| :mod:`string` --- Common string operations |
| ========================================== |
| |
| .. module:: string |
| :synopsis: Common string operations. |
| |
| |
| .. index:: module: re |
| |
| **Source code:** :source:`Lib/string.py` |
| |
| -------------- |
| |
| The :mod:`string` module contains a number of useful constants and |
| classes, as well as some deprecated legacy functions that are also |
| available as methods on strings. In addition, Python's built-in string |
| classes support the sequence type methods described in the |
| :ref:`typesseq` section, and also the string-specific methods described |
| in the :ref:`string-methods` section. To output formatted strings use |
| template strings or the ``%`` operator described in the |
| :ref:`string-formatting` section. Also, see the :mod:`re` module for |
| string functions based on regular expressions. |
| |
| String constants |
| ---------------- |
| |
| The constants defined in this module are: |
| |
| |
| .. data:: ascii_letters |
| |
| The concatenation of the :const:`ascii_lowercase` and :const:`ascii_uppercase` |
| constants described below. This value is not locale-dependent. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: ascii_lowercase |
| |
| The lowercase letters ``'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'``. This value is not |
| locale-dependent and will not change. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: ascii_uppercase |
| |
| The uppercase letters ``'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'``. This value is not |
| locale-dependent and will not change. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: digits |
| |
| The string ``'0123456789'``. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: hexdigits |
| |
| The string ``'0123456789abcdefABCDEF'``. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: letters |
| |
| The concatenation of the strings :const:`lowercase` and :const:`uppercase` |
| described below. The specific value is locale-dependent, and will be updated |
| when :func:`locale.setlocale` is called. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: lowercase |
| |
| A string containing all the characters that are considered lowercase letters. |
| On most systems this is the string ``'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'``. The |
| specific value is locale-dependent, and will be updated when |
| :func:`locale.setlocale` is called. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: octdigits |
| |
| The string ``'01234567'``. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: punctuation |
| |
| String of ASCII characters which are considered punctuation characters in the |
| ``C`` locale. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: printable |
| |
| String of characters which are considered printable. This is a combination of |
| :const:`digits`, :const:`letters`, :const:`punctuation`, and |
| :const:`whitespace`. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: uppercase |
| |
| A string containing all the characters that are considered uppercase letters. |
| On most systems this is the string ``'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'``. The |
| specific value is locale-dependent, and will be updated when |
| :func:`locale.setlocale` is called. |
| |
| |
| .. data:: whitespace |
| |
| A string containing all characters that are considered whitespace. On most |
| systems this includes the characters space, tab, linefeed, return, formfeed, and |
| vertical tab. |
| |
| |
| .. _new-string-formatting: |
| |
| Custom String Formatting |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 2.6 |
| |
| The built-in str and unicode classes provide the ability |
| to do complex variable substitutions and value formatting via the |
| :meth:`str.format` method described in :pep:`3101`. The :class:`Formatter` |
| class in the :mod:`string` module allows you to create and customize your own |
| string formatting behaviors using the same implementation as the built-in |
| :meth:`~str.format` method. |
| |
| .. class:: Formatter |
| |
| The :class:`Formatter` class has the following public methods: |
| |
| .. method:: format(format_string, *args, **kwargs) |
| |
| The primary API method. It takes a format string and |
| an arbitrary set of positional and keyword arguments. |
| It is just a wrapper that calls :meth:`vformat`. |
| |
| .. method:: vformat(format_string, args, kwargs) |
| |
| This function does the actual work of formatting. It is exposed as a |
| separate function for cases where you want to pass in a predefined |
| dictionary of arguments, rather than unpacking and repacking the |
| dictionary as individual arguments using the ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` |
| syntax. :meth:`vformat` does the work of breaking up the format string |
| into character data and replacement fields. It calls the various |
| methods described below. |
| |
| In addition, the :class:`Formatter` defines a number of methods that are |
| intended to be replaced by subclasses: |
| |
| .. method:: parse(format_string) |
| |
| Loop over the format_string and return an iterable of tuples |
| (*literal_text*, *field_name*, *format_spec*, *conversion*). This is used |
| by :meth:`vformat` to break the string into either literal text, or |
| replacement fields. |
| |
| The values in the tuple conceptually represent a span of literal text |
| followed by a single replacement field. If there is no literal text |
| (which can happen if two replacement fields occur consecutively), then |
