blob: be03b19cb8c7215bfdf82612590af7866c9bd543 [file] [log] [blame]
.. hazmat::
Key derivation functions
.. module:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf
Key derivation functions derive bytes suitable for cryptographic operations
from passwords or other data sources using a pseudo-random function (PRF).
Different KDFs are suitable for different tasks such as:
* Cryptographic key derivation
Deriving a key suitable for use as input to an encryption algorithm.
Typically this means taking a password and running it through an algorithm
such as :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2.PBKDF2HMAC` or
This process is typically known as `key stretching`_.
* Password storage
When storing passwords you want to use an algorithm that is computationally
intensive. Legitimate users will only need to compute it once (for example,
taking the user's password, running it through the KDF, then comparing it
to the stored value), while attackers will need to do it billions of times.
Ideal password storage KDFs will be demanding on both computational and
memory resources.
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2
.. class:: PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm, length, salt, iterations, backend)
.. versionadded:: 0.2
`PBKDF2`_ (Password Based Key Derivation Function 2) is typically used for
deriving a cryptographic key from a password. It may also be used for
key storage, but an alternate key storage KDF such as
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt.Scrypt` is generally
considered a better solution.
This class conforms to the
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> # Salts should be randomly generated
>>> salt = os.urandom(16)
>>> # derive
>>> kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... salt=salt,
... iterations=100000,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = kdf.derive(b"my great password")
>>> # verify
>>> kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... salt=salt,
... iterations=100000,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> kdf.verify(b"my great password", key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes. Maximum
is (2\ :sup:`32` - 1) * ``algorithm.digest_size``.
:param bytes salt: A salt. Secure values [#nist]_ are 128-bits (16 bytes)
or longer and randomly generated.
:param int iterations: The number of iterations to perform of the hash
function. This can be used to control the length of time the operation
takes. Higher numbers help mitigate brute force attacks against derived
keys. See OWASP's `Password Storage Cheat Sheet`_ for more
detailed recommendations if you intend to use this for password storage.
:param backend: An instance of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised if the
provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``salt`` is not ``bytes``.
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param key_material: The input key material. For PBKDF2 this
should be a password.
:type key_material: :term:`bytes-like`
:return bytes: the derived key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is not
This generates and returns a new key from the supplied password.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match. This can be used for
checking whether the password a user provides matches the stored derived
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf
.. class:: HKDF(algorithm, length, salt, info, backend)
.. versionadded:: 0.2
`HKDF`_ (HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function) is suitable
for deriving keys of a fixed size used for other cryptographic operations.
.. warning::
HKDF should not be used for password storage.
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> salt = os.urandom(16)
>>> info = b"hkdf-example"
>>> hkdf = HKDF(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... salt=salt,
... info=info,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = hkdf.derive(b"input key")
>>> hkdf = HKDF(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... salt=salt,
... info=info,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> hkdf.verify(b"input key", key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes. Maximum
is ``255 * (algorithm.digest_size // 8)``.
:param bytes salt: A salt. Randomizes the KDF's output. Optional, but
highly recommended. Ideally as many bits of entropy as the security
level of the hash: often that means cryptographically random and as
long as the hash output. Worse (shorter, less entropy) salt values can
still meaningfully contribute to security. May be reused. Does not have
to be secret, but may cause stronger security guarantees if secret; see
:rfc:`5869` and the `HKDF paper`_ for more details. If ``None`` is
explicitly passed a default salt of ``algorithm.digest_size // 8`` null
bytes will be used.
:param bytes info: Application specific context information. If ``None``
is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param backend: An instance of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised if the
provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``salt`` or ``info`` is not
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param key_material: The input key material.
:type key_material: :term:`bytes-like`
:return bytes: The derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is not
Derives a new key from the input key material by performing both the
extract and expand operations.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match.
.. class:: HKDFExpand(algorithm, length, info, backend)
.. versionadded:: 0.5
HKDF consists of two stages, extract and expand. This class exposes an
expand only version of HKDF that is suitable when the key material is
already cryptographically strong.
.. warning::
HKDFExpand should only be used if the key material is
cryptographically strong. You should use
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf.HKDF` if
you are unsure.
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDFExpand
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> info = b"hkdf-example"
>>> key_material = os.urandom(16)
>>> hkdf = HKDFExpand(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... info=info,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = hkdf.derive(key_material)
>>> hkdf = HKDFExpand(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... info=info,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> hkdf.verify(key_material, key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes. Maximum
is ``255 * (algorithm.digest_size // 8)``.
:param bytes info: Application specific context information. If ``None``
is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param backend: An instance of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised if the
provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``info`` is not ``bytes``.
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material.
:return bytes: The derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is not
Derives a new key from the input key material by performing both the
extract and expand operations.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
:raises TypeError: This is raised if the provided ``key_material`` is
a ``unicode`` object
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match.
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.concatkdf
.. class:: ConcatKDFHash(algorithm, length, otherinfo, backend)
.. versionadded:: 1.0
ConcatKDFHash (Concatenation Key Derivation Function) is defined by the
NIST Special Publication `NIST SP 800-56Ar2`_ document, to be used to
derive keys for use after a Key Exchange negotiation operation.
