| /* |
| Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Pommier. |
| |
| Small test & bench for PFFFT, comparing its performance with the scalar FFTPACK, FFTW, and Apple vDSP |
| |
| How to build: |
| |
| on linux, with fftw3: |
| gcc -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -msse -mfpmath=sse -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -lm |
| |
| on macos, without fftw3: |
| clang -o test_pffft -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -framework Accelerate |
| |
| on macos, with fftw3: |
| clang -o test_pffft -DHAVE_FFTW -DHAVE_VECLIB -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include/ -lfftw3f -framework Accelerate |
| |
| as alternative: replace clang by gcc. |
| |
| on windows, with visual c++: |
| cl /Ox -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES /arch:SSE test_pffft.c pffft.c fftpack.c |
| |
| build without SIMD instructions: |
| gcc -o test_pffft -DPFFFT_SIMD_DISABLE -O3 -Wall -W pffft.c test_pffft.c fftpack.c -lm |
| |
| */ |
| |
| #include "pffft.h" |
| #include "fftpack.h" |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_GREEN_FFTS |
| #include "fftext.h" |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_KISS_FFT |
| #include <kiss_fft.h> |
| #include <kiss_fftr.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| #include <math.h> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <time.h> |
| #include <assert.h> |
| #include <string.h> |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIMES |
| # include <sys/times.h> |
| # include <unistd.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_VECLIB |
| # include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_FFTW |
| # include <fftw3.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifndef M_LN2 |
| #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 /* log_e 2 */ |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| #define NUM_FFT_ALGOS 8 |
| enum { |
| ALGO_PFFFT_U, /* = 6 */ |
| ALGO_PFFFT_O /* = 7 */ |
| }; |
| |
| #define NUM_TYPES 7 |
| enum { |
| TYPE_PREP = 0, /* time for preparation in ms */ |
| TYPE_DUR_NS = 1, /* time per fft in ns */ |
| TYPE_DUR_FASTEST = 2, /* relative time to fastest */ |
| TYPE_REL_PFFFT = 3, /* relative time to ALGO_PFFFT */ |
| TYPE_ITER = 4, /* # of iterations in measurement */ |
| TYPE_MFLOPS = 5, /* MFlops/sec */ |
| TYPE_DUR_TOT = 6 /* test duration in sec */ |
| }; |
| /* double tmeas[NUM_TYPES][NUM_FFT_ALGOS]; */ |
| |
| const char * algoName[NUM_FFT_ALGOS] = { |
| "FFTPack ", |
| "vDSP (vec) ", |
| "FFTW(estim) ", |
| "FFTW (auto) ", |
| "Green ", |
| "Kiss ", |
| "PFFFT-U(simd)", /* unordered */ |
| "PFFFT (simd) " /* ordered */ |
| }; |
| |
| |
| int compiledInAlgo[NUM_FFT_ALGOS] = { |
| 1, /* "FFTPack " */ |
| #ifdef HAVE_VECLIB |
| 1, /* "vDSP (vec) " */ |
| #else |
| 0, |
| #endif |
| #ifdef HAVE_FFTW |
| 1, /* "FFTW(estim)" */ |
| 1, /* "FFTW (auto)" */ |
| #else |
| 0, 0, |
| #endif |
| #ifdef HAVE_GREEN_FFTS |
| 1, /* "Green " */ |
| #else |
| 0, |
| #endif |
| #ifdef HAVE_KISS_FFT |
| 1, /* "Kiss " */ |
| #else |
| 0, |
| #endif |
| 1, /* "PFFFT_U " */ |
| 1 /* "PFFFT_O " */ |
| }; |
| |
| const char * algoTableHeader[NUM_FFT_ALGOS][2] = { |
| { "| real FFTPack ", "| cplx FFTPack " }, |
| { "| real vDSP ", "| cplx vDSP " }, |
| { "|real FFTWestim", "|cplx FFTWestim" }, |
| { "|real FFTWauto ", "|cplx FFTWauto " }, |
| { "| real Green ", "| cplx Green " }, |
| { "| real Kiss ", "| cplx Kiss " }, |
| { "| real PFFFT-U ", "| cplx PFFFT-U " }, |
| { "| real PFFFT ", "| cplx PFFFT " } }; |
| |
| const char * typeText[NUM_TYPES] = { |
| "preparation in ms", |
| "time per fft in ns", |
| "relative to fastest", |
| "relative to pffft", |
| "measured_num_iters", |
| "mflops", |
| "test duration in sec" |
| }; |
| |
| const char * typeFilenamePart[NUM_TYPES] = { |
| "1-preparation-in-ms", |
| "2-timePerFft-in-ns", |
| "3-rel-fastest", |
| "4-rel-pffft", |
| "5-num-iter", |
| "6-mflops", |
| "7-duration-in-sec" |
| }; |
| |
| #define SAVE_ALL_TYPES 0 |
| |
| const int saveType[NUM_TYPES] = { |
| 1, /* "1-preparation-in-ms" */ |
| 0, /* "2-timePerFft-in-ns" */ |
| 0, /* "3-rel-fastest" */ |
| 1, /* "4-rel-pffft" */ |
| 1, /* "5-num-iter" */ |
| 1, /* "6-mflops" */ |
| 1, /* "7-duration-in-sec" */ |
| }; |
| |
| |
| #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) |
| #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) |
| |
| unsigned Log2(unsigned v) { |
| /* we don't need speed records .. obvious way is good enough */ |
| /* https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#IntegerLogObvious */ |
| /* Find the log base 2 of an integer with the MSB N set in O(N) operations (the obvious way): |
