| # https://github.com/jaraco/skeleton/issues/6 |
| tox_pip_extensions_ext_venv_update = true |
| toxworkdir={env:TOX_WORK_DIR:.tox} |
| # Ideally all the dependencies should be set as "extras" |
| TIMEOUT_BACKEND_TEST # timeout (in seconds) for test_build_meta |
| windir # required for test_pkg_resources |
| # honor git config in pytest-perf |
| # workaround for tox-dev/tox#2382 |
| extras = testing-integration |
| # workaround for tox-dev/tox#2382 |
| PROJECT_ROOT = {toxinidir} |
| pytest --integration {posargs:-vv --durations=10 setuptools/tests/integration} |
| # use verbose mode by default to facilitate debugging from CI logs |
| python -m sphinx -W --keep-going . {toxinidir}/build/html |
| python -c "import shutil; shutil.rmtree('dist', ignore_errors=True)" |
| # unset tag_build and tag_date pypa/setuptools#2500 |
| python setup.py egg_info -Db "" saveopts |
| python -m twine upload dist/* |
| python -m jaraco.develop.create-github-release |