.. warning::
ConcatKDFHash should not be used for password storage.
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.concatkdf import ConcatKDFHash
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> otherinfo = b"concatkdf-example"
>>> ckdf = ConcatKDFHash(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... otherinfo=otherinfo,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = ckdf.derive(b"input key")
>>> ckdf = ConcatKDFHash(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... otherinfo=otherinfo,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> ckdf.verify(b"input key", key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes.
Maximum is ``hashlen * (2^32 -1)``.
:param bytes otherinfo: Application specific context information.
If ``None`` is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param backend: An instance of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised
if the provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``otherinfo`` is not
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param key_material: The input key material.
:type key_material: :term:`bytes-like`
:return bytes: The derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is
not ``bytes``.
Derives a new key from the input key material.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match.
.. class:: ConcatKDFHMAC(algorithm, length, salt, otherinfo, backend)
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Similar to ConcatKFDHash but uses an HMAC function instead.
.. warning::
ConcatKDFHMAC should not be used for password storage.
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.concatkdf import ConcatKDFHMAC
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> salt = os.urandom(16)
>>> otherinfo = b"concatkdf-example"
>>> ckdf = ConcatKDFHMAC(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... salt=salt,
... otherinfo=otherinfo,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = ckdf.derive(b"input key")
>>> ckdf = ConcatKDFHMAC(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... salt=salt,
... otherinfo=otherinfo,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> ckdf.verify(b"input key", key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes. Maximum
is ``hashlen * (2^32 -1)``.
:param bytes salt: A salt. Randomizes the KDF's output. Optional, but
highly recommended. Ideally as many bits of entropy as the security
level of the hash: often that means cryptographically random and as
long as the hash output. Does not have to be secret, but may cause
stronger security guarantees if secret; If ``None`` is explicitly
passed a default salt of ``algorithm.block_size`` null bytes will be
:param bytes otherinfo: Application specific context information.
If ``None`` is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param backend: An instance of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised if the
provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``salt`` or ``otherinfo``
is not ``bytes``.
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material.
:return bytes: The derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is not
Derives a new key from the input key material.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match.
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.x963kdf
.. class:: X963KDF(algorithm, length, otherinfo, backend)
.. versionadded:: 1.1
X963KDF (ANSI X9.63 Key Derivation Function) is defined by ANSI
in the `ANSI X9.63:2001`_ document, to be used to derive keys for use
after a Key Exchange negotiation operation.
SECG in `SEC 1 v2.0`_ recommends that
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.concatkdf.ConcatKDFHash` be
used for new projects. This KDF should only be used for backwards
compatibility with pre-existing protocols.
.. warning::
X963KDF should not be used for password storage.
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.x963kdf import X963KDF
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> sharedinfo = b"ANSI X9.63 Example"
>>> xkdf = X963KDF(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... sharedinfo=sharedinfo,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = xkdf.derive(b"input key")
>>> xkdf = X963KDF(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... length=32,
... sharedinfo=sharedinfo,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> xkdf.verify(b"input key", key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes.
Maximum is ``hashlen * (2^32 -1)``.
:param bytes sharedinfo: Application specific context information.
If ``None`` is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param backend: A cryptography backend
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised
if the provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``sharedinfo`` is not
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param key_material: The input key material.
:type key_material: :term:`bytes-like`
:return bytes: The derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is
not ``bytes``.
Derives a new key from the input key material.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match.
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.kbkdf
.. class:: KBKDFHMAC(algorithm, mode, length, rlen, llen, location,\
label, context, fixed, backend)
.. versionadded:: 1.4
KBKDF (Key Based Key Derivation Function) is defined by the
`NIST SP 800-108`_ document, to be used to derive additional
keys from a key that has been established through an automated
key-establishment scheme.
.. warning::
KBKDFHMAC should not be used for password storage.
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.kbkdf import (
... CounterLocation, KBKDFHMAC, Mode
... )
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> label = b"KBKDF HMAC Label"
>>> context = b"KBKDF HMAC Context"
>>> kdf = KBKDFHMAC(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... mode=Mode.CounterMode,
... length=32,
... rlen=4,
... llen=4,
... location=CounterLocation.BeforeFixed,
... label=label,
... context=context,
... fixed=None,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = kdf.derive(b"input key")
>>> kdf = KBKDFHMAC(
... algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
... mode=Mode.CounterMode,
... length=32,
... rlen=4,
... llen=4,
... location=CounterLocation.BeforeFixed,
... label=label,
... context=context,
... fixed=None,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> kdf.verify(b"input key", key)
:param algorithm: An instance of
:param mode: The desired mode of the PRF. A value from the
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.kbkdf.Mode` enum.
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes.
:param int rlen: An integer that indicates the length of the binary
representation of the counter in bytes.
:param int llen: An integer that indicates the binary
representation of the ``length`` in bytes.
:param location: The desired location of the counter. A value from the
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.kbkdf.CounterLocation` enum.
