blob: 841564ce96d95e31dcda3ee96e4da383ea8a21d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: [email protected] (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Class for parsing tokenized text from a ZeroCopyInputStream.
#include <string>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
class ZeroCopyInputStream; // zero_copy_stream.h
// Defined in this file.
class ErrorCollector;
class Tokenizer;
// Abstract interface for an object which collects the errors that occur
// during parsing. A typical implementation might simply print the errors
// to stdout.
class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT ErrorCollector {
inline ErrorCollector() {}
virtual ~ErrorCollector();
// Indicates that there was an error in the input at the given line and
// column numbers. The numbers are zero-based, so you may want to add
// 1 to each before printing them.
virtual void AddError(int line, int column, const string& message) = 0;
// This class converts a stream of raw text into a stream of tokens for
// the protocol definition parser to parse. The tokens recognized are
// similar to those that make up the C language; see the TokenType enum for
// precise descriptions. Whitespace and comments are skipped. By default,
// C- and C++-style comments are recognized, but other styles can be used by
// calling set_comment_style().
class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Tokenizer {
// Construct a Tokenizer that reads and tokenizes text from the given
// input stream and writes errors to the given error_collector.
// The caller keeps ownership of input and error_collector.
Tokenizer(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, ErrorCollector* error_collector);
enum TokenType {
TYPE_START, // Next() has not yet been called.
TYPE_END, // End of input reached. "text" is empty.
TYPE_IDENTIFIER, // A sequence of letters, digits, and underscores, not
// starting with a digit. It is an error for a number
// to be followed by an identifier with no space in
// between.
TYPE_INTEGER, // A sequence of digits representing an integer. Normally
// the digits are decimal, but a prefix of "0x" indicates
// a hex number and a leading zero indicates octal, just
// like with C numeric literals. A leading negative sign
// is NOT included in the token; it's up to the parser to
// interpret the unary minus operator on its own.
TYPE_FLOAT, // A floating point literal, with a fractional part and/or
// an exponent. Always in decimal. Again, never
// negative.
TYPE_STRING, // A quoted sequence of escaped characters. Either single
// or double quotes can be used, but they must match.
// A string literal cannot cross a line break.
TYPE_SYMBOL, // Any other printable character, like '!' or '+'.
// Symbols are always a single character, so "!+$%" is
// four tokens.
// Structure representing a token read from the token stream.
struct Token {
TokenType type;
string text; // The exact text of the token as it appeared in
// the input. e.g. tokens of TYPE_STRING will still
// be escaped and in quotes.
// "line" and "column" specify the position of the first character of
// the token within the input stream. They are zero-based.
int line;
int column;
// Get the current token. This is updated when Next() is called. Before
// the first call to Next(), current() has type TYPE_START and no contents.
const Token& current();
// Advance to the next token. Returns false if the end of the input is
// reached.
bool Next();
// Parse helpers ---------------------------------------------------
// Parses a TYPE_FLOAT token. This never fails, so long as the text actually
// comes from a TYPE_FLOAT token parsed by Tokenizer. If it doesn't, the
// result is undefined (possibly an assert failure).
static double ParseFloat(const string& text);
// Parses a TYPE_STRING token. This never fails, so long as the text actually
// comes from a TYPE_STRING token parsed by Tokenizer. If it doesn't, the
// result is undefined (possibly an assert failure).
static void ParseString(const string& text, string* output);
// Parses a TYPE_INTEGER token. Returns false if the result would be
// greater than max_value. Otherwise, returns true and sets *output to the
// result. If the text is not from a Token of type TYPE_INTEGER originally
// parsed by a Tokenizer, the result is undefined (possibly an assert
// failure).
static bool ParseInteger(const string& text, uint64 max_value,
uint64* output);
// Options ---------------------------------------------------------
// Set true to allow floats to be suffixed with the letter 'f'. Tokens
// which would otherwise be integers but which have the 'f' suffix will be
// forced to be interpreted as floats. For all other purposes, the 'f' is
// ignored.
void set_allow_f_after_float(bool value) { allow_f_after_float_ = value; }
// Valid values for set_comment_style().
enum CommentStyle {
// Line comments begin with "//", block comments are delimited by "/*" and
// "*/".
// Line comments begin with "#". No way to write block comments.
// Sets the comment style.
void set_comment_style(CommentStyle style) { comment_style_ = style; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Token current_; // Returned by current().
ZeroCopyInputStream* input_;
ErrorCollector* error_collector_;
char current_char_; // == buffer_[buffer_pos_], updated by NextChar().
const char* buffer_; // Current buffer returned from input_.
int buffer_size_; // Size of buffer_.
int buffer_pos_; // Current position within the buffer.
bool read_error_; // Did we previously encounter a read error?
// Line and column number of current_char_ within the whole input stream.
int line_;
int column_;
// Position in buffer_ where StartToken() was called. If the token
// started in the previous buffer, this is zero, and current_.text already
// contains the part of the token from the previous buffer. If not
// currently parsing a token, this is -1.
int token_start_;
// Options.
bool allow_f_after_float_;
CommentStyle comment_style_;
// Since we count columns we need to interpret tabs somehow. We'll take
// the standard 8-character definition for lack of any way to do better.
static const int kTabWidth = 8;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods.
// Consume this character and advance to the next one.
void NextChar();
// Read a new buffer from the input.
void Refresh();
// Called when the current character is the first character of a new
// token (not including whitespace or comments).
inline void StartToken();
// Called when the current character is the first character after the
// end of the last token. After this returns, current_.text will
// contain all text consumed since StartToken() was called.
inline void EndToken();
// Convenience method to add an error at the current line and column.
void AddError(const string& message) {
error_collector_->AddError(line_, column_, message);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// The following four methods are used to consume tokens of specific
// types. They are actually used to consume all characters *after*
// the first, since the calling function consumes the first character
// in order to decide what kind of token is being read.
// Read and consume a string, ending when the given delimiter is
// consumed.
void ConsumeString(char delimiter);
// Read and consume a number, returning TYPE_FLOAT or TYPE_INTEGER
// depending on what was read. This needs to know if the first
// character was a zero in order to correctly recognize hex and octal
// numbers.
// It also needs to know if the first characted was a . to parse floating
// point correctly.
TokenType ConsumeNumber(bool started_with_zero, bool started_with_dot);
// Consume the rest of a line.
void ConsumeLineComment();
// Consume until "*/".
void ConsumeBlockComment();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// These helper methods make the parsing code more readable. The
// "character classes" refered to are defined at the top of the .cc file.
// Basically it is a C++ class with one method:
// static bool InClass(char c);
// The method returns true if c is a member of this "class", like "Letter"
// or "Digit".
// Returns true if the current character is of the given character
// class, but does not consume anything.
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline bool LookingAt();
// If the current character is in the given class, consume it and return
// true. Otherwise return false.
// e.g. TryConsumeOne<Letter>()
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline bool TryConsumeOne();
// Like above, but try to consume the specific character indicated.
inline bool TryConsume(char c);
// Consume zero or more of the given character class.
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline void ConsumeZeroOrMore();
// Consume one or more of the given character class or log the given
// error message.
// e.g. ConsumeOneOrMore<Digit>("Expected digits.");
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline void ConsumeOneOrMore(const char* error);
// inline methods ====================================================
inline const Tokenizer::Token& Tokenizer::current() {
return current_;
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google