| *literal_text* will be a zero-length string. If there is no replacement |
| field, then the values of *field_name*, *format_spec* and *conversion* |
| will be ``None``. |
| |
| .. method:: get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) |
| |
| Given *field_name* as returned by :meth:`parse` (see above), convert it to |
| an object to be formatted. Returns a tuple (obj, used_key). The default |
| version takes strings of the form defined in :pep:`3101`, such as |
| "0[name]" or "label.title". *args* and *kwargs* are as passed in to |
| :meth:`vformat`. The return value *used_key* has the same meaning as the |
| *key* parameter to :meth:`get_value`. |
| |
| .. method:: get_value(key, args, kwargs) |
| |
| Retrieve a given field value. The *key* argument will be either an |
| integer or a string. If it is an integer, it represents the index of the |
| positional argument in *args*; if it is a string, then it represents a |
| named argument in *kwargs*. |
| |
| The *args* parameter is set to the list of positional arguments to |
| :meth:`vformat`, and the *kwargs* parameter is set to the dictionary of |
| keyword arguments. |
| |
| For compound field names, these functions are only called for the first |
| component of the field name; Subsequent components are handled through |
| normal attribute and indexing operations. |
| |
| So for example, the field expression '0.name' would cause |
| :meth:`get_value` to be called with a *key* argument of 0. The ``name`` |
| attribute will be looked up after :meth:`get_value` returns by calling the |
| built-in :func:`getattr` function. |
| |
| If the index or keyword refers to an item that does not exist, then an |
| :exc:`IndexError` or :exc:`KeyError` should be raised. |
| |
| .. method:: check_unused_args(used_args, args, kwargs) |
| |
| Implement checking for unused arguments if desired. The arguments to this |
| function is the set of all argument keys that were actually referred to in |
| the format string (integers for positional arguments, and strings for |
| named arguments), and a reference to the *args* and *kwargs* that was |
| passed to vformat. The set of unused args can be calculated from these |
| parameters. :meth:`check_unused_args` is assumed to raise an exception if |
| the check fails. |
| |
| .. method:: format_field(value, format_spec) |
| |
| :meth:`format_field` simply calls the global :func:`format` built-in. The |
| method is provided so that subclasses can override it. |
| |
| .. method:: convert_field(value, conversion) |
| |
| Converts the value (returned by :meth:`get_field`) given a conversion type |
| (as in the tuple returned by the :meth:`parse` method). The default |
| version understands 's' (str), 'r' (repr) and 'a' (ascii) conversion |
| types. |
| |
| |
| .. _formatstrings: |
| |
| Format String Syntax |
| -------------------- |
| |
| The :meth:`str.format` method and the :class:`Formatter` class share the same |
| syntax for format strings (although in the case of :class:`Formatter`, |
| subclasses can define their own format string syntax). |
| |
| Format strings contain "replacement fields" surrounded by curly braces ``{}``. |
| Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text, which is |
| copied unchanged to the output. If you need to include a brace character in the |
| literal text, it can be escaped by doubling: ``{{`` and ``}}``. |
| |
| The grammar for a replacement field is as follows: |
| |
| .. productionlist:: sf |
| replacement_field: "{" [`field_name`] ["!" `conversion`] [":" `format_spec`] "}" |
| field_name: arg_name ("." `attribute_name` | "[" `element_index` "]")* |
| arg_name: [`identifier` | `integer`] |
| attribute_name: `identifier` |
| element_index: `integer` | `index_string` |
| index_string: <any source character except "]"> + |
| conversion: "r" | "s" |
| format_spec: <described in the next section> |
| |
| In less formal terms, the replacement field can start with a *field_name* that specifies |
| the object whose value is to be formatted and inserted |
| into the output instead of the replacement field. |
| The *field_name* is optionally followed by a *conversion* field, which is |
| preceded by an exclamation point ``'!'``, and a *format_spec*, which is preceded |
| by a colon ``':'``. These specify a non-default format for the replacement value. |
| |
| See also the :ref:`formatspec` section. |
| |
| The *field_name* itself begins with an *arg_name* that is either a number or a |
| keyword. If it's a number, it refers to a positional argument, and if it's a keyword, |
| it refers to a named keyword argument. If the numerical arg_names in a format string |
| are 0, 1, 2, ... in sequence, they can all be omitted (not just some) |
| and the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... will be automatically inserted in that order. |
| Because *arg_name* is not quote-delimited, it is not possible to specify arbitrary |
| dictionary keys (e.g., the strings ``'10'`` or ``':-]'``) within a format string. |
| The *arg_name* can be followed by any number of index or |
| attribute expressions. An expression of the form ``'.name'`` selects the named |
| attribute using :func:`getattr`, while an expression of the form ``'[index]'`` |
| does an index lookup using :func:`__getitem__`. |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 2.7 |
| The positional argument specifiers can be omitted, so ``'{} {}'`` is |
| equivalent to ``'{0} {1}'``. |
| |
| Some simple format string examples:: |
| |
| "First, thou shalt count to {0}" # References first positional argument |
