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This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from
This is Rick Jones' feeble attempt at a Texinfo-based manual for the
netperf benchmark.
Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Hewlett-Packard Company
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document per the terms of the netperf source license, a copy of
which can be found in the file `COPYING' of the basic netperf

File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
Netperf Manual
This is Rick Jones' feeble attempt at a Texinfo-based manual for the
netperf benchmark.
Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Hewlett-Packard Company
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document per the terms of the netperf source license, a copy of
which can be found in the file `COPYING' of the basic netperf
* Menu:
* Introduction:: An introduction to netperf - what it
is and what it is not.
* Installing Netperf:: How to go about installing netperf.
* The Design of Netperf::
* Global Command-line Options::
* Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer::
* Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response ::
* Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance::
* Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer::
* The Omni Tests::
* Other Netperf Tests::
* Address Resolution::
* Enhancing Netperf::
* Netperf4::
* Concept Index::
* Option Index::

File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Installing Netperf, Prev: Top, Up: Top
1 Introduction
Netperf is a benchmark that can be use to measure various aspect of
networking performance. The primary foci are bulk (aka unidirectional)
data transfer and request/response performance using either TCP or UDP
and the Berkeley Sockets interface. As of this writing, the tests
available either unconditionally or conditionally include:
* TCP and UDP unidirectional transfer and request/response over IPv4
and IPv6 using the Sockets interface.
* TCP and UDP unidirectional transfer and request/response over IPv4
using the XTI interface.
* Link-level unidirectional transfer and request/response using the
DLPI interface.
* Unix domain sockets
* SCTP unidirectional transfer and request/response over IPv4 and
IPv6 using the sockets interface.
While not every revision of netperf will work on every platform
listed, the intention is that at least some version of netperf will
work on the following platforms:
* Unix - at least all the major variants.
* Linux
* Windows
* Others
Netperf is maintained and informally supported primarily by Rick
Jones, who can perhaps be best described as Netperf Contributing
Editor. Non-trivial and very appreciated assistance comes from others
in the network performance community, who are too numerous to mention
here. While it is often used by them, netperf is NOT supported via any
of the formal Hewlett-Packard support channels. You should feel free
to make enhancements and modifications to netperf to suit your
nefarious porpoises, so long as you stay within the guidelines of the
netperf copyright. If you feel so inclined, you can send your changes
to netperf-feedback <[email protected]> for possible
inclusion into subsequent versions of netperf.
It is the Contributing Editor's belief that the netperf license walks
like open source and talks like open source. However, the license was
never submitted for "certification" as an open source license. If you
would prefer to make contributions to a networking benchmark using a
certified open source license, please consider netperf4, which is
distributed under the terms of the GPLv2.
The netperf-talk <[email protected]> mailing list is
available to discuss the care and feeding of netperf with others who
share your interest in network performance benchmarking. The
netperf-talk mailing list is a closed list (to deal with spam) and you
must first subscribe by sending email to netperf-talk-request
<[email protected]>.
* Menu:
* Conventions::

File:, Node: Conventions, Prev: Introduction, Up: Introduction
1.1 Conventions
A "sizespec" is a one or two item, comma-separated list used as an
argument to a command-line option that can set one or two, related
netperf parameters. If you wish to set both parameters to separate
values, items should be separated by a comma:
If you wish to set the first parameter without altering the value of
the second from its default, you should follow the first item with a
Likewise, precede the item with a comma if you wish to set only the
second parameter:
An item with no commas:
will set both parameters to the same value. This last mode is one of
the most frequently used.
There is another variant of the comma-separated, two-item list called
a "optionspec" which is like a sizespec with the exception that a
single item with no comma:
will only set the value of the first parameter and will leave the
second parameter at its default value.
Netperf has two types of command-line options. The first are global
command line options. They are essentially any option not tied to a
particular test or group of tests. An example of a global command-line
option is the one which sets the test type - `-t'.
The second type of options are test-specific options. These are
options which are only applicable to a particular test or set of tests.
An example of a test-specific option would be the send socket buffer
size for a TCP_STREAM test.
Global command-line options are specified first with test-specific
options following after a `--' as in:
netperf <global> -- <test-specific>

File:, Node: Installing Netperf, Next: The Design of Netperf, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top
2 Installing Netperf
Netperf's primary form of distribution is source code. This allows
installation on systems other than those to which the authors have
ready access and thus the ability to create binaries. There are two
styles of netperf installation. The first runs the netperf server
program - netserver - as a child of inetd. This requires the installer
to have sufficient privileges to edit the files `/etc/services' and
`/etc/inetd.conf' or their platform-specific equivalents.
The second style is to run netserver as a standalone daemon. This
second method does not require edit privileges on `/etc/services' and
`/etc/inetd.conf' but does mean you must remember to run the netserver
program explicitly after every system reboot.
This manual assumes that those wishing to measure networking
performance already know how to use anonymous FTP and/or a web browser.
It is also expected that you have at least a passing familiarity with
the networking protocols and interfaces involved. In all honesty, if
you do not have such familiarity, likely as not you have some
experience to gain before attempting network performance measurements.
The excellent texts by authors such as Stevens, Fenner and Rudoff
and/or Stallings would be good starting points. There are likely other
excellent sources out there as well.
* Menu:
* Getting Netperf Bits::
* Installing Netperf Bits::
* Verifying Installation::

File:, Node: Getting Netperf Bits, Next: Installing Netperf Bits, Prev: Installing Netperf, Up: Installing Netperf
2.1 Getting Netperf Bits
Gzipped tar files of netperf sources can be retrieved via anonymous FTP
( for "released" versions of the bits.
Pre-release versions of the bits can be retrieved via anonymous FTP
from the experimental (
For convenience and ease of remembering, a link to the download site
is provided via the NetperfPage (
The bits corresponding to each discrete release of netperf are
tagged ( for retrieval via
subversion. For example, there is a tag for the first version
corresponding to this version of the manual - netperf 2.6.0
( Those
wishing to be on the bleeding edge of netperf development can use
subversion to grab the top of trunk
( When fixing bugs or
making enhancements, patches against the top-of-trunk are preferred.
There are likely other places around the Internet from which one can
download netperf bits. These may be simple mirrors of the main netperf
site, or they may be local variants on netperf. As with anything one
downloads from the Internet, take care to make sure it is what you
really wanted and isn't some malicious Trojan or whatnot. Caveat
As a general rule, binaries of netperf and netserver are not
distributed from From time to time a kind soul or
souls has packaged netperf as a Debian package available via the
apt-get mechanism or as an RPM. I would be most interested in learning
how to enhance the makefiles to make that easier for people.

File:, Node: Installing Netperf Bits, Next: Verifying Installation, Prev: Getting Netperf Bits, Up: Installing Netperf
2.2 Installing Netperf
Once you have downloaded the tar file of netperf sources onto your
system(s), it is necessary to unpack the tar file, cd to the netperf
directory, run configure and then make. Most of the time it should be
sufficient to just:
gzcat netperf-<version>.tar.gz | tar xf -
cd netperf-<version>
make install
Most of the "usual" configure script options should be present
dealing with where to install binaries and whatnot.
./configure --help
should list all of those and more. You may find the `--prefix'
option helpful in deciding where the binaries and such will be put
during the `make install'.
If the netperf configure script does not know how to automagically
detect which CPU utilization mechanism to use on your platform you may
want to add a `--enable-cpuutil=mumble' option to the configure
command. If you have knowledge and/or experience to contribute to
that area, feel free to contact <[email protected]>.
Similarly, if you want tests using the XTI interface, Unix Domain
Sockets, DLPI or SCTP it will be necessary to add one or more
`--enable-[xti|unixdomain|dlpi|sctp]=yes' options to the configure
command. As of this writing, the configure script will not include
those tests automagically.
Starting with version 2.5.0, netperf began migrating most of the
"classic" netperf tests found in `src/nettest_bsd.c' to the so-called
"omni" tests (aka "two routines to run them all") found in
`src/nettest_omni.c'. This migration enables a number of new features
such as greater control over what output is included, and new things to
output. The "omni" test is enabled by default in 2.5.0 and a number of
the classic tests are migrated - you can tell if a test has been
migrated from the presence of `MIGRATED' in the test banner. If you
encounter problems with either the omni or migrated tests, please first
attempt to obtain resolution via <[email protected]> or
<[email protected]>. If that is unsuccessful, you can add a
`--enable-omni=no' to the configure command and the omni tests will not
be compiled-in and the classic tests will not be migrated.
Starting with version 2.5.0, netperf includes the "burst mode"
functionality in a default compilation of the bits. If you encounter
problems with this, please first attempt to obtain help via
<[email protected]> or <[email protected]>. If that
is unsuccessful, you can add a `--enable-burst=no' to the configure
command and the burst mode functionality will not be compiled-in.
On some platforms, it may be necessary to precede the configure
command with a CFLAGS and/or LIBS variable as the netperf configure
script is not yet smart enough to set them itself. Whenever possible,
these requirements will be found in `README.PLATFORM' files. Expertise
and assistance in making that more automagic in the configure script
would be most welcome.
Other optional configure-time settings include
`--enable-intervals=yes' to give netperf the ability to "pace" its
_STREAM tests and `--enable-histogram=yes' to have netperf keep a
histogram of interesting times. Each of these will have some effect on
the measured result. If your system supports `gethrtime()' the effect
of the histogram measurement should be minimized but probably still
measurable. For example, the histogram of a netperf TCP_RR test will
be of the individual transaction times:
netperf -t TCP_RR -H lag -v 2
TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET : histogram
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec
16384 87380 1 1 10.00 3538.82
32768 32768
Alignment Offset
Local Remote Local Remote
Send Recv Send Recv
8 0 0 0
Histogram of request/response times
UNIT_USEC : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
TEN_USEC : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
HUNDRED_USEC : 0: 34480: 111: 13: 12: 6: 9: 3: 4: 7
UNIT_MSEC : 0: 60: 50: 51: 44: 44: 72: 119: 100: 101
TEN_MSEC : 0: 105: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
HUNDRED_MSEC : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
UNIT_SEC : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
TEN_SEC : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
>100_SECS: 0
The histogram you see above is basically a base-10 log histogram
where we can see that most of the transaction times were on the order
of one hundred to one-hundred, ninety-nine microseconds, but they were
occasionally as long as ten to nineteen milliseconds
The `--enable-demo=yes' configure option will cause code to be
included to report interim results during a test run. The rate at
which interim results are reported can then be controlled via the
global `-D' option. Here is an example of `-D' output:
$ src/netperf -D 1.35 -H -f M
MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
Interim result: 5.41 MBytes/s over 1.35 seconds ending at 1308789765.848
Interim result: 11.07 MBytes/s over 1.36 seconds ending at 1308789767.206
Interim result: 16.00 MBytes/s over 1.36 seconds ending at 1308789768.566
Interim result: 20.66 MBytes/s over 1.36 seconds ending at 1308789769.922
Interim result: 22.74 MBytes/s over 1.36 seconds ending at 1308789771.285
Interim result: 23.07 MBytes/s over 1.36 seconds ending at 1308789772.647
Interim result: 23.77 MBytes/s over 1.37 seconds ending at 1308789774.016
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. MBytes/sec
87380 16384 16384 10.06 17.81
Notice how the units of the interim result track that requested by
the `-f' option. Also notice that sometimes the interval will be
longer than the value specified in the `-D' option. This is normal and
stems from how demo mode is implemented not by relying on interval
timers or frequent calls to get the current time, but by calculating
how many units of work must be performed to take at least the desired
Those familiar with this option in earlier versions of netperf will
note the addition of the "ending at" text. This is the time as
reported by a `gettimeofday()' call (or its emulation) with a `NULL'
timezone pointer. This addition is intended to make it easier to
insert interim results into an rrdtool
( Round-Robin
Database (RRD). A likely bug-riddled example of doing so can be found
in `doc/examples/'. The time is reported out
to milliseconds rather than microseconds because that is the most
rrdtool understands as of the time of this writing.
As of this writing, a `make install' will not actually update the
files `/etc/services' and/or `/etc/inetd.conf' or their
platform-specific equivalents. It remains necessary to perform that
bit of installation magic by hand. Patches to the makefile sources to
effect an automagic editing of the necessary files to have netperf
installed as a child of inetd would be most welcome.
Starting the netserver as a standalone daemon should be as easy as:
$ netserver
Starting netserver at port 12865
Starting netserver at hostname port 12865 and family 0
Over time the specifics of the messages netserver prints to the
screen may change but the gist will remain the same.
If the compilation of netperf or netserver happens to fail, feel free
to contact <[email protected]> or join and ask in
<[email protected]>. However, it is quite important that you
include the actual compilation errors and perhaps even the configure
log in your email. Otherwise, it will be that much more difficult for
someone to assist you.

File:, Node: Verifying Installation, Prev: Installing Netperf Bits, Up: Installing Netperf
2.3 Verifying Installation
Basically, once netperf is installed and netserver is configured as a
child of inetd, or launched as a standalone daemon, simply typing:
should result in output similar to the following:
$ netperf
TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 10.00 2997.84

File:, Node: The Design of Netperf, Next: Global Command-line Options, Prev: Installing Netperf, Up: Top
3 The Design of Netperf
Netperf is designed around a basic client-server model. There are two
executables - netperf and netserver. Generally you will only execute
the netperf program, with the netserver program being invoked by the
remote system's inetd or having been previously started as its own
standalone daemon.
When you execute netperf it will establish a "control connection" to
the remote system. This connection will be used to pass test
configuration information and results to and from the remote system.
Regardless of the type of test to be run, the control connection will
be a TCP connection using BSD sockets. The control connection can use
either IPv4 or IPv6.
Once the control connection is up and the configuration information
has been passed, a separate "data" connection will be opened for the
measurement itself using the API's and protocols appropriate for the
specified test. When the test is completed, the data connection will
be torn-down and results from the netserver will be passed-back via the
control connection and combined with netperf's result for display to
the user.
Netperf places no traffic on the control connection while a test is
in progress. Certain TCP options, such as SO_KEEPALIVE, if set as your
systems' default, may put packets out on the control connection while a
test is in progress. Generally speaking this will have no effect on
the results.
* Menu:
* CPU Utilization::

