blob: a256dd7f486d72a62e53cda4f16acb855d0af954 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Written by Will Bond <[email protected]>
# The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in
# this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the
# public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend
# this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all
# present and future rights to this code under copyright law.
def data(provider_method, first_param_name_suffix=False):
A method decorator for unittest.TestCase classes that configured a
static method to be used to provide multiple sets of test data to a single
:param provider_method:
The name of the staticmethod of the class to use as the data provider
:param first_param_name_suffix:
If the first parameter for each set should be appended to the method
name to generate the name of the test. Otherwise integers are used.
The decorated function
def test_func_decorator(test_func):
test_func._provider_method = provider_method
test_func._provider_name_suffix = first_param_name_suffix
return test_func
return test_func_decorator
def data_decorator(cls):
A class decorator that works with the @provider decorator to generate test
method from a data provider
def generate_test_func(name, original_function, num, params):
if original_function._provider_name_suffix:
data_name = params[0]
params = params[1:]
data_name = num
expanded_name = 'test_%s_%s' % (name, data_name)
# We used expanded variable names here since this line is present in
# backtraces that are generated from test failures.
def generated_test_function(self):
original_function(self, *params)
setattr(cls, expanded_name, generated_test_function)
for name in dir(cls):
func = getattr(cls, name)
if hasattr(func, '_provider_method'):
num = 1
for params in getattr(cls, func._provider_method)():
generate_test_func(name, func, num, params)
num += 1
return cls