blob: cae956c80685773701c0a6ddf70249b0bc8020bf [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
// Copyright 2002-2009 The RE2 Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: Test extractions for PartialMatch/Consume
#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for sysconf */
#include "util/test.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/strutil.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "re2/regexp.h"
namespace re2 {
TEST(RE2, HexTests) {
#define ASSERT_HEX(type, value) \
do { \
type v; \
RE2::FullMatch(#value, "([0-9a-fA-F]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::Hex(&v))); \
ASSERT_EQ(v, 0x##value); \
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0x" #value, "([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)[uUlL]*", \
RE2::CRadix(&v))); \
ASSERT_EQ(v, 0x##value); \
} while (0)
ASSERT_HEX(short, 2bad);
ASSERT_HEX(unsigned short, 2badU);
ASSERT_HEX(int, dead);
ASSERT_HEX(unsigned int, deadU);
ASSERT_HEX(long, 7eadbeefL);
ASSERT_HEX(unsigned long, deadbeefUL);
ASSERT_HEX(long long, 12345678deadbeefLL);
ASSERT_HEX(unsigned long long, cafebabedeadbeefULL);
TEST(RE2, OctalTests) {
#define ASSERT_OCTAL(type, value) \
do { \
type v; \
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(#value, "([0-7]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::Octal(&v))); \
ASSERT_EQ(v, 0##value); \
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0" #value, "([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)[uUlL]*", \
RE2::CRadix(&v))); \
ASSERT_EQ(v, 0##value); \
} while (0)
ASSERT_OCTAL(short, 77777);
ASSERT_OCTAL(unsigned short, 177777U);
ASSERT_OCTAL(int, 17777777777);
ASSERT_OCTAL(unsigned int, 37777777777U);
ASSERT_OCTAL(long, 17777777777L);
ASSERT_OCTAL(unsigned long, 37777777777UL);
ASSERT_OCTAL(long long, 777777777777777777777LL);
ASSERT_OCTAL(unsigned long long, 1777777777777777777777ULL);
TEST(RE2, DecimalTests) {
#define ASSERT_DECIMAL(type, value) \
do { \
type v; \
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(#value, "(-?[0-9]+)[uUlL]*", &v)); \
ASSERT_EQ(v, value); \
RE2::FullMatch(#value, "(-?[0-9a-fA-FxX]+)[uUlL]*", RE2::CRadix(&v))); \
ASSERT_EQ(v, value); \
} while (0)
ASSERT_DECIMAL(short, -1);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(unsigned short, 9999);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(int, -1000);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(unsigned int, 12345U);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(long, -10000000L);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(unsigned long, 3083324652U);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(long long, -100000000000000LL);
ASSERT_DECIMAL(unsigned long long, 1234567890987654321ULL);
TEST(RE2, Replace) {
struct ReplaceTest {
const char *regexp;
const char *rewrite;
const char *original;
const char *single;
const char *global;
int greplace_count;
static const ReplaceTest tests[] = {
{ "(qu|[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]*)([a-z]+)",
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.",
"ethay quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs.",
"ethay ickquay ownbray oxfay umpsjay overay ethay azylay ogsday.",
9 },
{ "\\w+",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
4 },
{ "^",
1 },
{ "^",
1 },
{ "$",
1 },
{ "b",
5 },
{ "b",
6 },
{ "b+",
1 },
{ "b*",
1 },
{ "b*",
6 },
// Check newline handling
{ "a.*a",
2 },
{ "", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }
for (const ReplaceTest* t = tests; t->original != NULL; t++) {
string one(t->original);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::Replace(&one, t->regexp, t->rewrite));
ASSERT_EQ(one, t->single);
string all(t->original);
ASSERT_EQ(RE2::GlobalReplace(&all, t->regexp, t->rewrite), t->greplace_count)
<< "Got: " << all;
ASSERT_EQ(all, t->global);
static void TestCheckRewriteString(const char* regexp, const char* rewrite,
bool expect_ok) {
string error;
RE2 exp(regexp);
bool actual_ok = exp.CheckRewriteString(rewrite, &error);
EXPECT_EQ(expect_ok, actual_ok) << " for " << rewrite << " error: " << error;
TEST(CheckRewriteString, all) {
TestCheckRewriteString("abc", "foo", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("abc", "foo\\", false);
TestCheckRewriteString("abc", "foo\\0bar", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo\\0bar", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo\\1bar", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "foo\\2bar", false);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)c", "f\\\\2o\\1o", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)(c)", "foo\\12", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)(c)", "f\\2o\\1o", true);
TestCheckRewriteString("a(b)(c)", "f\\oo\\1", false);
TEST(RE2, Extract) {
string s;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::Extract("[email protected]", "(.*)@([^.]*)", "\\2!\\1", &s));
ASSERT_EQ(s, "kremvax!boris");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::Extract("foo", ".*", "'\\0'", &s));
ASSERT_EQ(s, "'foo'");
// check that false match doesn't overwrite
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::Extract("baz", "bar", "'\\0'", &s));
ASSERT_EQ(s, "'foo'");
TEST(RE2, Consume) {
RE2 r("\\s*(\\w+)"); // matches a word, possibly proceeded by whitespace
string word;
string s(" aaa b!@#$@#$cccc");
StringPiece input(s);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word));
ASSERT_EQ(word, "aaa") << " input: " << input;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word));
ASSERT_EQ(word, "b") << " input: " << input;
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word)) << " input: " << input;
TEST(RE2, ConsumeN) {
const string s(" one two three 4");
StringPiece input(s);
RE2::Arg argv[2];
const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };
// 0 arg
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::ConsumeN(&input, "\\s*(\\w+)", args, 0)); // Skips "one".
