blob: eb44b4a262794b40cff172a32680a5f4c3ba978d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006-2008 The RE2 Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "util/test.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/strutil.h"
#include "re2/prog.h"
#include "re2/re2.h"
#include "re2/regexp.h"
#include "re2/testing/regexp_generator.h"
#include "re2/testing/string_generator.h"
static const bool UsingMallocCounter = false;
DEFINE_int32(size, 8, "log2(number of DFA nodes)");
DEFINE_int32(repeat, 2, "Repetition count.");
DEFINE_int32(threads, 4, "number of threads");
namespace re2 {
// Check that multithreaded access to DFA class works.
// Helper function: builds entire DFA for prog.
static void DoBuild(Prog* prog) {
ASSERT_TRUE(prog->BuildEntireDFA(Prog::kFirstMatch, nullptr));
TEST(Multithreaded, BuildEntireDFA) {
// Create regexp with 2^FLAGS_size states in DFA.
string s = "a";
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_size; i++)
s += "[ab]";
s += "b";
Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(s, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
// Check that single-threaded code works.
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
std::thread t(DoBuild, prog);
delete prog;
// Build the DFA simultaneously in a bunch of threads.
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_repeat; i++) {
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_threads; j++)
threads.emplace_back(DoBuild, prog);
for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_threads; j++)
// One more compile, to make sure everything is okay.
prog->BuildEntireDFA(Prog::kFirstMatch, nullptr);
delete prog;
// Check that DFA size requirements are followed.
// BuildEntireDFA will, like SearchDFA, stop building out
// the DFA once the memory limits are reached.
TEST(SingleThreaded, BuildEntireDFA) {
// Create regexp with 2^30 states in DFA.
Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse("a[ab]{30}b", Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
for (int i = 17; i < 24; i++) {
int64_t limit = int64_t{1}<<i;
int64_t usage;
//int64_t progusage, dfamem;
testing::MallocCounter m(testing::MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(limit);
//progusage = m.HeapGrowth();
//dfamem = prog->dfa_mem();
prog->BuildEntireDFA(Prog::kFirstMatch, nullptr);
prog->BuildEntireDFA(Prog::kLongestMatch, nullptr);
usage = m.HeapGrowth();
delete prog;
if (UsingMallocCounter) {
//LOG(INFO) << "limit " << limit << ", "
// << "prog usage " << progusage << ", "
// << "DFA budget " << dfamem << ", "
// << "total " << usage;
// Tolerate +/- 10%.
ASSERT_GT(usage, limit*9/10);
ASSERT_LT(usage, limit*11/10);
// Generates and returns a string over binary alphabet {0,1} that contains
// all possible binary sequences of length n as subsequences. The obvious
// brute force method would generate a string of length n * 2^n, but this
// generates a string of length n + 2^n - 1 called a De Bruijn cycle.
// See Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, Exercise 3.2.2 #17.
// Such a string is useful for testing a DFA. If you have a DFA
// where distinct last n bytes implies distinct states, then running on a
// DeBruijn string causes the DFA to need to create a new state at every
// position in the input, never reusing any states until it gets to the
// end of the string. This is the worst possible case for DFA execution.
static string DeBruijnString(int n) {
CHECK_LT(n, static_cast<int>(8*sizeof(int)));
CHECK_GT(n, 0);
std::vector<bool> did(size_t{1}<<n);
for (int i = 0; i < 1<<n; i++)
did[i] = false;
string s;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
int bits = 0;
int mask = (1<<n) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (1<<n); i++) {
bits <<= 1;
bits &= mask;
if (!did[bits|1]) {
bits |= 1;
} else {
did[bits] = true;
return s;
// Test that the DFA gets the right result even if it runs
// out of memory during a search. The regular expression
// 0[01]{n}$ matches a binary string of 0s and 1s only if
// the (n+1)th-to-last character is a 0. Matching this in
// a single forward pass (as done by the DFA) requires
// keeping one bit for each of the last n+1 characters
// (whether each was a 0), or 2^(n+1) possible states.
// If we run this regexp to search in a string that contains
// every possible n-character binary string as a substring,
// then it will have to run through at least 2^n states.
// States are big data structures -- certainly more than 1 byte --
// so if the DFA can search correctly while staying within a
// 2^n byte limit, it must be handling out-of-memory conditions
// gracefully.
TEST(SingleThreaded, SearchDFA) {
// The De Bruijn string is the worst case input for this regexp.
// By default, the DFA will notice that it is flushing its cache
// too frequently and will bail out early, so that RE2 can use the
// NFA implementation instead. (The DFA loses its speed advantage
// if it can't get a good cache hit rate.)
// Tell the DFA to trudge along instead.
// Choice of n is mostly arbitrary, except that:
// * making n too big makes the test run for too long.
// * making n too small makes the DFA refuse to run,
// because it has so little memory compared to the program size.