| * unsigned v: 32-bit word to find the log base 2 of */ |
| unsigned r = 0; /* r will be lg(v) */ |
| while (v >>= 1) |
| { |
| r++; |
| } |
| return r; |
| } |
| |
| |
| double frand() { |
| return rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIMES) |
| inline double uclock_sec(void) { |
| static double ttclk = 0.; |
| struct tms t; |
| if (ttclk == 0.) |
| ttclk = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); |
| times(&t); |
| /* use only the user time of this process - not realtime, which depends on OS-scheduler .. */ |
| return ((double)t.tms_utime)) / ttclk; |
| } |
| # else |
| double uclock_sec(void) |
| { return (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| /* compare results with the regular fftpack */ |
| void pffft_validate_N(int N, int cplx) { |
| int Nfloat = N*(cplx?2:1); |
| int Nbytes = Nfloat * sizeof(float); |
| float *ref, *in, *out, *tmp, *tmp2; |
| PFFFT_Setup *s = pffft_new_setup(N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL); |
| int pass; |
| |
| if (!s) { printf("Skipping N=%d, not supported\n", N); return; } |
| ref = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| in = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| out = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| tmp = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| tmp2 = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| |
| for (pass=0; pass < 2; ++pass) { |
| float ref_max = 0; |
| int k; |
| /* printf("N=%d pass=%d cplx=%d\n", N, pass, cplx); */ |
| /* compute reference solution with FFTPACK */ |
| if (pass == 0) { |
| float *wrk = malloc(2*Nbytes+15*sizeof(float)); |
| for (k=0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| ref[k] = in[k] = frand()*2-1; |
| out[k] = 1e30; |
| } |
| if (!cplx) { |
| rffti(N, wrk); |
| rfftf(N, ref, wrk); |
| /* use our ordering for real ffts instead of the one of fftpack */ |
| { |
| float refN=ref[N-1]; |
| for (k=N-2; k >= 1; --k) ref[k+1] = ref[k]; |
| ref[1] = refN; |
| } |
| } else { |
| cffti(N, wrk); |
| cfftf(N, ref, wrk); |
| } |
| free(wrk); |
| } |
| |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) ref_max = MAX(ref_max, fabs(ref[k])); |
| |
| |
| /* pass 0 : non canonical ordering of transform coefficients */ |
| if (pass == 0) { |
| /* test forward transform, with different input / output */ |
| pffft_transform(s, in, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| memcpy(tmp2, tmp, Nbytes); |
| memcpy(tmp, in, Nbytes); |
| pffft_transform(s, tmp, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| assert(tmp2[k] == tmp[k]); |
| } |
| |
| /* test reordering */ |
| pffft_zreorder(s, tmp, out, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| pffft_zreorder(s, out, tmp, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| assert(tmp2[k] == tmp[k]); |
| } |
| pffft_zreorder(s, tmp, out, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| } else { |
| /* pass 1 : canonical ordering of transform coeffs. */ |
| pffft_transform_ordered(s, in, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| memcpy(tmp2, tmp, Nbytes); |
| memcpy(tmp, in, Nbytes); |
| pffft_transform_ordered(s, tmp, tmp, 0, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| assert(tmp2[k] == tmp[k]); |
| } |
| memcpy(out, tmp, Nbytes); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| for (k=0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| if (!(fabs(ref[k] - out[k]) < 1e-3*ref_max)) { |
| printf("%s forward PFFFT mismatch found for N=%d\n", (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), N); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (pass == 0) pffft_transform(s, tmp, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| else pffft_transform_ordered(s, tmp, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| memcpy(tmp2, out, Nbytes); |
| memcpy(out, tmp, Nbytes); |
| if (pass == 0) pffft_transform(s, out, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| else pffft_transform_ordered(s, out, out, 0, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| assert(tmp2[k] == out[k]); |
| out[k] *= 1.f/N; |
| } |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| if (fabs(in[k] - out[k]) > 1e-3 * ref_max) { |
| printf("pass=%d, %s IFFFT does not match for N=%d\n", pass, (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), N); break; |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* quick test of the circular convolution in fft domain */ |
| { |
| float conv_err = 0, conv_max = 0; |
| |
| pffft_zreorder(s, ref, tmp, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| memset(out, 0, Nbytes); |
| pffft_zconvolve_accumulate(s, ref, ref, out, 1.0); |
