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| <book id="oprofile-devel-guide"> |
| <bookinfo> |
| <title>OProfile JIT agent developer guide</title> |
| |
| <authorgroup> |
| <author> |
| <firstname>Maynard</firstname> |
| <surname>Johnson</surname> |
| <affiliation> |
| <address><email>[email protected]</email></address> |
| </affiliation> |
| </author> |
| </authorgroup> |
| |
| <copyright> |
| <year>2007</year> |
| <holder>IBM Corporation</holder> |
| </copyright> |
| </bookinfo> |
| |
| <toc></toc> |
| |
| <chapter id="developing"> |
| <title>Developing a new JIT agent</title> |
| <para> |
| OProfile includes a header file and library that are intended to be used by |
| developers who wish to extend OProfile's JIT support to other non-supported |
| virtual machines. This developer guide describes these development files and how |
| to use them. |
| </para> |
| <sect1 id="jit-devel-overview"> |
| <title>Overview</title> |
| <para> |
| OProfile already includes some implementations that use the JIT support, |
| e.g., the Java Virtual Machine Toolkit Interface (JVMTI) library, |
| libjvmti_oprofile.so. In developing a new implementation, you will |
| likely follow a similar (if not identical) procedure as was used in |
| developing the JVMTI library. Following are the high level steps to follow: |
| <orderedlist> |
| <listitem>Ensure your virtual machine provides an API that, at minimum, |
| can provide the following information about dynamically compiled code: |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem>Notification when compilation occurs</listitem> |
| <listitem>Name of the symbol (i.e., function or class/method, etc.)</listitem> |
| <listitem>Address in anonymous memory where the compiled code was loaded</listitem> |
| <listitem>Length of the compiled code segment</listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| </listitem> |
| <listitem>Write an agent library that communicates with your VM to obtain |
| compiled code notifications. Invoke the required functions from opagent.h |
| (<xref linkend="jit-interface" />) and link your library with libopagent.so |
| (installed at <filename><oprofile_install_dir>/lib/oprofile</filename>). |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| |
| </para> |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1 id="jit-interface"> |
| <title>Implementing JIT support for a new virtual machine</title> |
| <para> |
| The JIT support API for OProfile is defined |
| in <filename><oprofile-install-dir>/include/opagent.h</filename>. |
| Some parts of the API are mandatory for an agent library to use; other |
| parts are optional. The mandatory functions are shown below. |
| </para> |
| <screen> |
| op_agent_t op_open_agent(void); |
| |
| void op_close_agent(op_agent_t hdl); |
| |
| int op_write_native_code(op_agent_t hdl, char const * symbol_name, |
| uint64_t vma, const void * code, |
| const unsigned int code_size); |
| </screen> |
| |
| <para> |
| To implement this part of your library, you must perform the |
| following steps: |
| <orderedlist> |
| <listitem>Implement a function to set up initial communication with the VM. |
| Once communication to the VM is established, your agent library should call |
| <function>op_op_agent()</function> and cache the returned <code>op_agent_t</code> handle for use in |
| future calls.</listitem> |
| <listitem>Perform any necessary steps to register with the VM to be notified of |
| compiled code load events. Registration must include a callback function you |
| will implement in the library to handle the compiled code load events.</listitem> |
| <listitem>The callback function mentioned above must obtain all required |
| information from the VM to pass to libopagent via <function>op_write_native_code()</function>.</listitem> |
| <listitem>When disconnecting from the VM, your library should call |
| <function>op_agent_close()</function>.</listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| </para> |
| |
| <para>Use of the functions below are optional, depending on the kinds of information your VM |
| can provide to your agent library. See the JVMTI agent library for an example of how to use |
| these functions. |
| <screen> |
| int op_unload_native_code(op_agent_t hdl, uint64_t vma); |
| |
| int op_write_debug_line_info(op_agent_t hdl, void const * code, |
| size_t nr_entry, |
| struct debug_line_info const * compile_map); |
| </screen> |
| </para> |
