| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
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| /* ---- includes ----------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| #include "b_BasicEm/Phase.h" |
| #include "b_BasicEm/Math.h" |
| |
| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ========================================================================= */ |
| /* */ |
| /* ---- \ghd{ auxiliary functions } ---------------------------------------- */ |
| /* */ |
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| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* */ |
| /* ---- \ghd{ constructor / destructor } ----------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| /* ========================================================================= */ |
| /* */ |
| /* ---- \ghd{ operators } -------------------------------------------------- */ |
| /* */ |
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| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ========================================================================= */ |
| /* */ |
| /* ---- \ghd{ query functions } -------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ========================================================================= */ |
| /* */ |
| /* ---- \ghd{ modify functions } ------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ========================================================================= */ |
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| /* ---- \ghd{ I/O } -------------------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ========================================================================= */ |
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| /* ---- \ghd{ exec functions } --------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
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| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| const int32 bbs_sin32_table1G[] = |
| { |
| 0, 1608, 411648, 1607, 823040, 1606, 1234176, 1602, |
| 1644288, 1599, 2053632, 1594, 2461696, 1588, 2868224, 1581, |
| 3272960, 1574, 3675904, 1564, 4076288, 1556, 4474624, 1545, |
| 4870144, 1533, 5262592, 1521, 5651968, 1508, 6038016, 1493, |
| 6420224, 1478, 6798592, 1463, 7173120, 1445, 7543040, 1428, |
| 7908608, 1409, 8269312, 1390, 8625152, 1369, 8975616, 1348, |
| 9320704, 1327, 9660416, 1303, 9993984, 1280, 10321664, 1256, |
| 10643200, 1231, 10958336, 1205, 11266816, 1178, 11568384, 1151, |
| 11863040, 1124, 12150784, 1094, 12430848, 1066, 12703744, 1036, |
| 12968960, 1005, 13226240, 974, 13475584, 942, 13716736, 910, |
| 13949696, 877, 14174208, 844, 14390272, 810, 14597632, 775, |
| 14796032, 741, 14985728, 705, 15166208, 670, 15337728, 634, |
| 15500032, 597, 15652864, 561, 15796480, 523, 15930368, 486, |
| 16054784, 448, 16169472, 409, 16274176, 372, 16369408, 333, |
| 16454656, 295, 16530176, 255, 16595456, 217, 16651008, 177, |
| 16696320, 138, 16731648, 99, 16756992, 59, 16772096, 20, |
| 16777216, -20, 16772096, -59, 16756992, -99, 16731648, -138, |
| 16696320, -177, 16651008, -217, 16595456, -255, 16530176, -295, |
| 16454656, -333, 16369408, -372, 16274176, -409, 16169472, -448, |
| 16054784, -486, 15930368, -523, 15796480, -561, 15652864, -597, |
