blob: ad33bbd7e368f0089e023c0b638a92f8da75a6ca [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* ffi.dlopen() interface with dlopen()/dlsym()/dlclose() */
static void *cdlopen_fetch(PyObject *libname, void *libhandle,
const char *symbol)
void *address;
if (libhandle == NULL) {
PyErr_Format(FFIError, "library '%s' has been closed",
return NULL;
dlerror(); /* clear error condition */
address = dlsym(libhandle, symbol);
if (address == NULL) {
const char *error = dlerror();
PyErr_Format(FFIError, "symbol '%s' not found in library '%s': %s",
symbol, PyText_AS_UTF8(libname), error);
return address;
static void cdlopen_close_ignore_errors(void *libhandle)
if (libhandle != NULL)
static int cdlopen_close(PyObject *libname, void *libhandle)
if (libhandle != NULL && dlclose(libhandle) != 0) {
const char *error = dlerror();
PyErr_Format(FFIError, "closing library '%s': %s",
PyText_AS_UTF8(libname), error);
return -1;
return 0;
static PyObject *ffi_dlopen(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
const char *modname;
PyObject *temp, *result = NULL;
void *handle;
handle = b_do_dlopen(args, &modname, &temp);
if (handle != NULL)
result = (PyObject *)lib_internal_new((FFIObject *)self,
modname, handle);
return result;
static PyObject *ffi_dlclose(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
LibObject *lib;
void *libhandle;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &Lib_Type, &lib))
return NULL;
libhandle = lib->l_libhandle;
if (libhandle != NULL)
lib->l_libhandle = NULL;
/* Clear the dict to force further accesses to do cdlopen_fetch()
again, and fail because the library was closed. */
if (cdlopen_close(lib->l_libname, libhandle) < 0)
return NULL;
return Py_None;
static Py_ssize_t cdl_4bytes(char *src)
/* read 4 bytes in little-endian order; return it as a signed integer */
signed char *ssrc = (signed char *)src;
unsigned char *usrc = (unsigned char *)src;
return (ssrc[0] << 24) | (usrc[1] << 16) | (usrc[2] << 8) | usrc[3];
static _cffi_opcode_t cdl_opcode(char *src)
return (_cffi_opcode_t)cdl_4bytes(src);
typedef struct {
unsigned long long value;
int neg;
} cdl_intconst_t;
static int _cdl_realize_global_int(struct _cffi_getconst_s *gc)
/* The 'address' field of 'struct _cffi_global_s' is set to point
to this function in case ffiobj_init() sees constant integers.
This fishes around after the 'ctx->globals' array, which is
initialized to contain another array, this time of
'cdl_intconst_t' structures. We get the nth one and it tells
us what to return.
cdl_intconst_t *ic;
ic = (cdl_intconst_t *)(gc->ctx->globals + gc->ctx->num_globals);
ic += gc->gindex;
gc->value = ic->value;
return ic->neg;
static int ffiobj_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
FFIObject *ffi;
static char *keywords[] = {"module_name", "_version", "_types",
"_globals", "_struct_unions", "_enums",
"_typenames", "_includes", NULL};
char *ffiname = "?", *types = NULL, *building = NULL;
Py_ssize_t version = -1;
Py_ssize_t types_len = 0;
PyObject *globals = NULL, *struct_unions = NULL, *enums = NULL;
PyObject *typenames = NULL, *includes = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds,
"|sns#O!O!O!O!O!:FFI", keywords,
&ffiname, &version, &types, &types_len,
&PyTuple_Type, &globals,
&PyTuple_Type, &struct_unions,
&PyTuple_Type, &enums,
&PyTuple_Type, &typenames,
&PyTuple_Type, &includes))
return -1;
ffi = (FFIObject *)self;
if (ffi->ctx_is_nonempty) {
"cannot call FFI.__init__() more than once");
return -1;
ffi->ctx_is_nonempty = 1;
if (version == -1 && types_len == 0)
return 0;
if (version < CFFI_VERSION_MIN || version > CFFI_VERSION_MAX) {
"cffi out-of-line Python module '%s' has unknown "
"version %p", ffiname, (void *)version);
return -1;
if (types_len > 0) {
/* unpack a string of 4-byte entries into an array of _cffi_opcode_t */
_cffi_opcode_t *ntypes;
Py_ssize_t i, n = types_len / 4;
building = PyMem_Malloc(n * sizeof(_cffi_opcode_t));
if (building == NULL)
goto error;
ntypes = (_cffi_opcode_t *)building;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ntypes[i] = cdl_opcode(types);
types += 4;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.types = ntypes;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_types = n;
building = NULL;
if (globals != NULL) {
/* unpack a tuple alternating strings and ints, each two together
describing one global_s entry with no specified address or size.