| <note>While the libopagent functions are thread-safe, you should not use them in |
| signal handlers. |
| </note> |
| </sect1> |
| </chapter> |
| |
| |
| <chapter id="jit-api"> |
| <title>The JIT support API</title> |
| <para> |
| This chapter describes the JIT support API. See opagent.h for more details. |
| </para> |
| |
| <sect1 id="op_open_agent"> |
| <title>op_open_agent</title> |
| |
| <funcsynopsis>Initializes the agent library. |
| <funcsynopsisinfo>#include <opagent.h></funcsynopsisinfo> |
| <funcprototype> |
| <funcdef>op_agent_t <function>op_open_agent</function></funcdef> |
| <paramdef>void</paramdef> |
| </funcprototype> |
| </funcsynopsis> |
| <note> |
| <title>Description</title> |
| This function must be called by agents before any other function. |
| Creates and opens a JIT dump file in <filename>/var/lib/oprofile/jitdump</filename> |
| using the naming convention <filename><process_id>.dump</filename>. |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Parameters</title> |
| None |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Return value</title> |
| <para>Returns a valid <code>op_agent_t</code> handle or NULL. |
| If NULL is returned, <code>errno</code> is set to indicate the nature of the error. For a list |
| of possible <code>errno</code> values, see the man pages for:</para> |
| <code> |
| stat, creat, gettimeofday, fdopen, fwrite |
| </code> |
| </note> |
| </sect1> |
| |
| <sect1 id="op_close_agent"> |
| <title>op_close_agent</title> |
| <funcsynopsis>Uninitialize the agent library. |
| <funcsynopsisinfo>#include <opagent.h></funcsynopsisinfo> |
| <funcprototype> |
| <funcdef>int <function>op_close_agent</function></funcdef> |
| <paramdef>op_agent_t <parameter>hdl</parameter></paramdef> |
| </funcprototype> |
| </funcsynopsis> |
| <note> |
| <title>Description</title> |
| Frees all resources and closes open file handles. |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Parameters</title> |
| <parameter>hdl : </parameter>Handle returned from an earlier call to |
| <function>op_open_agent()</function> |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Return value</title> |
| <para>Returns 0 on success; -1 otherwise. If -1 is returned, <code>errno</code> is set |
| to indicate the nature of the error. |
| <code>errno</code> is set to EINVAL if an invalid <code>op_agent_t</code> |
| handle is passed. For a list of other possible <code>errno</code> values, see the man pages for:</para> |
| <code>gettimeofday, fwrite</code> |
| </note> |
| </sect1> |
| |
| <sect1 id="op_write_native_code"> |
| <title>op_write_native_code</title> |
| <funcsynopsis>Write information about compiled code to a JIT dump file. |
| <funcsynopsisinfo>#include <opagent.h></funcsynopsisinfo> |
| <funcprototype> |
| <funcdef>int <function>op_write_native_code</function></funcdef> |
| <paramdef>op_agent_t<parameter>hdl</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>char const *<parameter>symbol_name</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>uint64_t<parameter>vma</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>void const *<parameter>code</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>const unsigned int<parameter>code_size</parameter></paramdef> |
| </funcprototype> |
| </funcsynopsis> |
| <note> |
| <title>Description</title> |
| Signal the dynamic generation of native code from a virtual machine. |
| Writes a JIT dump record to the open JIT dump file using the passed information. |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Parameters</title> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>hdl : </parameter>Handle returned from an earlier call to |
| <function>op_open_agent()</function> |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>symbol_name : </parameter>The name of the symbol being dynamically compiled. |
| This name can (and should) contain all necessary information to disambiguate it from |
| symbols of the same name; e.g., class, method signature. |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>vma : </parameter>Virtual memory address of the executable code |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>code : </parameter>Pointer to the location of the compiled code. |
| Theoretically, this may be a different location from |
| that given by the vma argument. For some JIT compilers, |
| obtaining the code may be impractical. For this (or any other) |
| reason, the agent can choose to pass NULL for this paraemter. |