File:, Node: CPU Utilization, Prev: The Design of Netperf, Up: The Design of Netperf
3.1 CPU Utilization
CPU utilization is an important, and alas all-too infrequently reported
component of networking performance. Unfortunately, it can be one of
the most difficult metrics to measure accurately and portably. Netperf
will do its level best to report accurate CPU utilization figures, but
some combinations of processor, OS and configuration may make that
CPU utilization in netperf is reported as a value between 0 and 100%
regardless of the number of CPUs involved. In addition to CPU
utilization, netperf will report a metric called a "service demand".
The service demand is the normalization of CPU utilization and work
performed. For a _STREAM test it is the microseconds of CPU time
consumed to transfer on KB (K == 1024) of data. For a _RR test it is
the microseconds of CPU time consumed processing a single transaction.
For both CPU utilization and service demand, lower is better.
Service demand can be particularly useful when trying to gauge the
effect of a performance change. It is essentially a measure of
efficiency, with smaller values being more efficient and thus "better."
Netperf is coded to be able to use one of several, generally
platform-specific CPU utilization measurement mechanisms. Single
letter codes will be included in the CPU portion of the test banner to
indicate which mechanism was used on each of the local (netperf) and
remote (netserver) system.
As of this writing those codes are:
The CPU utilization measurement mechanism was unknown to netperf or
netperf/netserver was not compiled to include CPU utilization
measurements. The code for the null CPU utilization mechanism can
be found in `src/netcpu_none.c'.
An HP-UX-specific CPU utilization mechanism whereby the kernel
incremented a per-CPU counter by one for each trip through the idle
loop. This mechanism was only available on specially-compiled HP-UX
kernels prior to HP-UX 10 and is mentioned here only for the sake
of historical completeness and perhaps as a suggestion to those
who might be altering other operating systems. While rather
simple, perhaps even simplistic, this mechanism was quite robust
and was not affected by the concerns of statistical methods, or
methods attempting to track time in each of user, kernel,
interrupt and idle modes which require quite careful accounting.
It can be thought-of as the in-kernel version of the looper `L'
mechanism without the context switch overhead. This mechanism
required calibration.
An HP-UX-specific CPU utilization mechanism whereby the kernel
keeps-track of time (in the form of CPU cycles) spent in the kernel
idle loop (HP-UX 10.0 to 11.31 inclusive), or where the kernel
keeps track of time spent in idle, user, kernel and interrupt
processing (HP-UX 11.23 and later). The former requires
calibration, the latter does not. Values in either case are
retrieved via one of the pstat(2) family of calls, hence the use
of the letter `P'. The code for these mechanisms is found in
`src/netcpu_pstat.c' and `src/netcpu_pstatnew.c' respectively.
A Solaris-specific CPU utilization mechanism whereby the kernel
keeps track of ticks (eg HZ) spent in the idle loop. This method
is statistical and is known to be inaccurate when the interrupt
rate is above epsilon as time spent processing interrupts is not
subtracted from idle. The value is retrieved via a kstat() call -
hence the use of the letter `K'. Since this mechanism uses units
of ticks (HZ) the calibration value should invariably match HZ.
(Eg 100) The code for this mechanism is implemented in
A Solaris-specific mechanism available on Solaris 10 and latter
which uses the new microstate accounting mechanisms. There are
two, alas, overlapping, mechanisms. The first tracks nanoseconds
spent in user, kernel, and idle modes. The second mechanism tracks
nanoseconds spent in interrupt. Since the mechanisms overlap,
netperf goes through some hand-waving to try to "fix" the problem.
Since the accuracy of the handwaving cannot be completely
determined, one must presume that while better than the `K'
mechanism, this mechanism too is not without issues. The values
are retrieved via kstat() calls, but the letter code is set to `M'
to distinguish this mechanism from the even less accurate `K'
mechanism. The code for this mechanism is implemented in
A mechanism based on "looper"or "soaker" processes which sit in
tight loops counting as fast as they possibly can. This mechanism
starts a looper process for each known CPU on the system. The
effect of processor hyperthreading on the mechanism is not yet
known. This mechanism definitely requires calibration. The code
for the "looper"mechanism can be found in `src/netcpu_looper.c'
A Microsoft Windows-specific mechanism, the code for which can be
found in `src/netcpu_ntperf.c'. This mechanism too is based on
what appears to be a form of micro-state accounting and requires no
calibration. On laptops, or other systems which may dynamically
alter the CPU frequency to minimize power consumption, it has been
suggested that this mechanism may become slightly confused, in
which case using BIOS/uEFI settings to disable the power saving
would be indicated.
This mechanism uses `/proc/stat' on Linux to retrieve time (ticks)
spent in idle mode. It is thought but not known to be reasonably
accurate. The code for this mechanism can be found in
A mechanism somewhat similar to `S' but using the sysctl() call on
BSD-like Operating systems (*BSD and MacOS X). The code for this
mechanism can be found in `src/netcpu_sysctl.c'.
Other mechanisms included in netperf in the past have included
using the times() and getrusage() calls. These calls are actually
rather poorly suited to the task of measuring CPU overhead for
networking as they tend to be process-specific and much
network-related processing can happen outside the context of a
process, in places where it is not a given it will be charged to
the correct, or even a process. They are mentioned here as a
warning to anyone seeing those mechanisms used in other networking
benchmarks. These mechanisms are not available in netperf 2.4.0
and later.
For many platforms, the configure script will chose the best
available CPU utilization mechanism. However, some platforms have no
particularly good mechanisms. On those platforms, it is probably best
to use the "LOOPER" mechanism which is basically some number of
processes (as many as there are processors) sitting in tight little
loops counting as fast as they can. The rate at which the loopers
count when the system is believed to be idle is compared with the rate
when the system is running netperf and the ratio is used to compute CPU
In the past, netperf included some mechanisms that only reported CPU
time charged to the calling process. Those mechanisms have been
removed from netperf versions 2.4.0 and later because they are
hopelessly inaccurate. Networking can and often results in CPU time
being spent in places - such as interrupt contexts - that do not get
charged to a or the correct process.
In fact, time spent in the processing of interrupts is a common issue
for many CPU utilization mechanisms. In particular, the "PSTAT"
mechanism was eventually known to have problems accounting for certain
interrupt time prior to HP-UX 11.11 (11iv1). HP-UX 11iv2 and later are
known/presumed to be good. The "KSTAT" mechanism is known to have
problems on all versions of Solaris up to and including Solaris 10.
Even the microstate accounting available via kstat in Solaris 10 has
issues, though perhaps not as bad as those of prior versions.
The /proc/stat mechanism under Linux is in what the author would
consider an "uncertain" category as it appears to be statistical, which
may also have issues with time spent processing interrupts.
In summary, be sure to "sanity-check" the CPU utilization figures
with other mechanisms. However, platform tools such as top, vmstat or
mpstat are often based on the same mechanisms used by netperf.
* Menu:
* CPU Utilization in a Virtual Guest::

File:, Node: CPU Utilization in a Virtual Guest, Prev: CPU Utilization, Up: CPU Utilization
3.1.1 CPU Utilization in a Virtual Guest
The CPU utilization mechanisms used by netperf are "inline" in that
they are run by the same netperf or netserver process as is running the
test itself. This works just fine for "bare iron" tests but runs into
a problem when using virtual machines.
The relationship between virtual guest and hypervisor can be thought
of as being similar to that between a process and kernel in a bare iron
system. As such, (m)any CPU utilization mechanisms used in the virtual
guest are similar to "process-local" mechanisms in a bare iron
situation. However, just as with bare iron and process-local
mechanisms, much networking processing happens outside the context of
the virtual guest. It takes place in the hypervisor, and is not
visible to mechanisms running in the guest(s). For this reason, one
should not really trust CPU utilization figures reported by netperf or
netserver when running in a virtual guest.
If one is looking to measure the added overhead of a virtualization
mechanism, rather than rely on CPU utilization, one can rely instead on
netperf _RR tests - path-lengths and overheads can be a significant
fraction of the latency, so increases in overhead should appear as
decreases in transaction rate. Whatever you do, DO NOT rely on the
throughput of a _STREAM test. Achieving link-rate can be done via a
multitude of options that mask overhead rather than eliminate it.

File:, Node: Global Command-line Options, Next: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer, Prev: The Design of Netperf, Up: Top
4 Global Command-line Options
This section describes each of the global command-line options
available in the netperf and netserver binaries. Essentially, it is an
expanded version of the usage information displayed by netperf or
netserver when invoked with the `-h' global command-line option.
* Menu:
* Command-line Options Syntax::
* Global Options::

File:, Node: Command-line Options Syntax, Next: Global Options, Prev: Global Command-line Options, Up: Global Command-line Options
4.1 Command-line Options Syntax
Revision 1.8 of netperf introduced enough new functionality to overrun
the English alphabet for mnemonic command-line option names, and the
author was not and is not quite ready to switch to the contemporary
`--mumble' style of command-line options. (Call him a Luddite if you
wish :).
For this reason, the command-line options were split into two parts -
the first are the global command-line options. They are options that
affect nearly any and every test type of netperf. The second type are
the test-specific command-line options. Both are entered on the same
command line, but they must be separated from one another by a `--' for
correct parsing. Global command-line options come first, followed by
the `--' and then test-specific command-line options. If there are no
test-specific options to be set, the `--' may be omitted. If there are
no global command-line options to be set, test-specific options must
still be preceded by a `--'. For example:
netperf <global> -- <test-specific>
sets both global and test-specific options:
netperf <global>
sets just global options and:
netperf -- <test-specific>
sets just test-specific options.

File:, Node: Global Options, Prev: Command-line Options Syntax, Up: Global Command-line Options
4.2 Global Options
`-a <sizespec>'
This option allows you to alter the alignment of the buffers used
in the sending and receiving calls on the local system.. Changing
the alignment of the buffers can force the system to use different
copy schemes, which can have a measurable effect on performance.
If the page size for the system were 4096 bytes, and you want to
pass page-aligned buffers beginning on page boundaries, you could
use `-a 4096'. By default the units are bytes, but suffix of "G,"
"M," or "K" will specify the units to be 2^30 (GB), 2^20 (MB) or
2^10 (KB) respectively. A suffix of "g," "m" or "k" will specify
units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3 bytes respectively. [Default: 8 bytes]
`-A <sizespec>'
This option is identical to the `-a' option with the difference
being it affects alignments for the remote system.
`-b <size>'
This option is only present when netperf has been configure with
-enable-intervals=yes prior to compilation. It sets the size of
the burst of send calls in a _STREAM test. When used in
conjunction with the `-w' option it can cause the rate at which
data is sent to be "paced."
`-B <string>'
This option will cause `<string>' to be appended to the brief (see
-P) output of netperf.
`-c [rate]'
This option will ask that CPU utilization and service demand be
calculated for the local system. For those CPU utilization
mechanisms requiring calibration, the options rate parameter may
be specified to preclude running another calibration step, saving
40 seconds of time. For those CPU utilization mechanisms
requiring no calibration, the optional rate parameter will be
utterly and completely ignored. [Default: no CPU measurements]
`-C [rate]'
This option requests CPU utilization and service demand
calculations for the remote system. It is otherwise identical to
the `-c' option.
Each instance of this option will increase the quantity of
debugging output displayed during a test. If the debugging output
level is set high enough, it may have a measurable effect on
performance. Debugging information for the local system is
printed to stdout. Debugging information for the remote system is
sent by default to the file `/tmp/netperf.debug'. [Default: no
debugging output]
`-D [interval,units]'
This option is only available when netperf is configured with
-enable-demo=yes. When set, it will cause netperf to emit periodic
reports of performance during the run. [INTERVAL,UNITS] follow
the semantics of an optionspec. If specified, INTERVAL gives the
minimum interval in real seconds, it does not have to be whole
seconds. The UNITS value can be used for the first guess as to
how many units of work (bytes or transactions) must be done to
take at least INTERVAL seconds. If omitted, INTERVAL defaults to
one second and UNITS to values specific to each test type.
`-f G|M|K|g|m|k|x'
This option can be used to change the reporting units for _STREAM
tests. Arguments of "G," "M," or "K" will set the units to 2^30,
2^20 or 2^10 bytes/s respectively (EG power of two GB, MB or KB).
Arguments of "g," ",m" or "k" will set the units to 10^9, 10^6 or
10^3 bits/s respectively. An argument of "x" requests the units
be transactions per second and is only meaningful for a
request-response test. [Default: "m" or 10^6 bits/s]
`-F <fillfile>'
This option specified the file from which send which buffers will
be pre-filled . While the buffers will contain data from the
specified file, the file is not fully transferred to the remote
system as the receiving end of the test will not write the
contents of what it receives to a file. This can be used to
pre-fill the send buffers with data having different
compressibility and so is useful when measuring performance over
mechanisms which perform compression.
While previously required for a TCP_SENDFILE test, later versions
of netperf removed that restriction, creating a temporary file as
needed. While the author cannot recall exactly when that took
place, it is known to be unnecessary in version 2.5.0 and later.
This option causes netperf to display its "global" usage string and
exit to the exclusion of all else.
`-H <optionspec>'
This option will set the name of the remote system and or the
address family used for the control connection. For example:
-H linger,4
will set the name of the remote system to "linger" and tells
netperf to use IPv4 addressing only.
-H ,6
will leave the name of the remote system at its default, and
request that only IPv6 addresses be used for the control
-H lag
will set the name of the remote system to "lag" and leave the
address family to AF_UNSPEC which means selection of IPv4 vs IPv6
is left to the system's address resolution.
A value of "inet" can be used in place of "4" to request IPv4 only
addressing. Similarly, a value of "inet6" can be used in place of
"6" to request IPv6 only addressing. A value of "0" can be used
to request either IPv4 or IPv6 addressing as name resolution
By default, the options set with the global `-H' option are
inherited by the test for its data connection, unless a
test-specific `-H' option is specified.
If a `-H' option follows either the `-4' or `-6' options, the
family setting specified with the -H option will override the `-4'
or `-6' options for the remote address family. If no address
family is specified, settings from a previous `-4' or `-6' option
will remain. In a nutshell, the last explicit global command-line
option wins.
[Default: "localhost" for the remote name/IP address and "0" (eg
AF_UNSPEC) for the remote address family.]
`-I <optionspec>'
This option enables the calculation of confidence intervals and
sets the confidence and width parameters with the first half of the
optionspec being either 99 or 95 for 99% or 95% confidence
respectively. The second value of the optionspec specifies the
width of the desired confidence interval. For example
-I 99,5
asks netperf to be 99% confident that the measured mean values for
throughput and CPU utilization are within +/- 2.5% of the "real"
mean values. If the `-i' option is specified and the `-I' option
is omitted, the confidence defaults to 99% and the width to 5%
(giving +/- 2.5%)
If classic netperf test calculates that the desired confidence
intervals have not been met, it emits a noticeable warning that
cannot be suppressed with the `-P' or `-v' options:
netperf -H tardy.cup -i 3 -I 99,5
TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET : +/-2.5% 99% conf.
!!! Desired confidence was not achieved within the specified iterations.
!!! This implies that there was variability in the test environment that
!!! must be investigated before going further.
!!! Confidence intervals: Throughput : 6.8%
!!! Local CPU util : 0.0%
!!! Remote CPU util : 0.0%
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
32768 16384 16384 10.01 40.23
In the example above we see that netperf did not meet the desired
confidence intervals. Instead of being 99% confident it was within
+/- 2.5% of the real mean value of throughput it is only confident
it was within +/-3.4%. In this example, increasing the `-i'
option (described below) and/or increasing the iteration length
with the `-l' option might resolve the situation.
In an explicit "omni" test, failure to meet the confidence
intervals will not result in netperf emitting a warning. To
verify the hitting, or not, of the confidence intervals one will
need to include them as part of an *note output selection: Omni
Output Selection. in the test-specific `-o', `-O' or `k' output
selection options. The warning about not hitting the confidence
intervals will remain in a "migrated" classic netperf test.
`-i <sizespec>'
This option enables the calculation of confidence intervals and
sets the minimum and maximum number of iterations to run in
attempting to achieve the desired confidence interval. The first
value sets the maximum number of iterations to run, the second,
the minimum. The maximum number of iterations is silently capped
at 30 and the minimum is silently floored at 3. Netperf repeats
the measurement the minimum number of iterations and continues
until it reaches either the desired confidence interval, or the
maximum number of iterations, whichever comes first. A classic or
migrated netperf test will not display the actual number of
iterations run. An *note omni test: The Omni Tests. will emit the
number of iterations run if the `CONFIDENCE_ITERATION' output
selector is included in the *note output selection: Omni Output
If the `-I' option is specified and the `-i' option omitted the
maximum number of iterations is set to 10 and the minimum to three.
Output of a warning upon not hitting the desired confidence
intervals follows the description provided for the `-I' option.
The total test time will be somewhere between the minimum and
maximum number of iterations multiplied by the test length
supplied by the `-l' option.
This option instructs netperf to keep additional timing statistics
when explicitly running an *note omni test: The Omni Tests. These
can be output when the test-specific `-o', `-O' or `-k' *note
output selectors: Omni Output Selectors. include one or more of:
These statistics will be based on an expanded (100 buckets per row
rather than 10) histogram of times rather than a terribly long
list of individual times. As such, there will be some slight
error thanks to the bucketing. However, the reduction in storage
and processing overheads is well worth it. When running a
request/response test, one might get some idea of the error by
comparing the *note `MEAN_LATENCY': Omni Output Selectors.
calculated from the histogram with the `RT_LATENCY' calculated
from the number of request/response transactions and the test run
In the case of a request/response test the latencies will be
transaction latencies. In the case of a receive-only test they
will be time spent in the receive call. In the case of a
send-only test they will be time spent in the send call. The units
will be microseconds. Added in netperf 2.5.0.
`-l testlen'
This option controls the length of any one iteration of the
requested test. A positive value for TESTLEN will run each
iteration of the test for at least TESTLEN seconds. A negative
value for TESTLEN will run each iteration for the absolute value of
TESTLEN transactions for a _RR test or bytes for a _STREAM test.
Certain tests, notably those using UDP can only be timed, they
cannot be limited by transaction or byte count. This limitation
may be relaxed in an *note omni: The Omni Tests. test.
In some situations, individual iterations of a test may run for
longer for the number of seconds specified by the `-l' option. In
particular, this may occur for those tests where the socket buffer
size(s) are significantly longer than the bandwidthXdelay product
of the link(s) over which the data connection passes, or those
tests where there may be non-trivial numbers of retransmissions.
If confidence intervals are enabled via either `-I' or `-i' the
total length of the netperf test will be somewhere between the
minimum and maximum iteration count multiplied by TESTLEN.
`-L <optionspec>'
This option is identical to the `-H' option with the difference
being it sets the _local_ hostname/IP and/or address family
information. This option is generally unnecessary, but can be
useful when you wish to make sure that the netperf control and data
connections go via different paths. It can also come-in handy if
one is trying to run netperf through those evil, end-to-end
breaking things known as firewalls.
[Default: (eg INADDR_ANY) for IPv4 and ::0 for IPv6 for the
local name. AF_UNSPEC for the local address family.]
`-n numcpus'
This option tells netperf how many CPUs it should ass-u-me are
active on the system running netperf. In particular, this is used
for the *note CPU utilization: CPU Utilization. and service demand
calculations. On certain systems, netperf is able to determine
the number of CPU's automagically. This option will override any
number netperf might be able to determine on its own.
Note that this option does _not_ set the number of CPUs on the
system running netserver. When netperf/netserver cannot
automagically determine the number of CPUs that can only be set
for netserver via a netserver `-n' command-line option.
As it is almost universally possible for netperf/netserver to
determine the number of CPUs on the system automagically, 99 times
out of 10 this option should not be necessary and may be removed
in a future release of netperf.
This option tells netperf to forgo establishing a control
connection. This makes it is possible to run some limited netperf
tests without a corresponding netserver on the remote system.
With this option set, the test to be run is to get all the
addressing information it needs to establish its data connection
from the command line or internal defaults. If not otherwise
specified by test-specific command line options, the data
connection for a "STREAM" or "SENDFILE" test will be to the
"discard" port, an "RR" test will be to the "echo" port, and a
"MEARTS" test will be to the chargen port.
The response size of an "RR" test will be silently set to be the
same as the request size. Otherwise the test would hang if the
response size was larger than the request size, or would report an
incorrect, inflated transaction rate if the response size was less
than the request size.
Since there is no control connection when this option is
specified, it is not possible to set "remote" properties such as
socket buffer size and the like via the netperf command line. Nor
is it possible to retrieve such interesting remote information as
CPU utilization. These items will be displayed as values which
should make it immediately obvious that was the case.
The only way to change remote characteristics such as socket buffer
size or to obtain information such as CPU utilization is to employ
platform-specific methods on the remote system. Frankly, if one
has access to the remote system to employ those methods one aught
to be able to run a netserver there. However, that ability may
not be present in certain "support" situations, hence the addition
of this option.
Added in netperf 2.4.3.
`-o <sizespec>'
The value(s) passed-in with this option will be used as an offset
added to the alignment specified with the `-a' option. For
-o 3 -a 4096
will cause the buffers passed to the local (netperf) send and
receive calls to begin three bytes past an address aligned to 4096
bytes. [Default: 0 bytes]
`-O <sizespec>'
This option behaves just as the `-o' option but on the remote
(netserver) system and in conjunction with the `-A' option.
[Default: 0 bytes]
`-p <optionspec>'
The first value of the optionspec passed-in with this option tells
netperf the port number at which it should expect the remote
netserver to be listening for control connections. The second
value of the optionspec will request netperf to bind to that local
port number before establishing the control connection. For
-p 12345
tells netperf that the remote netserver is listening on port 12345
and leaves selection of the local port number for the control
connection up to the local TCP/IP stack whereas
-p ,32109
leaves the remote netserver port at the default value of 12865 and
causes netperf to bind to the local port number 32109 before
connecting to the remote netserver.
In general, setting the local port number is only necessary when
one is looking to run netperf through those evil, end-to-end
breaking things known as firewalls.
`-P 0|1'
A value of "1" for the `-P' option will enable display of the test
banner. A value of "0" will disable display of the test banner.
One might want to disable display of the test banner when running
the same basic test type (eg TCP_STREAM) multiple times in
succession where the test banners would then simply be redundant
and unnecessarily clutter the output. [Default: 1 - display test
`-s <seconds>'
This option will cause netperf to sleep `<seconds>' before
actually transferring data over the data connection. This may be
useful in situations where one wishes to start a great many netperf
instances and do not want the earlier ones affecting the ability of
the later ones to get established.
Added somewhere between versions 2.4.3 and 2.5.0.
This option will cause an attempt to be made to set SO_KEEPALIVE on
the data socket of a test using the BSD sockets interface. The
attempt will be made on the netperf side of all tests, and will be
made on the netserver side of an *note omni: The Omni Tests. or
*note migrated: Migrated Tests. test. No indication of failure is
given unless debug output is enabled with the global `-d' option.
Added in version 2.5.0.
`-t testname'
This option is used to tell netperf which test you wish to run.
As of this writing, valid values for TESTNAME include:
* *note TCP_STREAM::, *note TCP_MAERTS::, *note TCP_SENDFILE::,
*note TCP_RR::, *note TCP_CRR::, *note TCP_CC::
* *note UDP_STREAM::, *note UDP_RR::
* *note XTI_TCP_STREAM::, *note XTI_TCP_RR::, *note
* *note XTI_UDP_STREAM::, *note XTI_UDP_RR::
* *note SCTP_STREAM::, *note SCTP_RR::
* *note DLCO_STREAM::, *note DLCO_RR::, *note DLCL_STREAM::,
*note DLCL_RR::
* *note LOC_CPU: Other Netperf Tests, *note REM_CPU: Other
Netperf Tests.
* *note OMNI: The Omni Tests.
Not all tests are always compiled into netperf. In particular, the
"XTI," "SCTP," "UNIXDOMAIN," and "DL*" tests are only included in
netperf when configured with
Netperf only runs one type of test no matter how many `-t' options
may be present on the command-line. The last `-t' global
command-line option will determine the test to be run. [Default:
`-T <optionspec>'
This option controls the CPU, and probably by extension memory,
affinity of netperf and/or netserver.
netperf -T 1
will bind both netperf and netserver to "CPU 1" on their respective
netperf -T 1,
will bind just netperf to "CPU 1" and will leave netserver unbound.
netperf -T ,2
will leave netperf unbound and will bind netserver to "CPU 2."
netperf -T 1,2
will bind netperf to "CPU 1" and netserver to "CPU 2."
This can be particularly useful when investigating performance
issues involving where processes run relative to where NIC
interrupts are processed or where NICs allocate their DMA buffers.
`-v verbosity'
This option controls how verbose netperf will be in its output,
and is often used in conjunction with the `-P' option. If the
verbosity is set to a value of "0" then only the test's SFM (Single
Figure of Merit) is displayed. If local *note CPU utilization:
CPU Utilization. is requested via the `-c' option then the SFM is
the local service demand. Othersise, if remote CPU utilization is
requested via the `-C' option then the SFM is the remote service
demand. If neither local nor remote CPU utilization are requested
the SFM will be the measured throughput or transaction rate as
implied by the test specified with the `-t' option.
If the verbosity level is set to "1" then the "normal" netperf
result output for each test is displayed.
If the verbosity level is set to "2" then "extra" information will
be displayed. This may include, but is not limited to the number
of send or recv calls made and the average number of bytes per
send or recv call, or a histogram of the time spent in each send()
call or for each transaction if netperf was configured with
`--enable-histogram=yes'. [Default: 1 - normal verbosity]
In an *note omni: The Omni Tests. test the verbosity setting is
largely ignored, save for when asking for the time histogram to be
displayed. In version 2.5.0 and later there is no *note output
selector: Omni Output Selectors. for the histogram and so it
remains displayed only when the verbosity level is set to 2.
This option displays the netperf version and then exits.
Added in netperf 2.4.4.
`-w time'
If netperf was configured with `--enable-intervals=yes' then this
value will set the inter-burst time to time milliseconds, and the
`-b' option will set the number of sends per burst. The actual
inter-burst time may vary depending on the system's timer
`-W <sizespec>'
This option controls the number of buffers in the send (first or
only value) and or receive (second or only value) buffer rings.
Unlike some benchmarks, netperf does not continuously send or
receive from a single buffer. Instead it rotates through a ring of
buffers. [Default: One more than the size of the send or receive
socket buffer sizes (`-s' and/or `-S' options) divided by the send
`-m' or receive `-M' buffer size respectively]
Specifying this option will set both the local and remote address
families to AF_INET - that is use only IPv4 addresses on the
control connection. This can be overridden by a subsequent `-6',
`-H' or `-L' option. Basically, the last option explicitly
specifying an address family wins. Unless overridden by a
test-specific option, this will be inherited for the data
connection as well.
Specifying this option will set both local and and remote address
families to AF_INET6 - that is use only IPv6 addresses on the
control connection. This can be overridden by a subsequent `-4',
`-H' or `-L' option. Basically, the last address family
explicitly specified wins. Unless overridden by a test-specific
option, this will be inherited for the data connection as well.

