blob: 88338db9bc0001c5ee78a5bd24286cf9608cc15f [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::bound::{has_bound, InferredBound, Supertraits};
use crate::lifetime::{AddLifetimeToImplTrait, CollectLifetimes};
use crate::parse::Item;
use crate::receiver::{has_self_in_block, has_self_in_sig, mut_pat, ReplaceSelf};
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use std::collections::BTreeSet as Set;
use std::mem;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::visit_mut::{self, VisitMut};
use syn::{
parse_quote, parse_quote_spanned, Attribute, Block, FnArg, GenericArgument, GenericParam,
Generics, Ident, ImplItem, Lifetime, LifetimeDef, Pat, PatIdent, PathArguments, Receiver,
ReturnType, Signature, Stmt, Token, TraitItem, Type, TypePath, WhereClause,
impl ToTokens for Item {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
match self {
Item::Trait(item) => item.to_tokens(tokens),
Item::Impl(item) => item.to_tokens(tokens),
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Context<'a> {
Trait {
generics: &'a Generics,
supertraits: &'a Supertraits,
Impl {
impl_generics: &'a Generics,
associated_type_impl_traits: &'a Set<Ident>,
impl Context<'_> {
fn lifetimes<'a>(&'a self, used: &'a [Lifetime]) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a LifetimeDef> {
let generics = match self {
Context::Trait { generics, .. } => generics,
Context::Impl { impl_generics, .. } => impl_generics,
generics.params.iter().filter_map(move |param| {
if let GenericParam::Lifetime(param) = param {
if used.contains(&param.lifetime) {
return Some(param);
pub fn expand(input: &mut Item, is_local: bool) {
match input {
Item::Trait(input) => {
let context = Context::Trait {
generics: &input.generics,
supertraits: &input.supertraits,
for inner in &mut input.items {
if let TraitItem::Method(method) = inner {
let sig = &mut method.sig;
if sig.asyncness.is_some() {
let block = &mut method.default;
let mut has_self = has_self_in_sig(sig);
if let Some(block) = block {
has_self |= has_self_in_block(block);
transform_block(context, sig, block);
} else {
let has_default = method.default.is_some();
transform_sig(context, sig, has_self, has_default, is_local);
Item::Impl(input) => {
let mut lifetimes = CollectLifetimes::new("'impl");
lifetimes.visit_type_mut(&mut *input.self_ty);
lifetimes.visit_path_mut(&mut input.trait_.as_mut().unwrap().1);
let params = &input.generics.params;
let elided = lifetimes.elided;
input.generics.params = parse_quote!(#(#elided,)* #params);
let mut associated_type_impl_traits = Set::new();
for inner in &input.items {
if let ImplItem::Type(assoc) = inner {
if let Type::ImplTrait(_) = assoc.ty {
let context = Context::Impl {
impl_generics: &input.generics,
associated_type_impl_traits: &associated_type_impl_traits,
for inner in &mut input.items {
if let ImplItem::Method(method) = inner {
let sig = &mut method.sig;
if sig.asyncness.is_some() {
let block = &mut method.block;
let has_self = has_self_in_sig(sig) || has_self_in_block(block);
transform_block(context, sig, block);
transform_sig(context, sig, has_self, false, is_local);
fn lint_suppress_with_body() -> Attribute {
parse_quote! {
fn lint_suppress_without_body() -> Attribute {
parse_quote! {
// Input:
// async fn f<T>(&self, x: &T) -> Ret;
// Output:
// fn f<'life0, 'life1, 'async_trait, T>(
// &'life0 self,
// x: &'life1 T,
// ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Ret> + Send + 'async_trait>>
// where
// 'life0: 'async_trait,
// 'life1: 'async_trait,
// T: 'async_trait,
// Self: Sync + 'async_trait;
fn transform_sig(
context: Context,
sig: &mut Signature,
has_self: bool,
has_default: bool,
is_local: bool,
) {
let default_span = sig.asyncness.take().unwrap().span;
sig.fn_token.span = default_span;
let (ret_arrow, ret) = match &sig.output {
ReturnType::Default => (Token![->](default_span), quote_spanned!(default_span=> ())),
ReturnType::Type(arrow, ret) => (*arrow, quote!(#ret)),
let mut lifetimes = CollectLifetimes::new("'life");
for arg in sig.inputs.iter_mut() {
match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(arg) => lifetimes.visit_receiver_mut(arg),
FnArg::Typed(arg) => lifetimes.visit_type_mut(&mut arg.ty),
for param in &mut sig.generics.params {
match param {
GenericParam::Type(param) => {
let param_name = &param.ident;
let span = match param.colon_token.take() {
Some(colon_token) => colon_token.span,
None => param_name.span(),
let bounds = mem::replace(&mut param.bounds, Punctuated::new());
where_clause_or_default(&mut sig.generics.where_clause)
.push(parse_quote_spanned!(span=> #param_name: 'async_trait + #bounds));
GenericParam::Lifetime(param) => {
let param_name = &param.lifetime;
let span = match param.colon_token.take() {
Some(colon_token) => colon_token.span,
None => param_name.span(),
let bounds = mem::replace(&mut param.bounds, Punctuated::new());