| If NULL is passed, no code will be copied into the JIT dump |
| file. |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>code_size : </parameter>Size of the compiled code |
| </para> |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Return value</title> |
| <para>Returns 0 on success; -1 otherwise. If -1 is returned, <code>errno</code> is set |
| to indicate the nature of the error. |
| <code>errno</code> is set to EINVAL if an invalid <code>op_agent_t</code> |
| handle is passed. For a list of other possible <code>errno</code> values, see the man pages for:</para> |
| <code>gettimeofday, fwrite</code> |
| </note> |
| </sect1> |
| |
| |
| <sect1 id="op_write_debug_line_info"> |
| <title>op_write_debug_line_info</title> |
| <funcsynopsis>Write debug information about compiled code to a JIT dump file. |
| <funcsynopsisinfo>#include <opagent.h></funcsynopsisinfo> |
| <funcprototype> |
| <funcdef>int <function>op_write_debug_line_info</function></funcdef> |
| <paramdef>op_agent_t<parameter>hdl</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>void const *<parameter>code</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>size_t<parameter>nr_entry</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>struct debug_line_info const *<parameter>compile_map</parameter></paramdef> |
| </funcprototype> |
| </funcsynopsis> |
| <note> |
| <title>Description</title> |
| Add debug line information to a piece of code. An <function>op_write_native_code()</function> |
| with the same code pointer should have occurred before this call. It's not |
| necessary to provide one lineno information entry per machine instruction; |
| the array can contain hole. |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Parameters</title> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>hdl : </parameter>Handle returned from an earlier call to |
| <function>op_open_agent()</function> |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>code : </parameter>Pointer to the location of the code with debug info |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>nr_entry : </parameter>Number of entries in compile_map |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>compile_map : </parameter>Array of struct debug_line_info. See the JVMTI agent |
| library implementation for an example of what information should be retrieved |
| from a VM to fill out this data structure. |
| </para> |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Return value</title> |
| <para>Returns 0 on success; -1 otherwise. If -1 is returned, <code>errno</code> is set |
| to indicate the nature of the error. |
| <code>errno</code> is set to EINVAL if an invalid <code>op_agent_t</code> |
| handle is passed. For a list of other possible <code>errno</code> values, see the man pages for:</para> |
| <code>gettimeofday, ftell, fwrite</code> |
| </note> |
| </sect1> |
| |
| <sect1 id="op_unload_native_code"> |
| <title>op_unload_native_code</title> |
| <funcsynopsis>Write information to the JIT dump file about invalidated compiled code. |
| <funcsynopsisinfo>#include <opagent.h></funcsynopsisinfo> |
| <funcprototype> |
| <funcdef>int <function>op_unload_native_code</function></funcdef> |
| <paramdef>op_agent_t<parameter>hdl</parameter></paramdef> |
| <paramdef>uint64_t<parameter>vma</parameter></paramdef> |
| </funcprototype> |
| </funcsynopsis> |
| <note> |
| <title>Description</title> |
| Signal the invalidation of native code from a virtual machine.</note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Parameters</title> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>hdl : </parameter>Handle returned from an earlier call to |
| <function>op_open_agent()</function> |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| <parameter>vma : </parameter>Virtual memory address of the compiled code being unloaded. |
| An <function>op_write_native_code()</function> with the same vma should have occurred before this call. |
| </para> |
| </note> |
| <note> |
| <title>Return value</title> |
| <para>Returns 0 on success; -1 otherwise. If -1 is returned, <code>errno</code> is set |
| to indicate the nature of the error. |
| <code>errno</code> is set to EINVAL if an invalid <code>op_agent_t</code> |
| handle is passed. For a list of other possible <code>errno</code> values, see the man pages for:</para> |
| <code>gettimeofday, fwrite</code> |
| </note> |
| </sect1> |
| |
| </chapter> |
| |
| </book> |