blob: 141cc0436a9d5354764a825dd2576070120d6bc9 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Bumble & Python logging
use pyo3::types::PyDict;
use pyo3::{intern, types::PyModule, PyResult, Python};
use std::env;
/// Returns the uppercased contents of the `BUMBLE_LOGLEVEL` env var, or `default` if it is not present or not UTF-8.
/// The result could be passed to [py_logging_basic_config] to configure Python's logging
/// accordingly.
pub fn bumble_env_logging_level(default: impl Into<String>) -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| default.into())
/// Call `logging.basicConfig` with the provided logging level
pub fn py_logging_basic_config(log_level: impl Into<String>) -> PyResult<()> {
Python::with_gil(|py| {
let kwargs = PyDict::new(py);
kwargs.set_item("level", log_level.into())?;
PyModule::import(py, intern!(py, "logging"))?
.call_method(intern!(py, "basicConfig"), (), Some(kwargs))
.map(|_| ())