blob: 8079ad1d2f25a048cb7539ddebf4e9bde46c028a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Build runner, choosing and executing tasks as determined by out of date inputs.
use crate::{
canon::canon_path, db, densemap::DenseMap, graph::*, hash, process, progress,
progress::Progress, signal, smallmap::SmallMap, task, trace,
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
/// Build steps go through this sequence of states.
/// See "Build states" in the design notes.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum BuildState {
/// Default initial state, for Builds unneeded by the current build.
/// Builds we want to ensure are up to date, but which aren't ready yet.
/// Builds whose dependencies are up to date and are ready to be
/// checked. This is purely a function of whether all builds before
/// it have have run, and is independent of any file state.
/// Preconditions:
/// - generated inputs: have already been stat()ed as part of completing
/// the step that generated those inputs
/// - non-generated inputs: may not have yet stat()ed, so doing those
/// stat()s is part of the work of running these builds
/// Builds who have been determined not up to date and which are ready
/// to be executed.
/// Currently executing.
/// Finished executing successfully.
/// Finished executing but failed.
/// Counters that track builds in each state, excluding phony builds.
/// This is only for display to the user and should not be used as a source of
/// truth for tracking progress.
/// Only covers builds not in the "unknown" state, which means it's only builds
/// that are considered part of the current build.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct StateCounts([usize; 6]);
impl StateCounts {
fn idx(state: BuildState) -> usize {
match state {
BuildState::Unknown => panic!("unexpected state"),
BuildState::Want => 0,
BuildState::Ready => 1,
BuildState::Queued => 2,
BuildState::Running => 3,
BuildState::Done => 4,
BuildState::Failed => 5,
pub fn add(&mut self, state: BuildState, delta: isize) {
self.0[StateCounts::idx(state)] =
(self.0[StateCounts::idx(state)] as isize + delta) as usize;
pub fn get(&self, state: BuildState) -> usize {
pub fn total(&self) -> usize {
self.0[0] + self.0[1] + self.0[2] + self.0[3] + self.0[4] + self.0[5]
/// Pools gather collections of running builds.
/// Each running build is running "in" a pool; there's a default unbounded
/// pool for builds that don't specify one.
/// See "Tracking build state" in the design notes.
struct PoolState {
/// A queue of builds that are ready to be executed in this pool.
queued: VecDeque<BuildId>,
/// The number of builds currently running in this pool.
running: usize,
/// The total depth of the pool. 0 means unbounded.
depth: usize,
impl PoolState {
fn new(depth: usize) -> Self {
PoolState {
queued: VecDeque::new(),
running: 0,
/// BuildStates tracks progress of each Build step through the build.
/// See "Tracking build state" in the design notes.
struct BuildStates {
states: DenseMap<BuildId, BuildState>,
/// Counts of builds in each state.
counts: StateCounts,
/// Total number of builds that haven't been driven to completion
/// (done or failed).
total_pending: usize,
/// Builds in the ready state, stored redundantly for quick access.
ready: VecDeque<BuildId>,
/// Named pools of queued and running builds.
/// Builds otherwise default to using an unnamed infinite pool.
pools: SmallMap<String, PoolState>,
impl BuildStates {
fn new(size: BuildId, depths: SmallMap<String, usize>) -> Self {
let mut pools = SmallMap::default();
// The implied default pool.
pools.insert(String::from(""), PoolState::new(0));
// TODO: the console pool is just a depth-1 pool for now.
pools.insert(String::from("console"), PoolState::new(1));
for (name, depth) in depths.into_iter() {
pools.insert(name, PoolState::new(depth));
BuildStates {
states: DenseMap::new_sized(size, BuildState::Unknown),
counts: StateCounts::default(),
total_pending: 0,
ready: VecDeque::new(),
fn get(&self, id: BuildId) -> BuildState {
fn set(&mut self, id: BuildId, build: &Build, state: BuildState) {
// This function is called on all state transitions.