| "Bring me a {}" # Implicitly references the first positional argument |
| "From {} to {}" # Same as "From {0} to {1}" |
| "My quest is {name}" # References keyword argument 'name' |
| "Weight in tons {0.weight}" # 'weight' attribute of first positional arg |
| "Units destroyed: {players[0]}" # First element of keyword argument 'players'. |
| |
| The *conversion* field causes a type coercion before formatting. Normally, the |
| job of formatting a value is done by the :meth:`__format__` method of the value |
| itself. However, in some cases it is desirable to force a type to be formatted |
| as a string, overriding its own definition of formatting. By converting the |
| value to a string before calling :meth:`__format__`, the normal formatting logic |
| is bypassed. |
| |
| Two conversion flags are currently supported: ``'!s'`` which calls :func:`str` |
| on the value, and ``'!r'`` which calls :func:`repr`. |
| |
| Some examples:: |
| |
| "Harold's a clever {0!s}" # Calls str() on the argument first |
| "Bring out the holy {name!r}" # Calls repr() on the argument first |
| |
| The *format_spec* field contains a specification of how the value should be |
| presented, including such details as field width, alignment, padding, decimal |
| precision and so on. Each value type can define its own "formatting |
| mini-language" or interpretation of the *format_spec*. |
| |
| Most built-in types support a common formatting mini-language, which is |
| described in the next section. |
| |
| A *format_spec* field can also include nested replacement fields within it. |
| These nested replacement fields may contain a field name, conversion flag |
| and format specification, but deeper nesting is |
| not allowed. The replacement fields within the |
| format_spec are substituted before the *format_spec* string is interpreted. |
| This allows the formatting of a value to be dynamically specified. |
| |
| See the :ref:`formatexamples` section for some examples. |
| |
| |
| .. _formatspec: |
| |
| Format Specification Mini-Language |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| "Format specifications" are used within replacement fields contained within a |
| format string to define how individual values are presented (see |
| :ref:`formatstrings`). They can also be passed directly to the built-in |
| :func:`format` function. Each formattable type may define how the format |
| specification is to be interpreted. |
| |
| Most built-in types implement the following options for format specifications, |
| although some of the formatting options are only supported by the numeric types. |
| |
| A general convention is that an empty format string (``""``) produces |
| the same result as if you had called :func:`str` on the value. A |
| non-empty format string typically modifies the result. |
| |
| The general form of a *standard format specifier* is: |
| |
| .. productionlist:: sf |
| format_spec: [[`fill`]`align`][`sign`][#][0][`width`][,][.`precision`][`type`] |
| fill: <any character> |
| align: "<" | ">" | "=" | "^" |
| sign: "+" | "-" | " " |
| width: `integer` |
| precision: `integer` |
| type: "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" | "g" | "G" | "n" | "o" | "s" | "x" | "X" | "%" |
| |
| If a valid *align* value is specified, it can be preceded by a *fill* |
| character that can be any character and defaults to a space if omitted. |
| It is not possible to use a literal curly brace ("``{``" or "``}``") as |
| the *fill* character when using the :meth:`str.format` |
| method. However, it is possible to insert a curly brace |
| with a nested replacement field. This limitation doesn't |
| affect the :func:`format` function. |
| |
| The meaning of the various alignment options is as follows: |
| |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | Option | Meaning | |
| +=========+==========================================================+ |
| | ``'<'`` | Forces the field to be left-aligned within the available | |
| | | space (this is the default for most objects). | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'>'`` | Forces the field to be right-aligned within the | |
| | | available space (this is the default for numbers). | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'='`` | Forces the padding to be placed after the sign (if any) | |
| | | but before the digits. This is used for printing fields | |
| | | in the form '+000000120'. This alignment option is only | |
| | | valid for numeric types. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'^'`` | Forces the field to be centered within the available | |
| | | space. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| Note that unless a minimum field width is defined, the field width will always |
| be the same size as the data to fill it, so that the alignment option has no |
| meaning in this case. |
| |
| The *sign* option is only valid for number types, and can be one of the |
| following: |
| |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | Option | Meaning | |
| +=========+==========================================================+ |
| | ``'+'`` | indicates that a sign should be used for both | |
| | | positive as well as negative numbers. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'-'`` | indicates that a sign should be used only for negative | |
| | | numbers (this is the default behavior). | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | space | indicates that a leading space should be used on | |