| pffft_zreorder(s, out, tmp2, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| |
| for (k=0; k < Nfloat; k += 2) { |
| float ar = tmp[k], ai=tmp[k+1]; |
| if (cplx || k > 0) { |
| tmp[k] = ar*ar - ai*ai; |
| tmp[k+1] = 2*ar*ai; |
| } else { |
| tmp[0] = ar*ar; |
| tmp[1] = ai*ai; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (k=0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| float d = fabs(tmp[k] - tmp2[k]), e = fabs(tmp[k]); |
| if (d > conv_err) conv_err = d; |
| if (e > conv_max) conv_max = e; |
| } |
| if (conv_err > 1e-5*conv_max) { |
| printf("zconvolve error ? %g %g\n", conv_err, conv_max); exit(1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| printf("%s PFFFT is OK for N=%d\n", (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), N); fflush(stdout); |
| |
| pffft_destroy_setup(s); |
| pffft_aligned_free(ref); |
| pffft_aligned_free(in); |
| pffft_aligned_free(out); |
| pffft_aligned_free(tmp); |
| pffft_aligned_free(tmp2); |
| } |
| |
| void pffft_validate(int cplx) { |
| static int Ntest[] = { 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 288, 384, 5*96, 512, 576, 5*128, 800, 864, 1024, 2048, 2592, 4000, 4096, 12000, 36864, 0}; |
| int k; |
| for (k = 0; Ntest[k]; ++k) { |
| int N = Ntest[k]; |
| if (N == 16 && !cplx) continue; |
| pffft_validate_N(N, cplx); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int array_output_format = 1; |
| |
| |
| void print_table(const char *txt, FILE *tableFile) { |
| fprintf(stdout, "%s", txt); |
| if (tableFile && tableFile != stdout) |
| fprintf(tableFile, "%s", txt); |
| } |
| |
| void print_table_flops(float mflops, FILE *tableFile) { |
| fprintf(stdout, "|%11.0f ", mflops); |
| if (tableFile && tableFile != stdout) |
| fprintf(tableFile, "|%11.0f ", mflops); |
| } |
| |
| void print_table_fftsize(int N, FILE *tableFile) { |
| fprintf(stdout, "|%9d ", N); |
| if (tableFile && tableFile != stdout) |
| fprintf(tableFile, "|%9d ", N); |
| } |
| |
| double show_output(const char *name, int N, int cplx, float flops, float t0, float t1, int max_iter, FILE *tableFile) { |
| double T = (double)(t1-t0)/2/max_iter * 1e9; |
| float mflops = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| if (array_output_format) { |
| if (flops != -1) |
| print_table_flops(mflops, tableFile); |
| else |
| print_table("| n/a ", tableFile); |
| } else { |
| if (flops != -1) { |
| printf("N=%5d, %s %16s : %6.0f MFlops [t=%6.0f ns, %d runs]\n", N, (cplx?"CPLX":"REAL"), name, mflops, (t1-t0)/2/max_iter * 1e9, max_iter); |
| } |
| } |
| fflush(stdout); |
| return T; |
| } |
| |
| void test_pffft_mem_align() |
| { |
| int N, k; |
| for ( N = 1; N < 4096; ++N ) { |
| float * p0 = pffft_aligned_malloc( N * sizeof(float) ); |
| float * p = p0; /* pffft_aligned_addr(p0); */ |
| for ( k = 0; k < N; ++k ) |
| p[k] = k; |
| pffft_aligned_free(p0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| double cal_benchmark(int N, int cplx) { |
| const int log2N = Log2(N); |
| int Nfloat = (cplx ? N*2 : N); |
| int Nbytes = Nfloat * sizeof(float); |
| float *X = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes), *Y = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes), *Z = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| double t0, t1, tstop, T, nI; |
| int k, iter; |
| |
| assert( pffft_is_power_of_two(N) ); |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; ++k) { |
| X[k] = sqrtf(k+1); |
| } |
| |
| /* PFFFT-U (unordered) benchmark */ |
| PFFFT_Setup *s = pffft_new_setup(N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL); |
| assert(s); |
| iter = 0; |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + 0.25; /* benchmark duration: 250 ms */ |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < 512; ++k ) { |
| pffft_transform(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| pffft_transform(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| ++iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| pffft_destroy_setup(s); |
| pffft_aligned_free(X); |
| pffft_aligned_free(Y); |
| pffft_aligned_free(Z); |
| |
| T = ( t1 - t0 ); /* duration per fft() */ |
| nI = ((double)iter) * ( log2N * N ); /* number of iterations "normalized" to O(N) = N*log2(N) */ |
| return (nI / T); /* normalized iterations per second */ |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| void benchmark_ffts(int N, int cplx, int withFFTWfullMeas, double iterCal, double tmeas[NUM_TYPES][NUM_FFT_ALGOS], int haveAlgo[NUM_FFT_ALGOS], FILE *tableFile ) { |
| const int log2N = Log2(N); |
| int nextPow2N = pffft_next_power_of_two(N); |
| int log2NextN = Log2(nextPow2N); |
| int pffftPow2N = N; |
| #else |