// We get 'prev', the previous state, and 'state', the new state.
let prev = std::mem::replace(&mut self.states[id], state);
// We skip user-facing counters for phony builds.
let skip_ui_count = build.cmdline.is_none();
// println!("{:?} {:?}=>{:?} {:?}", id, prev, state, self.counts);
if prev == BuildState::Unknown {
self.total_pending += 1;
} else {
if prev == BuildState::Running {
self.get_pool(build).unwrap().running -= 1;
if !skip_ui_count {
self.counts.add(prev, -1);
match state {
BuildState::Ready => {
BuildState::Running => {
// Trace instants render poorly in the old Chrome UI, and
// not at all in speedscope or Perfetto.
// if self.counts.get(BuildState::Running) == 0 {
// trace::if_enabled(|t| t.write_instant("first build"));
// }
self.get_pool(build).unwrap().running += 1;
BuildState::Done | BuildState::Failed => {
self.total_pending -= 1;
_ => {}
if !skip_ui_count {
self.counts.add(state, 1);
This is too expensive to log on every individual state change...
trace::if_enabled(|t| {
("want", self.counts.get(BuildState::Want)),
("ready", self.counts.get(BuildState::Ready)),
("queued", self.counts.get(BuildState::Queued)),
("running", self.counts.get(BuildState::Running)),
("done", self.counts.get(BuildState::Done)),
fn unfinished(&self) -> bool {
self.total_pending > 0
/// Visits a BuildId that is an input to the desired output.
/// Will recursively visit its own inputs.
fn want_build(
&mut self,
graph: &Graph,
stack: &mut Vec<FileId>,
id: BuildId,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
if self.get(id) != BuildState::Unknown {
return Ok(()); // Already visited.
let build = &graph.builds[id];
self.set(id, build, BuildState::Want);
// Any Build that doesn't depend on an output of another Build is ready.
let mut ready = true;
for &id in build.ordering_ins() {
self.want_file(graph, stack, id)?;
ready = ready && graph.file(id).input.is_none();
for &id in build.validation_ins() {
// This build doesn't technically depend on the validation inputs, so
// allocate a new stack. Validation inputs could in theory depend on this build's
// outputs.
let mut stack = Vec::new();
self.want_file(graph, &mut stack, id)?;
if ready {
self.set(id, build, BuildState::Ready);
/// Visits a FileId that is an input to the desired output.
/// Will recursively visit its own inputs.
pub fn want_file(
&mut self,
graph: &Graph,
stack: &mut Vec<FileId>,
id: FileId,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Check for a dependency cycle.
if let Some(cycle) = stack.iter().position(|&sid| sid == id) {
let mut err = "dependency cycle: ".to_string();
for &id in stack[cycle..].iter() {
err.push_str(&format!("{} -> ", graph.file(id).name));
if let Some(bid) = graph.file(id).input {
self.want_build(graph, stack, bid)?;
pub fn pop_ready(&mut self) -> Option<BuildId> {
// Here is where we might consider prioritizing from among the available
// ready set.
/// Look up a PoolState by name.
fn get_pool(&mut self, build: &Build) -> Option<&mut PoolState> {
let name = build.pool.as_deref().unwrap_or("");
for (key, pool) in self.pools.iter_mut() {
if key == name {
return Some(pool);
/// Mark a build as ready to run.
/// May fail if the build references an unknown pool.
pub fn enqueue(&mut self, id: BuildId, build: &Build) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
self.set(id, build, BuildState::Queued);
let pool = self.get_pool(build).ok_or_else(|| {
"{}: unknown pool {:?}",
// Unnamed pool lookups always succeed, this error is about
// named pools.