// 1 arg
string word;
argv[0] = &word;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::ConsumeN(&input, "\\s*(\\w+)", args, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("two", word);
// Multi-args
int n;
argv[1] = &n;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::ConsumeN(&input, "\\s*(\\w+)\\s*(\\d+)", args, 2));
EXPECT_EQ("three", word);
EXPECT_EQ(4, n);
TEST(RE2, FindAndConsume) {
RE2 r("(\\w+)"); // matches a word
string word;
string s(" aaa b!@#$@#$cccc");
StringPiece input(s);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
ASSERT_EQ(word, "aaa");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
ASSERT_EQ(word, "b");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
ASSERT_EQ(word, "cccc");
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
// Check that FindAndConsume works without any submatches.
// Earlier version used uninitialized data for
// length to consume.
input = "aaa";
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, "aaa"));
ASSERT_EQ(input, "");
TEST(RE2, FindAndConsumeN) {
const string s(" one two three 4");
StringPiece input(s);
RE2::Arg argv[2];
const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };
// 0 arg
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsumeN(&input, "(\\w+)", args, 0)); // Skips "one".
// 1 arg
string word;
argv[0] = &word;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsumeN(&input, "(\\w+)", args, 1));
EXPECT_EQ("two", word);
// Multi-args
int n;
argv[1] = &n;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsumeN(&input, "(\\w+)\\s*(\\d+)", args, 2));
EXPECT_EQ("three", word);
EXPECT_EQ(4, n);
TEST(RE2, MatchNumberPeculiarity) {
RE2 r("(foo)|(bar)|(baz)");
string word1;
string word2;
string word3;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("foo", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
ASSERT_EQ(word1, "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(word2, "");
ASSERT_EQ(word3, "");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("bar", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
ASSERT_EQ(word1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(word2, "bar");
ASSERT_EQ(word3, "");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("baz", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
ASSERT_EQ(word1, "");
ASSERT_EQ(word2, "");
ASSERT_EQ(word3, "baz");
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("f", r, &word1, &word2, &word3));
string a;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(foo)|hello", &a));
ASSERT_EQ(a, "");
TEST(RE2, Match) {
RE2 re("((\\w+):([0-9]+))"); // extracts host and port
StringPiece group[4];
// No match.
StringPiece s = "zyzzyva";
re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, group, arraysize(group)));
// Matches and extracts.
s = "a chrisr:9000 here";
re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, group, arraysize(group)));
ASSERT_EQ(group[0], "chrisr:9000");
ASSERT_EQ(group[1], "chrisr:9000");
ASSERT_EQ(group[2], "chrisr");
ASSERT_EQ(group[3], "9000");
string all, host;
int port;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("a chrisr:9000 here", re, &all, &host, &port));
ASSERT_EQ(all, "chrisr:9000");
ASSERT_EQ(host, "chrisr");
ASSERT_EQ(port, 9000);
static void TestRecursion(int size, const char* pattern) {
// Fill up a string repeating the pattern given
string domain;
size_t patlen = strlen(pattern);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
domain[i] = pattern[i % patlen];
// Just make sure it doesn't crash due to too much recursion.
RE2 re("([a-zA-Z0-9]|-)+(\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]|-)+)*(\\.)?", RE2::Quiet);
RE2::FullMatch(domain, re);
// A meta-quoted string, interpreted as a pattern, should always match
// the original unquoted string.
static void TestQuoteMeta(const string& unquoted,
const RE2::Options& options = RE2::DefaultOptions) {
string quoted = RE2::QuoteMeta(unquoted);
RE2 re(quoted, options);
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(unquoted, re))
<< "Unquoted='" << unquoted << "', quoted='" << quoted << "'.";
// A meta-quoted string, interpreted as a pattern, should always match
// the original unquoted string.
static void NegativeTestQuoteMeta(
const string& unquoted, const string& should_not_match,
const RE2::Options& options = RE2::DefaultOptions) {
string quoted = RE2::QuoteMeta(unquoted);
RE2 re(quoted, options);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(should_not_match, re))
<< "Unquoted='" << unquoted << "', quoted='" << quoted << "'.";
// Tests that quoted meta characters match their original strings,
// and that a few things that shouldn't match indeed do not.
TEST(QuoteMeta, Simple) {
TestQuoteMeta("Who doesn't like ice cream?");
TEST(QuoteMeta, SimpleNegative) {
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("foo", "bar");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("...", "bar");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("\\.", ".");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("\\.", "..");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a)", "a");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a|b)", "a");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a|b)", "(a)");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("(a|b)", "a|b");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("[0-9]", "0");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("[0-9]", "0-9");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("[0-9]", "[9]");
NegativeTestQuoteMeta("((?!)xxx)", "xxx");
TEST(QuoteMeta, Latin1) {
TestQuoteMeta("3\xb2 = 9", RE2::Latin1);
TEST(QuoteMeta, UTF8) {
TestQuoteMeta("Plácido Domingo");
TestQuoteMeta("xyz"); // No fancy utf8.
TestQuoteMeta("\xc2\xb0"); // 2-byte utf8 -- a degree symbol.
TestQuoteMeta("27\xc2\xb0 degrees"); // As a middle character.
TestQuoteMeta("\xe2\x80\xb3"); // 3-byte utf8 -- a double prime.
TestQuoteMeta("\xf0\x9d\x85\x9f"); // 4-byte utf8 -- a music note.
TestQuoteMeta("27\xc2\xb0"); // Interpreted as Latin-1, this should
// still work.
"27\\\xc2\\\xb0"); // 2-byte utf8 -- a degree symbol.
