blob: 9cbfc33a4fd1432a468f149645c24f980deae9da [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# We should never get here in embedder builds.
assert(perfetto_build_standalone || is_perfetto_build_generator)
# This is to make sure that we don't add accidental dependencies from build
# files in src/ or include/ to buildtools. All deps (outside of /gn/*) should
# go via the groups defined in gn/, not directly into buildtools. This
# is to allow embedders to re-route targets to their third_party directories.
_buildtools_visibility = [
# Used to suppress warnings coming from googletest macros expansions.
# These suppressions apply both to gtest/gmock haders and to perfetto's
# test translation units. See test/gtest_and_gmock.h for the subset of
# suppressions that apply only to the gmock/gtest headers.
config("test_warning_suppressions") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
if (is_clang) {
cflags = [
} else if (!is_win) {
cflags = [
config("libunwindstack_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to suppress
# warnings coming from libunwindstack headers. Doing so would mask warnings
# in our own code.
rebase_path("android-unwinding/libunwindstack/include", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("android-libprocinfo/include", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("android-libbase/include", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("android-core/demangle/include", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("rustc-demangle-capi", root_build_dir),
# TODO(rsavitski): figure out how to cleanly depend on bionic's uapi headers
defines = [
# Config to include gtest.h in test targets.
config("googletest_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
defines = [ "GTEST_LANG_CXX11=1" ]
include_dirs = [
configs = [ ":test_warning_suppressions" ]
source_set("gtest") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
testonly = true
include_dirs = [ "googletest/googletest" ]
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":googletest_config" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":googletest_config" ]
sources = [ "googletest/googletest/src/" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
source_set("gtest_main") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
testonly = true
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
configs += [ ":googletest_config" ]
sources = [ "googletest/googletest/src/" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
source_set("gmock") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
testonly = true
include_dirs = [ "googletest/googlemock" ]
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":googletest_config" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":googletest_config" ]
sources = [ "googletest/googlemock/src/" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
# Configuration used to build libprotobuf_* and the protoc compiler.
config("protobuf_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
# Apply the lighter supressions and macro definitions from above.
configs = [ "//gn:protobuf_gen_config" ]
defines = [ "HAVE_PTHREAD=1" ]
cflags = []
# Fixed upstream in:
# But we don't have that yet.
if (is_mac) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
if (is_gcc) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-stringop-overread" ]
if (is_win) {
cflags += [ "/W0" ]
# Configuration propagated to targets depending on protobuf_full.
config("protobuf_full_public_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = []
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-switch-enum" ]
if (is_win) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-undef" ]
_protobuf_headers = [
source_set("protobuf_lite") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
sources += _protobuf_headers
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
if (is_win) {
# Protobuf has its own #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:win32_lean_and_mean" ]
configs += [ ":protobuf_config" ]
public_configs = [ "//gn:protobuf_gen_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
source_set("protobuf_full") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
deps = [
sources = [
sources += _protobuf_headers
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
if (is_win) {
# Protobuf has its own #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:win32_lean_and_mean" ]
configs += [ ":protobuf_config" ]
public_configs = [
source_set("protoc_lib") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
deps = [
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
if (is_win) {
# Protobuf does has its own #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:win32_lean_and_mean" ]
configs += [ ":protobuf_config" ]
public_configs = [
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
executable("protoc") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
deps = [
sources = [ "protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/" ]
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
if (is_win) {
# Protobuf does has its own #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:win32_lean_and_mean" ]
} # host_toolchain
if (use_custom_libcxx) {
config("libunwind_config") {
cflags = [
# ValueAsBitPattern in Unwind-EHABI.cpp is only used on Debug builds.
# libunwind expects to be compiled with unwind tables so it can
# unwind its own frames.
source_set("libunwind") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
# C++ sources
# C sources
# ASM sources
include_dirs = [
configs -= [
# When building with msan, libunwind itself triggers memory violations
# that causes msan to get stuck into an infinite loop. Just don't
# instrument libunwind itself.
configs += [
# Config applied to both libc++ and libc++abi targets below.
config("libc++config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [ "-fstrict-aliasing" ]
