| <?php |
| |
| require_once('generated/Descriptors/TestDescriptorsEnum.php'); |
| require_once('generated/Descriptors/TestDescriptorsMessage.php'); |
| require_once('test_base.php'); |
| require_once('test_util.php'); |
| |
| use Google\Protobuf\DescriptorPool; |
| use Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField; |
| use Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField; |
| use Descriptors\TestDescriptorsEnum; |
| use Descriptors\TestDescriptorsMessage; |
| use Descriptors\TestDescriptorsMessage_Sub; |
| |
| class DescriptorsTest extends TestBase |
| { |
| |
| // Redefine these here for compatibility with c extension |
| const GPBLABEL_OPTIONAL = 1; |
| const GPBLABEL_REQUIRED = 2; |
| const GPBLABEL_REPEATED = 3; |
| |
| const GPBTYPE_DOUBLE = 1; |
| const GPBTYPE_FLOAT = 2; |
| const GPBTYPE_INT64 = 3; |
| const GPBTYPE_UINT64 = 4; |
| const GPBTYPE_INT32 = 5; |
| const GPBTYPE_FIXED64 = 6; |
| const GPBTYPE_FIXED32 = 7; |
| const GPBTYPE_BOOL = 8; |
| const GPBTYPE_STRING = 9; |
| const GPBTYPE_GROUP = 10; |
| const GPBTYPE_MESSAGE = 11; |
| const GPBTYPE_BYTES = 12; |
| const GPBTYPE_UINT32 = 13; |
| const GPBTYPE_ENUM = 14; |
| const GPBTYPE_SFIXED32 = 15; |
| const GPBTYPE_SFIXED64 = 16; |
| const GPBTYPE_SINT32 = 17; |
| const GPBTYPE_SINT64 = 18; |
| |
| ######################################################### |
| # Test descriptor pool. |
| ######################################################### |
| |
| public function testDescriptorPool() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage())); |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\Descriptor', $desc); |
| |
| $enumDesc = $pool->getEnumDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsEnum())); |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\EnumDescriptor', $enumDesc); |
| } |
| |
| public function testDescriptorPoolIncorrectArgs() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName('NotAClass'); |
| $this->assertNull($desc); |
| |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsEnum())); |
| $this->assertNull($desc); |
| |
| $enumDesc = $pool->getEnumDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage())); |
| $this->assertNull($enumDesc); |
| } |
| |
| ######################################################### |
| # Test descriptor. |
| ######################################################### |
| |
| public function testDescriptor() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| $class = get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage()); |
| $this->assertSame('Descriptors\TestDescriptorsMessage', $class); |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName($class); |
| |
| $this->assertSame('descriptors.TestDescriptorsMessage', $desc->getFullName()); |
| $this->assertSame($class, $desc->getClass()); |
| |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\FieldDescriptor', $desc->getField(0)); |
| $this->assertSame(7, $desc->getFieldCount()); |
| |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\OneofDescriptor', $desc->getOneofDecl(0)); |
| $this->assertSame(1, $desc->getOneofDeclCount()); |
| } |
| |
| ######################################################### |
| # Test enum descriptor. |
| ######################################################### |
| |
| public function testEnumDescriptor() |
| { |
| // WARNINIG - we need to do this so that TestDescriptorsEnum is registered!!? |
| new TestDescriptorsMessage(); |
| |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| |
| $enumDesc = $pool->getEnumDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsEnum())); |
| |
| // Build map of enum values |
| $enumDescMap = []; |
| for ($i = 0; $i < $enumDesc->getValueCount(); $i++) { |
| $enumValueDesc = $enumDesc->getValue($i); |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\EnumValueDescriptor', $enumValueDesc); |
| $enumDescMap[$enumValueDesc->getNumber()] = $enumValueDesc->getName(); |
| } |
| |
| $this->assertSame('ZERO', $enumDescMap[0]); |
| $this->assertSame('ONE', $enumDescMap[1]); |
| |
| $this->assertSame(2, $enumDesc->getValueCount()); |
| } |
| |
| ######################################################### |
| # Test field descriptor. |
| ######################################################### |
| |
| public function testFieldDescriptor() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage())); |
| |
| $fieldDescMap = $this->buildFieldMap($desc); |
| |
| // Optional int field |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[1]; |
| $this->assertSame('optional_int32', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(1, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_OPTIONAL, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_INT32, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertFalse($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| |
