blob: 0c1bdf80de1f66ef11b28ac47936a206b2707dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "brillo/flag_helper.h"
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "puffin/file_stream.h"
#include "puffin/src/extent_stream.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/common.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/huffer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/puffdiff.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/puffer.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/puffpatch.h"
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/utils.h"
#include "puffin/src/logging.h"
#include "puffin/memory_stream.h"
#include "puffin/src/puffin_stream.h"
using puffin::BitExtent;
using puffin::Buffer;
using puffin::ByteExtent;
using puffin::ExtentStream;
using puffin::FileStream;
using puffin::Huffer;
using puffin::MemoryStream;
using puffin::Puffer;
using puffin::PuffinStream;
using puffin::UniqueStreamPtr;
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
using std::vector;
namespace {
constexpr char kExtentDelimeter = ',';
constexpr char kOffsetLengthDelimeter = ':';
template <typename T>
vector<T> StringToExtents(const string& str) {
vector<T> extents;
if (!str.empty()) {
stringstream ss(str);
string extent_str;
while (getline(ss, extent_str, kExtentDelimeter)) {
stringstream extent_ss(extent_str);
string offset_str, length_str;
getline(extent_ss, offset_str, kOffsetLengthDelimeter);
getline(extent_ss, length_str, kOffsetLengthDelimeter);
extents.emplace_back(stoull(offset_str), stoull(length_str));
return extents;
const uint64_t kDefaultPuffCacheSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024; // 50 MB
// An enum representing the type of compressed files.
enum class FileType { kDeflate, kZlib, kGzip, kZip, kRaw, kUnknown };
// Returns a file type based on the input string |file_type| (normally the final
// extension of the file).
FileType StringToFileType(const string& file_type) {
if (file_type == "raw") {
return FileType::kRaw;
if (file_type == "deflate") {
return FileType::kDeflate;
} else if (file_type == "zlib") {
return FileType::kZlib;
} else if (file_type == "gzip" || file_type == "gz" || file_type == "tgz") {
return FileType::kGzip;
} else if (file_type == "zip" || file_type == "apk" || file_type == "jar") {
return FileType::kZip;
return FileType::kUnknown;
// Finds the location of deflates in |stream|. If |file_type_to_override| is
// non-empty, it infers the file type based on that, otherwise, it infers the
// file type based on the final extension of |file_name|. It returns false if
// file type cannot be inferred from any of the input arguments. |deflates|
// is filled with byte-aligned location of deflates.
bool LocateDeflatesBasedOnFileType(const UniqueStreamPtr& stream,
const string& file_name,
const string& file_type_to_override,
vector<BitExtent>* deflates) {
auto file_type = FileType::kUnknown;
auto last_dot = file_name.find_last_of(".");
if (last_dot == string::npos) {
// Could not find a dot so we assume there is no extension.
return false;
auto extension = file_name.substr(last_dot + 1);
file_type = StringToFileType(extension);
if (!file_type_to_override.empty()) {
auto override_file_type = StringToFileType(file_type_to_override);
if (override_file_type == FileType::kUnknown) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Overriden file type " << file_type_to_override
<< " does not exist.";
return false;
if (file_type != FileType::kUnknown && file_type != override_file_type) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Based on the file name, the file type is " << extension
<< ", But the overriden file type is "
<< file_type_to_override << ". Is this intentional?";
file_type = override_file_type;
if (file_type == FileType::kRaw) {
// Do not need to populate |deflates|.
return true;
uint64_t stream_size;
Buffer data(stream_size);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(stream->Read(, data.size()));
switch (file_type) {
case FileType::kDeflate:
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(puffin::LocateDeflatesInDeflateStream(, data.size(), 0, deflates, nullptr));
case FileType::kZlib:
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(puffin::LocateDeflatesInZlib(data, deflates));
case FileType::kGzip:
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(puffin::LocateDeflatesInGzip(data, deflates));
case FileType::kZip:
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(puffin::LocateDeflatesInZipArchive(data, deflates));
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown file type: (" << file_type_to_override << ") nor ("
<< extension << ").";
return false;
// Return the stream to its zero offset in case we used it.