| | | positive numbers, and a minus sign on negative numbers. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| The ``'#'`` option is only valid for integers, and only for binary, octal, or |
| hexadecimal output. If present, it specifies that the output will be prefixed |
| by ``'0b'``, ``'0o'``, or ``'0x'``, respectively. |
| |
| The ``','`` option signals the use of a comma for a thousands separator. |
| For a locale aware separator, use the ``'n'`` integer presentation type |
| instead. |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 2.7 |
| Added the ``','`` option (see also :pep:`378`). |
| |
| *width* is a decimal integer defining the minimum field width. If not |
| specified, then the field width will be determined by the content. |
| |
| Preceding the *width* field by a zero (``'0'``) character enables |
| sign-aware zero-padding for numeric types. This is equivalent to a *fill* |
| character of ``'0'`` with an *alignment* type of ``'='``. |
| |
| The *precision* is a decimal number indicating how many digits should be |
| displayed after the decimal point for a floating point value formatted with |
| ``'f'`` and ``'F'``, or before and after the decimal point for a floating point |
| value formatted with ``'g'`` or ``'G'``. For non-number types the field |
| indicates the maximum field size - in other words, how many characters will be |
| used from the field content. The *precision* is not allowed for integer values. |
| |
| Finally, the *type* determines how the data should be presented. |
| |
| The available string presentation types are: |
| |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | Type | Meaning | |
| +=========+==========================================================+ |
| | ``'s'`` | String format. This is the default type for strings and | |
| | | may be omitted. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | None | The same as ``'s'``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| The available integer presentation types are: |
| |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | Type | Meaning | |
| +=========+==========================================================+ |
| | ``'b'`` | Binary format. Outputs the number in base 2. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'c'`` | Character. Converts the integer to the corresponding | |
| | | unicode character before printing. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'d'`` | Decimal Integer. Outputs the number in base 10. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'o'`` | Octal format. Outputs the number in base 8. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'x'`` | Hex format. Outputs the number in base 16, using lower- | |
| | | case letters for the digits above 9. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'X'`` | Hex format. Outputs the number in base 16, using upper- | |
| | | case letters for the digits above 9. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'n'`` | Number. This is the same as ``'d'``, except that it uses | |
| | | the current locale setting to insert the appropriate | |
| | | number separator characters. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | None | The same as ``'d'``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| In addition to the above presentation types, integers can be formatted |
| with the floating point presentation types listed below (except |
| ``'n'`` and None). When doing so, :func:`float` is used to convert the |
| integer to a floating point number before formatting. |
| |
| The available presentation types for floating point and decimal values are: |
| |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | Type | Meaning | |
| +=========+==========================================================+ |
| | ``'e'`` | Exponent notation. Prints the number in scientific | |
| | | notation using the letter 'e' to indicate the exponent. | |
| | | The default precision is ``6``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'E'`` | Exponent notation. Same as ``'e'`` except it uses an | |
| | | upper case 'E' as the separator character. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'f'`` | Fixed point. Displays the number as a fixed-point | |
| | | number. The default precision is ``6``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'F'`` | Fixed point. Same as ``'f'``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'g'`` | General format. For a given precision ``p >= 1``, | |
| | | this rounds the number to ``p`` significant digits and | |
| | | then formats the result in either fixed-point format | |
| | | or in scientific notation, depending on its magnitude. | |
| | | | |
| | | The precise rules are as follows: suppose that the | |
| | | result formatted with presentation type ``'e'`` and | |
| | | precision ``p-1`` would have exponent ``exp``. Then | |
| | | if ``-4 <= exp < p``, the number is formatted | |
| | | with presentation type ``'f'`` and precision | |
| | | ``p-1-exp``. Otherwise, the number is formatted | |
| | | with presentation type ``'e'`` and precision ``p-1``. | |
| | | In both cases insignificant trailing zeros are removed | |
| | | from the significand, and the decimal point is also | |
| | | removed if there are no remaining digits following it. | |
| | | | |
| | | Positive and negative infinity, positive and negative | |
| | | zero, and nans, are formatted as ``inf``, ``-inf``, | |
| | | ``0``, ``-0`` and ``nan`` respectively, regardless of | |
| | | the precision. | |
| | | | |
| | | A precision of ``0`` is treated as equivalent to a | |
| | | precision of ``1``. The default precision is ``6``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'G'`` | General format. Same as ``'g'`` except switches to | |
| | | ``'E'`` if the number gets too large. The | |
| | | representations of infinity and NaN are uppercased, too. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'n'`` | Number. This is the same as ``'g'``, except that it uses | |
| | | the current locale setting to insert the appropriate | |
| | | number separator characters. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | ``'%'`` | Percentage. Multiplies the number by 100 and displays | |
| | | in fixed (``'f'``) format, followed by a percent sign. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | None | The same as ``'g'``. | |
| +---------+----------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| .. _formatexamples: |
| |
| Format examples |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| This section contains examples of the :meth:`str.format` syntax and |
| comparison with the old ``%``-formatting. |
| |
| In most of the cases the syntax is similar to the old ``%``-formatting, with the |
| addition of the ``{}`` and with ``:`` used instead of ``%``. |
| For example, ``'%03.2f'`` can be translated to ``'{:03.2f}'``. |
| |
| The new format syntax also supports new and different options, shown in the |
| follow examples. |
| |
| Accessing arguments by position:: |
| |
| >>> '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format('a', 'b', 'c') |
| 'a, b, c' |
| >>> '{}, {}, {}'.format('a', 'b', 'c') # 2.7+ only |
| 'a, b, c' |
| >>> '{2}, {1}, {0}'.format('a', 'b', 'c') |
| 'c, b, a' |
| >>> '{2}, {1}, {0}'.format(*'abc') # unpacking argument sequence |
| 'c, b, a' |
| >>> '{0}{1}{0}'.format('abra', 'cad') # arguments' indices can be repeated |
| 'abracadabra' |
| |
| Accessing arguments by name:: |
| |
| >>> 'Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}'.format(latitude='37.24N', longitude='-115.81W') |
| 'Coordinates: 37.24N, -115.81W' |
| >>> coord = {'latitude': '37.24N', 'longitude': '-115.81W'} |
| >>> 'Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}'.format(**coord) |
| 'Coordinates: 37.24N, -115.81W' |
| |
| Accessing arguments' attributes:: |
| |
| >>> c = 3-5j |
| >>> ('The complex number {0} is formed from the real part {0.real} ' |
| ... 'and the imaginary part {0.imag}.').format(c) |
| 'The complex number (3-5j) is formed from the real part 3.0 and the imaginary part -5.0.' |
| >>> class Point(object): |
| ... def __init__(self, x, y): |
| ... self.x, self.y = x, y |
| ... def __str__(self): |
| ... return 'Point({self.x}, {self.y})'.format(self=self) |
| ... |
| >>> str(Point(4, 2)) |
| 'Point(4, 2)' |
| |
| |
| Accessing arguments' items:: |
| |
| >>> coord = (3, 5) |
| >>> 'X: {0[0]}; Y: {0[1]}'.format(coord) |
| 'X: 3; Y: 5' |
| |
| Replacing ``%s`` and ``%r``:: |
| |
| >>> "repr() shows quotes: {!r}; str() doesn't: {!s}".format('test1', 'test2') |
| "repr() shows quotes: 'test1'; str() doesn't: test2" |
| |
| Aligning the text and specifying a width:: |
| |
| >>> '{:<30}'.format('left aligned') |
| 'left aligned ' |
| >>> '{:>30}'.format('right aligned') |
| ' right aligned' |
| >>> '{:^30}'.format('centered') |
| ' centered ' |
| >>> '{:*^30}'.format('centered') # use '*' as a fill char |
| '***********centered***********' |
| |
| Replacing ``%+f``, ``%-f``, and ``% f`` and specifying a sign:: |
| |
| >>> '{:+f}; {:+f}'.format(3.14, -3.14) # show it always |
| '+3.140000; -3.140000' |
| >>> '{: f}; {: f}'.format(3.14, -3.14) # show a space for positive numbers |
| ' 3.140000; -3.140000' |
| >>> '{:-f}; {:-f}'.format(3.14, -3.14) # show only the minus -- same as '{:f}; {:f}' |
| '3.140000; -3.140000' |
| |
| Replacing ``%x`` and ``%o`` and converting the value to different bases:: |
| |
| >>> # format also supports binary numbers |
| >>> "int: {0:d}; hex: {0:x}; oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}".format(42) |
| 'int: 42; hex: 2a; oct: 52; bin: 101010' |
| >>> # with 0x, 0o, or 0b as prefix: |
| >>> "int: {0:d}; hex: {0:#x}; oct: {0:#o}; bin: {0:#b}".format(42) |
| 'int: 42; hex: 0x2a; oct: 0o52; bin: 0b101010' |
| |
| Using the comma as a thousands separator:: |
| |
| >>> '{:,}'.format(1234567890) |
| '1,234,567,890' |
| |
| Expressing a percentage:: |
| |
| >>> points = 19.5 |
| >>> total = 22 |
| >>> 'Correct answers: {:.2%}'.format(points/total) |
| 'Correct answers: 88.64%' |
| |
| Using type-specific formatting:: |
| |
| >>> import datetime |
| >>> d = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 4, 12, 15, 58) |
| >>> '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(d) |
| '2010-07-04 12:15:58' |
| |
| Nesting arguments and more complex examples:: |
| |
| >>> for align, text in zip('<^>', ['left', 'center', 'right']): |
| ... '{0:{fill}{align}16}'.format(text, fill=align, align=align) |
| ... |
| 'left<<<<<<<<<<<<' |
| '^^^^^center^^^^^' |
| '>>>>>>>>>>>right' |
| >>> |
| >>> octets = [192, 168, 0, 1] |
| >>> '{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(*octets) |
| 'C0A80001' |
| >>> int(_, 16) |
| 3232235521 |
| >>> |
| >>> width = 5 |
| >>> for num in range(5,12): |
| ... for base in 'dXob': |
| ... print '{0:{width}{base}}'.format(num, base=base, width=width), |
| ... print |
| ... |
| 5 5 5 101 |
| 6 6 6 110 |
| 7 7 7 111 |
| 8 8 10 1000 |
| 9 9 11 1001 |
| 10 A 12 1010 |
| 11 B 13 1011 |
| |
| |
| |
| Template strings |
| ---------------- |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 2.4 |
| |
| Templates provide simpler string substitutions as described in :pep:`292`. |
| Instead of the normal ``%``\ -based substitutions, Templates support ``$``\ |
| -based substitutions, using the following rules: |
| |
| * ``$$`` is an escape; it is replaced with a single ``$``. |
| |
| * ``$identifier`` names a substitution placeholder matching a mapping key of |
| ``"identifier"``. By default, ``"identifier"`` must spell a Python |
| identifier. The first non-identifier character after the ``$`` character |
| terminates this placeholder specification. |
| |
| * ``${identifier}`` is equivalent to ``$identifier``. It is required when valid |
| identifier characters follow the placeholder but are not part of the |
| placeholder, such as ``"${noun}ification"``. |
| |
| Any other appearance of ``$`` in the string will result in a :exc:`ValueError` |
| being raised. |
| |
| The :mod:`string` module provides a :class:`Template` class that implements |
| these rules. The methods of :class:`Template` are: |
| |
| |
| .. class:: Template(template) |
| |
| The constructor takes a single argument which is the template string. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: substitute(mapping[, **kws]) |
| |
| Performs the template substitution, returning a new string. *mapping* is |
| any dictionary-like object with keys that match the placeholders in the |
| template. Alternatively, you can provide keyword arguments, where the |
| keywords are the placeholders. When both *mapping* and *kws* are given |
| and there are duplicates, the placeholders from *kws* take precedence. |
| |
| |
| .. method:: safe_substitute(mapping[, **kws]) |
| |
| Like :meth:`substitute`, except that if placeholders are missing from |
| *mapping* and *kws*, instead of raising a :exc:`KeyError` exception, the |
| original placeholder will appear in the resulting string intact. Also, |
| unlike with :meth:`substitute`, any other appearances of the ``$`` will |
| simply return ``$`` instead of raising :exc:`ValueError`. |
| |
| While other exceptions may still occur, this method is called "safe" |
| because substitutions always tries to return a usable string instead of |
| raising an exception. In another sense, :meth:`safe_substitute` may be |
| anything other than safe, since it will silently ignore malformed |
| templates containing dangling delimiters, unmatched braces, or |
| placeholders that are not valid Python identifiers. |
| |
| :class:`Template` instances also provide one public data attribute: |
| |
| .. attribute:: template |
| |
| This is the object passed to the constructor's *template* argument. In |
| general, you shouldn't change it, but read-only access is not enforced. |
| |
| Here is an example of how to use a Template:: |
| |
| >>> from string import Template |
| >>> s = Template('$who likes $what') |
| >>> s.substitute(who='tim', what='kung pao') |
| 'tim likes kung pao' |
| >>> d = dict(who='tim') |
| >>> Template('Give $who $100').substitute(d) |
| Traceback (most recent call last): |
| ... |
| ValueError: Invalid placeholder in string: line 1, col 11 |
| >>> Template('$who likes $what').substitute(d) |
| Traceback (most recent call last): |
| ... |
| KeyError: 'what' |
| >>> Template('$who likes $what').safe_substitute(d) |
| 'tim likes $what' |
| |
| Advanced usage: you can derive subclasses of :class:`Template` to customize the |
| placeholder syntax, delimiter character, or the entire regular expression used |
| to parse template strings. To do this, you can override these class attributes: |
| |
| * *delimiter* -- This is the literal string describing a placeholder introducing |
| delimiter. The default value is ``$``. Note that this should *not* be a |
| regular expression, as the implementation will call :meth:`re.escape` on this |
| string as needed. |
| |
| * *idpattern* -- This is the regular expression describing the pattern for |
| non-braced placeholders (the braces will be added automatically as |
| appropriate). The default value is the regular expression |
| ``[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*``. |
| |
| Alternatively, you can provide the entire regular expression pattern by |
| overriding the class attribute *pattern*. If you do this, the value must be a |
| regular expression object with four named capturing groups. The capturing |
| groups correspond to the rules given above, along with the invalid placeholder |
| rule: |
| |
| * *escaped* -- This group matches the escape sequence, e.g. ``$$``, in the |
| default pattern. |
| |
| * *named* -- This group matches the unbraced placeholder name; it should not |
| include the delimiter in capturing group. |
| |
| * *braced* -- This group matches the brace enclosed placeholder name; it should |
| not include either the delimiter or braces in the capturing group. |
| |
| * *invalid* -- This group matches any other delimiter pattern (usually a single |
| delimiter), and it should appear last in the regular expression. |
| |
| |
| String functions |
| ---------------- |
| |
| The following functions are available to operate on string and Unicode objects. |
| They are not available as string methods. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: capwords(s[, sep]) |
| |
| Split the argument into words using :meth:`str.split`, capitalize each word |
| using :meth:`str.capitalize`, and join the capitalized words using |
| :meth:`str.join`. If the optional second argument *sep* is absent |
| or ``None``, runs of whitespace characters are replaced by a single space |
| and leading and trailing whitespace are removed, otherwise *sep* is used to |
| split and join the words. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: maketrans(from, to) |
| |
| Return a translation table suitable for passing to :func:`translate`, that will |
| map each character in *from* into the character at the same position in *to*; |
| *from* and *to* must have the same length. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| Don't use strings derived from :const:`lowercase` and :const:`uppercase` as |
| arguments; in some locales, these don't have the same length. For case |
| conversions, always use :meth:`str.lower` and :meth:`str.upper`. |
| |
| |
| Deprecated string functions |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| The following list of functions are also defined as methods of string and |
| Unicode objects; see section :ref:`string-methods` for more information on |
| those. You should consider these functions as deprecated, although they will |
| not be removed until Python 3. The functions defined in this module are: |
| |
| |
| .. function:: atof(s) |
| |
| .. deprecated:: 2.0 |
| Use the :func:`float` built-in function. |
| |
| .. index:: builtin: float |
| |
| Convert a string to a floating point number. The string must have the standard |
| syntax for a floating point literal in Python, optionally preceded by a sign |
| (``+`` or ``-``). Note that this behaves identical to the built-in function |
| :func:`float` when passed a string. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| .. index:: |
| single: NaN |
| single: Infinity |
| |
| When passing in a string, values for NaN and Infinity may be returned, depending |
| on the underlying C library. The specific set of strings accepted which cause |
| these values to be returned depends entirely on the C library and is known to |
| vary. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: atoi(s[, base]) |
| |
| .. deprecated:: 2.0 |
| Use the :func:`int` built-in function. |
| |
| .. index:: builtin: eval |
| |
| Convert string *s* to an integer in the given *base*. The string must consist |
| of one or more digits, optionally preceded by a sign (``+`` or ``-``). The |
| *base* defaults to 10. If it is 0, a default base is chosen depending on the |
| leading characters of the string (after stripping the sign): ``0x`` or ``0X`` |
| means 16, ``0`` means 8, anything else means 10. If *base* is 16, a leading |
| ``0x`` or ``0X`` is always accepted, though not required. This behaves |
| identically to the built-in function :func:`int` when passed a string. (Also |
| note: for a more flexible interpretation of numeric literals, use the built-in |
| function :func:`eval`.) |
| |
| |
| .. function:: atol(s[, base]) |
| |
| .. deprecated:: 2.0 |
| Use the :func:`long` built-in function. |
| |
| .. index:: builtin: long |
| |
| Convert string *s* to a long integer in the given *base*. The string must |
| consist of one or more digits, optionally preceded by a sign (``+`` or ``-``). |
| The *base* argument has the same meaning as for :func:`atoi`. A trailing ``l`` |
| or ``L`` is not allowed, except if the base is 0. Note that when invoked |
| without *base* or with *base* set to 10, this behaves identical to the built-in |
| function :func:`long` when passed a string. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: capitalize(word) |
| |
| Return a copy of *word* with only its first character capitalized. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: expandtabs(s[, tabsize]) |
| |
| Expand tabs in a string replacing them by one or more spaces, depending on the |
| current column and the given tab size. The column number is reset to zero after |
| each newline occurring in the string. This doesn't understand other non-printing |
| characters or escape sequences. The tab size defaults to 8. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: find(s, sub[, start[,end]]) |
| |
| Return the lowest index in *s* where the substring *sub* is found such that |
| *sub* is wholly contained in ``s[start:end]``. Return ``-1`` on failure. |
| Defaults for *start* and *end* and interpretation of negative values is the same |
| as for slices. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: rfind(s, sub[, start[, end]]) |
| |
| Like :func:`find` but find the highest index. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: index(s, sub[, start[, end]]) |
| |
| Like :func:`find` but raise :exc:`ValueError` when the substring is not found. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: rindex(s, sub[, start[, end]]) |
| |
| Like :func:`rfind` but raise :exc:`ValueError` when the substring is not found. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: count(s, sub[, start[, end]]) |
| |
| Return the number of (non-overlapping) occurrences of substring *sub* in string |
| ``s[start:end]``. Defaults for *start* and *end* and interpretation of negative |
| values are the same as for slices. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: lower(s) |
| |
| Return a copy of *s*, but with upper case letters converted to lower case. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: split(s[, sep[, maxsplit]]) |
| |
| Return a list of the words of the string *s*. If the optional second argument |
| *sep* is absent or ``None``, the words are separated by arbitrary strings of |
| whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, return, formfeed). If the second |
| argument *sep* is present and not ``None``, it specifies a string to be used as |
| the word separator. The returned list will then have one more item than the |