| // Optional enum field |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[16]; |
| $this->assertSame('optional_enum', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(16, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_OPTIONAL, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_ENUM, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\EnumDescriptor', $fieldDesc->getEnumType()); |
| $this->assertFalse($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| |
| // Optional message field |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[17]; |
| $this->assertSame('optional_message', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(17, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_OPTIONAL, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_MESSAGE, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\Descriptor', $fieldDesc->getMessageType()); |
| $this->assertFalse($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| |
| // Repeated int field |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[31]; |
| $this->assertSame('repeated_int32', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(31, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_REPEATED, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_INT32, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertFalse($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| |
| // Repeated message field |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[47]; |
| $this->assertSame('repeated_message', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(47, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_REPEATED, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_MESSAGE, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertInstanceOf('\Google\Protobuf\Descriptor', $fieldDesc->getMessageType()); |
| $this->assertFalse($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| |
| // Oneof int field |
| // Tested further in testOneofDescriptor() |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[51]; |
| $this->assertSame('oneof_int32', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(51, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_OPTIONAL, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_INT32, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertFalse($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| |
| // Map int-enum field |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[71]; |
| $this->assertSame('map_int32_enum', $fieldDesc->getName()); |
| $this->assertSame(71, $fieldDesc->getNumber()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBLABEL_REPEATED, $fieldDesc->getLabel()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_MESSAGE, $fieldDesc->getType()); |
| $this->assertTrue($fieldDesc->isMap()); |
| $mapDesc = $fieldDesc->getMessageType(); |
| $this->assertSame('descriptors.TestDescriptorsMessage.MapInt32EnumEntry', $mapDesc->getFullName()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_INT32, $mapDesc->getField(0)->getType()); |
| $this->assertSame(self::GPBTYPE_ENUM, $mapDesc->getField(1)->getType()); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @expectedException \Exception |
| */ |
| public function testFieldDescriptorEnumException() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage())); |
| $fieldDesc = $desc->getField(0); |
| $fieldDesc->getEnumType(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @expectedException \Exception |
| */ |
| public function testFieldDescriptorMessageException() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage())); |
| $fieldDesc = $desc->getField(0); |
| $fieldDesc->getMessageType(); |
| } |
| |
| ######################################################### |
| # Test oneof descriptor. |
| ######################################################### |
| |
| public function testOneofDescriptor() |
| { |
| $pool = DescriptorPool::getGeneratedPool(); |
| $desc = $pool->getDescriptorByClassName(get_class(new TestDescriptorsMessage())); |
| |
| $fieldDescMap = $this->buildFieldMap($desc); |
| $fieldDesc = $fieldDescMap[51]; |
| |
| $oneofDesc = $desc->getOneofDecl(0); |
| |
| $this->assertSame('my_oneof', $oneofDesc->getName()); |
| $fieldDescFromOneof = $oneofDesc->getField(0); |
| $this->assertSame($fieldDesc, $fieldDescFromOneof); |
| $this->assertSame(1, $oneofDesc->getFieldCount()); |
| } |
| |
| private function buildFieldMap($desc) |
| { |
| $fieldDescMap = []; |
| for ($i = 0; $i < $desc->getFieldCount(); $i++) { |
| $fieldDesc = $desc->getField($i); |
| $fieldDescMap[$fieldDesc->getNumber()] = $fieldDesc; |
| } |
| return $fieldDescMap; |
| } |
| } |