File:, Node: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer, Next: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response, Prev: Global Command-line Options, Up: Top
5 Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer
The most commonly measured aspect of networked system performance is
that of bulk or unidirectional transfer performance. Everyone wants to
know how many bits or bytes per second they can push across the
network. The classic netperf convention for a bulk data transfer test
name is to tack a "_STREAM" suffix to a test name.
* Menu:
* Issues in Bulk Transfer::
* Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests::

File:, Node: Issues in Bulk Transfer, Next: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer
5.1 Issues in Bulk Transfer
There are any number of things which can affect the performance of a
bulk transfer test.
Certainly, absent compression, bulk-transfer tests can be limited by
the speed of the slowest link in the path from the source to the
destination. If testing over a gigabit link, you will not see more
than a gigabit :) Such situations can be described as being
"network-limited" or "NIC-limited".
CPU utilization can also affect the results of a bulk-transfer test.
If the networking stack requires a certain number of instructions or
CPU cycles per KB of data transferred, and the CPU is limited in the
number of instructions or cycles it can provide, then the transfer can
be described as being "CPU-bound".
A bulk-transfer test can be CPU bound even when netperf reports less
than 100% CPU utilization. This can happen on an MP system where one
or more of the CPUs saturate at 100% but other CPU's remain idle.
Typically, a single flow of data, such as that from a single instance
of a netperf _STREAM test cannot make use of much more than the power
of one CPU. Exceptions to this generally occur when netperf and/or
netserver run on CPU(s) other than the CPU(s) taking interrupts from
the NIC(s). In that case, one might see as much as two CPUs' worth of
processing being used to service the flow of data.
Distance and the speed-of-light can affect performance for a
bulk-transfer; often this can be mitigated by using larger windows.
One common limit to the performance of a transport using window-based
flow-control is:
Throughput <= WindowSize/RoundTripTime
As the sender can only have a window's-worth of data outstanding on
the network at any one time, and the soonest the sender can receive a
window update from the receiver is one RoundTripTime (RTT). TCP and
SCTP are examples of such protocols.
Packet losses and their effects can be particularly bad for
performance. This is especially true if the packet losses result in
retransmission timeouts for the protocol(s) involved. By the time a
retransmission timeout has happened, the flow or connection has sat
idle for a considerable length of time.
On many platforms, some variant on the `netstat' command can be used
to retrieve statistics about packet loss and retransmission. For
netstat -p tcp
will retrieve TCP statistics on the HP-UX Operating System. On other
platforms, it may not be possible to retrieve statistics for a specific
protocol and something like:
netstat -s
would be used instead.
Many times, such network statistics are keep since the time the stack
started, and we are only really interested in statistics from when
netperf was running. In such situations something along the lines of:
netstat -p tcp > before
netperf -t TCP_mumble...
netstat -p tcp > after
is indicated. The beforeafter
( utility can be used to
subtract the statistics in `before' from the statistics in `after':
beforeafter before after > delta
and then one can look at the statistics in `delta'. Beforeafter is
distributed in source form so one can compile it on the platform(s) of
If running a version 2.5.0 or later "omni" test under Linux one can
include either or both of:
in the values provided via a test-specific `-o', `-O', or `-k'
output selction option and netperf will report the retransmissions
experienced on the data connection, as reported via a
`getsockopt(TCP_INFO)' call. If confidence intervals have been
requested via the global `-I' or `-i' options, the reported value(s)
will be for the last iteration. If the test is over a protocol other
than TCP, or on a platform other than Linux, the results are undefined.
While it was written with HP-UX's netstat in mind, the annotated
writeup may be helpful with other platforms as well.

File:, Node: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests, Prev: Issues in Bulk Transfer, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer
5.2 Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
Many "test-specific" options are actually common across the different
tests. For those tests involving TCP, UDP and SCTP, whether using the
BSD Sockets or the XTI interface those common options include:
Display the test-suite-specific usage string and exit. For a TCP_
or UDP_ test this will be the usage string from the source file
nettest_bsd.c. For an XTI_ test, this will be the usage string
from the source file nettest_xti.c. For an SCTP test, this will
be the usage string from the source file nettest_sctp.c.
`-H <optionspec>'
Normally, the remote hostname|IP and address family information is
inherited from the settings for the control connection (eg global
command-line `-H', `-4' and/or `-6' options). The test-specific
`-H' will override those settings for the data (aka test)
connection only. Settings for the control connection are left
`-L <optionspec>'
The test-specific `-L' option is identical to the test-specific
`-H' option except it affects the local hostname|IP and address
family information. As with its global command-line counterpart,
this is generally only useful when measuring though those evil,
end-to-end breaking things called firewalls.
`-m bytes'
Set the size of the buffer passed-in to the "send" calls of a
_STREAM test. Note that this may have only an indirect effect on
the size of the packets sent over the network, and certain Layer 4
protocols do _not_ preserve or enforce message boundaries, so
setting `-m' for the send size does not necessarily mean the
receiver will receive that many bytes at any one time. By default
the units are bytes, but suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify
the units to be 2^30 (GB), 2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A
suffix of "g," "m" or "k" will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3
bytes respectively. For example:
`-m 32K'
will set the size to 32KB or 32768 bytes. [Default: the local send
socket buffer size for the connection - either the system's
default or the value set via the `-s' option.]
`-M bytes'
Set the size of the buffer passed-in to the "recv" calls of a
_STREAM test. This will be an upper bound on the number of bytes
received per receive call. By default the units are bytes, but
suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify the units to be 2^30 (GB),
2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A suffix of "g," "m" or "k"
will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3 bytes respectively. For
`-M 32K'
will set the size to 32KB or 32768 bytes. [Default: the remote
receive socket buffer size for the data connection - either the
system's default or the value set via the `-S' option.]
`-P <optionspec>'
Set the local and/or remote port numbers for the data connection.
`-s <sizespec>'
This option sets the local (netperf) send and receive socket buffer
sizes for the data connection to the value(s) specified. Often,
this will affect the advertised and/or effective TCP or other
window, but on some platforms it may not. By default the units are
bytes, but suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify the units to be
2^30 (GB), 2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A suffix of "g,"
"m" or "k" will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3 bytes
respectively. For example:
`-s 128K'
Will request the local send and receive socket buffer sizes to be
128KB or 131072 bytes.
While the historic expectation is that setting the socket buffer
size has a direct effect on say the TCP window, today that may not
hold true for all stacks. Further, while the historic expectation
is that the value specified in a `setsockopt()' call will be the
value returned via a `getsockopt()' call, at least one stack is
known to deliberately ignore history. When running under Windows
a value of 0 may be used which will be an indication to the stack
the user wants to enable a form of copy avoidance. [Default: -1 -
use the system's default socket buffer sizes]
`-S <sizespec>'
This option sets the remote (netserver) send and/or receive socket
buffer sizes for the data connection to the value(s) specified.
Often, this will affect the advertised and/or effective TCP or
other window, but on some platforms it may not. By default the
units are bytes, but suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify the
units to be 2^30 (GB), 2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A
suffix of "g," "m" or "k" will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3
bytes respectively. For example:
`-S 128K'
Will request the remote send and receive socket buffer sizes to be
128KB or 131072 bytes.
While the historic expectation is that setting the socket buffer
size has a direct effect on say the TCP window, today that may not
hold true for all stacks. Further, while the historic expectation
is that the value specified in a `setsockopt()' call will be the
value returned via a `getsockopt()' call, at least one stack is
known to deliberately ignore history. When running under Windows
a value of 0 may be used which will be an indication to the stack
the user wants to enable a form of copy avoidance. [Default: -1 -
use the system's default socket buffer sizes]
Set the local and remote address family for the data connection to
AF_INET - ie use IPv4 addressing only. Just as with their global
command-line counterparts the last of the `-4', `-6', `-H' or `-L'
option wins for their respective address families.
This option is identical to its `-4' cousin, but requests IPv6
addresses for the local and remote ends of the data connection.
* Menu:

File:, Node: TCP_STREAM, Next: TCP_MAERTS, Prev: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
The TCP_STREAM test is the default test in netperf. It is quite
simple, transferring some quantity of data from the system running
netperf to the system running netserver. While time spent establishing
the connection is not included in the throughput calculation, time
spent flushing the last of the data to the remote at the end of the
test is. This is how netperf knows that all the data it sent was
received by the remote. In addition to the *note options common to
STREAM tests: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests, the following
test-specific options can be included to possibly alter the behavior of
the test:
This option will set TCP_CORK mode on the data connection on those
systems where TCP_CORK is defined (typically Linux). A full
description of TCP_CORK is beyond the scope of this manual, but in
a nutshell it forces sub-MSS sends to be buffered so every segment
sent is Maximum Segment Size (MSS) unless the application performs
an explicit flush operation or the connection is closed. At
present netperf does not perform any explicit flush operations.
Setting TCP_CORK may improve the bitrate of tests where the "send
size" (`-m' option) is smaller than the MSS. It should also
improve (make smaller) the service demand.
The Linux tcp(7) manpage states that TCP_CORK cannot be used in
conjunction with TCP_NODELAY (set via the `-d' option), however
netperf does not validate command-line options to enforce that.
This option will set TCP_NODELAY on the data connection on those
systems where TCP_NODELAY is defined. This disables something
known as the Nagle Algorithm, which is intended to make the
segments TCP sends as large as reasonably possible. Setting
TCP_NODELAY for a TCP_STREAM test should either have no effect
when the send size (`-m' option) is larger than the MSS or will
decrease reported bitrate and increase service demand when the
send size is smaller than the MSS. This stems from TCP_NODELAY
causing each sub-MSS send to be its own TCP segment rather than
being aggregated with other small sends. This means more trips up
and down the protocol stack per KB of data transferred, which
means greater CPU utilization.
If setting TCP_NODELAY with `-D' affects throughput and/or service
demand for tests where the send size (`-m') is larger than the MSS
it suggests the TCP/IP stack's implementation of the Nagle
Algorithm _may_ be broken, perhaps interpreting the Nagle
Algorithm on a segment by segment basis rather than the proper user
send by user send basis. However, a better test of this can be
achieved with the *note TCP_RR:: test.
Here is an example of a basic TCP_STREAM test, in this case from a
Debian Linux (2.6 kernel) system to an HP-UX 11iv2 (HP-UX 11.23) system:
$ netperf -H lag
TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
32768 16384 16384 10.00 80.42
We see that the default receive socket buffer size for the receiver
(lag - HP-UX 11.23) is 32768 bytes, and the default socket send buffer
size for the sender (Debian 2.6 kernel) is 16384 bytes, however Linux
does "auto tuning" of socket buffer and TCP window sizes, which means
the send socket buffer size may be different at the end of the test
than it was at the beginning. This is addressed in the *note omni
tests: The Omni Tests. added in version 2.5.0 and *note output
selection: Omni Output Selection. Throughput is expressed as 10^6 (aka
Mega) bits per second, and the test ran for 10 seconds. IPv4 addresses
(AF_INET) were used.