:param bytes label: Application specific label information. If ``None``
is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param bytes context: Application specific context information. If ``None``
is explicitly passed an empty byte string will be used.
:param bytes fixed: Instead of specifying ``label`` and ``context`` you
may supply your own fixed data. If ``fixed`` is specified, ``label``
and ``context`` is ignored.
:param backend: A cryptography backend
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised
if the provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``label`` or ``context``
is not ``bytes``. Also raised if ``rlen`` or ``llen`` is not ``int``.
:raises ValueError: This exception is raised if ``rlen`` or ``llen``
is greater than 4 or less than 1. This exception is also raised if
you specify a ``label`` or ``context`` and ``fixed``.
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param key_material: The input key material.
:type key_material: :term:`bytes-like`
:return bytes: The derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is
not ``bytes``.
Derives a new key from the input key material.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match.
.. class:: Mode
An enumeration for the key based key derivative modes.
.. attribute:: CounterMode
The output of the PRF is computed with a counter
as the iteration variable.
.. class:: CounterLocation
An enumeration for the key based key derivative counter location.
.. attribute:: BeforeFixed
The counter iteration variable will be concatenated before
the fixed input data.
.. attribute:: AfterFixed
The counter iteration variable will be concatenated after
the fixed input data.
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt
.. class:: Scrypt(salt, length, n, r, p, backend)
.. versionadded:: 1.6
Scrypt is a KDF designed for password storage by Colin Percival to be
resistant against hardware-assisted attackers by having a tunable memory
cost. It is described in :rfc:`7914`.
This class conforms to the
.. doctest::
>>> import os
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt import Scrypt
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> backend = default_backend()
>>> salt = os.urandom(16)
>>> # derive
>>> kdf = Scrypt(
... salt=salt,
... length=32,
... n=2**14,
... r=8,
... p=1,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> key = kdf.derive(b"my great password")
>>> # verify
>>> kdf = Scrypt(
... salt=salt,
... length=32,
... n=2**14,
... r=8,
... p=1,
... backend=backend
... )
>>> kdf.verify(b"my great password", key)
:param bytes salt: A salt.
:param int length: The desired length of the derived key in bytes.
:param int n: CPU/Memory cost parameter. It must be larger than 1 and be a
power of 2.
:param int r: Block size parameter.
:param int p: Parallelization parameter.
The computational and memory cost of Scrypt can be adjusted by manipulating
the 3 parameters: ``n``, ``r``, and ``p``. In general, the memory cost of
Scrypt is affected by the values of both ``n`` and ``r``, while ``n`` also
determines the number of iterations performed. ``p`` increases the
computational cost without affecting memory usage. A more in-depth
explanation of the 3 parameters can be found `here`_.
:rfc:`7914` `recommends`_ values of ``r=8`` and ``p=1`` while scaling ``n``
to a number appropriate for your system. `The scrypt paper`_ suggests a
minimum value of ``n=2**14`` for interactive logins (t < 100ms), or
``n=2**20`` for more sensitive files (t < 5s).
:param backend: An instance of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: This is raised if the
provided ``backend`` does not implement
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``salt`` is not ``bytes``.
:raises ValueError: This exception is raised if ``n`` is less than 2, if
``n`` is not a power of 2, if ``r`` is less than 1 or if ``p`` is less
than 1.
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param key_material: The input key material.
:type key_material: :term:`bytes-like`
:return bytes: the derived key.
:raises TypeError: This exception is raised if ``key_material`` is not
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This generates and returns a new key from the supplied password.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match. This can be used for
checking whether the password a user provides matches the stored derived
.. currentmodule:: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf
.. class:: KeyDerivationFunction
.. versionadded:: 0.2
.. method:: derive(key_material)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. Depending on what
key derivation function you are using this
could be either random bytes, or a user
supplied password.
:return: The new key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This generates and returns a new key from the supplied key material.
.. method:: verify(key_material, expected_key)
:param bytes key_material: The input key material. This is the same as
``key_material`` in :meth:`derive`.
:param bytes expected_key: The expected result of deriving a new key,
this is the same as the return value of
:raises cryptography.exceptions.InvalidKey: This is raised when the
derived key does not match
the expected key.
:raises cryptography.exceptions.AlreadyFinalized: This is raised when
:meth:`derive` or
:meth:`verify` is
called more than
This checks whether deriving a new key from the supplied
``key_material`` generates the same key as the ``expected_key``, and
raises an exception if they do not match. This can be used for
something like checking whether a user's password attempt matches the
stored derived key.
.. [#nist] See `NIST SP 800-132`_.
.. _`NIST SP 800-132`:
.. _`NIST SP 800-108`:
.. _`NIST SP 800-56Ar2`:
.. _`ANSI X9.63:2001`:
.. _`SEC 1 v2.0`:
.. _`Password Storage Cheat Sheet`:
.. _`PBKDF2`:
.. _`key stretching`:
.. _`HKDF`:
.. _`HKDF paper`:
.. _`here`:
.. _`recommends`:
.. _`The scrypt paper`: