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// weight-tester.h
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
// Author: [email protected] (Michael Riley)
// \file
// Utility class for regression testing of Fst weights.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fst/random-weight.h>
namespace fst {
// This class tests a variety of identities and properties that must
// hold for the Weight class to be well-defined. It calls function object
// WEIGHT_GENERATOR to select weights that are used in the tests.
template<class Weight, class WeightGenerator>
class WeightTester {
WeightTester(WeightGenerator generator) : weight_generator_(generator) {}
void Test(int iterations, bool test_division = true) {
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
// Selects the test weights.
Weight w1 = weight_generator_();
Weight w2 = weight_generator_();
Weight w3 = weight_generator_();
VLOG(1) << "weight type = " << Weight::Type();
VLOG(1) << "w1 = " << w1;
VLOG(1) << "w2 = " << w2;
VLOG(1) << "w3 = " << w3;
TestSemiring(w1, w2, w3);
if (test_division)
TestDivision(w1, w2);
TestReverse(w1, w2);
TestEquality(w1, w2, w3);
// Note in the tests below we use ApproxEqual rather than == and add
// kDelta to inequalities where the weights might be inexact.
// Tests (Plus, Times, Zero, One) defines a commutative semiring.
void TestSemiring(Weight w1, Weight w2, Weight w3) {
// Checks that the operations are closed.
CHECK(Plus(w1, w2).Member());
CHECK(Times(w1, w2).Member());
// Checks that the operations are associative.
CHECK(ApproxEqual(Plus(w1, Plus(w2, w3)), Plus(Plus(w1, w2), w3)));
CHECK(ApproxEqual(Times(w1, Times(w2, w3)), Times(Times(w1, w2), w3)));
// Checks the identity elements.
CHECK(Plus(w1, Weight::Zero()) == w1);
CHECK(Plus(Weight::Zero(), w1) == w1);
CHECK(Times(w1, Weight::One()) == w1);
CHECK(Times(Weight::One(), w1) == w1);
// Check the no weight element.
CHECK(!Plus(w1, Weight::NoWeight()).Member());
CHECK(!Plus(Weight::NoWeight(), w1).Member());
CHECK(!Times(w1, Weight::NoWeight()).Member());
CHECK(!Times(Weight::NoWeight(), w1).Member());
// Checks that the operations commute.
CHECK(ApproxEqual(Plus(w1, w2), Plus(w2, w1)));
if (Weight::Properties() & kCommutative)
CHECK(ApproxEqual(Times(w1, w2), Times(w2, w1)));
// Checks Zero() is the annihilator.
CHECK(Times(w1, Weight::Zero()) == Weight::Zero());
CHECK(Times(Weight::Zero(), w1) == Weight::Zero());
// Check Power(w, 0) is Weight::One()
CHECK(Power(w1, 0) == Weight::One());
// Check Power(w, 1) is w
CHECK(Power(w1, 1) == w1);
// Check Power(w, 3) is Times(w, Times(w, w))
CHECK(Power(w1, 3) == Times(w1, Times(w1, w1)));
// Checks distributivity.
if (Weight::Properties() & kLeftSemiring)
CHECK(ApproxEqual(Times(w1, Plus(w2, w3)),
Plus(Times(w1, w2), Times(w1, w3))));
if (Weight::Properties() & kRightSemiring)
CHECK(ApproxEqual(Times(Plus(w1, w2), w3),
Plus(Times(w1, w3), Times(w2, w3))));
if (Weight::Properties() & kIdempotent)
CHECK(Plus(w1, w1) == w1);
if (Weight::Properties() & kPath)
CHECK(Plus(w1, w2) == w1 || Plus(w1, w2) == w2);
// Ensure weights form a left or right semiring.
CHECK(Weight::Properties() & (kLeftSemiring | kRightSemiring));
// Check when Times() is commutative that it is marked as a semiring.
if (Weight::Properties() & kCommutative)
CHECK(Weight::Properties() & kSemiring);
// Tests division operation.
void TestDivision(Weight w1, Weight w2) {
Weight p = Times(w1, w2);
if (Weight::Properties() & kLeftSemiring) {
Weight d = Divide(p, w1, DIVIDE_LEFT);
if (d.Member())
CHECK(ApproxEqual(p, Times(w1, d)));
CHECK(!Divide(w1, Weight::NoWeight(), DIVIDE_LEFT).Member());
CHECK(!Divide(Weight::NoWeight(), w1, DIVIDE_LEFT).Member());
if (Weight::Properties() & kRightSemiring) {
Weight d = Divide(p, w2, DIVIDE_RIGHT);
if (d.Member())
CHECK(ApproxEqual(p, Times(d, w2)));
CHECK(!Divide(w1, Weight::NoWeight(), DIVIDE_RIGHT).Member());
CHECK(!Divide(Weight::NoWeight(), w1, DIVIDE_RIGHT).Member());
if (Weight::Properties() & kCommutative) {
Weight d = Divide(p, w1, DIVIDE_RIGHT);
if (d.Member())
CHECK(ApproxEqual(p, Times(d, w1)));
// Tests reverse operation.
void TestReverse(Weight w1, Weight w2) {
typedef typename Weight::ReverseWeight ReverseWeight;
ReverseWeight rw1 = w1.Reverse();
ReverseWeight rw2 = w2.Reverse();
CHECK(rw1.Reverse() == w1);
CHECK(Plus(w1, w2).Reverse() == Plus(rw1, rw2));
CHECK(Times(w1, w2).Reverse() == Times(rw2, rw1));
// Tests == is an equivalence relation.
void TestEquality(Weight w1, Weight w2, Weight w3) {
// Checks reflexivity.
CHECK(w1 == w1);
// Checks symmetry.
CHECK((w1 == w2) == (w2 == w1));
// Checks transitivity.
if (w1 == w2 && w2 == w3)
CHECK(w1 == w3);
// Tests binary serialization and textual I/O.
void TestIO(Weight w) {
// Tests binary I/O
ostringstream os;
istringstream is(os.str());
Weight v;
CHECK_EQ(w, v);
// Tests textual I/O.
ostringstream os;
os << w;
istringstream is(os.str());
Weight v(Weight::One());
is >> v;
CHECK(ApproxEqual(w, v));
// Tests copy constructor and assignment operator
void TestCopy(Weight w) {
Weight x = w;
CHECK(w == x);
x = Weight(w);
CHECK(w == x);
CHECK(w == x);
// Generates weights used in testing.
WeightGenerator weight_generator_;
} // namespace fst