blob: 8006294592a5a497f125bcd1c85205f3fd21180a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// This is a DiceGenerateCertificate implementation that generates a CWT-style
// CBOR certificate using the ED25519-SHA512 signature scheme.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dice/cbor_writer.h"
#include "dice/dice.h"
#include "dice/ops.h"
#include "dice/ops/trait/cose.h"
#include "dice/utils.h"
#error "Only Ed25519 is supported; 32 bytes needed to store the public key."
#error "Only Ed25519 is supported; 64 bytes needed to store the signature."
// Max size of COSE_Sign1 including payload.
// Max size of COSE_Key encoding.
// Max size of the COSE_Sign1 protected attributes.
DiceResult DiceCoseEncodePublicKey(
void* context_not_used, const uint8_t public_key[DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE],
size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer, size_t* encoded_size) {
// Constants per RFC 8152.
const int64_t kCoseKeyKtyLabel = 1;
const int64_t kCoseKeyAlgLabel = 3;
const int64_t kCoseKeyOpsLabel = 4;
const int64_t kCoseOkpCrvLabel = -1;
const int64_t kCoseOkpXLabel = -2;
const int64_t kCoseKeyTypeOkp = 1;
const int64_t kCoseAlgEdDSA = -8;
const int64_t kCoseKeyOpsVerify = 2;
const int64_t kCoseCrvEd25519 = 6;
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteMap(/*num_pairs=*/5, &out);
// Add the key type.
CborWriteInt(kCoseKeyKtyLabel, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCoseKeyTypeOkp, &out);
// Add the algorithm.
CborWriteInt(kCoseKeyAlgLabel, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCoseAlgEdDSA, &out);
// Add the KeyOps.
CborWriteInt(kCoseKeyOpsLabel, &out);
CborWriteArray(/*num_elements=*/1, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCoseKeyOpsVerify, &out);
// Add the curve.
CborWriteInt(kCoseOkpCrvLabel, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCoseCrvEd25519, &out);
// Add the public key.
CborWriteInt(kCoseOkpXLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(/*data_size=*/DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, public_key, &out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
return kDiceResultBufferTooSmall;
*encoded_size = CborOutSize(&out);
return kDiceResultOk;
static DiceResult EncodeProtectedAttributes(size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer,
size_t* encoded_size) {
// Constants per RFC 8152.
const int64_t kCoseHeaderAlgLabel = 1;
const int64_t kCoseAlgEdDSA = -8;
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteMap(/*num_elements=*/1, &out);
// Add the algorithm.
CborWriteInt(kCoseHeaderAlgLabel, &out);
CborWriteInt(kCoseAlgEdDSA, &out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
return kDiceResultBufferTooSmall;
*encoded_size = CborOutSize(&out);
return kDiceResultOk;
static DiceResult EncodeCoseTbs(const uint8_t* protected_attributes,
size_t protected_attributes_size,
const uint8_t* payload, size_t payload_size,
const uint8_t* aad, size_t aad_size,
size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer,
size_t* encoded_size) {
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
// TBS is an array of four elements.
CborWriteArray(/*num_elements=*/4, &out);
// Context string field.
CborWriteTstr("Signature1", &out);
// Protected attributes from COSE_Sign1.
CborWriteBstr(protected_attributes_size, protected_attributes, &out);
// Additional authenticated data.
CborWriteBstr(aad_size, aad, &out);
// Payload from COSE_Sign1.
CborWriteBstr(payload_size, payload, &out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
return kDiceResultBufferTooSmall;
*encoded_size = CborOutSize(&out);
return kDiceResultOk;
static DiceResult EncodeCoseSign1(const uint8_t* protected_attributes,
size_t protected_attributes_size,
const uint8_t* payload, size_t payload_size,
const uint8_t signature[DICE_SIGNATURE_SIZE],
size_t buffer_size, uint8_t* buffer,
size_t* encoded_size) {
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
// COSE_Sign1 is an array of four elements.
CborWriteArray(/*num_elements=*/4, &out);
// Protected attributes.
CborWriteBstr(protected_attributes_size, protected_attributes, &out);
// Empty map for unprotected attributes.