TEST(QuoteMeta, HasNull) {
string has_null;
// string with one null character
has_null += '\0';
NegativeTestQuoteMeta(has_null, "");
// Don't want null-followed-by-'1' to be interpreted as '\01'.
has_null += '1';
NegativeTestQuoteMeta(has_null, "\1");
TEST(ProgramSize, BigProgram) {
RE2 re_simple("simple regexp");
RE2 re_medium("medium.*regexp");
RE2 re_complex("complex.{1,128}regexp");
ASSERT_GT(re_simple.ProgramSize(), 0);
ASSERT_GT(re_medium.ProgramSize(), re_simple.ProgramSize());
ASSERT_GT(re_complex.ProgramSize(), re_medium.ProgramSize());
ASSERT_GT(re_simple.ReverseProgramSize(), 0);
ASSERT_GT(re_medium.ReverseProgramSize(), re_simple.ReverseProgramSize());
ASSERT_GT(re_complex.ReverseProgramSize(), re_medium.ReverseProgramSize());
TEST(ProgramFanout, BigProgram) {
RE2 re1("(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:.)?){1})*)+)");
RE2 re10("(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:.)?){10})*)+)");
RE2 re100("(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:.)?){100})*)+)");
RE2 re1000("(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:.)?){1000})*)+)");
std::map<int, int> histogram;
// 3 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 1 element.
ASSERT_EQ(3, re1.ProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(1, histogram[3]);
// 7 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 10 elements.
ASSERT_EQ(7, re10.ProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(10, histogram[7]);
// 10 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 100 elements.
ASSERT_EQ(10, re100.ProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(100, histogram[10]);
// 13 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 1000 elements.
ASSERT_EQ(13, re1000.ProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(1000, histogram[13]);
// 2 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 3 elements.
// This differs from the others due to how reverse `.' works.
ASSERT_EQ(2, re1.ReverseProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(3, histogram[2]);
// 5 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 10 elements.
ASSERT_EQ(5, re10.ReverseProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(10, histogram[5]);
// 9 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 100 elements.
ASSERT_EQ(9, re100.ReverseProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(100, histogram[9]);
// 12 is the largest non-empty bucket and has 1000 elements.
ASSERT_EQ(12, re1000.ReverseProgramFanout(&histogram));
ASSERT_EQ(1000, histogram[12]);
// Issue 956519: handling empty character sets was
// causing NULL dereference. This tests a few empty character sets.
// (The way to get an empty character set is to negate a full one.)
TEST(EmptyCharset, Fuzz) {
static const char *empties[] = {
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(empties); i++)
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2(empties[i]).Match("abc", 0, 3, RE2::UNANCHORED, NULL, 0));
// Bitstate assumes that kInstFail instructions in
// alternations or capture groups have been "compiled away".
TEST(EmptyCharset, BitstateAssumptions) {
// Captures trigger use of Bitstate.
static const char *nop_empties[] = {
"((((()))))" "[^\\S\\s]?",
"((((()))))" "([^\\S\\s])?",
"((((()))))" "([^\\S\\s]|[^\\S\\s])?",
"((((()))))" "(([^\\S\\s]|[^\\S\\s])|)"
StringPiece group[6];
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(nop_empties); i++)
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2(nop_empties[i]).Match("", 0, 0, RE2::UNANCHORED, group, 6));
// Test that named groups work correctly.
TEST(Capture, NamedGroups) {
RE2 re("(hello world)");
ASSERT_EQ(re.NumberOfCapturingGroups(), 1);
const std::map<string, int>& m = re.NamedCapturingGroups();
ASSERT_EQ(m.size(), 0);
RE2 re("(?P<A>expr(?P<B>expr)(?P<C>expr))((expr)(?P<D>expr))");
ASSERT_EQ(re.NumberOfCapturingGroups(), 6);
const std::map<string, int>& m = re.NamedCapturingGroups();
ASSERT_EQ(m.size(), 4);
ASSERT_EQ(m.find("A")->second, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(m.find("B")->second, 2);
ASSERT_EQ(m.find("C")->second, 3);
ASSERT_EQ(m.find("D")->second, 6); // $4 and $5 are anonymous
TEST(RE2, CapturedGroupTest) {
RE2 re("directions from (?P<S>.*) to (?P<D>.*)");
int num_groups = re.NumberOfCapturingGroups();
EXPECT_EQ(2, num_groups);
string args[4];
RE2::Arg arg0(&args[0]);
RE2::Arg arg1(&args[1]);
RE2::Arg arg2(&args[2]);
RE2::Arg arg3(&args[3]);
const RE2::Arg* const matches[4] = {&arg0, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3};
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("directions from mountain view to san jose",
re, matches, num_groups));
const std::map<string, int>& named_groups = re.NamedCapturingGroups();
EXPECT_TRUE(named_groups.find("S") != named_groups.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(named_groups.find("D") != named_groups.end());
// The named group index is 1-based.
int source_group_index = named_groups.find("S")->second;
int destination_group_index = named_groups.find("D")->second;
EXPECT_EQ(1, source_group_index);
EXPECT_EQ(2, destination_group_index);
// The args is zero-based.
