rc::Rc::new(path);
let mut parser = parse::Parser::new(&bytes);
loop {
let stmt = match parser
.map_err(|err| anyhow!(parser.format_parse_error(&filename, err)))?
None => break,
Some(s) => s,
match stmt {
Statement::Include(id) => trace::scope("include", || {
self.evaluate_and_read_file(id, &[&parser.vars])
// TODO: implement scoping for subninja
Statement::Subninja(id) => trace::scope("subninja", || {
self.evaluate_and_read_file(id, &[&parser.vars])
Statement::Default(defaults) => {
let evaluated = self.evaluate_paths(defaults, &[&parser.vars]);
Statement::Rule(rule) => {
let mut vars: SmallMap<String, eval::EvalString<String>> = SmallMap::default();
for (name, val) in rule.vars.into_iter() {
// TODO: We should not need to call .into_owned() here
// if we keep the contents of all included files in
// memory.
vars.insert(name.to_owned(), val.into_owned());
self.rules.insert(, vars);
Statement::Build(build) => self.add_build(filename.clone(), &parser.vars, build)?,
Statement::Pool(pool) => {
self.pools.insert(, pool.depth);
self.builddir = parser.vars.get("builddir").cloned();
/// State loaded by read().
pub struct State {
pub graph: graph::Graph,
pub db: db::Writer,
pub hashes: graph::Hashes,
pub default: Vec<FileId>,
pub pools: SmallMap<String, usize>,
/// Load and return the loaded build graph and state.
pub fn read(build_filename: &str) -> anyhow::Result<State> {
let mut loader = Loader::new();
trace::scope("loader.read_file", || {
let id = loader
let mut hashes = graph::Hashes::default();
let db = trace::scope("db::open", || {
let mut db_path = PathBuf::from(".n2_db");
if let Some(builddir) = &loader.builddir {
db_path = Path::new(&builddir).join(db_path);
if let Some(parent) = db_path.parent() {
db::open(&db_path, &mut loader.graph, &mut hashes)
.map_err(|err| anyhow!("load .n2_db: {}", err))?;
Ok(State {
graph: loader.graph,
default: loader.default,
pools: loader.pools,
/// Parse a single file's content.
pub fn parse(name: &str, mut content: Vec<u8>) -> anyhow::Result<graph::Graph> {
let mut loader = Loader::new();
trace::scope("loader.read_file", || {
loader.parse(PathBuf::from(name), &content)