/* | |
OpenCV for Android NDK | |
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 SIProp Project http://www.siprop.org/ | |
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. | |
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. | |
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, | |
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, | |
subject to the following restrictions: | |
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. | |
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. | |
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. | |
*/ | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
#include <string.h> | |
#include <jni.h> | |
#include <android/log.h> | |
#include "cv.h" | |
#include "cxcore.h" | |
#include "cvaux.h" | |
#include "highgui.h" | |
#include "ml.h" | |
#include "utils.h" | |
#include "WLNonFileByteStream.h" | |
#include "grfmt_bmp.h" | |
#define LOGV(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_SILENT, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) | |
#define LOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) | |
#define LOG_TAG "CVJNI" | |
#define INVALID_ARGUMENT -18456 | |
#define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if(p){ delete (p); (p)=0; } } | |
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if(p){ delete [](p); (p)=0; } } | |
#define IMAGE( i, x, y, n ) *(( unsigned char * )(( i )->imageData \ | |
+ ( x ) * sizeof( unsigned char ) * 3 \ | |
+ ( y ) * ( i )->widthStep ) + ( n )) | |
// CV Objects | |
static const char* fmtSignBmp = "BM"; | |
CvCapture *m_capture = 0; | |
CvHaarClassifierCascade *m_cascade = 0; | |
IplImage *m_sourceImage = 0; | |
IplImage *m_grayImage = 0; | |
IplImage *m_smallImage = 0; | |
CvMemStorage *m_storage = 0; | |
CvSeq *m_facesFound = 0; | |
CvRect m_faceCropArea; | |
CvSize m_smallestFaceSize; | |
#ifdef __cplusplus | |
extern "C" { | |
#endif | |
jboolean | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_createSocketCapture(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz, | |
jstring address_str, | |
jstring port_str, | |
jint width, | |
jint height); | |
void | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_releaseSocketCapture(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
jboolean | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_grabSourceImageFromCapture(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
jbooleanArray | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_getSourceImage(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
jboolean | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_setSourceImage(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz, | |
jintArray photo_data, | |
jint width, | |
jint height); | |
jbooleanArray | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_findContours(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz, | |
jint width, | |
jint height); | |
jboolean | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_initFaceDetection(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz, | |
jstring cascade_path_str); | |
void | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_releaseFaceDetection(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
jboolean | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_highlightFaces(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
jobjectArray | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_findAllFaces(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
jobject | |
Java_org_siprop_opencv_OpenCV_findSingleFace(JNIEnv* env, | |
jobject thiz); | |
#ifdef __cplusplus | |
} | |
#endif | |
IplImage* loadPixels(int* pixels, int width, int height) { | |
int x, y; | |
IplImage *img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); | |
for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { | |
for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { | |
// blue | |
IMAGE( img, x, y, 0 ) = pixels[x+y*width] & 0xFF; | |
// green | |
IMAGE( img, x, y, 1 ) = pixels[x+y*width] >> 8 & 0xFF; | |
// red | |
IMAGE( img, x, y, 2 ) = pixels[x+y*width] >> 16 & 0xFF; | |
} | |
} | |
return img; | |
} | |
void loadImageBytes(const uchar* data, | |
int step, | |
int width, | |
int height, | |
int depth, | |
int channels, | |
WLNonFileByteStream* m_strm) { | |
int fileStep = (width*channels + 3) & -4; | |
uchar zeropad[] = "\0\0\0\0"; | |
char log_str[100]; | |
assert( data && width > 0 && height > 0 && step >= fileStep ); | |
int bitmapHeaderSize = 40; | |
int paletteSize = channels > 1 ? 0 : 1024; | |
int headerSize = 14 /* fileheader */ + bitmapHeaderSize + paletteSize; | |
PaletteEntry palette[256]; | |
int testSize = fileStep*height + headerSize; | |
m_strm->Open(testSize); | |
sprintf(log_str, "fileStep*height + headerSize=%i", testSize); | |
LOGV(log_str); | |
// write signature 'BM' | |
m_strm->PutBytes( fmtSignBmp, (int)strlen(fmtSignBmp) ); | |
// write file header | |
m_strm->PutDWord( fileStep*height + headerSize ); // file size | |
m_strm->PutDWord( 0 ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( headerSize ); | |
// write bitmap header | |
m_strm->PutDWord( bitmapHeaderSize ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( width ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( height ); | |
m_strm->PutWord( 1 ); | |
m_strm->PutWord( channels << 3 ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( BMP_RGB ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( 0 ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( 0 ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( 0 ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( 0 ); | |
m_strm->PutDWord( 0 ); | |
if( channels == 1 ) | |
{ | |
FillGrayPalette( palette, 8 ); | |
m_strm->PutBytes( palette, sizeof(palette)); | |
} | |
width *= channels; | |
data += step*(height - 1); | |
for( ; height--; data -= step ) | |
{ | |
m_strm->PutBytes( data, width ); | |
if( fileStep > width ) | |
m_strm->PutBytes( zeropad, fileStep - width ); | |
} | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name, const char* field_type) { | |
LOGV("in is_NULL_field_JavaObj!"); | |
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
// get field | |
jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(clazz, field_name, field_type); | |
jobject obj = env->GetObjectField(java_obj, fid); | |
if(obj == 0) { | |
LOGV("Object is NULL!"); | |
return true; | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_vec_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Vector3;"); | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_point_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Point3;"); | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_axis_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Axis;"); | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_pivot_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Pivot3;"); | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_quat_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Quaternion;"); | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_mat3x3_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Matrix3x3;"); | |
} | |
bool is_NULL_mat3x1_field_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
return is_NULL_field_JavaObj(env, java_obj, field_name, "Lorg/siprop/opencv/util/Matrix3x1;"); | |
} | |
void set_JavaObj_int(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name, jint val) { | |
LOGV("in set_JavaObj_int!"); | |
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(clazz, field_name, "I"); | |
env->SetIntField(java_obj, fid, val); | |
} | |
int get_id_by_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj) { | |
LOGV("in get_id_by_JavaObj!"); | |
jclass method_clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
jmethodID get_type_mid = env->GetMethodID(method_clazz, "getID", "()I"); | |
return env->CallIntMethod(java_obj, get_type_mid); | |
} | |
int get_type_by_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj) { | |
LOGV("in get_type_by_JavaObj!"); | |
jclass method_clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
jmethodID get_type_mid = env->GetMethodID(method_clazz, "getType", "()I"); | |
return env->CallIntMethod(java_obj, get_type_mid); | |
} | |
int get_int_by_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
LOGV("in get_int_by_JavaObj!"); | |
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
jfieldID int_fid = env->GetFieldID(clazz, field_name, "I"); | |
return env->GetIntField(java_obj, int_fid); | |
} | |
float get_float_by_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name) { | |
LOGV("in get_float_by_JavaObj!"); | |
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
jfieldID float_fid = env->GetFieldID(clazz, field_name, "F"); | |
return env->GetFloatField(java_obj, float_fid); | |
} | |
jobject get_obj_by_JavaObj(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_obj, const char* field_name, const char* obj_type) { | |
LOGV("in get_obj_by_JavaObj!"); | |
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(java_obj); | |
jfieldID obj_fid = env->GetFieldID(clazz, field_name, obj_type); | |
return env->GetObjectField(java_obj, obj_fid); | |
} | |