| PFFFT: a pretty fast FFT. |
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| TL;DR |
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| PFFFT does 1D Fast Fourier Transforms, of single precision real and |
| complex vectors. It tries do it fast, it tries to be correct, and it |
| tries to be small. Computations do take advantage of SSE1 instructions |
| on x86 cpus, Altivec on powerpc cpus, and NEON on ARM cpus. The |
| license is BSD-like. |
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| Why does it exist: |
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| I was in search of a good performing FFT library , preferably very |
| small and with a very liberal license. |
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| When one says "fft library", FFTW ("Fastest Fourier Transform in the |
| West") is probably the first name that comes to mind -- I guess that |
| 99% of open-source projects that need a FFT do use FFTW, and are happy |
| with it. However, it is quite a large library , which does everything |
| fft related (2d transforms, 3d transforms, other transformations such |
| as discrete cosine , or fast hartley). And it is licensed under the |
| GNU GPL , which means that it cannot be used in non open-source |
| products. |
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| An alternative to FFTW that is really small, is the venerable FFTPACK |
| v4, which is available on NETLIB. A more recent version (v5) exists, |
| but it is larger as it deals with multi-dimensional transforms. This |
| is a library that is written in FORTRAN 77, a language that is now |
| considered as a bit antiquated by many. FFTPACKv4 was written in 1985, |
| by Dr Paul Swarztrauber of NCAR, more than 25 years ago ! And despite |
| its age, benchmarks show it that it still a very good performing FFT |
| library, see for example the 1d single precision benchmarks here: |
| http://www.fftw.org/speed/opteron-2.2GHz-32bit/ . It is however not |
| competitive with the fastest ones, such as FFTW, Intel MKL, AMD ACML, |
| Apple vDSP. The reason for that is that those libraries do take |
| advantage of the SSE SIMD instructions available on Intel CPUs, |
| available since the days of the Pentium III. These instructions deal |
| with small vectors of 4 floats at a time, instead of a single float |
| for a traditionnal FPU, so when using these instructions one may expect |
| a 4-fold performance improvement. |
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| The idea was to take this fortran fftpack v4 code, translate to C, |
| modify it to deal with those SSE instructions, and check that the |
| final performance is not completely ridiculous when compared to other |
| SIMD FFT libraries. Translation to C was performed with f2c ( |
| http://www.netlib.org/f2c/ ). The resulting file was a bit edited in |
| order to remove the thousands of gotos that were introduced by |
| f2c. You will find the fftpack.h and fftpack.c sources in the |
| repository, this a complete translation of |
| http://www.netlib.org/fftpack/ , with the discrete cosine transform |
| and the test program. There is no license information in the netlib |
| repository, but it was confirmed to me by the fftpack v5 curators that |
| the same terms do apply to fftpack v4: |
| http://www.cisl.ucar.edu/css/software/fftpack5/ftpk.html . This is a |
| "BSD-like" license, it is compatible with proprietary projects. |
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| Adapting fftpack to deal with the SIMD 4-element vectors instead of |
| scalar single precision numbers was more complex than I originally |
| thought, especially with the real transforms, and I ended up writing |
| more code than I planned.. |
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| The code: |
| -- |
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| Only two files, in good old C, pffft.c and pffft.h . The API is very |
| very simple, just make sure that you read the comments in pffft.h. |
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| Comparison with other FFTs: |
| -- |
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| The idea was not to break speed records, but to get a decently fast |
| fft that is at least 50% as fast as the fastest FFT -- especially on |
| slowest computers . I'm more focused on getting the best performance |
| on slow cpus (Atom, Intel Core 1, old Athlons, ARM Cortex-A9...), than |
| on getting top performance on today fastest cpus. |
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| It can be used in a real-time context as the fft functions do not |
| perform any memory allocation -- that is why they accept a 'work' |
| array in their arguments. |
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| It is also a bit focused on performing 1D convolutions, that is why it |
| provides "unordered" FFTs , and a fourier domain convolution |
| operation. |
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