blob: 161783d89942c377e86b358f22b4518aa50f97b3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Author: [email protected] (Lode Vandevenne)
Author: [email protected] (Jyrki Alakuijala)
#include "blocksplitter.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "deflate.h"
#include "squeeze.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "util.h"
The "f" for the FindMinimum function below.
i: the current parameter of f(i)
context: for your implementation
typedef double FindMinimumFun(size_t i, void* context);
Finds minimum of function f(i) where is is of type size_t, f(i) is of type
double, i is in range start-end (excluding end).
Outputs the minimum value in *smallest and returns the index of this value.
static size_t FindMinimum(FindMinimumFun f, void* context,
size_t start, size_t end, double* smallest) {
if (end - start < 1024) {
double best = ZOPFLI_LARGE_FLOAT;
size_t result = start;
size_t i;
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
double v = f(i, context);
if (v < best) {
best = v;
result = i;
*smallest = best;
return result;
} else {
/* Try to find minimum faster by recursively checking multiple points. */
#define NUM 9 /* Good value: 9. */
size_t i;
size_t p[NUM];
double vp[NUM];
size_t besti;
double best;
double lastbest = ZOPFLI_LARGE_FLOAT;
size_t pos = start;
for (;;) {
if (end - start <= NUM) break;
for (i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
p[i] = start + (i + 1) * ((end - start) / (NUM + 1));
vp[i] = f(p[i], context);
besti = 0;
best = vp[0];
for (i = 1; i < NUM; i++) {
if (vp[i] < best) {
best = vp[i];
besti = i;
if (best > lastbest) break;
start = besti == 0 ? start : p[besti - 1];
end = besti == NUM - 1 ? end : p[besti + 1];
pos = p[besti];
lastbest = best;
*smallest = lastbest;
return pos;
#undef NUM
Returns estimated cost of a block in bits. It includes the size to encode the
tree and the size to encode all literal, length and distance symbols and their
extra bits.
litlens: lz77 lit/lengths
dists: ll77 distances
lstart: start of block
lend: end of block (not inclusive)
static double EstimateCost(const ZopfliLZ77Store* lz77,
size_t lstart, size_t lend) {
return ZopfliCalculateBlockSizeAutoType(lz77, lstart, lend);
typedef struct SplitCostContext {
const ZopfliLZ77Store* lz77;
size_t start;
size_t end;
} SplitCostContext;
Gets the cost which is the sum of the cost of the left and the right section
of the data.
type: FindMinimumFun
static double SplitCost(size_t i, void* context) {
SplitCostContext* c = (SplitCostContext*)context;
return EstimateCost(c->lz77, c->start, i) + EstimateCost(c->lz77, i, c->end);
static void AddSorted(size_t value, size_t** out, size_t* outsize) {
size_t i;
ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(value, out, outsize);
for (i = 0; i + 1 < *outsize; i++) {
if ((*out)[i] > value) {
size_t j;
for (j = *outsize - 1; j > i; j--) {
(*out)[j] = (*out)[j - 1];
(*out)[i] = value;
Prints the block split points as decimal and hex values in the terminal.
static void PrintBlockSplitPoints(const ZopfliLZ77Store* lz77,
const size_t* lz77splitpoints,
size_t nlz77points) {
size_t* splitpoints = 0;
size_t npoints = 0;
size_t i;
/* The input is given as lz77 indices, but we want to see the uncompressed
index values. */
size_t pos = 0;
if (nlz77points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < lz77->size; i++) {
size_t length = lz77->dists[i] == 0 ? 1 : lz77->litlens[i];
if (lz77splitpoints[npoints] == i) {
ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(pos, &splitpoints, &npoints);
if (npoints == nlz77points) break;
pos += length;
assert(npoints == nlz77points);
fprintf(stderr, "block split points: ");
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d ", (int)splitpoints[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "(hex:");
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, " %x", (int)splitpoints[i]);
fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
Finds next block to try to split, the largest of the available ones.
The largest is chosen to make sure that if only a limited amount of blocks is
requested, their sizes are spread evenly.
lz77size: the size of the LL77 data, which is the size of the done array here.
done: array indicating which blocks starting at that position are no longer
splittable (splitting them increases rather than decreases cost).
splitpoints: the splitpoints found so far.
npoints: the amount of splitpoints found so far.
lstart: output variable, giving start of block.
lend: output variable, giving end of block.
returns 1 if a block was found, 0 if no block found (all are done).
static int FindLargestSplittableBlock(
size_t lz77size, const unsigned char* done,
const size_t* splitpoints, size_t npoints,
size_t* lstart, size_t* lend) {
size_t longest = 0;
int found = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i <= npoints; i++) {
size_t start = i == 0 ? 0 : splitpoints[i - 1];
size_t end = i == npoints ? lz77size - 1 : splitpoints[i];
if (!done[start] && end - start > longest) {
*lstart = start;
*lend = end;
found = 1;
longest = end - start;
return found;
void ZopfliBlockSplitLZ77(const ZopfliOptions* options,
const ZopfliLZ77Store* lz77, size_t maxblocks,
size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints) {
size_t lstart, lend;
size_t i;
size_t llpos = 0;
size_t numblocks = 1;
unsigned char* done;
double splitcost, origcost;
if (lz77->size < 10) return; /* This code fails on tiny files. */
done = (unsigned char*)malloc(lz77->size);
if (!done) exit(-1); /* Allocation failed. */
for (i = 0; i < lz77->size; i++) done[i] = 0;
lstart = 0;
lend = lz77->size;
for (;;) {
SplitCostContext c;
if (maxblocks > 0 && numblocks >= maxblocks) {
c.lz77 = lz77;
c.start = lstart;
c.end = lend;
assert(lstart < lend);
llpos = FindMinimum(SplitCost, &c, lstart + 1, lend, &splitcost);
assert(llpos > lstart);
assert(llpos < lend);
origcost = EstimateCost(lz77, lstart, lend);
if (splitcost > origcost || llpos == lstart + 1 || llpos == lend) {
done[lstart] = 1;
} else {
AddSorted(llpos, splitpoints, npoints);
if (!FindLargestSplittableBlock(
lz77->size, done, *splitpoints, *npoints, &lstart, &lend)) {
break; /* No further split will probably reduce compression. */
if (lend - lstart < 10) {
if (options->verbose) {
PrintBlockSplitPoints(lz77, *splitpoints, *npoints);
void ZopfliBlockSplit(const ZopfliOptions* options,
const unsigned char* in, size_t instart, size_t inend,
size_t maxblocks, size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints) {
size_t pos = 0;
size_t i;
ZopfliBlockState s;
size_t* lz77splitpoints = 0;
size_t nlz77points = 0;
ZopfliLZ77Store store;
ZopfliHash hash;
ZopfliHash* h = &hash;
ZopfliInitLZ77Store(in, &store);
ZopfliInitBlockState(options, instart, inend, 0, &s);
ZopfliAllocHash(ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE, h);
*npoints = 0;
*splitpoints = 0;
/* Unintuitively, Using a simple LZ77 method here instead of ZopfliLZ77Optimal
results in better blocks. */
ZopfliLZ77Greedy(&s, in, instart, inend, &store, h);
&store, maxblocks,
&lz77splitpoints, &nlz77points);
/* Convert LZ77 positions to positions in the uncompressed input. */
pos = instart;
if (nlz77points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < store.size; i++) {
size_t length = store.dists[i] == 0 ? 1 : store.litlens[i];
if (lz77splitpoints[*npoints] == i) {
ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(pos, splitpoints, npoints);
if (*npoints == nlz77points) break;
pos += length;
assert(*npoints == nlz77points);
void ZopfliBlockSplitSimple(const unsigned char* in,
size_t instart, size_t inend,
size_t blocksize,
size_t** splitpoints, size_t* npoints) {
size_t i = instart;
while (i < inend) {
ZOPFLI_APPEND_DATA(i, splitpoints, npoints);
i += blocksize;