| 15500032, -634, 15337728, -670, 15166208, -705, 14985728, -741, |
| 14796032, -775, 14597632, -810, 14390272, -844, 14174208, -877, |
| 13949696, -910, 13716736, -942, 13475584, -974, 13226240, -1005, |
| 12968960, -1036, 12703744, -1066, 12430848, -1094, 12150784, -1124, |
| 11863040, -1151, 11568384, -1178, 11266816, -1205, 10958336, -1231, |
| 10643200, -1256, 10321664, -1280, 9993984, -1303, 9660416, -1327, |
| 9320704, -1348, 8975616, -1369, 8625152, -1390, 8269312, -1409, |
| 7908608, -1428, 7543040, -1445, 7173120, -1463, 6798592, -1478, |
| 6420224, -1493, 6038016, -1508, 5651968, -1521, 5262592, -1533, |
| 4870144, -1545, 4474624, -1556, 4076288, -1564, 3675904, -1574, |
| 3272960, -1581, 2868224, -1588, 2461696, -1594, 2053632, -1599, |
| 1644288, -1602, 1234176, -1606, 823040, -1607, 411648, -1608 |
| }; |
| #else |
| const int32 bbs_sin32_table2G[] = |
| { |
| 0, 12907, -122, |
| 209469440, 12662, -368, |
| 410894336, 11926, -596, |
| 596525056, 10733, -802, |
| 759234560, 9129, -978, |
| 892780544, 7168, -1112, |
| 992002048, 4939, -1210, |
| 1053097984, 2516, -1256, |
| 1073741824, -4, -1256, |
| 1053097984, -2519, -1210, |
| 992002048, -4944, -1112, |
| 892780544, -7173, -978, |
| 759234560, -9129, -802, |
| 596525056, -10734, -596, |
| 410894336, -11926, -368, |
| 209469440, -12663, -122 |
| }; |
| #endif |
| |
| int32 bbs_sin32( phase16 phaseA ) |
| { |
| |
| int32 oL = ( phaseA & 0x00FF ); |
| uint16 indexL = ( ( phaseA & 0x7F00 ) >> 8 ) << 1; |
| int32 sinL = bbs_sin32_table1G[ indexL ] + oL * bbs_sin32_table1G[ indexL + 1 ]; |
| |
| if( ( phaseA & 0x8000 ) != 0 ) |
| { |
| return -sinL; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| return sinL; |
| } |
| |
| #else /*bbs_SIN_INTERPOLATION_METHOD_2*/ |
| |
| int32 o1L = ( phaseA & 0x07FF ); |
| int32 o2L = ( o1L * o1L ) >> 8; |
| uint16 indexL = ( ( phaseA & 0x7800 ) >> 11 ) * 3; |
| int32 sinL = bbs_sin32_table2G[ indexL ] + ( ( o1L * bbs_sin32_table2G[ indexL + 1 ] ) << 3 ) + o2L * bbs_sin32_table2G[ indexL + 2 ]; |
| |
| if( ( phaseA & 0x8000 ) != 0 ) |
| { |
| return -sinL >> 6; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| return sinL >> 6; |
| } |
| |
| #endif /*bbs_SIN_INTERPOLATION_METHOD_2*/ |
| } |
| |
| /** computation of sine tables (do not uncomment or remove) |
| void sin1Table() |
| { |
| long iL; |
| for( iL = 0; iL < 128; iL++ ) |
| { |
| int32 phase1L = iL * 256; |
| int32 phase2L = phase1L + 256; |
| double angle1L = ( M_PI * phase1L ) / 32768; |
| double angle2L = ( M_PI * phase2L ) / 32768; |
| int32 sin1L = ( sin( angle1L ) * 65536 ); |
| int32 sin2L = ( sin( angle2L ) * 65536 ); |
| int32 diffL = sin2L - sin1L; |
| eout << iL << ": " << ( sin1L << 8 ) << " + oL * " << diffL << endl; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void sin2Table() |
| { |
| long iL; |
| for( iL = 0; iL < 16; iL++ ) |
| { |
| int32 p0L = iL * ( 1 << 11 ); |
| int32 p1L = p0L + ( 1 << 10 ); |
| int32 p2L = p0L + ( 1 << 11 ); |
| |
| double a0L = ( M_PI * p0L ) / ( 1 << 15 ); |
| double a1L = ( M_PI * p1L ) / ( 1 << 15 ); |
| double a2L = ( M_PI * p2L ) / ( 1 << 15 ); |
| |
| int32 s0L = ( sin( a0L ) * ( 1 << 16 ) ); |
| int32 s1L = ( sin( a1L ) * ( 1 << 16 ) ); |
| int32 s2L = ( sin( a2L ) * ( 1 << 16 ) ); |
| |