EXPECT_EQ("mountain view", args[source_group_index - 1]);
EXPECT_EQ("san jose", args[destination_group_index - 1]);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchWithNoArgs) {
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("h", "h"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "hello"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h.*o"));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("othello", "h.*o")); // Must be anchored at front
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("hello!", "h.*o")); // Must be anchored at end
TEST(RE2, PartialMatch) {
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("x", "x"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("hello", "h.*o"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("othello", "h.*o"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("hello!", "h.*o"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("x", "((((((((((((((((((((x))))))))))))))))))))"));
TEST(RE2, PartialMatchN) {
RE2::Arg argv[2];
const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };
// 0 arg
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatchN("hello", "e.*o", args, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatchN("othello", "a.*o", args, 0));
// 1 arg
int i;
argv[0] = &i;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatchN("1001 nights", "(\\d+)", args, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(1001, i);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatchN("three", "(\\d+)", args, 1));
// Multi-arg
string s;
argv[1] = &s;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatchN("answer: 42:life", "(\\d+):(\\w+)", args, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(42, i);
EXPECT_EQ("life", s);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatchN("hi1", "(\\w+)(1)", args, 2));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchZeroArg) {
// Zero-arg
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1001", "\\d+"));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchOneArg) {
int i;
// Single-arg
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1001", "(\\d+)", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1001);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-123", "(-?\\d+)", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, -123);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("10", "()\\d+", &i));
RE2::FullMatch("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "(\\d+)", &i));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchIntegerArg) {
int i;
// Digits surrounding integer-arg
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "1(\\d*)4", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 23);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "(\\d)\\d+", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-1234", "(-\\d)\\d+", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, -1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("1234", "(\\d)", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("-1234", "(-\\d)", &i));
ASSERT_EQ(i, -1);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringArg) {
string s;
// String-arg
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", &s));
ASSERT_EQ(s, string("ell"));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringPieceArg) {
int i;
// StringPiece-arg
StringPiece sp;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+):(\\d+)", &sp, &i));
ASSERT_EQ(sp.size(), 4);
ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(, "ruby", 4) == 0);
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1234);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchMultiArg) {
int i;
string s;
// Multi-arg
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+):(\\d+)", &s, &i));
ASSERT_EQ(s, string("ruby"));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1234);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchN) {
RE2::Arg argv[2];
const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };
// 0 arg
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("hello", "h.*o", args, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatchN("othello", "h.*o", args, 0));
// 1 arg
int i;
argv[0] = &i;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("1001", "(\\d+)", args, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(1001, i);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatchN("three", "(\\d+)", args, 1));
// Multi-arg
string s;
argv[1] = &s;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatchN("42:life", "(\\d+):(\\w+)", args, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(42, i);
EXPECT_EQ("life", s);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatchN("hi1", "(\\w+)(1)", args, 2));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchIgnoredArg) {
int i;
string s;
// Old-school NULL should be ignored.
RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+)(:)(\\d+)", &s, (void*)NULL, &i));
ASSERT_EQ(s, string("ruby"));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1234);
// C++11 nullptr should also be ignored.
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("rubz:1235", "(\\w+)(:)(\\d+)", &s, nullptr, &i));
ASSERT_EQ(s, string("rubz"));
ASSERT_EQ(i, 1235);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchTypedNullArg) {
string s;
// Ignore non-void* NULL arg
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "he(.*)lo", (char*)NULL));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (string*)NULL));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (StringPiece*)NULL));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234567890123456", "(.*)", (long long*)NULL));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("123.4567890123456", "(.*)", (double*)NULL));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("123.4567890123456", "(.*)", (float*)NULL));
// Fail on non-void* NULL arg if the match doesn't parse for the given type.
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)lo", &s, (char*)NULL));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("1234567890123456", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(.*)", (double*)NULL));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "(.*)", (float*)NULL));
// Check that numeric parsing code does not read past the end of
// the number being parsed.
// This implementation requires mmap(2) et al. and thus cannot
// be used unless they are available.
TEST(RE2, NULTerminated) {
char *v;
int x;
long pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
v = static_cast<char*>(mmap(NULL, 2*pagesize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
ASSERT_TRUE(v != reinterpret_cast<char*>(-1));
LOG(INFO) << "Memory at " << (void*)v;
ASSERT_EQ(munmap(v + pagesize, pagesize), 0) << " error " << errno;
v[pagesize - 1] = '1';
x = 0;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(StringPiece(v + pagesize - 1, 1), "(.*)", &x));
ASSERT_EQ(x, 1);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchTypeTests) {
// Type tests
string zeros(1000, '0');
char c;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("Hello", "(H)ello", &c));
ASSERT_EQ(c, 'H');
unsigned char c;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("Hello", "(H)ello", &c));
ASSERT_EQ(c, static_cast<unsigned char>('H'));
int16_t v;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, -100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("32767", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 32767);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-32768", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, -32768);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("-32769", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("32768", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
uint16_t v;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("32767", "(\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 32767);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("65535", "(\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 65535);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("65536", "(\\d+)", &v));
int32_t v;
static const int32_t max = INT32_C(0x7fffffff);
static const int32_t min = -max - 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, -100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("2147483647", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-2147483648", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, min);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("-2147483649", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("2147483648", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "2147483647", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-" + zeros + "2147483648", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, min);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("-" + zeros + "2147483649", "(-?\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0x7fffffff", "(.*)", RE2::CRadix(&v)));
ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("000x7fffffff", "(.*)", RE2::CRadix(&v)));
uint32_t v;
static const uint32_t max = UINT32_C(0xffffffff);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("4294967295", "(\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("4294967296", "(\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("-1", "(\\d+)", &v));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "4294967295", "(\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
int64_t v;
static const int64_t max = INT64_C(0x7fffffffffffffff);
static const int64_t min = -max - 1;
string str;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, -100);
str = std::to_string(max);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(str, "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
str = std::to_string(min);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(str, "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, min);
str = std::to_string(max);
ASSERT_NE(str.back(), '9');
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(str, "(-?\\d+)", &v));
str = std::to_string(min);
ASSERT_NE(str.back(), '9');
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(str, "(-?\\d+)", &v));
uint64_t v;
int64_t v2;
static const uint64_t max = UINT64_C(0xffffffffffffffff);
string str;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-100", "(-?\\d+)", &v2)); ASSERT_EQ(v2, -100);
str = std::to_string(max);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(str, "(-?\\d+)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, max);
ASSERT_NE(str.back(), '9');
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(str, "(-?\\d+)", &v));
TEST(RE2, FloatingPointFullMatchTypes) {
string zeros(1000, '0');
float v;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-100.", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, -100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1e23", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, float(1e23));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(" 100", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "1e23", "(.*)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, float(1e23));
// 6700000000081920.1 is an edge case.
// 6700000000081920 is exactly halfway between
// two float32s, so the .1 should make it round up.
// However, the .1 is outside the precision possible with
// a float64: the nearest float64 is 6700000000081920.
// So if the code uses strtod and then converts to float32,
// round-to-even will make it round down instead of up.
// To pass the test, the parser must call strtof directly.
// This test case is carefully chosen to use only a 17-digit
// number, since C does not guarantee to get the correctly
// rounded answer for strtod and strtof unless the input is
// short.
// This is known to fail on Cygwin and MinGW due to a broken
// implementation of strtof(3). And apparently MSVC too. Sigh.
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0.1", "(.*)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, 0.1f) << StringPrintf("%.8g != %.8g", v, 0.1f);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("6700000000081920.1", "(.*)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, 6700000000081920.1f)
<< StringPrintf("%.8g != %.8g", v, 6700000000081920.1f);
double v;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("100", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("-100.", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, -100);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1e23", "(.*)", &v)); ASSERT_EQ(v, 1e23);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(zeros + "1e23", "(.*)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, double(1e23));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0.1", "(.*)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, 0.1) << StringPrintf("%.17g != %.17g", v, 0.1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1.00000005960464485", "(.*)", &v));
ASSERT_EQ(v, 1.0000000596046448)
<< StringPrintf("%.17g != %.17g", v, 1.0000000596046448);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchAnchored) {
int i;
// Check that matching is fully anchored
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("x1001", "(\\d+)", &i));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("1001x", "(\\d+)", &i));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("x1001", "x(\\d+)", &i)); ASSERT_EQ(i, 1001);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1001x", "(\\d+)x", &i)); ASSERT_EQ(i, 1001);
TEST(RE2, FullMatchBraces) {
// Braces
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0abcd", "[0-9a-f+.-]{5,}"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0abcde", "[0-9a-f+.-]{5,}"));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("0abc", "[0-9a-f+.-]{5,}"));
TEST(RE2, Complicated) {
// Complicated RE2
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("bar", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("X", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("XY", "foo|bar|[A-Z]"));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchEnd) {
// Check full-match handling (needs '$' tacked on internally)
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("fo", "fo|foo"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "fo|foo"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("fo", "fo|foo$"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "fo|foo$"));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("foo", "foo$"));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("foo$bar", "foo\\$"));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("fox", "fo|bar"));
// Uncomment the following if we change the handling of '$' to
// prevent it from matching a trailing newline
if (false) {
// Check that we don't get bitten by pcre's special handling of a
// '\n' at the end of the string matching '$'
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("foo\n", "foo$"));
TEST(RE2, FullMatchArgCount) {
// Number of args
int a[16];
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("", ""));
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1", "(\\d){1}", &a[0]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("12", "(\\d)(\\d)", &a[0], &a[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("123", "(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)", &a[0], &a[1], &a[2]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[2], 3);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)", &a[0], &a[1],
&a[2], &a[3]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[2], 3);
ASSERT_EQ(a[3], 4);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("12345", "(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)", &a[0], &a[1],
&a[2], &a[3], &a[4]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[2], 3);
ASSERT_EQ(a[3], 4);
ASSERT_EQ(a[4], 5);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("123456", "(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)", &a[0],
&a[1], &a[2], &a[3], &a[4], &a[5]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[2], 3);
ASSERT_EQ(a[3], 4);
ASSERT_EQ(a[4], 5);
ASSERT_EQ(a[5], 6);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234567", "(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)(\\d)",
&a[0], &a[1], &a[2], &a[3], &a[4], &a[5], &a[6]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[2], 3);
ASSERT_EQ(a[3], 4);
ASSERT_EQ(a[4], 5);
ASSERT_EQ(a[5], 6);
ASSERT_EQ(a[6], 7);
memset(a, 0, sizeof(0));
&a[0], &a[1], &a[2], &a[3], &a[4], &a[5], &a[6],
&a[7], &a[8], &a[9], &a[10], &a[11], &a[12],
&a[13], &a[14], &a[15]));
ASSERT_EQ(a[0], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[1], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[2], 3);
ASSERT_EQ(a[3], 4);
ASSERT_EQ(a[4], 5);
ASSERT_EQ(a[5], 6);
ASSERT_EQ(a[6], 7);
ASSERT_EQ(a[7], 8);
ASSERT_EQ(a[8], 9);
ASSERT_EQ(a[9], 0);
ASSERT_EQ(a[10], 1);
ASSERT_EQ(a[11], 2);
ASSERT_EQ(a[12], 3);
ASSERT_EQ(a[13], 4);
ASSERT_EQ(a[14], 5);
ASSERT_EQ(a[15], 6);
TEST(RE2, Accessors) {
// Check the pattern() accessor
const string kPattern = "http://([^/]+)/.*";
const RE2 re(kPattern);
ASSERT_EQ(kPattern, re.pattern());
// Check RE2 error field.