File:, Node: TCP_MAERTS, Next: TCP_SENDFILE, Prev: TCP_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
A TCP_MAERTS (MAERTS is STREAM backwards) test is "just like" a *note
TCP_STREAM:: test except the data flows from the netserver to the
netperf. The global command-line `-F' option is ignored for this test
type. The test-specific command-line `-C' option is ignored for this
test type.
Here is an example of a TCP_MAERTS test between the same two systems
as in the example for the *note TCP_STREAM:: test. This time we request
larger socket buffers with `-s' and `-S' options:
$ netperf -H lag -t TCP_MAERTS -- -s 128K -S 128K
TCP MAERTS TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
221184 131072 131072 10.03 81.14
Where we see that Linux, unlike HP-UX, may not return the same value
in a `getsockopt()' as was requested in the prior `setsockopt()'.
This test is included more for benchmarking convenience than anything

File:, Node: TCP_SENDFILE, Next: UDP_STREAM, Prev: TCP_MAERTS, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
The TCP_SENDFILE test is "just like" a *note TCP_STREAM:: test except
netperf the platform's `sendfile()' call instead of calling `send()'.
Often this results in a "zero-copy" operation where data is sent
directly from the filesystem buffer cache. This _should_ result in
lower CPU utilization and possibly higher throughput. If it does not,
then you may want to contact your vendor(s) because they have a problem
on their hands.
Zero-copy mechanisms may also alter the characteristics (size and
number of buffers per) of packets passed to the NIC. In many stacks,
when a copy is performed, the stack can "reserve" space at the
beginning of the destination buffer for things like TCP, IP and Link
headers. This then has the packet contained in a single buffer which
can be easier to DMA to the NIC. When no copy is performed, there is
no opportunity to reserve space for headers and so a packet will be
contained in two or more buffers.
As of some time before version 2.5.0, the *note global `-F' option:
Global Options. is no longer required for this test. If it is not
specified, netperf will create a temporary file, which it will delete
at the end of the test. If the `-F' option is specified it must
reference a file of at least the size of the send ring (*Note the
global `-W' option: Global Options.) multiplied by the send size (*Note
the test-specific `-m' option: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP
tests.). All other TCP-specific options remain available and optional.
In this first example:
$ netperf -H lag -F ../src/netperf -t TCP_SENDFILE -- -s 128K -S 128K
TCP SENDFILE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET
alloc_sendfile_buf_ring: specified file too small.
file must be larger than send_width * send_size
we see what happens when the file is too small. Here:
$ netperf -H lag -F /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-1-686 -t TCP_SENDFILE -- -s 128K -S 128K
TCP SENDFILE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
131072 221184 221184 10.02 81.83
we resolve that issue by selecting a larger file.

File:, Node: UDP_STREAM, Next: XTI_TCP_STREAM, Prev: TCP_SENDFILE, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
A UDP_STREAM test is similar to a *note TCP_STREAM:: test except UDP is
used as the transport rather than TCP.
A UDP_STREAM test has no end-to-end flow control - UDP provides none
and neither does netperf. However, if you wish, you can configure
netperf with `--enable-intervals=yes' to enable the global command-line
`-b' and `-w' options to pace bursts of traffic onto the network.
This has a number of implications.
The biggest of these implications is the data which is sent might not
be received by the remote. For this reason, the output of a UDP_STREAM
test shows both the sending and receiving throughput. On some
platforms, it may be possible for the sending throughput to be reported
as a value greater than the maximum rate of the link. This is common
when the CPU(s) are faster than the network and there is no
"intra-stack" flow-control.
Here is an example of a UDP_STREAM test between two systems connected
by a 10 Gigabit Ethernet link:
$ netperf -t UDP_STREAM -H -- -m 32768
Socket Message Elapsed Messages
Size Size Time Okay Errors Throughput
bytes bytes secs # # 10^6bits/sec
124928 32768 10.00 105672 0 2770.20
135168 10.00 104844 2748.50
The first line of numbers are statistics from the sending (netperf)
side. The second line of numbers are from the receiving (netserver)
side. In this case, 105672 - 104844 or 828 messages did not make it
all the way to the remote netserver process.
If the value of the `-m' option is larger than the local send socket
buffer size (`-s' option) netperf will likely abort with an error
message about how the send call failed:
netperf -t UDP_STREAM -H
udp_send: data send error: Message too long
If the value of the `-m' option is larger than the remote socket
receive buffer, the reported receive throughput will likely be zero as
the remote UDP will discard the messages as being too large to fit into
the socket buffer.
$ netperf -t UDP_STREAM -H -- -m 65000 -S 32768
Socket Message Elapsed Messages
Size Size Time Okay Errors Throughput
bytes bytes secs # # 10^6bits/sec
124928 65000 10.00 53595 0 2786.99
65536 10.00 0 0.00
The example above was between a pair of systems running a "Linux"
kernel. Notice that the remote Linux system returned a value larger
than that passed-in to the `-S' option. In fact, this value was larger
than the message size set with the `-m' option. That the remote socket
buffer size is reported as 65536 bytes would suggest to any sane person
that a message of 65000 bytes would fit, but the socket isn't _really_
65536 bytes, even though Linux is telling us so. Go figure.

File:, Node: XTI_TCP_STREAM, Next: XTI_UDP_STREAM, Prev: UDP_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
An XTI_TCP_STREAM test is simply a *note TCP_STREAM:: test using the XTI
rather than BSD Sockets interface. The test-specific `-X <devspec>'
option can be used to specify the name of the local and/or remote XTI
device files, which is required by the `t_open()' call made by netperf
XTI tests.
The XTI_TCP_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured
with `--enable-xti=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-xti=yes'.

File:, Node: XTI_UDP_STREAM, Next: SCTP_STREAM, Prev: XTI_TCP_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
An XTI_UDP_STREAM test is simply a *note UDP_STREAM:: test using the XTI
rather than BSD Sockets Interface. The test-specific `-X <devspec>'
option can be used to specify the name of the local and/or remote XTI
device files, which is required by the `t_open()' call made by netperf
XTI tests.
The XTI_UDP_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured
with `--enable-xti=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-xti=yes'.

File:, Node: SCTP_STREAM, Next: DLCO_STREAM, Prev: XTI_UDP_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
An SCTP_STREAM test is essentially a *note TCP_STREAM:: test using the
SCTP rather than TCP. The `-D' option will set SCTP_NODELAY, which is
much like the TCP_NODELAY option for TCP. The `-C' option is not
applicable to an SCTP test as there is no corresponding SCTP_CORK
option. The author is still figuring-out what the test-specific `-N'
option does :)
The SCTP_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured with
`--enable-sctp=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-sctp=yes'.

File:, Node: DLCO_STREAM, Next: DLCL_STREAM, Prev: SCTP_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
A DLPI Connection Oriented Stream (DLCO_STREAM) test is very similar in
concept to a *note TCP_STREAM:: test. Both use reliable,
connection-oriented protocols. The DLPI test differs from the TCP test
in that its protocol operates only at the link-level and does not
include TCP-style segmentation and reassembly. This last difference
means that the value passed-in with the `-m' option must be less than
the interface MTU. Otherwise, the `-m' and `-M' options are just like
their TCP/UDP/SCTP counterparts.
Other DLPI-specific options include:
`-D <devspec>'
This option is used to provide the fully-qualified names for the
local and/or remote DLPI device files. The syntax is otherwise
identical to that of a "sizespec".
`-p <ppaspec>'
This option is used to specify the local and/or remote DLPI PPA(s).
The PPA is used to identify the interface over which traffic is to
be sent/received. The syntax of a "ppaspec" is otherwise the same
as a "sizespec".
`-s sap'
This option specifies the 802.2 SAP for the test. A SAP is
somewhat like either the port field of a TCP or UDP header or the
protocol field of an IP header. The specified SAP should not
conflict with any other active SAPs on the specified PPA's (`-p'
`-w <sizespec>'
This option specifies the local send and receive window sizes in
units of frames on those platforms which support setting such
`-W <sizespec>'
This option specifies the remote send and receive window sizes in
units of frames on those platforms which support setting such
The DLCO_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured with
`--enable-dlpi=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-dlpi=yes'.

File:, Node: DLCL_STREAM, Next: STREAM_STREAM, Prev: DLCO_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
A DLPI ConnectionLess Stream (DLCL_STREAM) test is analogous to a *note
UDP_STREAM:: test in that both make use of unreliable/best-effort,
connection-less transports. The DLCL_STREAM test differs from the
*note UDP_STREAM:: test in that the message size (`-m' option) must
always be less than the link MTU as there is no IP-like fragmentation
and reassembly available and netperf does not presume to provide one.
The test-specific command-line options for a DLCL_STREAM test are the
same as those for a *note DLCO_STREAM:: test.
The DLCL_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured with
`--enable-dlpi=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-dlpi=yes'.

File:, Node: STREAM_STREAM, Next: DG_STREAM, Prev: DLCL_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
A Unix Domain Stream Socket Stream test (STREAM_STREAM) is similar in
concept to a *note TCP_STREAM:: test, but using Unix Domain sockets.
It is, naturally, limited to intra-machine traffic. A STREAM_STREAM
test shares the `-m', `-M', `-s' and `-S' options of the other _STREAM
tests. In a STREAM_STREAM test the `-p' option sets the directory in
which the pipes will be created rather than setting a port number. The
default is to create the pipes in the system default for the
`tempnam()' call.
The STREAM_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured with
`--enable-unixdomain=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-unixdomain=yes'.

File:, Node: DG_STREAM, Prev: STREAM_STREAM, Up: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests
5.2.11 DG_STREAM
A Unix Domain Datagram Socket Stream test (SG_STREAM) is very much like
a *note TCP_STREAM:: test except that message boundaries are preserved.
In this way, it may also be considered similar to certain flavors of
SCTP test which can also preserve message boundaries.
All the options of a *note STREAM_STREAM:: test are applicable to a
The DG_STREAM test is only present if netperf was configured with
`--enable-unixdomain=yes'. The remote netserver must have also been
configured with `--enable-unixdomain=yes'.

File:, Node: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response, Next: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer, Up: Top
6 Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response
Request/response performance is often overlooked, yet it is just as
important as bulk-transfer performance. While things like larger
socket buffers and TCP windows, and stateless offloads like TSO and LRO
can cover a multitude of latency and even path-length sins, those sins
cannot easily hide from a request/response test. The convention for a
request/response test is to have a _RR suffix. There are however a few
"request/response" tests that have other suffixes.
A request/response test, particularly synchronous, one transaction at
a time test such as those found by default in netperf, is particularly
sensitive to the path-length of the networking stack. An _RR test can
also uncover those platforms where the NICs are strapped by default
with overbearing interrupt avoidance settings in an attempt to increase
the bulk-transfer performance (or rather, decrease the CPU utilization
of a bulk-transfer test). This sensitivity is most acute for small
request and response sizes, such as the single-byte default for a
netperf _RR test.
While a bulk-transfer test reports its results in units of bits or
bytes transferred per second, by default a mumble_RR test reports
transactions per second where a transaction is defined as the completed
exchange of a request and a response. One can invert the transaction
rate to arrive at the average round-trip latency. If one is confident
about the symmetry of the connection, the average one-way latency can
be taken as one-half the average round-trip latency. As of version
2.5.0 (actually slightly before) netperf still does not do the latter,
but will do the former if one sets the verbosity to 2 for a classic
netperf test, or includes the appropriate *note output selector: Omni
Output Selectors. in an *note omni test: The Omni Tests. It will also
allow the user to switch the throughput units from transactions per
second to bits or bytes per second with the global `-f' option.
* Menu:
* Issues in Request/Response::
* Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests::

File:, Node: Issues in Request/Response, Next: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response
6.1 Issues in Request/Response
Most if not all the *note Issues in Bulk Transfer:: apply to
request/response. The issue of round-trip latency is even more
important as netperf generally only has one transaction outstanding at
a time.
A single instance of a one transaction outstanding _RR test should
_never_ completely saturate the CPU of a system. If testing between
otherwise evenly matched systems, the symmetric nature of a _RR test
with equal request and response sizes should result in equal CPU
loading on both systems. However, this may not hold true on MP systems,
particularly if one CPU binds the netperf and netserver differently via
the global `-T' option.
For smaller request and response sizes packet loss is a bigger issue
as there is no opportunity for a "fast retransmit" or retransmission
prior to a retransmission timer expiring.
Virtualization may considerably increase the effective path length of
a networking stack. While this may not preclude achieving link-rate on
a comparatively slow link (eg 1 Gigabit Ethernet) on a _STREAM test, it
can show-up as measurably fewer transactions per second on an _RR test.
However, this may still be masked by interrupt coalescing in the
Certain NICs have ways to minimize the number of interrupts sent to
the host. If these are strapped badly they can significantly reduce
the performance of something like a single-byte request/response test.
Such setups are distinguished by seriously low reported CPU utilization
and what seems like a low (even if in the thousands) transaction per
second rate. Also, if you run such an OS/driver combination on faster
or slower hardware and do not see a corresponding change in the
transaction rate, chances are good that the driver is strapping the NIC
with aggressive interrupt avoidance settings. Good for bulk
throughput, but bad for latency.
Some drivers may try to automagically adjust the interrupt avoidance
settings. If they are not terribly good at it, you will see
considerable run-to-run variation in reported transaction rates.
Particularly if you "mix-up" _STREAM and _RR tests.

File:, Node: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests, Prev: Issues in Request/Response, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response
6.2 Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
Many "test-specific" options are actually common across the different
tests. For those tests involving TCP, UDP and SCTP, whether using the
BSD Sockets or the XTI interface those common options include:
Display the test-suite-specific usage string and exit. For a TCP_
or UDP_ test this will be the usage string from the source file
`nettest_bsd.c'. For an XTI_ test, this will be the usage string
from the source file `src/nettest_xti.c'. For an SCTP test, this
will be the usage string from the source file `src/nettest_sctp.c'.
`-H <optionspec>'
Normally, the remote hostname|IP and address family information is
inherited from the settings for the control connection (eg global
command-line `-H', `-4' and/or `-6' options. The test-specific
`-H' will override those settings for the data (aka test)
connection only. Settings for the control connection are left
unchanged. This might be used to cause the control and data
connections to take different paths through the network.
`-L <optionspec>'
The test-specific `-L' option is identical to the test-specific
`-H' option except it affects the local hostname|IP and address
family information. As with its global command-line counterpart,
this is generally only useful when measuring though those evil,
end-to-end breaking things called firewalls.
`-P <optionspec>'
Set the local and/or remote port numbers for the data connection.
`-r <sizespec>'
This option sets the request (first value) and/or response (second
value) sizes for an _RR test. By default the units are bytes, but a
suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify the units to be 2^30 (GB),
2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A suffix of "g," "m" or "k"
will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3 bytes respectively. For
`-r 128,16K'
Will set the request size to 128 bytes and the response size to 16
KB or 16384 bytes. [Default: 1 - a single-byte request and
response ]
`-s <sizespec>'
This option sets the local (netperf) send and receive socket buffer
sizes for the data connection to the value(s) specified. Often,
this will affect the advertised and/or effective TCP or other
window, but on some platforms it may not. By default the units are
bytes, but a suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify the units to
be 2^30 (GB), 2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A suffix of
"g," "m" or "k" will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3 bytes
respectively. For example:
`-s 128K'
Will request the local send (netperf) and receive socket buffer
sizes to be 128KB or 131072 bytes.
While the historic expectation is that setting the socket buffer
size has a direct effect on say the TCP window, today that may not
hold true for all stacks. When running under Windows a value of 0
may be used which will be an indication to the stack the user
wants to enable a form of copy avoidance. [Default: -1 - use the
system's default socket buffer sizes]
`-S <sizespec>'
This option sets the remote (netserver) send and/or receive socket
buffer sizes for the data connection to the value(s) specified.
Often, this will affect the advertised and/or effective TCP or
other window, but on some platforms it may not. By default the
units are bytes, but a suffix of "G," "M," or "K" will specify the
units to be 2^30 (GB), 2^20 (MB) or 2^10 (KB) respectively. A
suffix of "g," "m" or "k" will specify units of 10^9, 10^6 or 10^3
bytes respectively. For example:
`-S 128K'
Will request the remote (netserver) send and receive socket buffer
sizes to be 128KB or 131072 bytes.
While the historic expectation is that setting the socket buffer
size has a direct effect on say the TCP window, today that may not
hold true for all stacks. When running under Windows a value of 0
may be used which will be an indication to the stack the user
wants to enable a form of copy avoidance. [Default: -1 - use the
system's default socket buffer sizes]
Set the local and remote address family for the data connection to
AF_INET - ie use IPv4 addressing only. Just as with their global
command-line counterparts the last of the `-4', `-6', `-H' or `-L'
option wins for their respective address families.
This option is identical to its `-4' cousin, but requests IPv6
addresses for the local and remote ends of the data connection.
* Menu:
* TCP_RR::
* TCP_CC::
* UDP_RR::

File:, Node: TCP_RR, Next: TCP_CC, Prev: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.1 TCP_RR
A TCP_RR (TCP Request/Response) test is requested by passing a value of
"TCP_RR" to the global `-t' command-line option. A TCP_RR test can be
thought-of as a user-space to user-space `ping' with no think time - it
is by default a synchronous, one transaction at a time,
request/response test.
The transaction rate is the number of complete transactions exchanged
divided by the length of time it took to perform those transactions.
If the two Systems Under Test are otherwise identical, a TCP_RR test
with the same request and response size should be symmetric - it should
not matter which way the test is run, and the CPU utilization measured
should be virtually the same on each system. If not, it suggests that
the CPU utilization mechanism being used may have some, well, issues
measuring CPU utilization completely and accurately.
Time to establish the TCP connection is not counted in the result.
If you want connection setup overheads included, you should consider the
*note TPC_CC: TCP_CC. or *note TCP_CRR: TCP_CRR. tests.
If specifying the `-D' option to set TCP_NODELAY and disable the
Nagle Algorithm increases the transaction rate reported by a TCP_RR
test, it implies the stack(s) over which the TCP_RR test is running
have a broken implementation of the Nagle Algorithm. Likely as not
they are interpreting Nagle on a segment by segment basis rather than a
user send by user send basis. You should contact your stack vendor(s)
to report the problem to them.
Here is an example of two systems running a basic TCP_RR test over a
10 Gigabit Ethernet link:
netperf -t TCP_RR -H
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec
16384 87380 1 1 10.00 29150.15
16384 87380
In this example the request and response sizes were one byte, the
socket buffers were left at their defaults, and the test ran for all of
10 seconds. The transaction per second rate was rather good for the
time :)

File:, Node: TCP_CC, Next: TCP_CRR, Prev: TCP_RR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.2 TCP_CC
A TCP_CC (TCP Connect/Close) test is requested by passing a value of
"TCP_CC" to the global `-t' option. A TCP_CC test simply measures how
fast the pair of systems can open and close connections between one
another in a synchronous (one at a time) manner. While this is
considered an _RR test, no request or response is exchanged over the
The issue of TIME_WAIT reuse is an important one for a TCP_CC test.
Basically, TIME_WAIT reuse is when a pair of systems churn through
connections fast enough that they wrap the 16-bit port number space in
less time than the length of the TIME_WAIT state. While it is indeed
theoretically possible to "reuse" a connection in TIME_WAIT, the
conditions under which such reuse is possible are rather rare. An
attempt to reuse a connection in TIME_WAIT can result in a non-trivial
delay in connection establishment.
Basically, any time the connection churn rate approaches:
Sizeof(clientportspace) / Lengthof(TIME_WAIT)
there is the risk of TIME_WAIT reuse. To minimize the chances of
this happening, netperf will by default select its own client port
numbers from the range of 5000 to 65535. On systems with a 60 second
TIME_WAIT state, this should allow roughly 1000 transactions per
second. The size of the client port space used by netperf can be
controlled via the test-specific `-p' option, which takes a "sizespec"
as a value setting the minimum (first value) and maximum (second value)
port numbers used by netperf at the client end.
Since no requests or responses are exchanged during a TCP_CC test,
only the `-H', `-L', `-4' and `-6' of the "common" test-specific
options are likely to have an effect, if any, on the results. The `-s'
and `-S' options _may_ have some effect if they alter the number and/or
type of options carried in the TCP SYNchronize segments, such as Window
Scaling or Timestamps. The `-P' and `-r' options are utterly ignored.
Since connection establishment and tear-down for TCP is not
symmetric, a TCP_CC test is not symmetric in its loading of the two
systems under test.

File:, Node: TCP_CRR, Next: UDP_RR, Prev: TCP_CC, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.3 TCP_CRR
The TCP Connect/Request/Response (TCP_CRR) test is requested by passing
a value of "TCP_CRR" to the global `-t' command-line option. A TCP_CRR
test is like a merger of a *note TCP_RR:: and *note TCP_CC:: test which
measures the performance of establishing a connection, exchanging a
single request/response transaction, and tearing-down that connection.
This is very much like what happens in an HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1
connection when HTTP Keepalives are not used. In fact, the TCP_CRR
test was added to netperf to simulate just that.
Since a request and response are exchanged the `-r', `-s' and `-S'
options can have an effect on the performance.
The issue of TIME_WAIT reuse exists for the TCP_CRR test just as it
does for the TCP_CC test. Similarly, since connection establishment
and tear-down is not symmetric, a TCP_CRR test is not symmetric even
when the request and response sizes are the same.

File:, Node: UDP_RR, Next: XTI_TCP_RR, Prev: TCP_CRR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.4 UDP_RR
A UDP Request/Response (UDP_RR) test is requested by passing a value of
"UDP_RR" to a global `-t' option. It is very much the same as a TCP_RR
test except UDP is used rather than TCP.
UDP does not provide for retransmission of lost UDP datagrams, and
netperf does not add anything for that either. This means that if
_any_ request or response is lost, the exchange of requests and
responses will stop from that point until the test timer expires.
Netperf will not really "know" this has happened - the only symptom
will be a low transaction per second rate. If `--enable-burst' was
included in the `configure' command and a test-specific `-b' option
used, the UDP_RR test will "survive" the loss of requests and responses
until the sum is one more than the value passed via the `-b' option. It
will though almost certainly run more slowly.
The netperf side of a UDP_RR test will call `connect()' on its data
socket and thenceforth use the `send()' and `recv()' socket calls. The
netserver side of a UDP_RR test will not call `connect()' and will use
`recvfrom()' and `sendto()' calls. This means that even if the request
and response sizes are the same, a UDP_RR test is _not_ symmetric in
its loading of the two systems under test.
Here is an example of a UDP_RR test between two otherwise identical
two-CPU systems joined via a 1 Gigabit Ethernet network:
$ netperf -T 1 -H -t UDP_RR -c -C
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans. CPU CPU S.dem S.dem
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate local remote local remote
bytes bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec % I % I us/Tr us/Tr
65535 65535 1 1 10.01 15262.48 13.90 16.11 18.221 21.116
65535 65535
This example includes the `-c' and `-C' options to enable CPU
utilization reporting and shows the asymmetry in CPU loading. The `-T'
option was used to make sure netperf and netserver ran on a given CPU
and did not move around during the test.

File:, Node: XTI_TCP_RR, Next: XTI_TCP_CC, Prev: UDP_RR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.5 XTI_TCP_RR
An XTI_TCP_RR test is essentially the same as a *note TCP_RR:: test only
using the XTI rather than BSD Sockets interface. It is requested by
passing a value of "XTI_TCP_RR" to the `-t' global command-line option.
The test-specific options for an XTI_TCP_RR test are the same as
those for a TCP_RR test with the addition of the `-X <devspec>' option
to specify the names of the local and/or remote XTI device file(s).

File:, Node: XTI_TCP_CC, Next: XTI_TCP_CRR, Prev: XTI_TCP_RR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.6 XTI_TCP_CC
An XTI_TCP_CC test is essentially the same as a *note TCP_CC: TCP_CC.
test, only using the XTI rather than BSD Sockets interface.
The test-specific options for an XTI_TCP_CC test are the same as
those for a TCP_CC test with the addition of the `-X <devspec>' option
to specify the names of the local and/or remote XTI device file(s).

File:, Node: XTI_TCP_CRR, Next: XTI_UDP_RR, Prev: XTI_TCP_CC, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
The XTI_TCP_CRR test is essentially the same as a *note TCP_CRR:
TCP_CRR. test, only using the XTI rather than BSD Sockets interface.
The test-specific options for an XTI_TCP_CRR test are the same as
those for a TCP_RR test with the addition of the `-X <devspec>' option
to specify the names of the local and/or remote XTI device file(s).

File:, Node: XTI_UDP_RR, Next: DLCL_RR, Prev: XTI_TCP_CRR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.8 XTI_UDP_RR
An XTI_UDP_RR test is essentially the same as a UDP_RR test only using
the XTI rather than BSD Sockets interface. It is requested by passing
a value of "XTI_UDP_RR" to the `-t' global command-line option.
The test-specific options for an XTI_UDP_RR test are the same as
those for a UDP_RR test with the addition of the `-X <devspec>' option
to specify the name of the local and/or remote XTI device file(s).

File:, Node: DLCL_RR, Next: DLCO_RR, Prev: XTI_UDP_RR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.9 DLCL_RR

File:, Node: DLCO_RR, Next: SCTP_RR, Prev: DLCL_RR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.10 DLCO_RR

File:, Node: SCTP_RR, Prev: DLCO_RR, Up: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests
6.2.11 SCTP_RR

File:, Node: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance, Next: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response, Up: Top
7 Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance
Ultimately, *note Netperf4: Netperf4. will be the preferred benchmark to
use when one wants to measure aggregate performance because netperf has
no support for explicit synchronization of concurrent tests. Until
netperf4 is ready for prime time, one can make use of the heuristics
and procedures mentioned here for the 85% solution.
There are a few ways to measure aggregate performance with netperf.
The first is to run multiple, concurrent netperf tests and can be
applied to any of the netperf tests. The second is to configure
netperf with `--enable-burst' and is applicable to the TCP_RR test. The
third is a variation on the first.
* Menu:
* Running Concurrent Netperf Tests::
* Using --enable-burst::
* Using --enable-demo::

File:, Node: Running Concurrent Netperf Tests, Next: Using --enable-burst, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance
7.1 Running Concurrent Netperf Tests
*note Netperf4: Netperf4. is the preferred benchmark to use when one
wants to measure aggregate performance because netperf has no support
for explicit synchronization of concurrent tests. This leaves netperf2
results vulnerable to "skew" errors.
However, since there are times when netperf4 is unavailable it may be
necessary to run netperf. The skew error can be minimized by making use
of the confidence interval functionality. Then one simply launches
multiple tests from the shell using a `for' loop or the like:
for i in 1 2 3 4
netperf -t TCP_STREAM -H -i 10 -P 0 &
which will run four, concurrent *note TCP_STREAM: TCP_STREAM. tests
from the system on which it is executed to Each
concurrent netperf will iterate 10 times thanks to the `-i' option and
will omit the test banners (option `-P') for brevity. The output looks
something like this:
87380 16384 16384 10.03 235.15
87380 16384 16384 10.03 235.09
87380 16384 16384 10.03 235.38
87380 16384 16384 10.03 233.96
We can take the sum of the results and be reasonably confident that
the aggregate performance was 940 Mbits/s. This method does not need
to be limited to one system speaking to one other system. It can be
extended to one system talking to N other systems. It could be as
simple as:
for host in 'foo bar baz bing'
netperf -t TCP_STREAM -H $hosts -i 10 -P 0 &
A more complicated/sophisticated example can be found in
`doc/examples/' where.
If you see warnings about netperf not achieving the confidence
intervals, the best thing to do is to increase the number of iterations
with `-i' and/or increase the run length of each iteration with `-l'.
You can also enable local (`-c') and/or remote (`-C') CPU
for i in 1 2 3 4
netperf -t TCP_STREAM -H -i 10 -P 0 -c -C &
87380 16384 16384 10.03 235.47 3.67 5.09 10.226 14.180
87380 16384 16384 10.03 234.73 3.67 5.09 10.260 14.225
87380 16384 16384 10.03 234.64 3.67 5.10 10.263 14.231
87380 16384 16384 10.03 234.87 3.67 5.09 10.253 14.215
If the CPU utilizations reported for the same system are the same or
very very close you can be reasonably confident that skew error is
minimized. Presumably one could then omit `-i' but that is not
advised, particularly when/if the CPU utilization approaches 100
percent. In the example above we see that the CPU utilization on the
local system remains the same for all four tests, and is only off by
0.01 out of 5.09 on the remote system. As the number of CPUs in the
system increases, and so too the odds of saturating a single CPU, the
accuracy of similar CPU utilization implying little skew error is
diminished. This is also the case for those increasingly rare single
CPU systems if the utilization is reported as 100% or very close to it.
NOTE: It is very important to remember that netperf is calculating
system-wide CPU utilization. When calculating the service demand
(those last two columns in the output above) each netperf assumes
it is the only thing running on the system. This means that for
concurrent tests the service demands reported by netperf will be
wrong. One has to compute service demands for concurrent tests by
If you wish you can add a unique, global `-B' option to each command
line to append the given string to the output:
for i in 1 2 3 4
netperf -t TCP_STREAM -H -B "this is test $i" -i 10 -P 0 &
87380 16384 16384 10.03 234.90 this is test 4
87380 16384 16384 10.03 234.41 this is test 2
87380 16384 16384 10.03 235.26 this is test 1
87380 16384 16384 10.03 235.09 this is test 3
You will notice that the tests completed in an order other than they
were started from the shell. This underscores why there is a threat of
skew error and why netperf4 will eventually be the preferred tool for
aggregate tests. Even if you see the Netperf Contributing Editor
acting to the contrary!-)
* Menu:
* Issues in Running Concurrent Tests::

File:, Node: Issues in Running Concurrent Tests, Prev: Running Concurrent Netperf Tests, Up: Running Concurrent Netperf Tests
7.1.1 Issues in Running Concurrent Tests
In addition to the aforementioned issue of skew error, there can be
other issues to consider when running concurrent netperf tests.
For example, when running concurrent tests over multiple interfaces,
one is not always assured that the traffic one thinks went over a given
interface actually did so. In particular, the Linux networking stack
takes a particularly strong stance on its following the so called `weak
end system model'. As such, it is willing to answer ARP requests for
any of its local IP addresses on any of its interfaces. If multiple
interfaces are connected to the same broadcast domain, then even if
they are configured into separate IP subnets there is no a priori way
of knowing which interface was actually used for which connection(s).
This can be addressed by setting the `arp_ignore' sysctl before
configuring interfaces.
As it is quite important, we will repeat that it is very important to
remember that each concurrent netperf instance is calculating
system-wide CPU utilization. When calculating the service demand each
netperf assumes it is the only thing running on the system. This means
that for concurrent tests the service demands reported by netperf will
be wrong. One has to compute service demands for concurrent tests by
Running concurrent tests can also become difficult when there is no
one "central" node. Running tests between pairs of systems may be more
difficult, calling for remote shell commands in the for loop rather
than netperf commands. This introduces more skew error, which the
confidence intervals may not be able to sufficiently mitigate. One
possibility is to actually run three consecutive netperf tests on each
node - the first being a warm-up, the last being a cool-down. The idea
then is to ensure that the time it takes to get all the netperfs
started is less than the length of the first netperf command in the
sequence of three. Similarly, it assumes that all "middle" netperfs
will complete before the first of the "last" netperfs complete.

File:, Node: Using --enable-burst, Next: Using --enable-demo, Prev: Running Concurrent Netperf Tests, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance
7.2 Using - -enable-burst
Starting in version 2.5.0 `--enable-burst=yes' is the default, which
means one no longer must:
configure --enable-burst
To have burst-mode functionality present in netperf. This enables a
test-specific `-b num' option in *note TCP_RR: TCP_RR, *note UDP_RR:
UDP_RR. and *note omni: The Omni Tests. tests.
Normally, netperf will attempt to ramp-up the number of outstanding
requests to `num' plus one transactions in flight at one time. The
ramp-up is to avoid transactions being smashed together into a smaller
number of segments when the transport's congestion window (if any) is
smaller at the time than what netperf wants to have outstanding at one
time. If, however, the user specifies a negative value for `num' this
ramp-up is bypassed and the burst of sends is made without
consideration of transport congestion window.
This burst-mode is used as an alternative to or even in conjunction
with multiple-concurrent _RR tests and as a way to implement a
single-connection, bidirectional bulk-transfer test. When run with
just a single instance of netperf, increasing the burst size can
determine the maximum number of transactions per second which can be
serviced by a single process:
for b in 0 1 2 4 8 16 32
netperf -v 0 -t TCP_RR -B "-b $b" -H hpcpc108 -P 0 -- -b $b
9457.59 -b 0
9975.37 -b 1
10000.61 -b 2
20084.47 -b 4
29965.31 -b 8
71929.27 -b 16
109718.17 -b 32
The global `-v' and `-P' options were used to minimize the output to
the single figure of merit which in this case the transaction rate.
The global `-B' option was used to more clearly label the output, and
the test-specific `-b' option enabled by `--enable-burst' increase the
number of transactions in flight at one time.
Now, since the test-specific `-D' option was not specified to set
TCP_NODELAY, the stack was free to "bundle" requests and/or responses
into TCP segments as it saw fit, and since the default request and
response size is one byte, there could have been some considerable
bundling even in the absence of transport congestion window issues. If
one wants to try to achieve a closer to one-to-one correspondence
between a request and response and a TCP segment, add the test-specific
`-D' option:
for b in 0 1 2 4 8 16 32
netperf -v 0 -t TCP_RR -B "-b $b -D" -H hpcpc108 -P 0 -- -b $b -D
8695.12 -b 0 -D
19966.48 -b 1 -D
20691.07 -b 2 -D
49893.58 -b 4 -D
62057.31 -b 8 -D
108416.88 -b 16 -D
114411.66 -b 32 -D
You can see that this has a rather large effect on the reported
transaction rate. In this particular instance, the author believes it
relates to interactions between the test and interrupt coalescing
settings in the driver for the NICs used.
NOTE: Even if you set the `-D' option that is still not a
guarantee that each transaction is in its own TCP segments. You
should get into the habit of verifying the relationship between the
transaction rate and the packet rate via other means.
You can also combine `--enable-burst' functionality with concurrent
netperf tests. This would then be an "aggregate of aggregates" if you
for i in 1 2 3 4
netperf -H hpcpc108 -v 0 -P 0 -i 10 -B "aggregate $i -b 8 -D" -t TCP_RR -- -b 8 -D &
46668.38 aggregate 4 -b 8 -D
44890.64 aggregate 2 -b 8 -D
45702.04 aggregate 1 -b 8 -D
46352.48 aggregate 3 -b 8 -D
Since each netperf did hit the confidence intervals, we can be
reasonably certain that the aggregate transaction per second rate was
the sum of all four concurrent tests, or something just shy of 184,000
transactions per second. To get some idea if that was also the packet
per second rate, we could bracket that `for' loop with something to
gather statistics and run the results through beforeafter
/usr/sbin/ethtool -S eth2 > before
for i in 1 2 3 4
netperf -H -l 60 -v 0 -P 0 -B "aggregate $i -b 8 -D" -t TCP_RR -- -b 8 -D &
/usr/sbin/ethtool -S eth2 > after
52312.62 aggregate 2 -b 8 -D
50105.65 aggregate 4 -b 8 -D
50890.82 aggregate 1 -b 8 -D
50869.20 aggregate 3 -b 8 -D
beforeafter before after > delta
grep packets delta
rx_packets: 12251544
tx_packets: 12251550
This example uses `ethtool' because the system being used is running
Linux. Other platforms have other tools - for example HP-UX has
lanadmin -g mibstats <ppa>
and of course one could instead use `netstat'.
The `wait' is important because we are launching concurrent netperfs
in the background. Without it, the second ethtool command would be run
before the tests finished and perhaps even before the last of them got
The sum of the reported transaction rates is 204178 over 60 seconds,
which is a total of 12250680 transactions. Each transaction is the
exchange of a request and a response, so we multiply that by 2 to
arrive at 24501360.
The sum of the ethtool stats is 24503094 packets which matches what
netperf was reporting very well.
Had the request or response size differed, we would need to know how
it compared with the "MSS" for the connection.
Just for grins, here is the exercise repeated, using `netstat'
instead of `ethtool'
netstat -s -t > before
for i in 1 2 3 4
netperf -l 60 -H -v 0 -P 0 -B "aggregate $i -b 8 -D" -t TCP_RR -- -b 8 -D & done
netstat -s -t > after
51305.88 aggregate 4 -b 8 -D
51847.73 aggregate 2 -b 8 -D
50648.19 aggregate 3 -b 8 -D
53605.86 aggregate 1 -b 8 -D
beforeafter before after > delta
grep segments delta
12445708 segments received
12445730 segments send out
1 segments retransmited
0 bad segments received.
The sums are left as an exercise to the reader :)
Things become considerably more complicated if there are non-trvial
packet losses and/or retransmissions.
Of course all this checking is unnecessary if the test is a UDP_RR
test because UDP "never" aggregates multiple sends into the same UDP
datagram, and there are no ACKnowledgements in UDP. The loss of a
single request or response will not bring a "burst" UDP_RR test to a
screeching halt, but it will reduce the number of transactions
outstanding at any one time. A "burst" UDP_RR test will come to a halt
if the sum of the lost requests and responses reaches the value
specified in the test-specific `-b' option.

File:, Node: Using --enable-demo, Prev: Using --enable-burst, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance
7.3 Using - -enable-demo
One can
configure --enable-demo
and compile netperf to enable netperf to emit "interim results" at
semi-regular intervals. This enables a global `-D' option which takes
a reporting interval as an argument. With that specified, the output
of netperf will then look something like
$ src/netperf -D 1.25
MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain () port 0 AF_INET : demo
Interim result: 25425.52 10^6bits/s over 1.25 seconds ending at 1327962078.405
Interim result: 25486.82 10^6bits/s over 1.25 seconds ending at 1327962079.655
Interim result: 25474.96 10^6bits/s over 1.25 seconds ending at 1327962080.905
Interim result: 25523.49 10^6bits/s over 1.25 seconds ending at 1327962082.155
Interim result: 25053.57 10^6bits/s over 1.27 seconds ending at 1327962083.429
Interim result: 25349.64 10^6bits/s over 1.25 seconds ending at 1327962084.679
Interim result: 25292.84 10^6bits/s over 1.25 seconds ending at 1327962085.932
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 10.00 25375.66
The units of the "Interim result" lines will follow the units
selected via the global `-f' option. If the test-specific `-o' option
is specified on the command line, the format will be CSV:
If the test-specific `-k' option is used the format will be keyval
with each keyval being given an index:
The expectation is it may be easier to utilize the keyvals if they
have indices.
But how does this help with aggregate tests? Well, what one can do
is start the netperfs via a script, giving each a Very Long (tm) run
time. Direct the output to a file per instance. Then, once all the
netperfs have been started, take a timestamp and wait for some desired
test interval. Once that interval expires take another timestamp and
then start terminating the netperfs by sending them a SIGALRM signal
via the likes of the `kill' or `pkill' command. The netperfs will
terminate and emit the rest of the "usual" output, and you can then
bring the files to a central location for post processing to find the
aggregate performance over the "test interval."
This method has the advantage that it does not require advance
knowledge of how long it takes to get netperf tests started and/or
stopped. It does though require sufficiently synchronized clocks on
all the test systems.
While calls to get the current time can be inexpensive, that neither
has been nor is universally true. For that reason netperf tries to
minimize the number of such "timestamping" calls (eg `gettimeofday')
calls it makes when in demo mode. Rather than take a timestamp after
each `send' or `recv' call completes netperf tries to guess how many
units of work will be performed over the desired interval. Only once
that many units of work have been completed will netperf check the
time. If the reporting interval has passed, netperf will emit an
"interim result." If the interval has not passed, netperf will update
its estimate for units and continue.
After a bit of thought one can see that if things "speed-up" netperf
will still honor the interval. However, if things "slow-down" netperf
may be late with an "interim result." Here is an example of both of
those happening during a test - with the interval being honored while
throughput increases, and then about half-way through when another
netperf (not shown) is started we see things slowing down and netperf
not hitting the interval as desired.
$ src/netperf -D 2 -H -l 20
MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to () port 0 AF_INET : demo
Interim result: 36.46 10^6bits/s over 2.01 seconds ending at 1327963880.565
Interim result: 59.19 10^6bits/s over 2.00 seconds ending at 1327963882.569
Interim result: 73.39 10^6bits/s over 2.01 seconds ending at 1327963884.576
Interim result: 84.01 10^6bits/s over 2.03 seconds ending at 1327963886.603
Interim result: 75.63 10^6bits/s over 2.21 seconds ending at 1327963888.814
Interim result: 55.52 10^6bits/s over 2.72 seconds ending at 1327963891.538
Interim result: 70.94 10^6bits/s over 2.11 seconds ending at 1327963893.650
Interim result: 80.66 10^6bits/s over 2.13 seconds ending at 1327963895.777
Interim result: 86.42 10^6bits/s over 2.12 seconds ending at 1327963897.901
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 20.34 68.87
So long as your post-processing mechanism can account for that, there
should be no problem. As time passes there may be changes to try to
improve the netperf's honoring the interval but one should not ass-u-me
it will always do so. One should not assume the precision will remain
fixed - future versions may change it - perhaps going beyond tenths of
seconds in reporting the interval length etc.

File:, Node: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer, Next: The Omni Tests, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance, Up: Top
8 Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer
There are two ways to use netperf to measure the performance of
bidirectional transfer. The first is to run concurrent netperf tests
from the command line. The second is to configure netperf with
`--enable-burst' and use a single instance of the *note TCP_RR: TCP_RR.
While neither method is more "correct" than the other, each is doing
so in different ways, and that has possible implications. For
instance, using the concurrent netperf test mechanism means that
multiple TCP connections and multiple processes are involved, whereas
using the single instance of TCP_RR there is only one TCP connection
and one process on each end. They may behave differently, especially
on an MP system.
* Menu:
* Bidirectional Transfer with Concurrent Tests::
* Bidirectional Transfer with TCP_RR::
* Implications of Concurrent Tests vs Burst Request/Response::

File:, Node: Bidirectional Transfer with Concurrent Tests, Next: Bidirectional Transfer with TCP_RR, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer
8.1 Bidirectional Transfer with Concurrent Tests
If we had two hosts Fred and Ethel, we could simply run a netperf *note
TCP_STREAM: TCP_STREAM. test on Fred pointing at Ethel, and a
concurrent netperf TCP_STREAM test on Ethel pointing at Fred, but since
there are no mechanisms to synchronize netperf tests and we would be
starting tests from two different systems, there is a considerable risk
of skew error.
Far better would be to run simultaneous TCP_STREAM and *note
TCP_MAERTS: TCP_MAERTS. tests from just one system, using the concepts
and procedures outlined in *note Running Concurrent Netperf Tests:
Running Concurrent Netperf Tests. Here then is an example:
for i in 1
netperf -H -t TCP_STREAM -B "outbound" -i 10 -P 0 -v 0 \
-- -s 256K -S 256K &
netperf -H -t TCP_MAERTS -B "inbound" -i 10 -P 0 -v 0 \
-- -s 256K -S 256K &
892.66 outbound
891.34 inbound
We have used a `for' loop in the shell with just one iteration
because that will be much easier to get both tests started at more or
less the same time than doing it by hand. The global `-P' and `-v'
options are used because we aren't interested in anything other than
the throughput, and the global `-B' option is used to tag each output
so we know which was inbound and which outbound relative to the system
on which we were running netperf. Of course that sense is switched on
the system running netserver :) The use of the global `-i' option is
explained in *note Running Concurrent Netperf Tests: Running Concurrent
Netperf Tests.
Beginning with version 2.5.0 we can accomplish a similar result with
the *note the omni tests: The Omni Tests. and *note output selectors:
Omni Output Selectors.:
for i in 1
netperf -H -t omni -l 10 -P 0 -- \
-d stream -s 256K -S 256K -o throughput,direction &
netperf -H -t omni -l 10 -P 0 -- \
-d maerts -s 256K -S 256K -o throughput,direction &

File:, Node: Bidirectional Transfer with TCP_RR, Next: Implications of Concurrent Tests vs Burst Request/Response, Prev: Bidirectional Transfer with Concurrent Tests, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer
8.2 Bidirectional Transfer with TCP_RR
Starting with version 2.5.0 the `--enable-burst' configure option
defaults to `yes', and starting some time before version 2.5.0 but
after 2.4.0 the global `-f' option would affect the "throughput"
reported by request/response tests. If one uses the test-specific `-b'
option to have several "transactions" in flight at one time and the
test-specific `-r' option to increase their size, the test looks more
and more like a single-connection bidirectional transfer than a simple
request/response test.
So, putting it all together one can do something like:
netperf -f m -t TCP_RR -H -v 2 -- -b 6 -r 32K -S 256K -S 256K
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to ( port 0 AF_INET : interval : first burst 6
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed
Send Recv Size Size Time Throughput
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
16384 87380 32768 32768 10.00 1821.30
524288 524288
Alignment Offset RoundTrip Trans Throughput
Local Remote Local Remote Latency Rate 10^6bits/s
Send Recv Send Recv usec/Tran per sec Outbound Inbound
8 0 0 0 2015.402 3473.252 910.492 910.492
to get a bidirectional bulk-throughput result. As one can see, the -v
2 output will include a number of interesting, related values.
NOTE: The logic behind `--enable-burst' is very simple, and there
are no calls to `poll()' or `select()' which means we want to make
sure that the `send()' calls will never block, or we run the risk
of deadlock with each side stuck trying to call `send()' and
neither calling `recv()'.
Fortunately, this is easily accomplished by setting a "large enough"
socket buffer size with the test-specific `-s' and `-S' options.
Presently this must be performed by the user. Future versions of
netperf might attempt to do this automagically, but there are some
issues to be worked-out.

File:, Node: Implications of Concurrent Tests vs Burst Request/Response, Prev: Bidirectional Transfer with TCP_RR, Up: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer
8.3 Implications of Concurrent Tests vs Burst Request/Response
There are perhaps subtle but important differences between using
concurrent unidirectional tests vs a burst-mode request to measure
bidirectional performance.
Broadly speaking, a single "connection" or "flow" of traffic cannot
make use of the services of more than one or two CPUs at either end.
Whether one or two CPUs will be used processing a flow will depend on
the specifics of the stack(s) involved and whether or not the global
`-T' option has been used to bind netperf/netserver to specific CPUs.
When using concurrent tests there will be two concurrent connections
or flows, which means that upwards of four CPUs will be employed
processing the packets (global `-T' used, no more than two if not),
however, with just a single, bidirectional request/response test no
more than two CPUs will be employed (only one if the global `-T' is not
If there is a CPU bottleneck on either system this may result in
rather different results between the two methods.
Also, with a bidirectional request/response test there is something
of a natural balance or synchronization between inbound and outbound - a
response will not be sent until a request is received, and (once the
burst level is reached) a subsequent request will not be sent until a
response is received. This may mask favoritism in the NIC between
inbound and outbound processing.
With two concurrent unidirectional tests there is no such
synchronization or balance and any favoritism in the NIC may be exposed.

File:, Node: The Omni Tests, Next: Other Netperf Tests, Prev: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer, Up: Top
9 The Omni Tests
Beginning with version 2.5.0, netperf begins a migration to the `omni'
tests or "Two routines to measure them all." The code for the omni
tests can be found in `src/nettest_omni.c' and the goal is to make it
easier for netperf to support multiple protocols and report a great
many additional things about the systems under test. Additionally, a
flexible output selection mechanism is present which allows the user to
chose specifically what values she wishes to have reported and in what
The omni tests are included by default in version 2.5.0. To disable
them, one must:
./configure --enable-omni=no ...
and remake netperf. Remaking netserver is optional because even in
2.5.0 it has "unmigrated" netserver side routines for the classic (eg
`src/nettest_bsd.c') tests.
* Menu:
* Native Omni Tests::
* Migrated Tests::
* Omni Output Selection::

File:, Node: Native Omni Tests, Next: Migrated Tests, Prev: The Omni Tests, Up: The Omni Tests
9.1 Native Omni Tests
One access the omni tests "natively" by using a value of "OMNI" with
the global `-t' test-selection option. This will then cause netperf to
use the code in `src/nettest_omni.c' and in particular the
test-specific options parser for the omni tests. The test-specific
options for the omni tests are a superset of those for "classic" tests.
The options added by the omni tests are:
This explicitly declares that the test is to include connection
establishment and tear-down as in either a TCP_CRR or TCP_CC test.
`-d <direction>'
This option sets the direction of the test relative to the netperf
process. As of version 2.5.0 one can use the following in a
case-insensitive manner:
`send, stream, transmit, xmit or 2'
Any of which will cause netperf to send to the netserver.
`recv, receive, maerts or 4'
Any of which will cause netserver to send to netperf.
`rr or 6'
Either of which will cause a request/response test.
Additionally, one can specify two directions separated by a '|'
character and they will be OR'ed together. In this way one can use
the "Send|Recv" that will be emitted by the *note DIRECTION: Omni
Output Selectors. *note output selector: Omni Output Selection.
when used with a request/response test.
`-k [*note output selector: Omni Output Selection.]'
This option sets the style of output to "keyval" where each line of
output has the form:
For example:
$ netperf -t omni -- -d rr -k "THROUGHPUT,THROUGHPUT_UNITS"
OMNI TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
Using the `-k' option will override any previous, test-specific
`-o' or `-O' option.
`-o [*note output selector: Omni Output Selection.]'
This option sets the style of output to "CSV" where there will be
one line of comma-separated values, preceded by one line of column
names unless the global `-P' option is used with a value of 0:
$ netperf -t omni -- -d rr -o "THROUGHPUT,THROUGHPUT_UNITS"
OMNI TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
Throughput,Throughput Units
Using the `-o' option will override any previous, test-specific
`-k' or `-O' option.
`-O [*note output selector: Omni Output Selection.]'
This option sets the style of output to "human readable" which will
look quite similar to classic netperf output:
$ netperf -t omni -- -d rr -O "THROUGHPUT,THROUGHPUT_UNITS"
OMNI TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
Throughput Throughput
60492.57 Trans/s
Using the `-O' option will override any previous, test-specific
`-k' or `-o' option.
This option explicitly sets the socket type for the test's data
connection. As of version 2.5.0 the known socket types include
"stream" and "dgram" for SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM respectively.
`-T <protocol>'
This option is used to explicitly set the protocol used for the
test. It is case-insensitive. As of version 2.5.0 the protocols
known to netperf include:
Select the Transmission Control Protocol
Select the User Datagram Protocol
Select the Sockets Direct Protocol
Select the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
Select the Stream Control Transport Protocol
Select UDP Lite
The default is implicit based on other settings.
The omni tests also extend the interpretation of some of the classic,
test-specific options for the BSD Sockets tests:
`-m <optionspec>'
This can set the send size for either or both of the netperf and
netserver sides of the test:
-m 32K
sets only the netperf-side send size to 32768 bytes, and or's-in
transmit for the direction. This is effectively the same behaviour
as for the classic tests.
-m ,32K
sets only the netserver side send size to 32768 bytes and or's-in
receive for the direction.
-m 16K,32K
sets the netperf side send size to 16284 bytes, the netserver side
send size to 32768 bytes and the direction will be "Send|Recv."
`-M <optionspec>'
This can set the receive size for either or both of the netperf and
netserver sides of the test:
-M 32K
sets only the netserver side receive size to 32768 bytes and
or's-in send for the test direction.
-M ,32K
sets only the netperf side receive size to 32768 bytes and or's-in
receive for the test direction.
-M 16K,32K
sets the netserver side receive size to 16384 bytes and the netperf
side receive size to 32768 bytes and the direction will be