CborWriteMap(/*num_pairs=*/0, &out);
// Payload.
CborWriteBstr(payload_size, payload, &out);
// Signature.
CborWriteBstr(/*num_elements=*/DICE_SIGNATURE_SIZE, signature, &out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
return kDiceResultBufferTooSmall;
*encoded_size = CborOutSize(&out);
return kDiceResultOk;
DiceResult DiceCoseSignAndEncodeSign1(
void* context, const uint8_t* payload, size_t payload_size,
const uint8_t* aad, size_t aad_size,
const uint8_t private_key[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE], size_t buffer_size,
uint8_t* buffer, size_t* encoded_size) {
DiceResult result;
*encoded_size = 0;
// The encoded protected attributes are used in the TBS and the final
// COSE_Sign1 structure.
uint8_t protected_attributes[DICE_MAX_PROTECTED_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE];
size_t protected_attributes_size = 0;
result = EncodeProtectedAttributes(sizeof(protected_attributes),
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
return result;
// Construct a To-Be-Signed (TBS) structure based on the relevant fields of
// the COSE_Sign1.
result = EncodeCoseTbs(protected_attributes, protected_attributes_size,
payload, payload_size, aad, aad_size, buffer_size,
buffer, encoded_size);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
return result;
// Sign the TBS with the authority key.
uint8_t signature[DICE_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
result = DiceSign(context, buffer, *encoded_size, private_key, signature);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
return result;
// The final certificate is an untagged COSE_Sign1 structure.
return EncodeCoseSign1(protected_attributes, protected_attributes_size,
payload, payload_size, signature, buffer_size, buffer,
// Encodes a CBOR Web Token (CWT) with an issuer, subject, and additional
// fields.
static DiceResult EncodeCwt(void* context, const DiceInputValues* input_values,
const char* authority_id_hex,
const char* subject_id_hex,
const uint8_t* encoded_public_key,
size_t encoded_public_key_size, size_t buffer_size,
uint8_t* buffer, size_t* encoded_size) {
// Constants per RFC 8392.
const int64_t kCwtIssuerLabel = 1;
const int64_t kCwtSubjectLabel = 2;
// Constants per the Open Profile for DICE specification.
const int64_t kCodeHashLabel = -4670545;
const int64_t kCodeDescriptorLabel = -4670546;
const int64_t kConfigHashLabel = -4670547;
const int64_t kConfigDescriptorLabel = -4670548;
const int64_t kAuthorityHashLabel = -4670549;
const int64_t kAuthorityDescriptorLabel = -4670550;
const int64_t kModeLabel = -4670551;
const int64_t kSubjectPublicKeyLabel = -4670552;
const int64_t kKeyUsageLabel = -4670553;
// Key usage constant per RFC 5280.
const uint8_t kKeyUsageCertSign = 32;
// Count the number of entries.
uint32_t map_pairs = 7;
if (input_values->code_descriptor_size > 0) {
map_pairs += 1;
if (input_values->config_type == kDiceConfigTypeDescriptor) {
map_pairs += 2;
} else {
map_pairs += 1;
if (input_values->authority_descriptor_size > 0) {
map_pairs += 1;
struct CborOut out;
CborOutInit(buffer, buffer_size, &out);
CborWriteMap(map_pairs, &out);
// Add the issuer.
CborWriteInt(kCwtIssuerLabel, &out);
CborWriteTstr(authority_id_hex, &out);
// Add the subject.
CborWriteInt(kCwtSubjectLabel, &out);
CborWriteTstr(subject_id_hex, &out);
// Add the code hash.
CborWriteInt(kCodeHashLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(DICE_HASH_SIZE, input_values->code_hash, &out);
// Add the code descriptor, if provided.
if (input_values->code_descriptor_size > 0) {
CborWriteInt(kCodeDescriptorLabel, &out);
input_values->code_descriptor, &out);
// Add the config inputs.
if (input_values->config_type == kDiceConfigTypeDescriptor) {
uint8_t config_descriptor_hash[DICE_HASH_SIZE];
DiceResult result =
DiceHash(context, input_values->config_descriptor,
input_values->config_descriptor_size, config_descriptor_hash);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
return result;
// Add the config descriptor.