| int pffftPow2N = ( cplx ? ( MAX(N, 16) ) : ( MAX(N, 32) ) ); |
| #endif |
| |
| int Nfloat = (cplx ? MAX(nextPow2N, pffftPow2N)*2 : MAX(nextPow2N, pffftPow2N)); |
| int Nmax, k, iter; |
| int Nbytes = Nfloat * sizeof(float); |
| |
| float *X = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes + sizeof(float)), *Y = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes + 2*sizeof(float) ), *Z = pffft_aligned_malloc(Nbytes); |
| double te, t0, t1, tstop, flops, Tfastest; |
| |
| const double max_test_duration = 0.150; /* test duration 150 ms */ |
| double numIter = max_test_duration * iterCal / ( log2N * N ); /* number of iteration for max_test_duration */ |
| const int step_iter = MAX(1, ((int)(0.01 * numIter)) ); /* one hundredth */ |
| int max_iter = MAX(1, ((int)numIter) ); /* minimum 1 iteration */ |
| |
| const float checkVal = 12345.0F; |
| |
| /* printf("benchmark_ffts(N = %d, cplx = %d): Nfloat = %d, X_mem = 0x%p, X = %p\n", N, cplx, Nfloat, X_mem, X); */ |
| |
| memset( X, 0, Nfloat * sizeof(float) ); |
| if ( Nfloat < 32 ) { |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; k += 4) |
| X[k] = sqrtf(k+1); |
| } else { |
| for (k = 0; k < Nfloat; k += (Nfloat/16) ) |
| X[k] = sqrtf(k+1); |
| } |
| |
| for ( k = 0; k < NUM_TYPES; ++k ) |
| { |
| for ( iter = 0; iter < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++iter ) |
| tmeas[k][iter] = 0.0; |
| } |
| |
| |
| /* FFTPack benchmark */ |
| Nmax = (cplx ? N*2 : N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| { |
| float *wrk = malloc(2*Nbytes + 15*sizeof(float)); |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| if (cplx) cffti(N, wrk); |
| else rffti(N, wrk); |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| if (cplx) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| cfftf(N, X, wrk); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| cfftb(N, X, wrk); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } else { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| rfftf(N, X, wrk); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| rfftb(N, X, wrk); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| free(wrk); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_FFTPACK] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_FFTPACK] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_FFTPACK] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_FFTPACK] = show_output("FFTPack", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_FFTPACK] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_FFTPACK] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_VECLIB |
| Nmax = (cplx ? nextPow2N*2 : nextPow2N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| if ( 1 || pffft_is_power_of_two(N) ) { |
| FFTSetup setup; |
| |
| setup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2NextN, FFT_RADIX2); |
| DSPSplitComplex zsamples; |
| zsamples.realp = &X[0]; |
| zsamples.imagp = &X[Nfloat/2]; |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| if (cplx) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| vDSP_fft_zip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2NextN, kFFTDirection_Forward); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| vDSP_fft_zip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2NextN, kFFTDirection_Inverse); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } else { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| vDSP_fft_zrip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2NextN, kFFTDirection_Forward); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| vDSP_fft_zrip(setup, &zsamples, 1, log2NextN, kFFTDirection_Inverse); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| vDSP_destroy_fftsetup(setup); |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_VECLIB] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_VECLIB] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_VECLIB] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_VECLIB] = show_output("vDSP", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_VECLIB] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_VECLIB] = 1; |
| } else { |
| show_output("vDSP", N, cplx, -1, -1, -1, -1, tableFile); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_FFTW |
| Nmax = (cplx ? N*2 : N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| { |
| /* int flags = (N <= (256*1024) ? FFTW_MEASURE : FFTW_ESTIMATE); measure takes a lot of time on largest ffts */ |
| int flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE; |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| fftwf_plan planf, planb; |
| fftw_complex *in = (fftw_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); |