return true;
} // namespace
#define SETUP_FLAGS \
DEFINE_string(src_file, "", "Source file"); \
DEFINE_string(dst_file, "", "Target file"); \
DEFINE_string(patch_file, "", "patch file"); \
DEFINE_string( \
src_deflates_byte, "", \
"Source deflate byte locations in the format offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string( \
dst_deflates_byte, "", \
"Target deflate byte locations in the format offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string( \
src_deflates_bit, "", \
"Source deflate bit locations in the format offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string( \
dst_deflates_bit, "", \
"Target deflatebit locations in the format offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string(src_puffs, "", \
"Source puff locations in the format offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string(dst_puffs, "", \
"Target puff locations in the format offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string(src_extents, "", \
"Source extents in the format of offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string(dst_extents, "", \
"Target extents in the format of offset:length,..."); \
DEFINE_string(operation, "", \
"Type of the operation: puff, huff, puffdiff, puffpatch, " \
"puffhuff"); \
DEFINE_string(src_file_type, "", \
"Type of the input source file: deflate, gzip, " \
"zlib or zip"); \
DEFINE_string(dst_file_type, "", \
"Same as src_file_type but for the target file"); \
DEFINE_bool(verbose, false, \
"Logs all the given parameters including internally " \
"generated ones"); \
DEFINE_uint64(cache_size, kDefaultPuffCacheSize, \
"Maximum size to cache the puff stream. Used in puffpatch"); \
DEFINE_int32(patch_algorithm, 0, \
"Type of raw diff algorithm to use. The current supported " \
"ones are 0: bsdiff, 1: zucchini.");
#ifndef USE_BRILLO
// Main entry point to the application.
bool Main(int argc, char** argv) {
brillo::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, "Puffin tool");
// google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]);
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
auto src_deflates_byte = StringToExtents<ByteExtent>(FLAGS_src_deflates_byte);
auto dst_deflates_byte = StringToExtents<ByteExtent>(FLAGS_dst_deflates_byte);
auto src_deflates_bit = StringToExtents<BitExtent>(FLAGS_src_deflates_bit);
auto dst_deflates_bit = StringToExtents<BitExtent>(FLAGS_dst_deflates_bit);
auto src_puffs = StringToExtents<ByteExtent>(FLAGS_src_puffs);
auto dst_puffs = StringToExtents<ByteExtent>(FLAGS_dst_puffs);
auto src_extents = StringToExtents<ByteExtent>(FLAGS_src_extents);
auto dst_extents = StringToExtents<ByteExtent>(FLAGS_dst_extents);
auto src_stream = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_src_file, true, false);
if (!src_extents.empty()) {
src_stream =
ExtentStream::CreateForRead(std::move(src_stream), src_extents);
if (FLAGS_operation == "puff" || FLAGS_operation == "puffhuff") {
src_stream, FLAGS_src_file, FLAGS_src_file_type, &src_deflates_bit));
if (src_deflates_bit.empty() && src_deflates_byte.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "You should pass source deflates, is this intentional?";
if (src_deflates_bit.empty()) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(FindDeflateSubBlocks(src_stream, src_deflates_byte,
uint64_t dst_puff_size;
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(FindPuffLocations(src_stream, src_deflates_bit,
&dst_puffs, &dst_puff_size));
auto dst_stream = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_dst_file, false, true);
auto puffer = std::make_shared<Puffer>();
auto reader =
PuffinStream::CreateForPuff(std::move(src_stream), puffer,
dst_puff_size, src_deflates_bit, dst_puffs);
Buffer puff_buffer;
auto writer = FLAGS_operation == "puffhuff"
? MemoryStream::CreateForWrite(&puff_buffer)
: std::move(dst_stream);
Buffer buffer(1024 * 1024);
uint64_t bytes_wrote = 0;
while (bytes_wrote < dst_puff_size) {
auto write_size = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer.size()),
dst_puff_size - bytes_wrote);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(reader->Read(, write_size));
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(writer->Write(, write_size));
bytes_wrote += write_size;
// puffhuff operation puffs a stream and huffs it back to the target stream
// to make sure we can get to the original stream.