RE2 re("foo");
ASSERT_TRUE(re.error().empty()); // Must have no error
ASSERT_EQ(re.error_code(), RE2::NoError);
// Check UTF-8 handling
// Three Japanese characters (nihongo)
const char utf8_string[] = {
(char)0xe6, (char)0x97, (char)0xa5, // 65e5
(char)0xe6, (char)0x9c, (char)0xac, // 627c
(char)0xe8, (char)0xaa, (char)0x9e, // 8a9e
const char utf8_pattern[] = {
(char)0xe6, (char)0x9c, (char)0xac, // 627c
// Both should match in either mode, bytes or UTF-8
RE2 re_test1(".........", RE2::Latin1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test1));
RE2 re_test2("...");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test2));
// Check that '.' matches one byte or UTF-8 character
// according to the mode.
string s;
RE2 re_test3("(.)", RE2::Latin1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(utf8_string, re_test3, &s));
ASSERT_EQ(s, string("\xe6"));
RE2 re_test4("(.)");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(utf8_string, re_test4, &s));
ASSERT_EQ(s, string("\xe6\x97\xa5"));
// Check that string matches itself in either mode
RE2 re_test5(utf8_string, RE2::Latin1);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test5));
RE2 re_test6(utf8_string);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test6));
// Check that pattern matches string only in UTF8 mode
RE2 re_test7(utf8_pattern, RE2::Latin1);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test7));
RE2 re_test8(utf8_pattern);
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(utf8_string, re_test8));
TEST(RE2, UngreedyUTF8) {
// Check that ungreedy, UTF8 regular expressions don't match when they
// oughtn't -- see bug 82246.
// This code always worked.
const char* pattern = "\\w+X";
const string target = "a aX";
RE2 match_sentence(pattern, RE2::Latin1);
RE2 match_sentence_re(pattern);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence_re));
const char* pattern = "(?U)\\w+X";
const string target = "a aX";
RE2 match_sentence(pattern, RE2::Latin1);
ASSERT_EQ(match_sentence.error(), "");
RE2 match_sentence_re(pattern);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence));
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch(target, match_sentence_re));
TEST(RE2, Rejects) {
RE2 re("a\\1", RE2::Quiet);
ASSERT_FALSE(re.ok()); }
RE2 re("a[x", RE2::Quiet);
RE2 re("a[z-a]", RE2::Quiet);
RE2 re("a[[:foobar:]]", RE2::Quiet);
RE2 re("a(b", RE2::Quiet);
RE2 re("a\\", RE2::Quiet);
TEST(RE2, NoCrash) {
// Test that using a bad regexp doesn't crash.
RE2 re("a\\", RE2::Quiet);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("a\\b", re));
// Test that using an enormous regexp doesn't crash
RE2 re("(((.{100}){100}){100}){100}", RE2::Quiet);
ASSERT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("aaa", re));
// Test that a crazy regexp still compiles and runs.
RE2 re(".{512}x", RE2::Quiet);
string s;
s.append(515, 'c');
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(s, re));
TEST(RE2, Recursion) {
// Test that recursion is stopped.
// This test is PCRE-legacy -- there's no recursion in RE2.
int bytes = 15 * 1024; // enough to crash PCRE
TestRecursion(bytes, ".");
TestRecursion(bytes, "a");
TestRecursion(bytes, "a.");
TestRecursion(bytes, "ab.");
TestRecursion(bytes, "abc.");
TEST(RE2, BigCountedRepetition) {
// Test that counted repetition works, given tons of memory.
RE2::Options opt;
RE2 re(".{512}x", opt);
string s;
s.append(515, 'c');
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(s, re));
TEST(RE2, DeepRecursion) {
// Test for deep stack recursion. This would fail with a
// segmentation violation due to stack overflow before pcre was
// patched.
// Again, a PCRE legacy test. RE2 doesn't recurse.
string comment("x*");
string a(131072, 'a');
comment += a;
comment += "*x";
RE2 re("((?:\\s|xx.*\n|x[*](?:\n|.)*?[*]x)*)");
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(comment, re));
// Suggested by Josh Hyman. Failed when SearchOnePass was
// not implementing case-folding.
TEST(CaseInsensitive, MatchAndConsume) {
string result;
string text = "A fish named *Wanda*";
StringPiece sp(text);
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(sp, "(?i)([wand]{5})", &result));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&sp, "(?i)([wand]{5})", &result));
// RE2 should permit implicit conversions from string, StringPiece, const char*,
// and C string literals.
TEST(RE2, ImplicitConversions) {
string re_string(".");
StringPiece re_stringpiece(".");
const char* re_cstring = ".";
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_string));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_stringpiece));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_cstring));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", "."));
// Bugs introduced by 8622304
TEST(RE2, CL8622304) {
// reported by ingow
string dir;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("D", "([^\\\\])")); // ok
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("D", "([^\\\\])", &dir)); // fails
// reported by jacobsa
string key, val;
EXPECT_EQ(key, "bar");
EXPECT_EQ(val, "1,0x2F,030,4,5");
// Check that RE2 returns correct regexp pieces on error.
// In particular, make sure it returns whole runes
// and that it always reports invalid UTF-8.
// Also check that Perl error flag piece is big enough.
static struct ErrorTest {
const char *regexp;
const char *error;
} error_tests[] = {
{ "ab\\αcd", "\\α" },
{ "ef\\x☺01", "\\x☺0" },
{ "gh\\x1☺01", "\\x1☺" },
{ "ij\\x1", "\\x1" },
{ "kl\\x", "\\x" },
{ "uv\\x{0000☺}", "\\x{0000☺" },
{ "wx\\p{ABC", "\\p{ABC" },
{ "yz(?smiUX:abc)", "(?smiUX" }, // used to return (?s but the error is X
{ "aa(?sm☺i", "(?sm☺" },
{ "bb[abc", "[abc" },
{ "mn\\x1\377", "" }, // no argument string returned for invalid UTF-8
{ "op\377qr", "" },
{ "st\\x{00000\377", "" },
{ "zz\\p{\377}", "" },
{ "zz\\x{00\377}", "" },
{ "zz(?P<name\377>abc)", "" },
TEST(RE2, ErrorArgs) {
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(error_tests); i++) {
RE2 re(error_tests[i].regexp, RE2::Quiet);
EXPECT_EQ(re.error_arg(), error_tests[i].error) << re.error();
// Check that "never match \n" mode never matches \n.
static struct NeverTest {
const char* regexp;
const char* text;
const char* match;
} never_tests[] = {
{ "(.*)", "abc\ndef\nghi\n", "abc" },
{ "(?s)(abc.*def)", "abc\ndef\n", NULL },
{ "(abc(.|\n)*def)", "abc\ndef\n", NULL },
{ "(abc[^x]*def)", "abc\ndef\n", NULL },
{ "(abc[^x]*def)", "abczzzdef\ndef\n", "abczzzdef" },
TEST(RE2, NeverNewline) {
RE2::Options opt;
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(never_tests); i++) {
const NeverTest& t = never_tests[i];
RE2 re(t.regexp, opt);
if (t.match == NULL) {
EXPECT_FALSE(re.PartialMatch(t.text, re));
} else {
StringPiece m;
EXPECT_TRUE(re.PartialMatch(t.text, re, &m));
EXPECT_EQ(m, t.match);
// Check that dot_nl option works.
TEST(RE2, DotNL) {
RE2::Options opt;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("\n", RE2(".", opt)));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("\n", RE2("(?-s).", opt)));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("\n", RE2(".", opt)));
// Check that there are no capturing groups in "never capture" mode.
TEST(RE2, NeverCapture) {
RE2::Options opt;
RE2 re("(r)(e)", opt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, re.NumberOfCapturingGroups());
// Bitstate bug was looking at submatch[0] even if nsubmatch == 0.
// Triggered by a failed DFA search falling back to Bitstate when
// using Match with a NULL submatch set. Bitstate tried to read
// the submatch[0] entry even if nsubmatch was 0.
TEST(RE2, BitstateCaptureBug) {
RE2::Options opt;
RE2 re("(_________$)", opt);
StringPiece s = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_________x";
EXPECT_FALSE(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, NULL, 0));
// C++ version of bug 609710.
TEST(RE2, UnicodeClasses) {
const string str = "ABCDEFGHI譚永鋒";
string a, b, c;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\p{L}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\p{Lu}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\p{Ll}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\P{L}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\P{Lu}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("A", "\\P{Ll}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\p{L}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\p{Lu}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\p{Ll}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\P{L}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\P{Lu}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("譚", "\\P{Ll}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\p{L}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\p{Lu}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\p{Ll}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\P{L}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\P{Lu}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("永", "\\P{Ll}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\p{L}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\p{Lu}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\p{Ll}"));
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\P{L}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\P{Lu}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("鋒", "\\P{Ll}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "(.).*?(.).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
EXPECT_EQ("A", a);
EXPECT_EQ("B", b);
EXPECT_EQ("C", c);
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "(.).*?([\\p{L}]).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
EXPECT_EQ("A", a);
EXPECT_EQ("B", b);
EXPECT_EQ("C", c);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "\\P{L}"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "(.).*?([\\p{Lu}]).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
EXPECT_EQ("A", a);
EXPECT_EQ("B", b);
EXPECT_EQ("C", c);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, "[^\\p{Lu}\\p{Lo}]"));
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(str, ".*(.).*?([\\p{Lu}\\p{Lo}]).*?(.)", &a, &b, &c));
EXPECT_EQ("譚", a);
EXPECT_EQ("永", b);
EXPECT_EQ("鋒", c);
TEST(RE2, LazyRE2) {
// Test with and without options.
static LazyRE2 a = {"a"};
static LazyRE2 b = {"b", RE2::Latin1};
EXPECT_EQ("a", a->pattern());
EXPECT_EQ(RE2::Options::EncodingUTF8, a->options().encoding());
EXPECT_EQ("b", b->pattern());
EXPECT_EQ(RE2::Options::EncodingLatin1, b->options().encoding());
// Bug reported by saito. 2009/02/17
TEST(RE2, NullVsEmptyString) {
RE2 re(".*");
StringPiece null;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(null, re));
StringPiece empty("");
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(empty, re));
// Similar to the previous test, check that the null string and the empty
// string both match, but also that the null string can only provide null
// submatches whereas the empty string can also provide empty submatches.
TEST(RE2, NullVsEmptyStringSubmatches) {
RE2 re("()|(foo)");
// matches[0] is overall match, [1] is (), [2] is (foo), [3] is nonexistent.