| fftw_complex *out = (fftw_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); |
| memset(in, 0, sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); |
| if (cplx) { |
| planf = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, FFTW_FORWARD, flags); |
| planb = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, FFTW_BACKWARD, flags); |
| } else { |
| planf = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d(N, (float*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, flags); |
| planb = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (float*)out, flags); |
| } |
| |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| fftwf_execute(planf); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| fftwf_execute(planb); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| fftwf_destroy_plan(planf); |
| fftwf_destroy_plan(planb); |
| fftwf_free(in); fftwf_free(out); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM] = show_output((flags == FFTW_MEASURE ? algoName[ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] : algoName[ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM]), N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM] = 1; |
| } |
| Nmax = (cplx ? N*2 : N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| do { |
| /* int flags = (N <= (256*1024) ? FFTW_MEASURE : FFTW_ESTIMATE); measure takes a lot of time on largest ffts */ |
| /* int flags = FFTW_MEASURE; */ |
| #if ( defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__arm64__) ) |
| int limitFFTsize = 31; /* takes over a second on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ -- and much much more on higher ffts sizes! */ |
| #else |
| int limitFFTsize = 2400; /* take over a second on i7 for fft size 2400 */ |
| #endif |
| int flags = (N < limitFFTsize ? FFTW_MEASURE : (withFFTWfullMeas ? FFTW_MEASURE : FFTW_ESTIMATE)); |
| |
| if (flags == FFTW_ESTIMATE) { |
| show_output((flags == FFTW_MEASURE ? algoName[ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] : algoName[ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM]), N, cplx, -1, -1, -1, -1, tableFile); |
| /* copy values from estimation */ |
| } else { |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| fftwf_plan planf, planb; |
| fftw_complex *in = (fftw_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); |
| fftw_complex *out = (fftw_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); |
| memset(in, 0, sizeof(fftw_complex) * N); |
| if (cplx) { |
| planf = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, FFTW_FORWARD, flags); |
| planb = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, FFTW_BACKWARD, flags); |
| } else { |
| planf = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d(N, (float*)in, (fftwf_complex*)out, flags); |
| planb = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d(N, (fftwf_complex*)in, (float*)out, flags); |
| } |
| |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| fftwf_execute(planf); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| fftwf_execute(planb); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| fftwf_destroy_plan(planf); |
| fftwf_destroy_plan(planb); |
| fftwf_free(in); fftwf_free(out); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = show_output((flags == FFTW_MEASURE ? algoName[ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] : algoName[ALGO_FFTW_ESTIM]), N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = 1; |
| } |
| } while (0); |
| #else |
| (void)withFFTWfullMeas; |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_GREEN_FFTS |
| Nmax = (cplx ? nextPow2N*2 : nextPow2N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| if ( 1 || pffft_is_power_of_two(N) ) |
| { |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| fftInit(log2NextN); |
| |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| if (cplx) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| ffts(X, log2NextN, 1); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| iffts(X, log2NextN, 1); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } else { |
| rffts(X, log2NextN, 1); |
| riffts(X, log2NextN, 1); |
| } |
| |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| fftFree(); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_GREEN] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_GREEN] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_GREEN] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_GREEN] = show_output("Green", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_GREEN] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_GREEN] = 1; |
| } else { |