if (FLAGS_operation == "puffhuff") {
src_puffs = dst_puffs;
dst_deflates_byte = src_deflates_byte;
dst_deflates_bit = src_deflates_bit;
auto read_puff_stream = MemoryStream::CreateForRead(puff_buffer);
auto huffer = std::make_shared<Huffer>();
auto huff_writer = PuffinStream::CreateForHuff(
std::move(dst_stream), huffer, dst_puff_size, dst_deflates_bit,
uint64_t bytes_read = 0;
while (bytes_read < dst_puff_size) {
auto read_size = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer.size()),
dst_puff_size - bytes_read);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(read_puff_stream->Read(, read_size));
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(huff_writer->Write(, read_size));
bytes_read += read_size;
} else if (FLAGS_operation == "huff") {
if (dst_deflates_bit.empty() && src_puffs.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "You should pass source puffs and destination deflates"
<< ", is this intentional?";
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(src_puffs.size() == dst_deflates_bit.size());
uint64_t src_stream_size;
auto dst_file = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_dst_file, false, true);
auto huffer = std::make_shared<Huffer>();
auto dst_stream = PuffinStream::CreateForHuff(std::move(dst_file), huffer,
dst_deflates_bit, src_puffs);
Buffer buffer(1024 * 1024);
uint64_t bytes_read = 0;
while (bytes_read < src_stream_size) {
auto read_size = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer.size()),
src_stream_size - bytes_read);
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(src_stream->Read(, read_size));
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(dst_stream->Write(, read_size));
bytes_read += read_size;
} else if (FLAGS_operation == "puffdiff") {
auto dst_stream = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_dst_file, true, false);
src_stream, FLAGS_src_file, FLAGS_src_file_type, &src_deflates_bit));
dst_stream, FLAGS_dst_file, FLAGS_dst_file_type, &dst_deflates_bit));
if (src_deflates_bit.empty() && src_deflates_byte.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "You should pass source deflates, is this intentional?";
if (dst_deflates_bit.empty() && dst_deflates_byte.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "You should pass target deflates, is this intentional?";
if (!dst_extents.empty()) {
dst_stream =
ExtentStream::CreateForWrite(std::move(dst_stream), dst_extents);
if (src_deflates_bit.empty()) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(FindDeflateSubBlocks(src_stream, src_deflates_byte,
if (dst_deflates_bit.empty()) {
TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(FindDeflateSubBlocks(dst_stream, dst_deflates_byte,
if (FLAGS_patch_algorithm != 0 && FLAGS_patch_algorithm != 1) {
<< "The supported patch algorithms are 0: bsdiff, 1: zucchini.";
return false;
// TODO(xunchang) add flags to select the bsdiff compressors.
Buffer puffdiff_delta;
std::move(src_stream), std::move(dst_stream), src_deflates_bit,
{bsdiff::CompressorType::kBZ2, bsdiff::CompressorType::kBrotli},
"/tmp/patch.tmp", &puffdiff_delta));
if (FLAGS_verbose) {
LOG(INFO) << "patch_size: " << puffdiff_delta.size();
auto patch_stream = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_patch_file, false, true);
patch_stream->Write(, puffdiff_delta.size()));
} else if (FLAGS_operation == "puffpatch") {
auto patch_stream = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_patch_file, true, false);
uint64_t patch_size;
Buffer puffdiff_delta(patch_size);
patch_stream->Read(, puffdiff_delta.size()));
auto dst_stream = FileStream::Open(FLAGS_dst_file, false, true);
if (!dst_extents.empty()) {
dst_stream =
ExtentStream::CreateForWrite(std::move(dst_stream), dst_extents);
// Apply the patch. Use 50MB cache, it should be enough for most of the
// operations.
std::move(src_stream), std::move(dst_stream),,
puffdiff_delta.size(), FLAGS_cache_size));
if (FLAGS_verbose) {
LOG(INFO) << "src_deflates_byte: "
<< puffin::ExtentsToString(src_deflates_byte);
LOG(INFO) << "dst_deflates_byte: "
<< puffin::ExtentsToString(dst_deflates_byte);
LOG(INFO) << "src_deflates_bit: "
<< puffin::ExtentsToString(src_deflates_bit);
LOG(INFO) << "dst_deflates_bit: "
<< puffin::ExtentsToString(dst_deflates_bit);
LOG(INFO) << "src_puffs: " << puffin::ExtentsToString(src_puffs);
LOG(INFO) << "dst_puffs: " << puffin::ExtentsToString(dst_puffs);
LOG(INFO) << "src_extents: " << puffin::ExtentsToString(src_extents);
LOG(INFO) << "dst_extents: " << puffin::ExtentsToString(dst_extents);
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (!Main(argc, argv)) {
return 1;
return 0;