| number of non-overlapping occurrences of the separator in the string. |
| If *maxsplit* is given, at most *maxsplit* number of splits occur, and the |
| remainder of the string is returned as the final element of the list (thus, |
| the list will have at most ``maxsplit+1`` elements). If *maxsplit* is not |
| specified or ``-1``, then there is no limit on the number of splits (all |
| possible splits are made). |
| |
| The behavior of split on an empty string depends on the value of *sep*. If *sep* |
| is not specified, or specified as ``None``, the result will be an empty list. |
| If *sep* is specified as any string, the result will be a list containing one |
| element which is an empty string. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: rsplit(s[, sep[, maxsplit]]) |
| |
| Return a list of the words of the string *s*, scanning *s* from the end. To all |
| intents and purposes, the resulting list of words is the same as returned by |
| :func:`split`, except when the optional third argument *maxsplit* is explicitly |
| specified and nonzero. If *maxsplit* is given, at most *maxsplit* number of |
| splits -- the *rightmost* ones -- occur, and the remainder of the string is |
| returned as the first element of the list (thus, the list will have at most |
| ``maxsplit+1`` elements). |
| |
| .. versionadded:: 2.4 |
| |
| |
| .. function:: splitfields(s[, sep[, maxsplit]]) |
| |
| This function behaves identically to :func:`split`. (In the past, :func:`split` |
| was only used with one argument, while :func:`splitfields` was only used with |
| two arguments.) |
| |
| |
| .. function:: join(words[, sep]) |
| |
| Concatenate a list or tuple of words with intervening occurrences of *sep*. |
| The default value for *sep* is a single space character. It is always true that |
| ``string.join(string.split(s, sep), sep)`` equals *s*. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: joinfields(words[, sep]) |
| |
| This function behaves identically to :func:`join`. (In the past, :func:`join` |
| was only used with one argument, while :func:`joinfields` was only used with two |
| arguments.) Note that there is no :meth:`joinfields` method on string objects; |
| use the :meth:`join` method instead. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: lstrip(s[, chars]) |
| |
| Return a copy of the string with leading characters removed. If *chars* is |
| omitted or ``None``, whitespace characters are removed. If given and not |
| ``None``, *chars* must be a string; the characters in the string will be |
| stripped from the beginning of the string this method is called on. |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 2.2.3 |
| The *chars* parameter was added. The *chars* parameter cannot be passed in |
| earlier 2.2 versions. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: rstrip(s[, chars]) |
| |
| Return a copy of the string with trailing characters removed. If *chars* is |
| omitted or ``None``, whitespace characters are removed. If given and not |
| ``None``, *chars* must be a string; the characters in the string will be |
| stripped from the end of the string this method is called on. |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 2.2.3 |
| The *chars* parameter was added. The *chars* parameter cannot be passed in |
| earlier 2.2 versions. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: strip(s[, chars]) |
| |
| Return a copy of the string with leading and trailing characters removed. If |
| *chars* is omitted or ``None``, whitespace characters are removed. If given and |
| not ``None``, *chars* must be a string; the characters in the string will be |
| stripped from the both ends of the string this method is called on. |
| |
| .. versionchanged:: 2.2.3 |
| The *chars* parameter was added. The *chars* parameter cannot be passed in |
| earlier 2.2 versions. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: swapcase(s) |
| |
| Return a copy of *s*, but with lower case letters converted to upper case and |
| vice versa. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: translate(s, table[, deletechars]) |
| |
| Delete all characters from *s* that are in *deletechars* (if present), and then |
| translate the characters using *table*, which must be a 256-character string |
| giving the translation for each character value, indexed by its ordinal. If |
| *table* is ``None``, then only the character deletion step is performed. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: upper(s) |
| |
| Return a copy of *s*, but with lower case letters converted to upper case. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: ljust(s, width[, fillchar]) |
| rjust(s, width[, fillchar]) |
| center(s, width[, fillchar]) |
| |
| These functions respectively left-justify, right-justify and center a string in |
| a field of given width. They return a string that is at least *width* |
| characters wide, created by padding the string *s* with the character *fillchar* |
| (default is a space) until the given width on the right, left or both sides. |
| The string is never truncated. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: zfill(s, width) |
| |
| Pad a numeric string *s* on the left with zero digits until the |
| given *width* is reached. Strings starting with a sign are handled |
| correctly. |
| |
| |
| .. function:: replace(s, old, new[, maxreplace]) |
| |
| Return a copy of string *s* with all occurrences of substring *old* replaced |
| by *new*. If the optional argument *maxreplace* is given, the first |
| *maxreplace* occurrences are replaced. |
| |