blob: 47d0c4304f4866d1680ff18a74b4daf5d978ef28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 The RE2 Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Comparative tester for regular expression matching.
// Checks all implementations against each other.
#include <vector>
#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
#include "re2/prog.h"
#include "re2/regexp.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "util/pcre.h"
namespace re2 {
// All the supported regexp engines.
enum Engine {
kEngineBacktrack = 0, // Prog::UnsafeSearchBacktrack
kEngineNFA, // Prog::SearchNFA
kEngineDFA, // Prog::SearchDFA, only ask whether it matched
kEngineDFA1, // Prog::SearchDFA, ask for match[0]
kEngineOnePass, // Prog::SearchOnePass, if applicable
kEngineBitState, // Prog::SearchBitState
kEngineRE2, // RE2, all submatches
kEngineRE2a, // RE2, only ask for match[0]
kEngineRE2b, // RE2, only ask whether it matched
kEnginePCRE, // PCRE (util/pcre.h)
// Make normal math on the enum preserve the type.
// By default, C++ doesn't define ++ on enum, and e+1 has type int.
static inline void operator++(Engine& e, int unused) {
e = static_cast<Engine>(e+1);
static inline Engine operator+(Engine e, int i) {
return static_cast<Engine>(static_cast<int>(e)+i);
// A TestInstance caches per-regexp state for a given
// regular expression in a given configuration
// (UTF-8 vs Latin1, longest vs first match, etc.).
class TestInstance {
struct Result;
TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp, Prog::MatchKind kind,
Regexp::ParseFlags flags);
Regexp::ParseFlags flags() { return flags_; }
bool error() { return error_; }
// Runs a single test case: search in text, which is in context,
// using the given anchoring.
bool RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
Prog::Anchor anchor);
// Runs a single search using the named engine type.
void RunSearch(Engine type,
const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
Prog::Anchor anchor,
Result *result);
void LogMatch(const char* prefix, Engine e, const StringPiece& text,
const StringPiece& context, Prog::Anchor anchor);
const StringPiece regexp_str_; // regexp being tested
Prog::MatchKind kind_; // kind of match
Regexp::ParseFlags flags_; // flags for parsing regexp_str_
bool error_; // error during constructor?
Regexp* regexp_; // parsed regexp
int num_captures_; // regexp_->NumCaptures() cached
Prog* prog_; // compiled program
Prog* rprog_; // compiled reverse program
PCRE* re_; // PCRE implementation
RE2* re2_; // RE2 implementation
TestInstance(const TestInstance&) = delete;
TestInstance& operator=(const TestInstance&) = delete;
// A group of TestInstances for all possible configurations.
class Tester {
explicit Tester(const StringPiece& regexp);
bool error() { return error_; }
// Runs a single test case: search in text, which is in context,
// using the given anchoring.
bool TestCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
Prog::Anchor anchor);
// Run TestCase(text, text, anchor) for all anchoring modes.
bool TestInput(const StringPiece& text);
// Run TestCase(text, context, anchor) for all anchoring modes.
bool TestInputInContext(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context);
bool error_;
std::vector<TestInstance*> v_;
Tester(const Tester&) = delete;
Tester& operator=(const Tester&) = delete;
// Run all possible tests using regexp and text.
bool TestRegexpOnText(const StringPiece& regexp, const StringPiece& text);
} // namespace re2