blob: 693ab5209793c8a81678d8299653599f11c79297 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Runs build tasks, potentially in parallel.
//! Unaware of the build graph, pools, etc.; just command execution.
//! We use one thread per subprocess. This differs from Ninja which goes to
//! some effort to use ppoll-like behavior. Because the threads are mostly
//! blocked in IO I don't expect this to be too costly in terms of CPU, but it's
//! worth considering how much RAM it costs. On the positive side, the logic
//! is significantly simpler than Ninja and we get free behaviors like parallel
//! parsing of depfiles.
use crate::{
graph::{Build, BuildId, RspFile},
scanner::{self, Scanner},
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::time::Instant;
pub struct FinishedTask {
/// A (faked) "thread id", used to put different finished builds in different
/// tracks in a performance trace.
pub tid: usize,
pub buildid: BuildId,
pub span: (Instant, Instant),
pub result: TaskResult,
/// The result of running a build step.
pub struct TaskResult {
pub termination: process::Termination,
/// Console output.
pub output: Vec<u8>,
pub discovered_deps: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Reads dependencies from a .d file path.
fn read_depfile(path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<String>> {
let bytes = match scanner::read_file_with_nul(path) {
Ok(b) => b,
// See discussion of missing depfiles in #80.
// TODO(#99): warn or error in this circumstance?
Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(Vec::new()),
Err(e) => bail!("read {}: {}", path.display(), e),
let mut scanner = Scanner::new(&bytes);
let parsed_deps = depfile::parse(&mut scanner)
.map_err(|err| anyhow!(scanner.format_parse_error(path, err)))?;
// TODO verify deps refers to correct output
let deps: Vec<String> = parsed_deps
.map(|&dep| dep.to_string())
fn write_rspfile(rspfile: &RspFile) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
if let Some(parent) = rspfile.path.parent() {
std::fs::write(&rspfile.path, &rspfile.content)?;
/// Parse some subcommand output to extract "Note: including file:" lines as
/// emitted by MSVC/clang-cl.
fn extract_showincludes(output: Vec<u8>) -> (Vec<String>, Vec<u8>) {
let mut filtered_output = Vec::new();
let mut includes = Vec::new();
for line in output.split(|&c| c == b'\n') {
if let Some(include) = line.strip_prefix(b"Note: including file: ") {
let start = include.iter().position(|&c| c != b' ').unwrap_or(0);
let end = if include.ends_with(&[b'\r']) {
include.len() - 1
} else {
let include = &include[start..end];
includes.push(unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(include.to_vec()) });
} else {
if !filtered_output.is_empty() {
(includes, filtered_output)
/// Find the span of the last line of text in buf, ignoring trailing empty
/// lines.
fn find_last_line(buf: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
fn is_nl(c: u8) -> bool {
c == b'\r' || c == b'\n'
let end = match buf.iter().rposition(|&c| !is_nl(c)) {
Some(pos) => pos + 1,
None => buf.len(),
let start = match buf[..end].iter().rposition(|&c| is_nl(c)) {
Some(pos) => pos + 1,
None => 0,
/// Executes a build task as a subprocess.
/// Returns an Err() if we failed outside of the process itself.
/// This is run as a separate thread from the main n2 process and will block
/// on the subprocess, so any additional per-subprocess work we can do belongs
/// here.
fn run_task(
cmdline: &str,
depfile: Option<&Path>,
parse_showincludes: bool,
rspfile: Option<&RspFile>,
mut last_line_cb: impl FnMut(&[u8]),
) -> anyhow::Result<TaskResult> {
if let Some(rspfile) = rspfile {
let mut output = Vec::new();
let termination = process::run_command(cmdline, |buf| {
let mut discovered_deps = None;
if parse_showincludes {
// Remove /showIncludes lines from output, regardless of success/fail.
let (includes, filtered) = extract_showincludes(output);
output = filtered;
discovered_deps = Some(includes);
if termination == process::Termination::Success {
if let Some(depfile) = depfile {
discovered_deps = Some(read_depfile(depfile)?);
Ok(TaskResult {
/// Tracks faked "thread ids" -- integers assigned to build tasks to track
/// parallelism in perf trace output.
struct ThreadIds {
/// An entry is true when claimed, false or nonexistent otherwise.
slots: Vec<bool>,
impl ThreadIds {
fn claim(&mut self) -> usize {
match self.slots.iter().position(|&used| !used) {
Some(idx) => {
self.slots[idx] = true;
None => {
let idx = self.slots.len();
fn release(&mut self, slot: usize) {
self.slots[slot] = false;
enum Message {
Output((BuildId, Vec<u8>)),
pub struct Runner {
tx: mpsc::Sender<Message>,
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Message>,
pub running: usize,
tids: ThreadIds,
parallelism: usize,
impl Runner {
pub fn new(parallelism: usize) -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
Runner {
running: 0,
tids: ThreadIds::default(),
pub fn can_start_more(&self) -> bool {
self.running < self.parallelism
pub fn is_running(&self) -> bool {
self.running > 0
pub fn start(&mut self, id: BuildId, build: &Build) {
let cmdline = build.cmdline.clone().unwrap();
let depfile = build.depfile.clone().map(PathBuf::from);
let rspfile = build.rspfile.clone();
let parse_showincludes = build.parse_showincludes;
let tid = self.tids.claim();
let tx = self.tx.clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
let start = Instant::now();
let result = run_task(
|line| {
let _ = tx.send(Message::Output((id, line.to_owned())));
.unwrap_or_else(|err| TaskResult {
termination: process::Termination::Failure,
output: format!("{}\n", err).into_bytes(),
discovered_deps: None,
let finish = Instant::now();
let task = FinishedTask {
buildid: id,
span: (start, finish),
// The send will only fail if the receiver disappeared, e.g. due to shutting down.
let _ = tx.send(Message::Done(task));
self.running += 1;
/// Wait for a build to complete. May block for a long time.
pub fn wait(&mut self, mut output: impl FnMut(BuildId, Vec<u8>)) -> FinishedTask {
loop {
match self.rx.recv().unwrap() {
Message::Output((bid, line)) => output(bid, line),
Message::Done(task) => {
self.running -= 1;
return task;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn show_includes() {
let (includes, output) = extract_showincludes(
b"some text
Note: including file: a
other text
Note: including file: b\r
more text
assert_eq!(includes, &["a", "b"]);
b"some text
other text
more text
fn find_last() {
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b""), b"");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"\n"), b"");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"hello"), b"hello");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"hello\n"), b"hello");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"hello\nt"), b"t");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"hello\nt\n"), b"t");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"hello\n\n"), b"hello");
assert_eq!(find_last_line(b"hello\nt\n\n"), b"t");
fn missing_depfile_allowed() {
let deps = read_depfile(Path::new("/missing/dep/file")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(deps.len(), 0);