| int32 aL = 4 * s1L - 3 * s0L - s2L; |
| int32 bL = 2 * s2L + 2 * s0L - 4 * s1L; |
| |
| eout << iL << ": " << ( s0L << 14 ) << " + ( ( o1L * " << aL << " ) << 3 )" |
| << " + o2L * " << bL << endl; |
| } |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| int32 bbs_cos32( phase16 phaseA ) |
| { |
| return bbs_sin32( ( phase16 )( phaseA + bbs_M_PI_2_16 ) ); |
| } |
| |
| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| int16 bbs_sin16( phase16 phaseA ) |
| { |
| return bbs_sin32( phaseA ) >> 10; |
| } |
| |
| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| int16 bbs_cos16( phase16 phaseA ) |
| { |
| return bbs_sin32( ( phase16 )( phaseA + bbs_M_PI_2_16 ) ) >> 10; |
| } |
| |
| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| const int32 bbs_atan16_tableG[] = |
| { |
| 0, 325, 332800, 326, 666624, 326, 1000448, 325, |
| 1333248, 324, 1665024, 323, 1995776, 323, 2326528, 322, |
| 2656256, 320, 2983936, 319, 3310592, 317, 3635200, 316, |
| 3958784, 314, 4280320, 312, 4599808, 310, 4917248, 308, |
| 5232640, 306, 5545984, 303, 5856256, 301, 6164480, 298, |
| 6469632, 296, 6772736, 292, 7071744, 291, 7369728, 287, |
| 7663616, 284, 7954432, 281, 8242176, 279, 8527872, 275, |
| 8809472, 272, 9088000, 269, 9363456, 265, 9634816, 263, |
| 9904128, 259, 10169344, 256, 10431488, 252, 10689536, 249, |
| 10944512, 246, 11196416, 243, 11445248, 239, 11689984, 236, |
| 11931648, 233, 12170240, 230, 12405760, 226, 12637184, 223, |
| 12865536, 219, 13089792, 217, 13312000, 213, 13530112, 210, |
| 13745152, 207, 13957120, 204, 14166016, 201, 14371840, 198, |
| 14574592, 195, 14774272, 192, 14970880, 189, 15164416, 186, |
| 15354880, 183, 15542272, 180, 15726592, 178, 15908864, 175, |
| 16088064, 172, 16264192, 169, 16437248, 167, 16608256, 165 |
| }; |
| |
| phase16 bbs_atan16( uint32 valA ) |
| { |
| uint32 oL = valA & 0x03FF; |
| uint16 indexL = ( valA >> 10 ) << 1; |
| uint32 phaseL = bbs_atan16_tableG[ indexL ] + oL * bbs_atan16_tableG[ indexL + 1 ]; |
| return ( phase16 )( phaseL >> 11 ); |
| } |
| |
| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ |
| |
| phase16 bbs_phase16( int32 xA, int32 yA ) |
| { |
| uint32 xL = ( xA > 0 ) ? xA : -xA; |
| uint32 yL = ( yA > 0 ) ? yA : -yA; |
| phase16 phaseL; |
| |
| if( xL == 0 && yL == 0 ) return 0; |
| |
| if( xL == yL ) |
| { |
| phaseL = bbs_M_PI_4_16; /*PI/4*/ |
| } |
| else if( xL > yL ) |
| { |
| if( yL >= 65536 ) /* avoid overflow (1 << 16) */ |
| { |
| uint32 shiftL = bbs_intLog2( yL ) - 15; |
| xL >>= shiftL; |
| yL >>= shiftL; |
| } |
| phaseL = bbs_atan16( ( yL << 16 ) / xL ); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if( xL >= 65536 ) /* avoid overflow (1 << 16) */ |
| { |
| uint32 shiftL = bbs_intLog2( xL ) - 15; |
| xL >>= shiftL; |
| yL >>= shiftL; |
| } |
| phaseL = bbs_M_PI_2_16 - bbs_atan16( ( xL << 16 ) / yL ); |
| } |
| |
| if( xA >= 0 ) |
| { |
| if( yA >= 0 ) |
| { |
| return phaseL; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| return -phaseL; |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if( yA >= 0 ) |
| { |
| return bbs_M_PI_16 - phaseL; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| return phaseL - bbs_M_PI_16; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
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