File:, Node: Migrated Tests, Next: Omni Output Selection, Prev: Native Omni Tests, Up: The Omni Tests
9.2 Migrated Tests
As of version 2.5.0 several tests have been migrated to use the omni
code in `src/nettest_omni.c' for the core of their testing. A migrated
test retains all its previous output code and so should still "look and
feel" just like a pre-2.5.0 test with one exception - the first line of
the test banners will include the word "MIGRATED" at the beginning as
$ netperf
MIGRATED TCP STREAM TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
Recv Send Send
Socket Socket Message Elapsed
Size Size Size Time Throughput
bytes bytes bytes secs. 10^6bits/sec
87380 16384 16384 10.00 27175.27
The tests migrated in version 2.5.0 are:
It is expected that future releases will have additional tests
migrated to use the "omni" functionality.
If one uses "omni-specific" test-specific options in conjunction
with a migrated test, instead of using the classic output code, the new
omni output code will be used. For example if one uses the `-k'
test-specific option with a value of "MIN_LATENCY,MAX_LATENCY" with a
migrated TCP_RR test one will see:
$ netperf -t tcp_rr -- -k THROUGHPUT,THROUGHPUT_UNITS
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
rather than:
$ netperf -t tcp_rr
MIGRATED TCP REQUEST/RESPONSE TEST from ( port 0 AF_INET to localhost.localdomain ( port 0 AF_INET : demo
Local /Remote
Socket Size Request Resp. Elapsed Trans.
Send Recv Size Size Time Rate
bytes Bytes bytes bytes secs. per sec
16384 87380 1 1 10.00 59421.52
16384 87380

File:, Node: Omni Output Selection, Prev: Migrated Tests, Up: The Omni Tests
9.3 Omni Output Selection
The omni test-specific `-k', `-o' and `-O' options take an optional
`output selector' by which the user can configure what values are
reported. The output selector can take several forms:
The output selections will be read from the named file. Within the
file there can be up to four lines of comma-separated output
selectors. This controls how many multi-line blocks of output are
emitted when the `-O' option is used. This output, while not
identical to "classic" netperf output, is inspired by it.
Multiple lines have no effect for `-k' and `-o' options. Putting
output selections in a file can be useful when the list of
selections is long.
`comma and/or semi-colon-separated list'
The output selections will be parsed from a comma and/or
semi-colon-separated list of output selectors. When the list is
given to a `-O' option a semi-colon specifies a new output block
should be started. Semi-colons have the same meaning as commas
when used with the `-k' or `-o' options. Depending on the command
interpreter being used, the semi-colon may have to be escaped
somehow to keep it from being interpreted by the command
interpreter. This can often be done by enclosing the entire list
in quotes.
If the keyword all is specified it means that all known output
values should be displayed at the end of the test. This can be a
great deal of output. As of version 2.5.0 there are 157 different
output selectors.
If a "?" is given as the output selection, the list of all known
output selectors will be displayed and no test actually run. When
passed to the `-O' option they will be listed one per line.
Otherwise they will be listed as a comma-separated list. It may
be necessary to protect the "?" from the command interpreter by
escaping it or enclosing it in quotes.
`no selector'
If nothing is given to the `-k', `-o' or `-O' option then the code
selects a default set of output selectors inspired by classic
netperf output. The format will be the `human readable' format
emitted by the test-specific `-O' option.
The order of evaluation will first check for an output selection. If
none is specified with the `-k', `-o' or `-O' option netperf will
select a default based on the characteristics of the test. If there is
an output selection, the code will first check for `?', then check to
see if it is the magic `all' keyword. After that it will check for
either `,' or `;' in the selection and take that to mean it is a comma
and/or semi-colon-separated list. If none of those checks match,
netperf will then assume the output specification is a filename and
attempt to open and parse the file.
* Menu:
* Omni Output Selectors::

File:, Node: Omni Output Selectors, Prev: Omni Output Selection, Up: Omni Output Selection
9.3.1 Omni Output Selectors
As of version 2.5.0 the output selectors are:
This is essentially a null output. For `-k' output it will simply
add a line that reads "OUTPUT_NONE=" to the output. For `-o' it
will cause an empty "column" to be included. For `-O' output it
will cause extra spaces to separate "real" output.
This will cause the socket type (eg SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM) for
the data connection to be output.
This will cause the protocol used for the data connection to be
This will display the data flow direction relative to the netperf
process. Units: Send or Recv for a unidirectional bulk-transfer
test, or Send|Recv for a request/response test.
This will display the elapsed time in seconds for the test.
This will display the throughput for the test. Units: As requested
via the global `-f' option and displayed by the THROUGHPUT_UNITS
output selector.
This will display the units for what is displayed by the
`THROUGHPUT' output selector.
This will display the local (netperf) send socket buffer size (aka
SO_SNDBUF) requested via the command line. Units: Bytes.
This will display the local (netperf) send socket buffer size
(SO_SNDBUF) immediately after the data connection socket was
created. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead to
this differing from the size requested via the command line.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the local (netperf) send socket buffer size
(SO_SNDBUF) immediately before the data connection socket is
closed. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead
this to differ from the size requested via the command line and/or
the size immediately after the data connection socket was created.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the local (netperf) receive socket buffer size
(aka SO_RCVBUF) requested via the command line. Units: Bytes.
This will display the local (netperf) receive socket buffer size
(SO_RCVBUF) immediately after the data connection socket was
created. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead to
this differing from the size requested via the command line.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the local (netperf) receive socket buffer size
(SO_RCVBUF) immediately before the data connection socket is
closed. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead
this to differ from the size requested via the command line and/or
the size immediately after the data connection socket was created.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the remote (netserver) send socket buffer size
(aka SO_SNDBUF) requested via the command line. Units: Bytes.
This will display the remote (netserver) send socket buffer size
(SO_SNDBUF) immediately after the data connection socket was
created. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead to
this differing from the size requested via the command line.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the remote (netserver) send socket buffer size
(SO_SNDBUF) immediately before the data connection socket is
closed. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead
this to differ from the size requested via the command line and/or
the size immediately after the data connection socket was created.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the remote (netserver) receive socket buffer
size (aka SO_RCVBUF) requested via the command line. Units: Bytes.
This will display the remote (netserver) receive socket buffer size
(SO_RCVBUF) immediately after the data connection socket was
created. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead to
this differing from the size requested via the command line.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the remote (netserver) receive socket buffer size
(SO_RCVBUF) immediately before the data connection socket is
closed. Peculiarities of different networking stacks may lead
this to differ from the size requested via the command line and/or
the size immediately after the data connection socket was created.
Units: Bytes.
This will display the size of the buffers netperf passed in any
"send" calls it made on the data connection for a
non-request/response test. Units: Bytes.
This will display the size of the buffers netperf passed in any
"receive" calls it made on the data connection for a
non-request/response test. Units: Bytes.
This will display the size of the buffers netserver passed in any
"send" calls it made on the data connection for a
non-request/response test. Units: Bytes.
This will display the size of the buffers netserver passed in any
"receive" calls it made on the data connection for a
non-request/response test. Units: Bytes.
This will display the size of the requests netperf sent in a
request-response test. Units: Bytes.
This will display the size of the responses netserver sent in a
request-response test. Units: Bytes.
This will display the overall CPU utilization during the test as
measured by netperf. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the CPU fraction spent in user mode during the
test as measured by netperf. Only supported by netcpu_procstat.
Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the CPU fraction spent in system mode during the
test as measured by netperf. Only supported by netcpu_procstat.
Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the fraction of time waiting for I/O to complete
during the test as measured by netperf. Only supported by
netcpu_procstat. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the fraction of time servicing interrupts during
the test as measured by netperf. Only supported by
netcpu_procstat. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the fraction of time servicing softirqs during
the test as measured by netperf. Only supported by
netcpu_procstat. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the method used by netperf to measure CPU
utilization. Units: single character denoting method.
This will display the service demand, or units of CPU consumed per
unit of work, as measured by netperf. Units: microseconds of CPU
consumed per either KB (K==1024) of data transferred or
request/response transaction.
This will display the overall CPU utilization during the test as
measured by netserver. Units 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the CPU fraction spent in user mode during the
test as measured by netserver. Only supported by netcpu_procstat.
Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the CPU fraction spent in system mode during the
test as measured by netserver. Only supported by netcpu_procstat.
Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the fraction of time waiting for I/O to complete
during the test as measured by netserver. Only supported by
netcpu_procstat. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the fraction of time servicing interrupts during
the test as measured by netserver. Only supported by
netcpu_procstat. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the fraction of time servicing softirqs during
the test as measured by netserver. Only supported by
netcpu_procstat. Units: 0 to 100 percent.
This will display the method used by netserver to measure CPU
utilization. Units: single character denoting method.
This will display the service demand, or units of CPU consumed per
unit of work, as measured by netserver. Units: microseconds of CPU
consumed per either KB (K==1024) of data transferred or
request/response transaction.
This will display the units for LOCAL_SD and REMOTE_SD
This will display the confidence level requested by the user either
explicitly via the global `-I' option, or implicitly via the
global `-i' option. The value will be either 95 or 99 if
confidence intervals have been requested or 0 if they were not.
Units: Percent
This will display the width of the confidence interval requested
either explicitly via the global `-I' option or implicitly via the
global `-i' option. Units: Width in percent of mean value
computed. A value of -1.0 means that confidence intervals were not
This will display the number of test iterations netperf undertook,
perhaps while attempting to achieve the requested confidence
interval and level. If confidence intervals were requested via the
command line then the value will be between 3 and 30. If
confidence intervals were not requested the value will be 1.
Units: Iterations
This will display the width of the confidence interval actually
achieved for `THROUGHPUT' during the test. Units: Width of
interval as percentage of reported throughput value.
This will display the width of the confidence interval actually
achieved for overall CPU utilization on the system running netperf
(`LOCAL_CPU_UTIL') during the test, if CPU utilization measurement
was enabled. Units: Width of interval as percentage of reported
CPU utilization.
This will display the width of the confidence interval actually
achieved for overall CPU utilization on the system running
netserver (`REMOTE_CPU_UTIL') during the test, if CPU utilization
measurement was enabled. Units: Width of interval as percentage of
reported CPU utilization.
This will display the transaction rate in transactions per second
for a request/response test even if the user has requested a
throughput in units of bits or bytes per second via the global `-f'
option. It is undefined for a non-request/response test. Units:
Transactions per second.
This will display the average round-trip latency for a
request/response test, accounting for number of transactions in
flight at one time. It is undefined for a non-request/response
test. Units: Microseconds per transaction
This will display the "burst size" or added transactions in flight
in a request/response test as requested via a test-specific `-b'
option. The number of transactions in flight at one time will be
one greater than this value. It is undefined for a
non-request/response test. Units: added Transactions in flight.
This will display the number of retransmissions experienced on the
data connection during the test as determined by netperf. A value
of -1 means the attempt to determine the number of retransmissions
failed or the concept was not valid for the given protocol or the
mechanism is not known for the platform. A value of -2 means it
was not attempted. As of version 2.5.0 the meaning of values are
in flux and subject to change. Units: number of retransmissions.
This will display the number of retransmissions experienced on the
data connection during the test as determined by netserver. A
value of -1 means the attempt to determine the number of
retransmissions failed or the concept was not valid for the given
protocol or the mechanism is not known for the platform. A value
of -2 means it was not attempted. As of version 2.5.0 the meaning
of values are in flux and subject to change. Units: number of
This will display the Maximum Segment Size (aka MSS) or its
equivalent for the protocol being used during the test. A value
of -1 means either the concept of an MSS did not apply to the
protocol being used, or there was an error in retrieving it.
Units: Bytes.
The throughput as measured by netperf for the successful "send"
calls it made on the data connection. Units: as requested via the
global `-f' option and displayed via the `THROUGHPUT_UNITS' output
The throughput as measured by netperf for the successful "receive"
calls it made on the data connection. Units: as requested via the
global `-f' option and displayed via the `THROUGHPUT_UNITS' output
The throughput as measured by netserver for the successful "send"
calls it made on the data connection. Units: as requested via the
global `-f' option and displayed via the `THROUGHPUT_UNITS' output
The throughput as measured by netserver for the successful
"receive" calls it made on the data connection. Units: as
requested via the global `-f' option and displayed via the
`THROUGHPUT_UNITS' output selector.
The CPU to which netperf was bound, if at all, during the test. A
value of -1 means that netperf was not explicitly bound to a CPU
during the test. Units: CPU ID
The number of CPUs (cores, threads) detected by netperf. Units:
CPU count.
The utilization of the CPU most heavily utilized during the test,
as measured by netperf. This can be used to see if any one CPU of a
multi-CPU system was saturated even though the overall CPU
utilization as reported by `LOCAL_CPU_UTIL' was low. Units: 0 to
The id of the CPU most heavily utilized during the test as
determined by netperf. Units: CPU ID.
Model information for the processor(s) present on the system
running netperf. Assumes all processors in the system (as
perceived by netperf) on which netperf is running are the same
model. Units: Text
The frequency of the processor(s) on the system running netperf, at
the time netperf made the call. Assumes that all processors
present in the system running netperf are running at the same
frequency. Units: MHz
The CPU to which netserver was bound, if at all, during the test. A
value of -1 means that netperf was not explicitly bound to a CPU
during the test. Units: CPU ID
The number of CPUs (cores, threads) detected by netserver. Units:
CPU count.
The utilization of the CPU most heavily utilized during the test,
as measured by netserver. This can be used to see if any one CPU
of a multi-CPU system was saturated even though the overall CPU
utilization as reported by `REMOTE_CPU_UTIL' was low. Units: 0 to
The id of the CPU most heavily utilized during the test as
determined by netserver. Units: CPU ID.
Model information for the processor(s) present on the system
running netserver. Assumes all processors in the system (as
perceived by netserver) on which netserver is running are the same
model. Units: Text
The frequency of the processor(s) on the system running netserver,
at the time netserver made the call. Assumes that all processors
present in the system running netserver are running at the same
frequency. Units: MHz
The port ID/service name to which the data socket created by
netperf was bound. A value of 0 means the data socket was not
explicitly bound to a port number. Units: ASCII text.
The name/address to which the data socket created by netperf was
bound. A value of means the data socket was not explicitly
bound to an address. Units: ASCII text.
The address family to which the data socket created by netperf was
bound. A value of 0 means the data socket was not explicitly
bound to a given address family. Units: ASCII text.
The port ID to which the data socket created by netserver was
bound. A value of 0 means the data socket was not explicitly bound
to a port number. Units: ASCII text.
The name/address of the data socket created by netserver. Units:
ASCII text.
The address family to which the data socket created by netserver
was bound. A value of 0 means the data socket was not explicitly
bound to a given address family. Units: ASCII text.
The number of successful "send" calls made by netperf against its
data socket. Units: Calls.
The number of successful "receive" calls made by netperf against
its data socket. Units: Calls.
The average number of bytes per "receive" call made by netperf
against its data socket. Units: Bytes.
The average number of bytes per "send" call made by netperf against
its data socket. Units: Bytes.
The number of bytes successfully sent by netperf through its data
socket. Units: Bytes.
The number of bytes successfully received by netperf through its
data socket. Units: Bytes.
The sum of bytes sent and received by netperf through its data
socket. Units: Bytes.
The offset from the alignment of the buffers passed by netperf in
its "send" calls. Specified via the global `-o' option and
defaults to 0. Units: Bytes.
The offset from the alignment of the buffers passed by netperf in
its "receive" calls. Specified via the global `-o' option and
defaults to 0. Units: Bytes.
The alignment of the buffers passed by netperf in its "send" calls
as specified via the global `-a' option. Defaults to 8. Units:
The alignment of the buffers passed by netperf in its "receive"
calls as specified via the global `-a' option. Defaults to 8.
Units: Bytes.
The "width" of the ring of buffers through which netperf cycles as
it makes its "send" calls. Defaults to one more than the local
send socket buffer size divided by the send size as determined at
the time the data socket is created. Can be used to make netperf
more processor data cache unfriendly. Units: number of buffers.
The "width" of the ring of buffers through which netperf cycles as
it makes its "receive" calls. Defaults to one more than the local
receive socket buffer size divided by the receive size as
determined at the time the data socket is created. Can be used to
make netperf more processor data cache unfriendly. Units: number
of buffers.
The number of bytes to "dirty" (write to) before netperf makes a
"send" call. Specified via the global `-k' option, which requires
that -enable-dirty=yes was specified with the configure command
prior to building netperf. Units: Bytes.
The number of bytes to "dirty" (write to) before netperf makes a
"recv" call. Specified via the global `-k' option which requires
that -enable-dirty was specified with the configure command prior
to building netperf. Units: Bytes.
The number of bytes netperf should read "cleanly" before making a
"receive" call. Specified via the global `-k' option which
requires that -enable-dirty was specified with configure command
prior to building netperf. Clean reads start were dirty writes
ended. Units: Bytes.
Indicates whether or not setting the test protocol-specific "no
delay" (eg TCP_NODELAY) option on the data socket used by netperf
was requested by the test-specific `-D' option and successful.
Units: 0 means no, 1 means yes.
Indicates whether or not TCP_CORK was set on the data socket used
by netperf as requested via the test-specific `-C' option. 1 means
yes, 0 means no/not applicable.
These are all like their "LOCAL_" counterparts only for the
netserver rather than netperf.
The name of the OS (eg "Linux") running on the system on which
netperf was running. Units: ASCII Text
The model name of the system on which netperf was running. Units:
The release name/number of the OS running on the system on which
netperf was running. Units: ASCII Text
The version number of the OS running on the system on which netperf
was running. Units: ASCII Text
The machine architecture of the machine on which netperf was
running. Units: ASCII Text.
These are all like their "LOCAL_" counterparts only for the
netserver rather than netperf.
The name of the probable egress interface through which the data
connection went on the system running netperf. Example: eth0.
Units: ASCII Text.
The vendor ID of the probable egress interface through which
traffic on the data connection went on the system running netperf.
Units: Hexadecimal IDs as might be found in a `pci.ids' file or at
the PCI ID Repository (
The device ID of the probable egress interface through which
traffic on the data connection went on the system running netperf.
Units: Hexadecimal IDs as might be found in a `pci.ids' file or at
the PCI ID Repository (
The sub-vendor ID of the probable egress interface through which
traffic on the data connection went on the system running netperf.
Units: Hexadecimal IDs as might be found in a `pci.ids' file or at
the PCI ID Repository (
The sub-device ID of the probable egress interface through which
traffic on the data connection went on the system running netperf.
Units: Hexadecimal IDs as might be found in a `pci.ids' file or at
the PCI ID Repository (
The name of the driver used for the probable egress interface
through which traffic on the data connection went on the system
running netperf. Units: ASCII Text.
The version string for the driver used for the probable egress
interface through which traffic on the data connection went on the
system running netperf. Units: ASCII Text.
The firmware version for the driver used for the probable egress
interface through which traffic on the data connection went on the
system running netperf. Units: ASCII Text.
The bus address of the probable egress interface through which
traffic on the data connection went on the system running netperf.
Units: ASCII Text.
The slot ID of the probable egress interface through which traffic
on the data connection went on the system running netperf. Units:
These are all like their "LOCAL_" counterparts only for the
netserver rather than netperf.
The interval at which bursts of operations (sends, receives,
transactions) were attempted by netperf. Specified by the global
`-w' option which requires -enable-intervals to have been
specified with the configure command prior to building netperf.
Units: Microseconds (though specified by default in milliseconds
on the command line)
The number of operations (sends, receives, transactions depending
on the test) which were attempted by netperf each
LOCAL_INTERVAL_USECS units of time. Specified by the global `-b'
option which requires -enable-intervals to have been specified
with the configure command prior to building netperf. Units:
number of operations per burst.
The interval at which bursts of operations (sends, receives,
transactions) were attempted by netserver. Specified by the
global `-w' option which requires -enable-intervals to have been
specified with the configure command prior to building netperf.
Units: Microseconds (though specified by default in milliseconds
on the command line)
The number of operations (sends, receives, transactions depending
on the test) which were attempted by netperf each
LOCAL_INTERVAL_USECS units of time. Specified by the global `-b'
option which requires -enable-intervals to have been specified
with the configure command prior to building netperf. Units:
number of operations per burst.
A bunch of stuff related to what sort of security mechanisms (eg
SELINUX) were enabled on the systems during the test.
The string specified by the user with the global `-B' option.
Units: ASCII Text.
The universally unique identifier associated with this test, either
generated automagically by netperf, or passed to netperf via an
omni test-specific `-u' option. Note: Future versions may make this
a global command-line option. Units: ASCII Text.
The minimum "latency" or operation time (send, receive or
request/response exchange depending on the test) as measured on the
netperf side when the global `-j' option was specified. Units:
The maximum "latency" or operation time (send, receive or
request/response exchange depending on the test) as measured on the
netperf side when the global `-j' option was specified. Units:
The 50th percentile value of "latency" or operation time (send,
receive or request/response exchange depending on the test) as
measured on the netperf side when the global `-j' option was
specified. Units: Microseconds.
The 90th percentile value of "latency" or operation time (send,
receive or request/response exchange depending on the test) as
measured on the netperf side when the global `-j' option was
specified. Units: Microseconds.
The 99th percentile value of "latency" or operation time (send,
receive or request/response exchange depending on the test) as
measured on the netperf side when the global `-j' option was
specified. Units: Microseconds.
The average "latency" or operation time (send, receive or
request/response exchange depending on the test) as measured on the
netperf side when the global `-j' option was specified. Units:
The standard deviation of "latency" or operation time (send,
receive or request/response exchange depending on the test) as
measured on the netperf side when the global `-j' option was
specified. Units: Microseconds.
The full command line used when invoking netperf. Units: ASCII
While emitted with the list of output selectors, it is ignored when
specified as an output selector.