CborWriteInt(kConfigDescriptorLabel, &out);
input_values->config_descriptor, &out);
// Add the Config hash.
CborWriteInt(kConfigHashLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(DICE_HASH_SIZE, config_descriptor_hash, &out);
} else if (input_values->config_type == kDiceConfigTypeInline) {
// Add the inline config.
CborWriteInt(kConfigDescriptorLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(DICE_INLINE_CONFIG_SIZE, input_values->config_value, &out);
// Add the authority inputs.
CborWriteInt(kAuthorityHashLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(DICE_HASH_SIZE, input_values->authority_hash, &out);
if (input_values->authority_descriptor_size > 0) {
CborWriteInt(kAuthorityDescriptorLabel, &out);
input_values->authority_descriptor, &out);
uint8_t mode_byte = input_values->mode;
uint8_t key_usage = kKeyUsageCertSign;
// Add the mode input.
CborWriteInt(kModeLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(/*data_sisze=*/1, &mode_byte, &out);
// Add the subject public key.
CborWriteInt(kSubjectPublicKeyLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(encoded_public_key_size, encoded_public_key, &out);
// Add the key usage.
CborWriteInt(kKeyUsageLabel, &out);
CborWriteBstr(/*data_size=*/1, &key_usage, &out);
if (CborOutOverflowed(&out)) {
return kDiceResultBufferTooSmall;
*encoded_size = CborOutSize(&out);
return kDiceResultOk;
DiceResult DiceGenerateCertificate(
void* context,
const uint8_t subject_private_key_seed[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE],
const uint8_t authority_private_key_seed[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SEED_SIZE],
const DiceInputValues* input_values, size_t certificate_buffer_size,
uint8_t* certificate, size_t* certificate_actual_size) {
DiceResult result = kDiceResultOk;
*certificate_actual_size = 0;
if (input_values->config_type != kDiceConfigTypeDescriptor &&
input_values->config_type != kDiceConfigTypeInline) {
return kDiceResultInvalidInput;
// Declare buffers which are cleared on 'goto out'.
uint8_t subject_private_key[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t authority_private_key[DICE_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE];
// Derive keys and IDs from the private key seeds.
uint8_t subject_public_key[DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
result = DiceKeypairFromSeed(context, subject_private_key_seed,
subject_public_key, subject_private_key);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
uint8_t subject_id[DICE_ID_SIZE];
result = DiceDeriveCdiCertificateId(context, subject_public_key,
DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, subject_id);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
char subject_id_hex[41];
DiceHexEncode(subject_id, sizeof(subject_id), subject_id_hex,
subject_id_hex[sizeof(subject_id_hex) - 1] = '\0';
uint8_t authority_public_key[DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
result = DiceKeypairFromSeed(context, authority_private_key_seed,
authority_public_key, authority_private_key);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
uint8_t authority_id[DICE_ID_SIZE];
result = DiceDeriveCdiCertificateId(context, authority_public_key,
DICE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, authority_id);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
char authority_id_hex[41];
DiceHexEncode(authority_id, sizeof(authority_id), authority_id_hex,
authority_id_hex[sizeof(authority_id_hex) - 1] = '\0';
// The public key encoded as a COSE_Key structure is embedded in the CWT.
uint8_t encoded_public_key[DICE_MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
size_t encoded_public_key_size = 0;
result = DiceCoseEncodePublicKey(
context, subject_public_key, sizeof(encoded_public_key),
encoded_public_key, &encoded_public_key_size);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
// The CWT is the payload in both the TBS and the final COSE_Sign1 structure.
size_t payload_size = 0;
result = EncodeCwt(context, input_values, authority_id_hex, subject_id_hex,
encoded_public_key, encoded_public_key_size,
sizeof(payload), payload, &payload_size);
if (result != kDiceResultOk) {
goto out;
result = DiceCoseSignAndEncodeSign1(
context, payload, payload_size, /*aad=*/NULL, /*aad_size=*/0,
authority_private_key, certificate_buffer_size, certificate,
DiceClearMemory(context, sizeof(subject_private_key), subject_private_key);
DiceClearMemory(context, sizeof(authority_private_key),
return result;