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
# libc++ wants to redefine the macros WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN and
# _CRT_RAND_S in its implementation.
} else {
cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
configs = [ "//gn/standalone:c++20" ]
source_set("libc++abi") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
# Fuchsia builds don't link against any libraries that provide stack
# unwinding symbols, unlike Linux does with glibc (same applies for
# Android). Build and link against libunwind manually to get this
# functionality.
if (is_fuchsia || is_android) {
deps = [ ":libunwind" ]
sources = [
# This file is supposed to be used in fno-exception builds of
# libc++abi. We build lib++/libc++abi with exceptions enabled.
if (!is_tsan) {
sources += [ "libcxxabi/src/cxa_guard.cpp" ]
# See the comment in for why we don't use LLVM's
# demangler on android.
sources += [ "libcxxabi/src/cxa_demangle.cpp" ]
if (is_fuchsia || is_android || is_linux) {
sources += [ "libcxxabi/src/cxa_thread_atexit.cpp" ]
defines = [
# TODO( _LIBCPP_CONSTINIT is defined in a libc++
# revision more recent than the one currently used in Perfetto/Chrome.
configs -= [
configs += [
if (!custom_libcxx_is_static) {
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:visibility_hidden" ]
# libc++abi depends on libc++ internals.
include_dirs = [ "libcxx/src" ]
# Explicitly set version macros to Windows 7 to prevent libc++ from adding a
# hard dependency on GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime, which was introduced in
# Windows 8.
config("libc++winver") {
defines = [
if (custom_libcxx_is_static) {
libcxx_target_type = "source_set"
} else {
libcxx_target_type = "shared_library"
target(libcxx_target_type, "libc++") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
visibility += [ "../gn/standalone/libc++:*" ]
if (is_linux && !is_clang) {
libs = [ "atomic" ]
inputs = [
sources = [
if (!using_sanitizer) {
# In {a,t,m}san configurations, operator new and operator delete will be
# provided by the sanitizer runtime library. Since libc++ defines these
# symbols with weak linkage, and the *san runtime uses strong linkage, it
# should technically be OK to include this file, but it's removed to be
# explicit.
# We need using_sanitizer rather than is_asan || is_msan ... because in
# perfetto, when cross-compiling, we build only targets with sanitizers,
# but not host artifacts, and using_sanitizer is only true for the
# target toolchain, while is_asan is globally true on all toolchains.
sources += [ "libcxx/src/new.cpp" ]
include_dirs = [ "libcxx/src" ]
if (is_win) {
sources += [
configs += [ ":libc++winver" ]
configs -= [
if ((is_android || is_mac) && !custom_libcxx_is_static) {
# Use libc++_perfetto to avoid conflicting with system libc++
output_name = "libc++_perfettto"
configs += [
if (!custom_libcxx_is_static) {
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:visibility_hidden" ]
defines = []
if (custom_libcxx_is_static) {
if (is_mac && is_clang) {
# We want operator new/delete to be private on Mac, but these functions
# are implicitly created by the compiler for each translation unit, as
# specified in the C++ spec 3.7.4p2, which makes them always have
# default visibility. This option is needed to force hidden visibility
# since -fvisibility=hidden doesn't have the desired effect.
cflags = [ "-fvisibility-global-new-delete-hidden" ]
} else {
defines += [
# This resets the visibility to default only for the various
# flavors of operator new and operator delete. These symbols
# are weak and get overriden by Chromium-provided ones, but if
# these symbols had hidden visibility, this would make the
# Chromium symbols hidden too because elf visibility rules
# require that linkers use the least visible form when merging,
# and if this is hidden, then when we merge it with tcmalloc's
# operator new, hidden visibility would win. However, tcmalloc
# needs a visible operator new to also override operator new
# references from system libraries.
# TODO(lld): Ask lld for a --force-public-visibility flag or
# similar to that overrides the default elf merging rules, and
# make tcmalloc's gn config pass that to all its dependencies,
# then remove this override here.
if (!is_mac && using_sanitizer && (is_asan || is_tsan || is_msan)) {
# In {a,t,m}san configurations, operator new and operator delete will be
# provided by the sanitizer runtime library. Since libc++ defines these
# symbols with weak linkage, and the *san runtime uses strong linkage, it
# should technically be OK to omit this, but it's added to be explicit.
if (!is_win) {
deps = [ ":libc++abi" ]
} # if (use_custom_libcxx)
config("benchmark_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [ "benchmark/include" ]
configs = [ ":test_warning_suppressions" ]
source_set("benchmark") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
testonly = true
sources = [
defines = [ "HAVE_POSIX_REGEX" ]
public_configs = [ ":benchmark_config" ]
all_dependent_configs = [ ":benchmark_config" ]
if (!is_win) {
cflags = [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
# On Linux/Android use libbacktrace in debug builds for better stacktraces.
if (is_linux || is_android) {
config("libbacktrace_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [
cflags = [
# We force include this config file because "config.h" is too generic as a
# file name and on some platforms #include "config.h" ends up colliding
# importing some other project's config.h.
rebase_path("libbacktrace_config/config.h", root_build_dir),
source_set("libbacktrace") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":libbacktrace_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
config("sqlite_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [ "sqlite" ]
cflags = [
if (is_clang && is_win) {
# SQLite uses __int64 which clang complains about unless
# we specify this flag.
cflags += [ "-Wno-language-extension-token" ]
source_set("sqlite") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
if (perfetto_use_system_sqlite) {
# Use the system sqlite library instead of the hermetic one.
libs = [ "sqlite3" ]
} else {
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":sqlite_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
source_set("lzma") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
defines = [ "_7ZIP_ST" ]
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
cflags = [
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
source_set("zlib") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":zlib_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
if (is_win) {
defines = [ "X86_WINDOWS" ]
# TODO(primiano): look into ADLER32_SIMD_SSSE3 and other SIMD optimizations
# (from chromium's third_party/zlib/
config("zlib_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
defines = [
cflags = [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to suppress
# warnings coming from third-party headers. Doing so would mask warnings in
# our own code.
rebase_path("zlib", root_build_dir),
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [
source_set("zstd") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":zstd_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
config("zstd_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
rebase_path("zstd", root_build_dir),
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
defines = [ "ZSTD_DISABLE_ASM" ]
# For standalone profiler builds.
source_set("libunwindstack") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [
deps = [
sources = [
if (!is_android) {
sources += [
} else {
sources += [ "android-unwinding/libunwindstack/LogAndroid.cpp" ]
if (current_cpu == "x86") {
sources += [ "android-unwinding/libunwindstack/AsmGetRegsX86.S" ]
} else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
sources += [ "android-unwinding/libunwindstack/AsmGetRegsX86_64.S" ]
configs -= [
cflags = [ "-DFAKE_LOG_DEVICE=1" ]
if (!is_win) {
cflags += [
public_configs = [ ":libunwindstack_config" ]
config("bionic_kernel_uapi_headers") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
rebase_path("bionic/libc/kernel", root_build_dir),
config("jsoncpp_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [ "-DJSON_USE_EXCEPTION=0" ]
cflags += [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to suppress
# warnings coming from third-party headers. Doing so would mask warnings in
# our own code.
rebase_path("jsoncpp/include", root_build_dir),
if (!is_win) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" ]
if (is_clang && is_win) {
# JSON uses __int64 which clang complains about unless we specify this flag.
cflags += [ "-Wno-language-extension-token" ]
source_set("jsoncpp") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":jsoncpp_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
config("no_format_warning") {
if (!is_win || is_clang) {
cflags = [ "-Wno-format" ]
if (enable_perfetto_trace_processor_mac_instruments) {
config("expat_public_config") {
defines = [ "XML_STATIC" ]
cflags = [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to
# suppress warnings coming from third-party headers. Doing so would mask
# warnings in our own code.
rebase_path("expat/src/expat/lib", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("expat/include", root_build_dir),
source_set("expat") {
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":expat_public_config" ]
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
configs += [ ":no_format_warning" ]
defines = [
config("linenoise_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to suppress
# warnings coming from third-party headers. Doing so would mask warnings in
# our own code.
rebase_path("linenoise", root_build_dir),
source_set("linenoise") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":linenoise_config" ]
cflags = [ "-Wno-tautological-unsigned-zero-compare" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
if (use_libfuzzer) {
source_set("libfuzzer") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
configs -= [
sources = [
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
config("llvm_demangle_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [ "llvm-project/llvm/include" ]
source_set("llvm_demangle") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
configs -= [ "//gn/standalone:extra_warnings" ]
public_configs = [ ":llvm_demangle_config" ]
sources = [
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
if (enable_perfetto_grpc) {
config("grpc_absl_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [ "grpc/src/third_party/abseil-cpp" ]
cflags = [
config("grpc_boringssl_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [ "grpc/src/third_party/boringssl-with-bazel/src/include" ]
if (is_gcc) {
cflags = [ "-Wno-stringop-overflow" ]
config("grpc_upb_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [
config("grpc_re2_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [ "grpc/src/third_party/re2" ]
config("grpc_internal_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
include_dirs = [
cflags = [ "-DGRPC_ARES=0" ]
if (is_gcc) {
cflags += [
config("grpc_gen_config") {
cflags = [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to
# suppress warnings coming from libprotobuf headers. Doing so would mask
# warnings in our own code.
rebase_path("grpc/src/include", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("grpc/src/third_party/abseil-cpp", root_build_dir),
# This issues appear in .grpc.pb.h files so we unfortunately need to leak
# the cflags outside of just compiling this code.
if (is_clang && !is_win) {
cflags += [
config("grpc_public_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
rebase_path("grpc/src/include", root_build_dir),
config("cpp_httplib_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
rebase_path("cpp-httplib", root_build_dir),
source_set("cpp_httplib") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [ "cpp-httplib/httplib.h" ]
public_configs = [ ":cpp_httplib_config" ]
deps = [ "//gn:default_deps" ]
if (enable_perfetto_etm_importer) {
config("open_csd_config") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
cflags = [
# Using -isystem instead of include_dirs (-I), so we don't need to
# suppress warnings coming from third-party headers. Doing so would mask
# warnings in our own code.
rebase_path("open_csd/decoder/include", root_build_dir),
source_set("open_csd") {
visibility = _buildtools_visibility
sources = [
cflags = [
configs -= [
include_dirs = [ "open_csd/decoder/include" ]
public_configs = [ ":open_csd_config" ]