@echo off | |
setlocal | |
pushd %~dp0 | |
set this=%~n0 | |
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" EQU "" set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build | |
if "%PYTHON%" EQU "" set PYTHON=py | |
if DEFINED ProgramFiles(x86) set _PRGMFLS=%ProgramFiles(x86)% | |
if NOT DEFINED ProgramFiles(x86) set _PRGMFLS=%ProgramFiles% | |
if "%HTMLHELP%" EQU "" set HTMLHELP=%_PRGMFLS%\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe | |
if "%DISTVERSION%" EQU "" for /f "usebackq" %%v in (`%PYTHON% tools/extensions/patchlevel.py`) do set DISTVERSION=%%v | |
if "%BUILDDIR%" EQU "" set BUILDDIR=build | |
rem Targets that don't require sphinx-build | |
if "%1" EQU "" goto help | |
if "%1" EQU "help" goto help | |
if "%1" EQU "check" goto check | |
if "%1" EQU "serve" goto serve | |
if "%1" == "clean" ( | |
rmdir /q /s %BUILDDIR% | |
goto end | |
) | |
%SPHINXBUILD% 2> nul | |
if errorlevel 9009 ( | |
echo. | |
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx | |
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point | |
echo.to the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you | |
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH. | |
echo. | |
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from | |
echo.http://sphinx-doc.org/ | |
goto end | |
) | |
rem Targets that do require sphinx-build and have their own label | |
if "%1" EQU "htmlview" goto htmlview | |
rem Everything else | |
goto build | |
:help | |
echo.usage: %this% BUILDER [filename ...] | |
echo. | |
echo.Call %this% with the desired Sphinx builder as the first argument, e.g. | |
echo.``%this% html`` or ``%this% doctest``. Interesting targets that are | |
echo.always available include: | |
echo. | |
echo. Provided by Sphinx: | |
echo. html, htmlhelp, latex, text | |
echo. suspicious, linkcheck, changes, doctest | |
echo. Provided by this script: | |
echo. clean, check, serve, htmlview | |
echo. | |
echo.All arguments past the first one are passed through to sphinx-build as | |
echo.filenames to build or are ignored. See README.txt in this directory or | |
echo.the documentation for your version of Sphinx for more exhaustive lists | |
echo.of available targets and descriptions of each. | |
echo. | |
echo.This script assumes that the SPHINXBUILD environment variable contains | |
echo.a legitimate command for calling sphinx-build, or that sphinx-build is | |
echo.on your PATH if SPHINXBUILD is not set. Options for sphinx-build can | |
echo.be passed by setting the SPHINXOPTS environment variable. | |
goto end | |
:build | |
if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" ( | |
set SPHINXOPTS=-D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %SPHINXOPTS% | |
) | |
cmd /C %SPHINXBUILD% %SPHINXOPTS% -b%1 -dbuild\doctrees . %BUILDDIR%\%* | |
if "%1" EQU "htmlhelp" ( | |
if not exist "%HTMLHELP%" ( | |
echo. | |
echo.The HTML Help Workshop was not found. Set the HTMLHELP variable | |
echo.to the path to hhc.exe or download and install it from | |
echo.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms669985 | |
rem Set errorlevel to 1 and exit | |
cmd /C exit /b 1 | |
goto end | |
) | |
cmd /C "%HTMLHELP%" build\htmlhelp\python%DISTVERSION:.=%.hhp | |
rem hhc.exe seems to always exit with code 1, reset to 0 for less than 2 | |
if not errorlevel 2 cmd /C exit /b 0 | |
) | |
echo. | |
if errorlevel 1 ( | |
echo.Build failed (exit code %ERRORLEVEL%^), check for error messages | |
echo.above. Any output will be found in %BUILDDIR%\%1 | |
) else ( | |
echo.Build succeeded. All output should be in %BUILDDIR%\%1 | |
) | |
goto end | |
:htmlview | |
if NOT "%2" EQU "" ( | |
echo.Can't specify filenames to build with htmlview target, ignoring. | |
) | |
cmd /C %this% html | |
if EXIST %BUILDDIR%\html\index.html ( | |
echo.Opening %BUILDDIR%\html\index.html in the default web browser... | |
start %BUILDDIR%\html\index.html | |
) | |
goto end | |
:check | |
cmd /C %PYTHON% tools\rstlint.py -i tools | |
goto end | |
:serve | |
cmd /C %PYTHON% ..\Tools\scripts\serve.py %BUILDDIR%\html | |
goto end | |
:end | |
popd |