The int is only used with integer constants. */
struct _cffi_global_s *nglobs;
cdl_intconst_t *nintconsts;
Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(globals) / 2;
i = n * (sizeof(struct _cffi_global_s) + sizeof(cdl_intconst_t));
building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
if (building == NULL)
goto error;
memset(building, 0, i);
nglobs = (struct _cffi_global_s *)building;
nintconsts = (cdl_intconst_t *)(nglobs + n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char *g = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(globals, i * 2));
nglobs[i].type_op = cdl_opcode(g); g += 4;
nglobs[i].name = g;
if (_CFFI_GETOP(nglobs[i].type_op) == _CFFI_OP_CONSTANT_INT ||
_CFFI_GETOP(nglobs[i].type_op) == _CFFI_OP_ENUM) {
PyObject *o = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(globals, i * 2 + 1);
nglobs[i].address = &_cdl_realize_global_int;
if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
nintconsts[i].neg = PyInt_AS_LONG(o) <= 0;
nintconsts[i].value = (long long)PyInt_AS_LONG(o);
nintconsts[i].neg = PyObject_RichCompareBool(o, Py_False,
nintconsts[i].value = PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(o);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
goto error;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.globals = nglobs;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_globals = n;
building = NULL;
if (struct_unions != NULL) {
/* unpack a tuple of struct/unions, each described as a sub-tuple;
the item 0 of each sub-tuple describes the struct/union, and
the items 1..N-1 describe the fields, if any */
struct _cffi_struct_union_s *nstructs;
struct _cffi_field_s *nfields;
Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(struct_unions);
Py_ssize_t nf = 0; /* total number of fields */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
nf += PyTuple_GET_SIZE(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(struct_unions, i)) - 1;
i = (n * sizeof(struct _cffi_struct_union_s) +
nf * sizeof(struct _cffi_field_s));
building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
if (building == NULL)
goto error;
memset(building, 0, i);
nstructs = (struct _cffi_struct_union_s *)building;
nfields = (struct _cffi_field_s *)(nstructs + n);
nf = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/* 'desc' is the tuple of strings (desc_struct, desc_field_1, ..) */
PyObject *desc = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(struct_unions, i);
Py_ssize_t j, nf1 = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(desc) - 1;
char *s = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(desc, 0));
/* 's' is the first string, describing the struct/union */
nstructs[i].type_index = cdl_4bytes(s); s += 4;
nstructs[i].flags = cdl_4bytes(s); s += 4;
nstructs[i].name = s;
if (nstructs[i].flags & (_CFFI_F_OPAQUE | _CFFI_F_EXTERNAL)) {
nstructs[i].size = (size_t)-1;
nstructs[i].alignment = -1;
nstructs[i].first_field_index = -1;
nstructs[i].num_fields = 0;
assert(nf1 == 0);
else {
nstructs[i].size = (size_t)-2;
nstructs[i].alignment = -2;
nstructs[i].first_field_index = nf;
nstructs[i].num_fields = nf1;
for (j = 0; j < nf1; j++) {
char *f = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(desc, j + 1));
/* 'f' is one of the other strings beyond the first one,
describing one field each */
nfields[nf].field_type_op = cdl_opcode(f); f += 4;
nfields[nf].field_offset = (size_t)-1;
if (_CFFI_GETOP(nfields[nf].field_type_op) != _CFFI_OP_NOOP) {
nfields[nf].field_size = cdl_4bytes(f); f += 4;
else {
nfields[nf].field_size = (size_t)-1;
nfields[nf].name = f;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.struct_unions = nstructs;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.fields = nfields;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_struct_unions = n;
building = NULL;
if (enums != NULL) {
/* unpack a tuple of strings, each of which describes one enum_s
entry */
struct _cffi_enum_s *nenums;
Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(enums);
i = n * sizeof(struct _cffi_enum_s);
building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
if (building == NULL)
goto error;
memset(building, 0, i);
nenums = (struct _cffi_enum_s *)building;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char *e = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(enums, i));
/* 'e' is a string describing the enum */
nenums[i].type_index = cdl_4bytes(e); e += 4;
nenums[i].type_prim = cdl_4bytes(e); e += 4;
nenums[i].name = e; e += strlen(e) + 1;
nenums[i].enumerators = e;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.enums = nenums;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_enums = n;
building = NULL;
if (typenames != NULL) {
/* unpack a tuple of strings, each of which describes one typename_s
entry */
struct _cffi_typename_s *ntypenames;
Py_ssize_t i, n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(typenames);
i = n * sizeof(struct _cffi_typename_s);
building = PyMem_Malloc(i);
if (building == NULL)
goto error;
memset(building, 0, i);
ntypenames = (struct _cffi_typename_s *)building;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char *t = PyBytes_AS_STRING(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(typenames, i));
/* 't' is a string describing the typename */
ntypenames[i].type_index = cdl_4bytes(t); t += 4;
ntypenames[i].name = t;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.typenames = ntypenames;
ffi->types_builder.ctx.num_typenames = n;
building = NULL;
if (includes != NULL) {
PyObject *included_libs;
included_libs = PyTuple_New(PyTuple_GET_SIZE(includes));
if (included_libs == NULL)
return -1;
ffi->types_builder.included_ffis = includes;
ffi->types_builder.included_libs = included_libs;
/* Above, we took directly some "char *" strings out of the strings,
typically from somewhere inside tuples. Keep them alive by
incref'ing the whole input arguments. */
ffi->types_builder._keepalive1 = args;
ffi->types_builder._keepalive2 = kwds;
return 0;
if (building != NULL)
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
return -1;