| show_output("Green", N, cplx, -1, -1, -1, -1, tableFile); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_KISS_FFT |
| Nmax = (cplx ? nextPow2N*2 : nextPow2N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| if ( 1 || pffft_is_power_of_two(N) ) |
| { |
| kiss_fft_cfg stf; |
| kiss_fft_cfg sti; |
| kiss_fftr_cfg stfr; |
| kiss_fftr_cfg stir; |
| |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| if (cplx) { |
| stf = kiss_fft_alloc(nextPow2N, 0, 0, 0); |
| sti = kiss_fft_alloc(nextPow2N, 1, 0, 0); |
| } else { |
| stfr = kiss_fftr_alloc(nextPow2N, 0, 0, 0); |
| stir = kiss_fftr_alloc(nextPow2N, 1, 0, 0); |
| } |
| |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| if (cplx) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| kiss_fft(stf, (const kiss_fft_cpx *)X, (kiss_fft_cpx *)Y); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| kiss_fft(sti, (const kiss_fft_cpx *)Y, (kiss_fft_cpx *)X); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } else { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| kiss_fftr(stfr, X, (kiss_fft_cpx *)Y); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| kiss_fftri(stir, (const kiss_fft_cpx *)Y, X); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| } |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| kiss_fft_cleanup(); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_KISS] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_KISS] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_KISS] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_KISS] = show_output("Kiss", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_KISS] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_KISS] = 1; |
| } else { |
| show_output("Kiss", N, cplx, -1, -1, -1, -1, tableFile); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| /* PFFFT-U (unordered) benchmark */ |
| Nmax = (cplx ? pffftPow2N*2 : pffftPow2N); |
| X[Nmax] = checkVal; |
| { |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| PFFFT_Setup *s = pffft_new_setup(pffftPow2N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL); |
| if (s) { |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| pffft_transform(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| pffft_transform(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| pffft_destroy_setup(s); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_PFFFT_U] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_PFFFT_U] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_PFFFT_U] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_PFFFT_U] = show_output("PFFFT-U", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_PFFFT_U] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_PFFFT_U] = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| te = uclock_sec(); |
| PFFFT_Setup *s = pffft_new_setup(pffftPow2N, cplx ? PFFFT_COMPLEX : PFFFT_REAL); |
| if (s) { |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| tstop = t0 + max_test_duration; |
| max_iter = 0; |
| do { |
| for ( k = 0; k < step_iter; ++k ) { |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| pffft_transform_ordered(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_FORWARD); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| pffft_transform_ordered(s, X, Z, Y, PFFFT_BACKWARD); |
| assert( X[Nmax] == checkVal ); |
| ++max_iter; |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| } while ( t1 < tstop ); |
| |
| pffft_destroy_setup(s); |
| |
| flops = (max_iter*2) * ((cplx ? 5 : 2.5)*N*log((double)N)/M_LN2); /* see http://www.fftw.org/speed/method.html */ |
| tmeas[TYPE_ITER][ALGO_PFFFT_O] = max_iter; |
| tmeas[TYPE_MFLOPS][ALGO_PFFFT_O] = flops/1e6/(t1 - t0 + 1e-16); |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_TOT][ALGO_PFFFT_O] = t1 - t0; |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_PFFFT_O] = show_output("PFFFT", N, cplx, flops, t0, t1, max_iter, tableFile); |
| tmeas[TYPE_PREP][ALGO_PFFFT_O] = (t0 - te) * 1e3; |
| haveAlgo[ALGO_PFFFT_O] = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| { |
| printf("prepare/ms: "); |
| for ( iter = 0; iter < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++iter ) |
| { |
| if ( haveAlgo[iter] && tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] > 0.0 ) { |
| printf("%s %.3f ", algoName[iter], tmeas[TYPE_PREP][iter] ); |
| } |
| } |
| printf("\n"); |
| } |
| Tfastest = 0.0; |
| for ( iter = 0; iter < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++iter ) |
| { |
| if ( Tfastest == 0.0 || ( tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] != 0.0 && tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] < Tfastest ) ) |
| Tfastest = tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter]; |