StringPiece matches[4];
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(matches); i++)
matches[i] = "bar";
StringPiece null;
EXPECT_TRUE(re.Match(null, 0, null.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
matches, arraysize(matches)));
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(matches); i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[i] == StringPiece());
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[i].data() == NULL); // always null
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[i] == "");
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(matches); i++)
matches[i] = "bar";
StringPiece empty("");
EXPECT_TRUE(re.Match(empty, 0, empty.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
matches, arraysize(matches)));
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[0] == StringPiece());
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[0].data() != NULL); // empty, not null
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[0] == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[1] == StringPiece());
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[1].data() != NULL); // empty, not null
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[1] == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[2] == StringPiece());
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[2].data() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[2] == "");
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[3] == StringPiece());
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[3].data() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(matches[3] == "");
// Issue 1816809
TEST(RE2, Bug1816809) {
RE2 re("(((((llx((-3)|(4)))(;(llx((-3)|(4))))*))))");
StringPiece piece("llx-3;llx4");
string x;
EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::Consume(&piece, re, &x));
// Issue 3061120
TEST(RE2, Bug3061120) {
RE2 re("(?i)\\W");
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("x", re)); // always worked
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("k", re)); // broke because of kelvin
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::PartialMatch("s", re)); // broke because of latin long s
TEST(RE2, CapturingGroupNames) {
// Opening parentheses annotated with group IDs:
// 12 3 45 6 7
RE2 re("((abc)(?P<G2>)|((e+)(?P<G2>.*)(?P<G1>u+)))");
const std::map<int, string>& have = re.CapturingGroupNames();
std::map<int, string> want;
want[3] = "G2";
want[6] = "G2";
want[7] = "G1";
EXPECT_EQ(want, have);
TEST(RE2, RegexpToStringLossOfAnchor) {
EXPECT_EQ(RE2("^[a-c]at", RE2::POSIX).Regexp()->ToString(), "^[a-c]at");
EXPECT_EQ(RE2("^[a-c]at").Regexp()->ToString(), "(?-m:^)[a-c]at");
EXPECT_EQ(RE2("ca[t-z]$", RE2::POSIX).Regexp()->ToString(), "ca[t-z]$");
EXPECT_EQ(RE2("ca[t-z]$").Regexp()->ToString(), "ca[t-z](?-m:$)");
// Issue 10131674
TEST(RE2, Bug10131674) {
// Some of these escapes describe values that do not fit in a byte.
RE2 re("\\140\\440\\174\\271\\150\\656\\106\\201\\004\\332", RE2::Latin1);
EXPECT_FALSE(RE2::FullMatch("hello world", re));
TEST(RE2, Bug18391750) {
// Stray write past end of match_ in, caught by fuzzing + address sanitizer.
const char t[] = {
(char)0x28, (char)0x28, (char)0xfc, (char)0xfc, (char)0x08, (char)0x08,
(char)0x26, (char)0x26, (char)0x28, (char)0xc2, (char)0x9b, (char)0xc5,
(char)0xc5, (char)0xd4, (char)0x8f, (char)0x8f, (char)0x69, (char)0x69,
(char)0xe7, (char)0x29, (char)0x7b, (char)0x37, (char)0x31, (char)0x31,
(char)0x7d, (char)0xae, (char)0x7c, (char)0x7c, (char)0xf3, (char)0x29,
(char)0xae, (char)0xae, (char)0x2e, (char)0x2a, (char)0x29, (char)0x00,
RE2::Options opt;
RE2 re(t, opt);
RE2::PartialMatch(t, re);
TEST(RE2, Bug18458852) {
// Bug in parser accepting invalid (too large) rune,
// causing compiler to fail in DCHECK in UTF-8
// character class code.
const char b[] = {
(char)0x28, (char)0x05, (char)0x05, (char)0x41, (char)0x41, (char)0x28,
(char)0x24, (char)0x5b, (char)0x5e, (char)0xf5, (char)0x87, (char)0x87,
(char)0x90, (char)0x29, (char)0x5d, (char)0x29, (char)0x29, (char)0x00,
RE2 re(b);
TEST(RE2, Bug18523943) {
// Bug in BitState: case kFailInst failed the match entirely.
RE2::Options opt;
const char a[] = {
(char)0x29, (char)0x29, (char)0x24, (char)0x00,
const char b[] = {
(char)0x28, (char)0x0a, (char)0x2a, (char)0x2a, (char)0x29, (char)0x00,
RE2 re((const char*)b, opt);
string s1;
ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch((const char*)a, re, &s1));
TEST(RE2, Bug21371806) {
// Bug in parser accepting Unicode groups in Latin-1 mode,
// causing compiler to fail in DCHECK in
RE2::Options opt;
RE2 re("g\\p{Zl}]", opt);
TEST(RE2, Bug26356109) {
// Bug in parser caused by factoring of common prefixes in alternations.
// In the past, this was factored to "a\\C*?[bc]". Thus, the automaton would
// consume "ab" and then stop (when unanchored) whereas it should consume all
// of "abc" as per first-match semantics.
RE2 re("a\\C*?c|a\\C*?b");
string s = "abc";
StringPiece m;
ASSERT_TRUE(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, &m, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(m, s) << " (UNANCHORED) got m='" << m << "', want '" << s << "'";
ASSERT_TRUE(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::ANCHOR_BOTH, &m, 1));
ASSERT_EQ(m, s) << " (ANCHOR_BOTH) got m='" << m << "', want '" << s << "'";
TEST(RE2, Issue104) {
// RE2::GlobalReplace always advanced by one byte when the empty string was
// matched, which would clobber any rune that is longer than one byte.
string s = "bc";
ASSERT_EQ(3, RE2::GlobalReplace(&s, "a*", "d"));
ASSERT_EQ("dbdcd", s);
s = "ąć";
ASSERT_EQ(3, RE2::GlobalReplace(&s, "Ć*", "Ĉ"));
ASSERT_EQ("ĈąĈćĈ", s);
s = "人类";
ASSERT_EQ(3, RE2::GlobalReplace(&s, "大*", "小"));
ASSERT_EQ("小人小类小", s);
} // namespace re2