/// Pop a ready to run queued build.
pub fn pop_queued(&mut self) -> Option<BuildId> {
for (_, pool) in self.pools.iter_mut() {
if pool.depth == 0 || pool.running < pool.depth {
if let Some(id) = pool.queued.pop_front() {
return Some(id);
pub struct Options {
pub failures_left: Option<usize>,
pub parallelism: usize,
/// When true, verbosely explain why targets are considered dirty.
pub explain: bool,
/// When true, just mark targets up to date without running anything.
pub adopt: bool,
pub struct Work<'a> {
graph: Graph,
db: db::Writer,
pub progress: &'a mut dyn Progress,
options: Options,
file_state: FileState,
last_hashes: Hashes,
build_states: BuildStates,
impl<'a> Work<'a> {
pub fn new(
graph: Graph,
last_hashes: Hashes,
db: db::Writer,
options: &Options,
progress: &'a mut dyn Progress,
pools: SmallMap<String, usize>,
) -> Self {
let file_state = FileState::new(&graph);
let build_count = graph.builds.next_id();
Work {
options: options.clone(),
build_states: BuildStates::new(build_count, pools),
pub fn lookup(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<FileId> {
pub fn want_file(&mut self, id: FileId) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut stack = Vec::new();
self.build_states.want_file(&self.graph, &mut stack, id)
pub fn want_every_file(&mut self, exclude: Option<FileId>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for id in self.graph.files.all_ids() {
if let Some(exclude) = exclude {
if id == exclude {
/// Check whether a given build is ready, generally after one of its inputs
/// has been updated.
fn recheck_ready(&self, id: BuildId) -> bool {
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
// println!("recheck {:?} {} ({}...)", id, build.location, self.graph.file(build.outs()[0]).name);
for &id in build.ordering_ins() {
let file = self.graph.file(id);
match file.input {
None => {
// Only generated inputs contribute to readiness.
Some(id) => {
if self.build_states.get(id) != BuildState::Done {
// println!(" {:?} {} not done, it's {:?}", id,, self.build_states.get(id));
return false;
// println!("{:?} now ready", id);
/// Return the id of any input file to a ready build step that is missing.
/// Assumes the input dependencies have already executed, but otherwise
/// may stat the file on disk.
fn ensure_input_files(
&mut self,
id: BuildId,
discovered: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<FileId>> {
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
let ids = if discovered {
} else {
for &id in ids {
let mtime = match self.file_state.get(id) {
Some(mtime) => mtime,
None => {
let file = self.graph.file(id);
if file.input.is_some() {
// This dep is generated by some other build step, but the
// build graph didn't cause that other build step to be
// visited first. This is an error in the build file.
// For example, imagine:
// build generated.h: codegen_headers ...
// build generated.stamp: stamp || generated.h
// build foo.o: cc ...
// If we deps discover that foo.o depends on generated.h,
// we must have some dependency path from foo.o to generated.h,
// either direct or indirect (like the stamp). If that
// were present, then we'd already have file_state for this
// file and wouldn't get here.
"{}: used generated file {}, but has no dependency path to it",
self.file_state.stat(id, file.path())?
if mtime == MTime::Missing {
return Ok(Some(id));
/// Given a task that just finished, record any discovered deps and hash.
/// Postcondition: all outputs have been stat()ed.
fn record_finished(&mut self, id: BuildId, result: task::TaskResult) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Clean up the deps discovered from the task.
let mut deps = Vec::new();
if let Some(names) = result.discovered_deps {
for name in names {
let fileid = self.graph.files.id_from_canonical(canon_path(name));
// Filter duplicates from the file list.
if deps.contains(&fileid) {
// Filter out any deps that were already dirtying in the build file.
// Note that it's allowed to have a duplicate against an order-only
// dep; see `discover_existing_dep` test.
if self.graph.builds[id].dirtying_ins().contains(&fileid) {
// We may have discovered new deps, so ensure we have mtimes for those.
let deps_changed = self.graph.builds[id].update_discovered(deps);
if deps_changed {
if let Some(missing) = self.ensure_input_files(id, true)? {
"{}: depfile references nonexistent {}",
let input_was_missing = self.graph.builds[id]
.any(|&id| self.file_state.get(id).unwrap() == MTime::Missing);
// Update any cached state of the output files to reflect their new state.
let output_was_missing = self.stat_all_outputs(id)?.is_some();
if input_was_missing || output_was_missing {
// If a file is missing, don't record the build in in the db.
// It will be considered dirty next time anyway due to the missing file.
return Ok(());
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
let hash = hash::hash_build(&self.graph.files, &self.file_state, build);
self.db.write_build(&self.graph, id, hash)?;
/// Given a build that just finished, check whether its dependent builds are now ready.
fn ready_dependents(&mut self, id: BuildId) {
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
self.build_states.set(id, build, BuildState::Done);
let mut dependents = HashSet::new();
for &id in build.outs() {
for &id in &self.graph.file(id).dependents {
if self.build_states.get(id) != BuildState::Want {
for id in dependents {
if !self.recheck_ready(id) {
.set(id, &self.graph.builds[id], BuildState::Ready);
/// Stat all the outputs of a build.
/// Called before it's run (for determining whether it's up to date) and
/// after (to see if it touched any outputs).
fn stat_all_outputs(&mut self, id: BuildId) -> anyhow::Result<Option<FileId>> {
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
let mut missing = None;
for &id in build.outs() {
let file = self.graph.file(id);
let mtime = self.file_state.stat(id, file.path())?;
if mtime == MTime::Missing && missing.is_none() {
missing = Some(id);
/// Stat all the input/output files for a given build in anticipation of
/// deciding whether it needs to be run again.
/// Prereq: any dependent input is already generated.
/// Returns a build error if any required input files are missing.
/// Otherwise returns the missing id if any expected but not required files,
/// e.g. outputs, are missing, implying that the build needs to be executed.
fn check_build_files_missing(&mut self, id: BuildId) -> anyhow::Result<Option<FileId>> {
// Ensure we have state for all input files.
if let Some(missing) = self.ensure_input_files(id, false)? {
let file = self.graph.file(missing);
if file.input.is_none() {
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
anyhow::bail!("{}: input {} missing", build.location,;
return Ok(Some(missing));
if let Some(missing) = self.ensure_input_files(id, true)? {
return Ok(Some(missing));
// Ensure we have state for all output files.
// We know this build is solely responsible for updating these outputs,
// and if we're checking if it's dirty we are visiting it the first
// time, so we stat unconditionally.
// This is looking at if the outputs are already present.
if let Some(missing) = self.stat_all_outputs(id)? {
return Ok(Some(missing));
// All files accounted for.
/// Like check_build_files_missing, but for phony rules, which have
/// different behavior for inputs.
fn check_build_files_missing_phony(&mut self, id: BuildId) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// We don't consider the input files. This works around
// which is a bug that a phony rule with a missing input
// dependency doesn't fail the build.
// TODO: key this behavior off of the "ninja compat" flag.
// TODO: reconsider how phony deps work, maybe we should always promote
// phony deps to order-only?
// Maintain the invariant that we have stat info for all outputs, but
// we generally don't expect them to have been created.
// TODO: what should happen if a rule uses a phony output as its own input?
// The Ninja manual suggests you can use phony rules to aggregate outputs
// together, so we might need to create some sort of fake mtime here?
/// Check a ready build for whether it needs to run, returning true if so.
/// Prereq: any dependent input is already generated.
fn check_build_dirty(&mut self, id: BuildId) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
let phony = build.cmdline.is_none();
let file_missing = if phony {
return Ok(false); // Phony builds never need to run anything.
} else {
// If any files are missing, the build is dirty without needing
// to consider hashes.
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
if let Some(missing) = file_missing {
if self.options.explain {
"explain: {}: input {} missing",
return Ok(true);
// If we get here, all the relevant files are present and stat()ed,
// so compare the hash against the last hash.
// TODO: skip this whole function if no previous hash is present.
// More complex than just moving this block up, because we currently
// assume that we've always checked inputs after we've run a build.
let prev_hash = match self.last_hashes.get(id) {
None => {
if self.options.explain {
"explain: {}: no previous state known",
return Ok(true);
Some(prev_hash) => prev_hash,
let hash = hash::hash_build(&self.graph.files, &self.file_state, build);
if prev_hash != hash {
if self.options.explain {
.log(&format!("explain: {}: manifest changed", build.location));
return Ok(true);
/// Create the parent directories of a given list of fileids.
/// Used to create directories used for outputs.
/// TODO: do this within the thread executing the subtask?
fn create_parent_dirs(&self, ids: &[FileId]) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut dirs: Vec<&std::path::Path> = Vec::new();
for &out in ids {
if let Some(parent) = self.graph.file(out).path().parent() {
if dirs.iter().any(|&p| p == parent) {
/// Runs the build.
/// Returns the number of tasks executed on successful builds, or None on failed builds.
pub fn run(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<Option<usize>> {
let mut tasks_done = 0;
let mut tasks_failed = 0;
let mut runner = task::Runner::new(self.options.parallelism);
while self.build_states.unfinished() {
// Approach:
// - First make sure we're running as many queued tasks as the runner
// allows.
// - Next make sure we've finished or enqueued any tasks that are
// ready.
// - If either one of those made progress, loop, to ensure the other
// one gets to work from the result.
// - If neither made progress, wait for a task to complete and
// loop.
let mut made_progress = false;
while runner.can_start_more() {
let id = match self.build_states.pop_queued() {
Some(id) => id,
None => break,
let build = &self.graph.builds[id];
self.build_states.set(id, build, BuildState::Running);
runner.start(id, build);
self.progress.task_started(id, build);
made_progress = true;
while let Some(id) = self.build_states.pop_ready() {
if !self.check_build_dirty(id)? {
// Not dirty; go directly to the Done state.
} else if self.options.adopt {
// Act as if the target already finished.
task::TaskResult {
termination: process::Termination::Success,
output: vec![],
discovered_deps: None,
} else {
self.build_states.enqueue(id, &self.graph.builds[id])?;
made_progress = true;
if made_progress {
if !runner.is_running() {
if tasks_failed > 0 {
// No more progress can be made, hopefully due to tasks that failed.
panic!("BUG: no work to do and runner not running");
let task = runner.wait(|id, line| {
self.progress.task_output(id, line);
let build = &self.graph.builds[task.buildid];
trace::if_enabled(|t| {
let desc = progress::build_message(build);
t.write_complete(desc, task.tid + 1, task.span.0, task.span.1);
.task_finished(task.buildid, build, &task.result);
match task.result.termination {
process::Termination::Failure => {
if let Some(failures_left) = &mut self.options.failures_left {
*failures_left -= 1;
if *failures_left == 0 {
return Ok(None);
tasks_failed += 1;
.set(task.buildid, build, BuildState::Failed);
process::Termination::Interrupted => {
// If the task was interrupted bail immediately.
return Ok(None);
process::Termination::Success => {
tasks_done += 1;
self.record_finished(task.buildid, task.result)?;
// If the user ctl-c's, it likely caused a subtask to fail.
// But at least for the LLVM test suite it can catch sigint and print
// "interrupted by user" and exit with success, and in that case we
// don't want n2 to print a "succeeded" message afterwards.
let success = tasks_failed == 0 && !signal::was_interrupted();
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn build_cycle() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let file = "
build a: phony b
build b: phony c
build c: phony a
let mut graph = crate::load::parse("", file.as_bytes().to_vec())?;
let a_id = graph.files.id_from_canonical("a");
let mut states = BuildStates::new(graph.builds.next_id(), SmallMap::default());
let mut stack = Vec::new();
match states.want_file(&graph, &mut stack, a_id) {
Ok(_) => panic!("expected build cycle error"),
Err(err) => assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "dependency cycle: a -> b -> c -> a"),