| } |
| if ( Tfastest > 0.0 ) |
| { |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| printf("relative fast: "); |
| for ( iter = 0; iter < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++iter ) |
| { |
| if ( haveAlgo[iter] && tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] > 0.0 ) { |
| tmeas[TYPE_DUR_FASTEST][iter] = tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] / Tfastest; |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| printf("%s %.3f ", algoName[iter], tmeas[TYPE_DUR_FASTEST][iter] ); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| printf("\n"); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| printf("relative pffft: "); |
| for ( iter = 0; iter < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++iter ) |
| { |
| if ( haveAlgo[iter] && tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] > 0.0 ) { |
| tmeas[TYPE_REL_PFFFT][iter] = tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][iter] / tmeas[TYPE_DUR_NS][ALGO_PFFFT_O]; |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| printf("%s %.3f ", algoName[iter], tmeas[TYPE_REL_PFFFT][iter] ); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!array_output_format) |
| printf("\n"); |
| } |
| |
| if (!array_output_format) { |
| printf("--\n"); |
| } |
| |
| pffft_aligned_free(X); |
| pffft_aligned_free(Y); |
| pffft_aligned_free(Z); |
| } |
| |
| void validate_pffft_simd(); /* a small function inside pffft.c that will detect compiler bugs with respect to simd instruction */ |
| #endif |
| |
| |
| |
| int main(int argc, char **argv) { |
| /* unfortunately, the fft size must be a multiple of 16 for complex FFTs |
| and 32 for real FFTs -- a lot of stuff would need to be rewritten to |
| handle other cases (or maybe just switch to a scalar fft, I don't know..) */ |
| |
| #if 0 /* include powers of 2 ? */ |
| #define NUMNONPOW2LENS 23 |
| int NnonPow2[NUMNONPOW2LENS] = { |
| 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 384, 5*96, 512, 5*128, |
| 3*256, 800, 1024, 2048, 2400, 4096, 8192, 9*1024, 16384, 32768, |
| 256*1024, 1024*1024, -1 }; |
| #else |
| #define NUMNONPOW2LENS 11 |
| int NnonPow2[NUMNONPOW2LENS] = { |
| 96, 160, 192, 384, 5*96, 5*128,3*256, 800, 2400, 9*1024, |
| -1 }; |
| #endif |
| |
| #define NUMPOW2FFTLENS 21 |
| int Npow2[NUMPOW2FFTLENS]; /* exp = 1 .. 20, -1 */ |
| const int *Nvalues = NULL; |
| double iterCalReal, iterCalCplx; |
| |
| int benchReal=1, benchCplx=1, withFFTWfullMeas=0, outputTable2File=1, usePow2=1; |
| int realCplxIdx, typeIdx; |
| int i, k; |
| int smallestCplxN = pffft_simd_size()*pffft_simd_size(); |
| int smallestRealN = 2*smallestCplxN; |
| FILE *tableFile = NULL; |
| |
| int haveAlgo[NUM_FFT_ALGOS]; |
| char acCsvFilename[32]; |
| |
| for ( k = 1; k <= NUMPOW2FFTLENS; ++k ) |
| Npow2[k-1] = (k == NUMPOW2FFTLENS) ? -1 : (1 << k); |
| Nvalues = Npow2; /* set default .. for comparisons .. */ |
| |
| for ( i = 0; i < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++i ) |
| haveAlgo[i] = 0; |
| |
| for ( i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { |
| if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--array-format") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--table")) { |
| array_output_format = 1; |
| } |
| else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-tab")) { |
| array_output_format = 0; |
| } |
| else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--real")) { |
| benchCplx = 0; |
| } |
| else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--cplx")) { |
| benchReal = 0; |
| } |
| else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--fftw-full-measure")) { |
| withFFTWfullMeas = 1; |
| } |
| else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--non-pow2")) { |
| Nvalues = NnonPow2; |
| usePow2 = 0; |
| } |
| else /* if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) */ { |
| printf("usage: %s [--array-format|--table] [--no-tab] [--real|--cplx] [--fftw-full-measure] [--non-pow2]\n", argv[0]); |
| exit(0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef HAVE_FFTW |
| if (withFFTWfullMeas) |
| { |
| algoName[ALGO_FFTW_AUTO] = "FFTW(meas.)"; /* "FFTW (auto)" */ |
| algoTableHeader[NUM_FFT_ALGOS][0] = "|real FFTWmeas "; /* "|real FFTWauto " */ |
| algoTableHeader[NUM_FFT_ALGOS][0] = "|cplx FFTWmeas "; /* "|cplx FFTWauto " */ |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| algoName[ALGO_PFFFT_U] = "PFFFT_U(scal)"; |
| #else |
| validate_pffft_simd(); |
| #endif |
| pffft_validate(1); |
| pffft_validate(0); |
| test_pffft_mem_align(); |
| |
| clock(); |
| /* double TClockDur = 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; |