File:, Node: Other Netperf Tests, Next: Address Resolution, Prev: The Omni Tests, Up: Top
10 Other Netperf Tests
Apart from the typical performance tests, netperf contains some tests
which can be used to streamline measurements and reporting. These
include CPU rate calibration (present) and host identification (future
* Menu:
* CPU rate calibration::
* UUID Generation::

File:, Node: CPU rate calibration, Next: UUID Generation, Prev: Other Netperf Tests, Up: Other Netperf Tests
10.1 CPU rate calibration
Some of the CPU utilization measurement mechanisms of netperf work by
comparing the rate at which some counter increments when the system is
idle with the rate at which that same counter increments when the
system is running a netperf test. The ratio of those rates is used to
arrive at a CPU utilization percentage.
This means that netperf must know the rate at which the counter
increments when the system is presumed to be "idle." If it does not
know the rate, netperf will measure it before starting a data transfer
test. This calibration step takes 40 seconds for each of the local or
remote systems, and if repeated for each netperf test would make taking
repeated measurements rather slow.
Thus, the netperf CPU utilization options `-c' and and `-C' can take
an optional calibration value. This value is used as the "idle rate"
and the calibration step is not performed. To determine the idle rate,
netperf can be used to run special tests which only report the value of
the calibration - they are the LOC_CPU and REM_CPU tests. These return
the calibration value for the local and remote system respectively. A
common way to use these tests is to store their results into an
environment variable and use that in subsequent netperf commands:
LOC_RATE=`netperf -t LOC_CPU`
REM_RATE=`netperf -H <remote> -t REM_CPU`
netperf -H <remote> -c $LOC_RATE -C $REM_RATE ... -- ...
netperf -H <remote> -c $LOC_RATE -C $REM_RATE ... -- ...
If you are going to use netperf to measure aggregate results, it is
important to use the LOC_CPU and REM_CPU tests to get the calibration
values first to avoid issues with some of the aggregate netperf tests
transferring data while others are "idle" and getting bogus calibration
values. When running aggregate tests, it is very important to remember
that any one instance of netperf does not know about the other
instances of netperf. It will report global CPU utilization and will
calculate service demand believing it was the only thing causing that
CPU utilization. So, you can use the CPU utilization reported by
netperf in an aggregate test, but you have to calculate service demands
by hand.

File:, Node: UUID Generation, Prev: CPU rate calibration, Up: Other Netperf Tests
10.2 UUID Generation
Beginning with version 2.5.0 netperf can generate Universally Unique
IDentifiers (UUIDs). This can be done explicitly via the "UUID" test:
$ netperf -t UUID
In and of itself, this is not terribly useful, but used in
conjunction with the test-specific `-u' option of an "omni" test to set
the UUID emitted by the *note UUID: Omni Output Selectors. output
selector, it can be used to tie-together the separate instances of an
aggregate netperf test. Say, for instance if they were inserted into a
database of some sort.

File:, Node: Address Resolution, Next: Enhancing Netperf, Prev: Other Netperf Tests, Up: Top
11 Address Resolution
Netperf versions 2.4.0 and later have merged IPv4 and IPv6 tests so the
functionality of the tests in `src/nettest_ipv6.c' has been subsumed
into the tests in `src/nettest_bsd.c' This has been accomplished in
part by switching from `gethostbyname()'to `getaddrinfo()' exclusively.
While it was theoretically possible to get multiple results for a
hostname from `gethostbyname()' it was generally unlikely and netperf's
ignoring of the second and later results was not much of an issue.
Now with `getaddrinfo' and particularly with AF_UNSPEC it is
increasingly likely that a given hostname will have multiple associated
addresses. The `establish_control()' routine of `src/netlib.c' will
indeed attempt to chose from among all the matching IP addresses when
establishing the control connection. Netperf does not _really_ care if
the control connection is IPv4 or IPv6 or even mixed on either end.
However, the individual tests still ass-u-me that the first result in
the address list is the one to be used. Whether or not this will
turn-out to be an issue has yet to be determined.
If you do run into problems with this, the easiest workaround is to
specify IP addresses for the data connection explicitly in the
test-specific `-H' and `-L' options. At some point, the netperf tests
_may_ try to be more sophisticated in their parsing of returns from
`getaddrinfo()' - straw-man patches to <[email protected]>
would of course be most welcome :)
Netperf has leveraged code from other open-source projects with
amenable licensing to provide a replacement `getaddrinfo()' call on
those platforms where the `configure' script believes there is no
native getaddrinfo call. As of this writing, the replacement
`getaddrinfo()' as been tested on HP-UX 11.0 and then presumed to run

File:, Node: Enhancing Netperf, Next: Netperf4, Prev: Address Resolution, Up: Top
12 Enhancing Netperf
Netperf is constantly evolving. If you find you want to make
enhancements to netperf, by all means do so. If you wish to add a new
"suite" of tests to netperf the general idea is to:
1. Add files `src/nettest_mumble.c' and `src/nettest_mumble.h' where
mumble is replaced with something meaningful for the test-suite.
2. Add support for an appropriate `--enable-mumble' option in
3. Edit `src/netperf.c', `netsh.c', and `netserver.c' as required,
using #ifdef WANT_MUMBLE.
4. Compile and test
However, with the addition of the "omni" tests in version 2.5.0 it
is preferred that one attempt to make the necessary changes to
`src/nettest_omni.c' rather than adding new source files, unless this
would make the omni tests entirely too complicated.
If you wish to submit your changes for possible inclusion into the
mainline sources, please try to base your changes on the latest
available sources. (*Note Getting Netperf Bits::.) and then send email
describing the changes at a high level to
<[email protected]> or perhaps <[email protected]>.
If the consensus is positive, then sending context `diff' results to
<[email protected]> is the next step. From that point, it
is a matter of pestering the Netperf Contributing Editor until he gets
the changes incorporated :)

File:, Node: Netperf4, Next: Concept Index, Prev: Enhancing Netperf, Up: Top
13 Netperf4
Netperf4 is the shorthand name given to version 4.X.X of netperf. This
is really a separate benchmark more than a newer version of netperf,
but it is a descendant of netperf so the netperf name is kept. The
facetious way to describe netperf4 is to say it is the
egg-laying-woolly-milk-pig version of netperf :) The more respectful
way to describe it is to say it is the version of netperf with support
for synchronized, multiple-thread, multiple-test, multiple-system,
network-oriented benchmarking.
Netperf4 is still undergoing evolution. Those wishing to work with or
on netperf4 are encouraged to join the netperf-dev
( mailing
list and/or peruse the current sources

File:, Node: Concept Index, Next: Option Index, Prev: Netperf4, Up: Top
Concept Index
* Menu:
* Aggregate Performance: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance.
(line 6)
* Bandwidth Limitation: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 64)
* Connection Latency: TCP_CC. (line 6)
* CPU Utilization: CPU Utilization. (line 6)
* Design of Netperf: The Design of Netperf.
(line 6)
* Installation: Installing Netperf. (line 6)
* Introduction: Introduction. (line 6)
* Latency, Connection Establishment <1>: XTI_TCP_CRR. (line 6)
* Latency, Connection Establishment <2>: XTI_TCP_CC. (line 6)
* Latency, Connection Establishment <3>: TCP_CRR. (line 6)
* Latency, Connection Establishment: TCP_CC. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <1>: SCTP_RR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <2>: DLCO_RR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <3>: DLCL_RR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <4>: XTI_UDP_RR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <5>: XTI_TCP_CRR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <6>: XTI_TCP_RR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <7>: UDP_RR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response <8>: TCP_CRR. (line 6)
* Latency, Request-Response: TCP_RR. (line 6)
* Limiting Bandwidth <1>: UDP_STREAM. (line 9)
* Limiting Bandwidth: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 64)
* Measuring Latency: TCP_RR. (line 6)
* Packet Loss: UDP_RR. (line 6)
* Port Reuse: TCP_CC. (line 13)
* TIME_WAIT: TCP_CC. (line 13)

File:, Node: Option Index, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top
Option Index
* Menu:
* --enable-burst, Configure: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance.
(line 6)
* --enable-cpuutil, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 24)
* --enable-dlpi, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 30)
* --enable-histogram, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 64)
* --enable-intervals, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 64)
* --enable-omni, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 36)
* --enable-sctp, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 30)
* --enable-unixdomain, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 30)
* --enable-xti, Configure: Installing Netperf Bits.
(line 30)
* -4, Global: Global Options. (line 489)
* -4, Test-specific <1>: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 88)
* -4, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 110)
* -6 Test-specific: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 94)
* -6, Global: Global Options. (line 498)
* -6, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 116)
* -A, Global: Global Options. (line 18)
* -a, Global: Global Options. (line 6)
* -B, Global: Global Options. (line 29)
* -b, Global: Global Options. (line 22)
* -C, Global: Global Options. (line 42)
* -c, Global: Global Options. (line 33)
* -c, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 13)
* -D, Global: Global Options. (line 56)
* -d, Global: Global Options. (line 47)
* -d, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 17)
* -F, Global: Global Options. (line 76)
* -f, Global: Global Options. (line 67)
* -H, Global: Global Options. (line 95)
* -h, Global: Global Options. (line 91)
* -H, Test-specific: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 17)
* -h, Test-specific <1>: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 10)
* -h, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 10)
* -i, Global: Global Options. (line 179)
* -I, Global: Global Options. (line 130)
* -j, Global: Global Options. (line 205)
* -k, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 37)
* -L, Global: Global Options. (line 263)
* -l, Global: Global Options. (line 242)
* -L, Test-specific <1>: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 26)
* -L, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 25)
* -M, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 48)
* -m, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 32)
* -N, Global: Global Options. (line 293)
* -n, Global: Global Options. (line 275)
* -O, Global: Global Options. (line 338)
* -o, Global: Global Options. (line 329)
* -O, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 62)
* -o, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 50)
* -P, Global: Global Options. (line 363)
* -p, Global: Global Options. (line 343)
* -P, Test-specific <1>: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 33)
* -P, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 61)
* -r, Test-specific: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 36)
* -S Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 87)
* -S, Global: Global Options. (line 381)
* -s, Global: Global Options. (line 372)
* -S, Test-specific: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 68)
* -s, Test-specific <1>: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests.
(line 48)
* -s, Test-specific: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests.
(line 64)
* -T, Global: Global Options. (line 423)
* -t, Global: Global Options. (line 391)
* -T, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 81)
* -t, Test-specific: Native Omni Tests. (line 76)
* -V, Global: Global Options. (line 468)
* -v, Global: Global Options. (line 440)
* -W, Global: Global Options. (line 480)
* -w, Global: Global Options. (line 473)

Tag Table:
Node: Top439
Node: Introduction1476
Node: Conventions4150
Node: Installing Netperf5913
Node: Getting Netperf Bits7467
Node: Installing Netperf Bits9326
Node: Verifying Installation17820
Node: The Design of Netperf18524
Node: CPU Utilization20120
Node: CPU Utilization in a Virtual Guest28844
Node: Global Command-line Options30431
Node: Command-line Options Syntax30970
Node: Global Options32366
Node: Using Netperf to Measure Bulk Data Transfer56529
Node: Issues in Bulk Transfer57202
Node: Options common to TCP UDP and SCTP tests61463
Node: TCP_STREAM67788
Node: TCP_MAERTS71873
Node: UDP_STREAM75610
Node: SCTP_STREAM80336
Node: DLCO_STREAM81036
Node: DLCL_STREAM83009
Node: DG_STREAM84741
Node: Using Netperf to Measure Request/Response85422
Node: Issues in Request/Response87740
Node: Options Common to TCP UDP and SCTP _RR tests90114
Node: TCP_RR95138
Node: TCP_CC97538
Node: TCP_CRR99772
Node: UDP_RR100834
Node: XTI_TCP_RR103138
Node: XTI_TCP_CC103721
Node: XTI_TCP_CRR104226
Node: XTI_UDP_RR104738
Node: DLCL_RR105315
Node: DLCO_RR105468
Node: SCTP_RR105620
Node: Using Netperf to Measure Aggregate Performance105756
Node: Running Concurrent Netperf Tests106788
Node: Issues in Running Concurrent Tests111429
Node: Using --enable-burst113693
Node: Using --enable-demo120592
Node: Using Netperf to Measure Bidirectional Transfer126148
Node: Bidirectional Transfer with Concurrent Tests127280
Node: Bidirectional Transfer with TCP_RR129636
Node: Implications of Concurrent Tests vs Burst Request/Response132020
Node: The Omni Tests133834
Node: Native Omni Tests134881
Node: Migrated Tests140159
Node: Omni Output Selection142264
Node: Omni Output Selectors145247
Node: Other Netperf Tests174980
Node: CPU rate calibration175415
Node: UUID Generation177783
Node: Address Resolution178499
Node: Enhancing Netperf180475
Node: Netperf4181970
Node: Concept Index182875
Node: Option Index185201

End Tag Table