// Empirically, n = 18 is a good compromise between the two.
const int n = 18;
Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(StringPrintf("0[01]{%d}$", n),
Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
// The De Bruijn string for n ends with a 1 followed by n 0s in a row,
// which is not a match for 0[01]{n}$. Adding one more 0 is a match.
string no_match = DeBruijnString(n);
string match = no_match + "0";
int64_t usage;
int64_t peak_usage;
testing::MallocCounter m(testing::MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(1<<n);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bool matched = false;
bool failed = false;
matched = prog->SearchDFA(match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
matched = prog->SearchDFA(no_match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
usage = m.HeapGrowth();
peak_usage = m.PeakHeapGrowth();
delete prog;
if (UsingMallocCounter) {
//LOG(INFO) << "usage " << usage << ", "
// << "peak usage " << peak_usage;
ASSERT_LT(usage, 1<<n);
ASSERT_LT(peak_usage, 1<<n);
// Reset to original behaviour.
// Helper function: searches for match, which should match,
// and no_match, which should not.
static void DoSearch(Prog* prog, const StringPiece& match,
const StringPiece& no_match) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
bool matched = false;
bool failed = false;
matched = prog->SearchDFA(match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
matched = prog->SearchDFA(no_match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
TEST(Multithreaded, SearchDFA) {
// Same as single-threaded test above.
const int n = 18;
Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(StringPrintf("0[01]{%d}$", n),
Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
string no_match = DeBruijnString(n);
string match = no_match + "0";
// Check that single-threaded code works.
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(1<<n);
std::thread t(DoSearch, prog, match, no_match);
delete prog;
// Run the search simultaneously in a bunch of threads.
// Reuse same flags for Multithreaded.BuildDFA above.
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_repeat; i++) {
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(1<<n);
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_threads; j++)
threads.emplace_back(DoSearch, prog, match, no_match);
for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_threads; j++)
delete prog;
// Reset to original behaviour.
struct ReverseTest {
const char* regexp;
const char* text;
bool match;
// Test that reverse DFA handles anchored/unanchored correctly.
// It's in the DFA interface but not used by RE2.
ReverseTest reverse_tests[] = {
{ "\\A(a|b)", "abc", true },
{ "(a|b)\\z", "cba", true },
{ "\\A(a|b)", "cba", false },
{ "(a|b)\\z", "abc", false },
TEST(DFA, ReverseMatch) {
int nfail = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(reverse_tests); i++) {
const ReverseTest& t = reverse_tests[i];
Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(t.regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
Prog* prog = re->CompileToReverseProg(0);
bool failed = false;
bool matched = prog->SearchDFA(t.text, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
if (matched != t.match) {
LOG(ERROR) << t.regexp << " on " << t.text << ": want " << t.match;
delete prog;
EXPECT_EQ(nfail, 0);
struct CallbackTest {
const char* regexp;
const char* dump;
// Test that DFA::BuildAllStates() builds the expected DFA states
// and issues the expected callbacks. These test cases reflect the
// very compact encoding of the callbacks, but that also makes them
// very difficult to understand, so let's work through "\\Aa\\z".
// There are three slots per DFA state because the bytemap has two
// equivalence classes and there is a third slot for kByteEndText:
// 0: all bytes that are not 'a'
// 1: the byte 'a'
// 2: kByteEndText
// -1 means that there is no transition from that DFA state to any
// other DFA state for that slot. The valid transitions are thus:
// state 0 --slot 1--> state 1
// state 1 --slot 2--> state 2
// The double brackets indicate that state 2 is a matching state.
// Putting it together, this means that the DFA must consume the
// byte 'a' and then hit end of text. Q.E.D.
CallbackTest callback_tests[] = {
{ "\\Aa\\z", "[-1,1,-1] [-1,-1,2] [[-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\Aab\\z", "[-1,1,-1,-1] [-1,-1,2,-1] [-1,-1,-1,3] [[-1,-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\Aa*b\\z", "[-1,0,1,-1] [-1,-1,-1,2] [[-1,-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\Aa+b\\z", "[-1,1,-1,-1] [-1,1,2,-1] [-1,-1,-1,3] [[-1,-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\Aa?b\\z", "[-1,1,2,-1] [-1,-1,2,-1] [-1,-1,-1,3] [[-1,-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\Aa\\C*\\z", "[-1,1,-1] [1,1,2] [[-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\Aa\\C*", "[-1,1,-1] [2,2,3] [[2,2,2]] [[-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "a\\C*", "[0,1,-1] [2,2,3] [[2,2,2]] [[-1,-1,-1]]" },
{ "\\C*", "[1,2] [[1,1]] [[-1,-1]]" },
{ "a", "[0,1,-1] [2,2,2] [[-1,-1,-1]]"} ,
TEST(DFA, Callback) {
int nfail = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(callback_tests); i++) {
const CallbackTest& t = callback_tests[i];
Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(t.regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
string dump;
prog->BuildEntireDFA(Prog::kLongestMatch, [&](const int* next, bool match) {
if (!dump.empty())
StringAppendF(&dump, " ");
StringAppendF(&dump, match ? "[[" : "[");
for (int b = 0; b < prog->bytemap_range() + 1; b++)
StringAppendF(&dump, "%d,", next[b]);
StringAppendF(&dump, match ? "]]" : "]");
if (dump != t.dump) {
LOG(ERROR) << t.regexp << " bytemap:\n" << prog->DumpByteMap();
LOG(ERROR) << t.regexp << " dump:\ngot " << dump << "\nwant " << t.dump;
delete prog;
EXPECT_EQ(nfail, 0);
} // namespace re2