| printf("clock() duration for CLOCKS_PER_SEC = %f sec = %f ms\n", TClockDur, 1000.0 * TClockDur ); |
| */ |
| |
| /* calibrate test duration */ |
| { |
| double t0, t1, dur; |
| printf("calibrating fft benchmark duration at size N = 512 ..\n"); |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| if (benchReal) { |
| iterCalReal = cal_benchmark(512, 0 /* real fft */); |
| printf("real fft iterCal = %f\n", iterCalReal); |
| } |
| if (benchCplx) { |
| iterCalCplx = cal_benchmark(512, 1 /* cplx fft */); |
| printf("cplx fft iterCal = %f\n", iterCalCplx); |
| } |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| dur = t1 - t0; |
| printf("calibration done in %f sec.\n", dur); |
| } |
| |
| if (!array_output_format) { |
| if (benchReal) { |
| for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) |
| benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 0 /* real fft */, withFFTWfullMeas, iterCalReal, tmeas[0][i], haveAlgo, NULL); |
| } |
| if (benchCplx) { |
| for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) |
| benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 1 /* cplx fft */, withFFTWfullMeas, iterCalCplx, tmeas[1][i], haveAlgo, NULL); |
| } |
| |
| } else { |
| |
| if (outputTable2File) { |
| tableFile = fopen( usePow2 ? "bench-fft-table-pow2.txt" : "bench-fft-table-non2.txt", "w"); |
| } |
| /* print table headers */ |
| { |
| print_table("| input len ", tableFile); |
| for (realCplxIdx = 0; realCplxIdx < 2; ++realCplxIdx) |
| { |
| if ( (realCplxIdx == 0 && !benchReal) || (realCplxIdx == 1 && !benchCplx) ) |
| continue; |
| for (k=0; k < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++k) |
| { |
| if ( compiledInAlgo[k] ) |
| print_table(algoTableHeader[k][realCplxIdx], tableFile); |
| } |
| } |
| print_table("|\n", tableFile); |
| } |
| /* print table value seperators */ |
| { |
| print_table("|----------", tableFile); |
| for (realCplxIdx = 0; realCplxIdx < 2; ++realCplxIdx) |
| { |
| if ( (realCplxIdx == 0 && !benchReal) || (realCplxIdx == 1 && !benchCplx) ) |
| continue; |
| for (k=0; k < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++k) |
| { |
| if ( compiledInAlgo[k] ) |
| print_table(":|-------------", tableFile); |
| } |
| } |
| print_table(":|\n", tableFile); |
| } |
| |
| for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) { |
| /* if ( Nvalues[i] >= smallestRealN && Nvalues[i] >= smallestCplxN ) */ |
| { |
| double t0, t1; |
| print_table_fftsize(Nvalues[i], tableFile); |
| t0 = uclock_sec(); |
| if (benchReal) |
| benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 0, withFFTWfullMeas, iterCalReal, tmeas[0][i], haveAlgo, tableFile); |
| if (benchCplx) |
| benchmark_ffts(Nvalues[i], 1, withFFTWfullMeas, iterCalCplx, tmeas[1][i], haveAlgo, tableFile); |
| t1 = uclock_sec(); |
| print_table("|\n", tableFile); |
| /* printf("all ffts for size %d took %f sec\n", Nvalues[i], t1-t0); */ |
| (void)t0; |
| (void)t1; |
| } |
| } |
| fprintf(stdout, " (numbers are given in MFlops)\n"); |
| if (outputTable2File) { |
| fclose(tableFile); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| printf("\n\n"); |
| printf("smallest cplx fft size: %d\n", smallestCplxN); |
| printf("smallest real fft size: %d\n", smallestRealN); |
| |
| printf("\n"); |
| printf("now writing .csv files ..\n"); |
| |
| for (realCplxIdx = 0; realCplxIdx < 2; ++realCplxIdx) |
| { |
| if ( (benchReal && realCplxIdx == 0) || (benchCplx && realCplxIdx == 1) ) |
| { |
| for (typeIdx = 0; typeIdx < NUM_TYPES; ++typeIdx) |
| { |
| FILE *f = NULL; |
| if ( !(SAVE_ALL_TYPES || saveType[typeIdx]) ) |
| continue; |
| acCsvFilename[0] = 0; |
| strcat(acCsvFilename, "scal-"); |
| #else |
| strcat(acCsvFilename, "simd-"); |
| #endif |
| strcat(acCsvFilename, (realCplxIdx == 0 ? "real-" : "cplx-")); |
| strcat(acCsvFilename, ( usePow2 ? "pow2-" : "non2-")); |
| strcat(acCsvFilename, typeFilenamePart[typeIdx]); |
| strcat(acCsvFilename, ".csv"); |
| f = fopen(acCsvFilename, "w"); |
| if (!f) |
| continue; |
| { |
| fprintf(f, "size, log2, "); |
| for (k=0; k < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++k) |
| if ( haveAlgo[k] ) |
| fprintf(f, "%s, ", algoName[k]); |
| fprintf(f, "\n"); |
| } |
| for (i=0; Nvalues[i] > 0; ++i) |
| { |
| if ( (benchReal && Nvalues[i] >= smallestRealN) || (benchCplx && Nvalues[i] >= smallestCplxN) ) |
| { |
| fprintf(f, "%d, %.3f, ", Nvalues[i], log10((double)Nvalues[i])/log10(2.0) ); |
| for (k=0; k < NUM_FFT_ALGOS; ++k) |
| if ( haveAlgo[k] ) |
| fprintf(f, "%f, ", tmeas[realCplxIdx][i][typeIdx][k]); |
| fprintf(f, "\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| fclose(f); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |