blob: 27b86d97d1126768209873530224e4323f060d7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
//! Types that wrap the Python API.
//! Because mutability, aliasing, etc is all hidden behind Python, the normal Rust rules about
//! only one mutable reference to one piece of memory, etc, may not hold since using `&mut self`
//! instead of `&self` is only guided by inspection of the Python source, not the compiler.
//! The modules are generally structured to mirror the Python equivalents.
// Re-exported to make it easy for users to depend on the same `PyObject`, etc
pub use pyo3;
pub use pyo3_asyncio;
use pyo3::{
types::{PyDict, PyTuple},
pub mod assigned_numbers;
pub mod common;
pub mod controller;
pub mod core;
pub mod device;
pub mod drivers;
pub mod gatt_client;
pub mod hci;
pub mod host;
pub mod l2cap;
pub mod link;
pub mod logging;
pub mod profile;
pub mod transport;
/// Convenience extensions to [PyObject]
pub trait PyObjectExt: Sized {
/// Get a GIL-bound reference
fn gil_ref<'py>(&'py self, py: Python<'py>) -> &'py PyAny;
/// Extract any [FromPyObject] implementation from this value
fn extract_with_gil<T>(&self) -> PyResult<T>
T: for<'a> FromPyObject<'a>,
Python::with_gil(|py| self.gil_ref(py).extract::<T>())
/// If the Python object is a Python `None`, return a Rust `None`, otherwise `Some` with the mapped type
fn into_option<T>(self, map_obj: impl Fn(Self) -> T) -> Option<T> {
Python::with_gil(|py| {
if self.gil_ref(py).is_none() {
} else {
impl PyObjectExt for PyObject {
fn gil_ref<'py>(&'py self, py: Python<'py>) -> &'py PyAny {
/// Convenience extensions to [PyDict]
pub trait PyDictExt {
/// Set item in dict only if value is Some, otherwise do nothing.
fn set_opt_item<K: ToPyObject, V: ToPyObject>(&self, key: K, value: Option<V>) -> PyResult<()>;
impl PyDictExt for PyDict {
fn set_opt_item<K: ToPyObject, V: ToPyObject>(&self, key: K, value: Option<V>) -> PyResult<()> {
if let Some(value) = value {
self.set_item(key, value)?
/// Wrapper to make Rust closures ([Fn] implementations) callable from Python.
/// The Python callable form returns a Python `None`.
#[pyclass(name = "SubscribeCallback")]
pub(crate) struct ClosureCallback {
// can't use generics in a pyclass, so have to box
callback: Box<dyn Fn(Python, &PyTuple, Option<&PyDict>) -> PyResult<()> + Send + 'static>,
impl ClosureCallback {
/// Create a new callback around the provided closure
pub fn new(
callback: impl Fn(Python, &PyTuple, Option<&PyDict>) -> PyResult<()> + Send + 'static,
) -> Self {
Self {
callback: Box::new(callback),
impl ClosureCallback {
#[pyo3(signature = (*args, **kwargs))]
fn __call__(
py: Python<'_>,
args: &PyTuple,
kwargs: Option<&PyDict>,
) -> PyResult<Py<PyAny>> {
(self.callback)(py, args, kwargs).map(|_| py.None())
/// Wraps the Python function in a Python async function. `pyo3_asyncio` needs functions to be
/// marked async to properly inject a running loop.
pub(crate) fn wrap_python_async<'a>(py: Python<'a>, function: &'a PyAny) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> {
PyModule::import(py, intern!(py, "bumble.utils"))?
.getattr(intern!(py, "wrap_async"))?