where_clause_or_default(&mut sig.generics.where_clause)
.push(parse_quote_spanned!(span=> #param: 'async_trait + #bounds));
GenericParam::Const(_) => {}
for param in context.lifetimes(&lifetimes.explicit) {
let param = &param.lifetime;
let span = param.span();
where_clause_or_default(&mut sig.generics.where_clause)
.push(parse_quote_spanned!(span=> #param: 'async_trait));
if sig.generics.lt_token.is_none() {
sig.generics.lt_token = Some(Token![<](sig.ident.span()));
if sig.generics.gt_token.is_none() {
sig.generics.gt_token = Some(Token![>](sig.paren_token.span));
for elided in lifetimes.elided {
where_clause_or_default(&mut sig.generics.where_clause)
.push(parse_quote_spanned!(elided.span()=> #elided: 'async_trait));
.push(parse_quote_spanned!(default_span=> 'async_trait));
if has_self {
let bounds: &[InferredBound] = match sig.inputs.iter().next() {
Some(FnArg::Receiver(Receiver {
reference: Some(_),
mutability: None,
})) => &[InferredBound::Sync],
if match arg.pat.as_ref() {
Pat::Ident(pat) => pat.ident == "self",
_ => false,
} =>
match arg.ty.as_ref() {
// self: &Self
Type::Reference(ty) if ty.mutability.is_none() => &[InferredBound::Sync],
// self: Arc<Self>
if {
let segment = ty.path.segments.last().unwrap();
segment.ident == "Arc"
&& match &segment.arguments {
PathArguments::AngleBracketed(arguments) => {
arguments.args.len() == 1
&& match &arguments.args[0] {
GenericArgument::Type(Type::Path(arg)) => {
_ => false,
_ => false,
} =>
&[InferredBound::Sync, InferredBound::Send]
_ => &[InferredBound::Send],
_ => &[InferredBound::Send],
let bounds = bounds.iter().filter_map(|bound| {
let assume_bound = match context {
Context::Trait { supertraits, .. } => !has_default || has_bound(supertraits, bound),
Context::Impl { .. } => true,
if assume_bound || is_local {
} else {
where_clause_or_default(&mut sig.generics.where_clause)
.push(parse_quote_spanned! {default_span=>
Self: #(#bounds +)* 'async_trait
for (i, arg) in sig.inputs.iter_mut().enumerate() {
match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(Receiver {
reference: Some(_), ..
}) => {}
FnArg::Receiver(arg) => arg.mutability = None,
FnArg::Typed(arg) => {
let type_is_reference = match *arg.ty {
Type::Reference(_) => true,
_ => false,
if let Pat::Ident(pat) = &mut *arg.pat {
if pat.ident == "self" || !type_is_reference {
pat.by_ref = None;
pat.mutability = None;
} else if !type_is_reference {
let positional = positional_arg(i, &arg.pat);
let m = mut_pat(&mut arg.pat);
arg.pat = parse_quote!(#m #positional);
AddLifetimeToImplTrait.visit_type_mut(&mut arg.ty);
let bounds = if is_local {
quote_spanned!(default_span=> 'async_trait)
} else {
quote_spanned!(default_span=> ::core::marker::Send + 'async_trait)
sig.output = parse_quote_spanned! {default_span=>
#ret_arrow ::core::pin::Pin<Box<
dyn ::core::future::Future<Output = #ret> + #bounds
// Input:
// async fn f<T>(&self, x: &T, (a, b): (A, B)) -> Ret {
// self + x + a + b
// }
// Output:
// Box::pin(async move {
// let ___ret: Ret = {
// let __self = self;
// let x = x;
// let (a, b) = __arg1;
// __self + x + a + b
// };
// ___ret
// })
fn transform_block(context: Context, sig: &mut Signature, block: &mut Block) {
if let Some(Stmt::Item(syn::Item::Verbatim(item))) = block.stmts.first() {
if block.stmts.len() == 1 && item.to_string() == ";" {
let mut self_span = None;
let decls = sig
.map(|(i, arg)| match arg {
FnArg::Receiver(Receiver {
}) => {
let ident = Ident::new("__self", self_token.span);
self_span = Some(self_token.span);
quote!(let #mutability #ident = #self_token;)
FnArg::Typed(arg) => {
// If there is a #[cfg(...)] attribute that selectively enables
// the parameter, forward it to the variable.
// This is currently not applied to the `self` parameter.
let attrs = arg.attrs.iter().filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("cfg"));
if let Pat::Ident(PatIdent {
ident, mutability, ..
}) = &*arg.pat
if ident == "self" {
self_span = Some(ident.span());
let prefixed = Ident::new("__self", ident.span());
quote!(let #mutability #prefixed = #ident;)
} else if let Type::Reference(_) = *arg.ty {
} else {
quote! {
let #mutability #ident = #ident;
} else if let Type::Reference(_) = *arg.ty {
} else {
let pat = &arg.pat;
let ident = positional_arg(i, pat);
if let Pat::Wild(_) = **pat {
quote! {
let #ident = #ident;
} else {
quote! {
let #pat = {
let #ident = #ident;
if let Some(span) = self_span {
let mut replace_self = ReplaceSelf(span);
let stmts = &block.stmts;
let let_ret = match &mut sig.output {
ReturnType::Default => quote_spanned! {block.brace_token.span=>
let _: () = { #(#stmts)* };
ReturnType::Type(_, ret) => {
if contains_associated_type_impl_trait(context, ret) {
if decls.is_empty() {
} else {
quote!(#(#decls)* { #(#stmts)* })
} else {
quote_spanned! {block.brace_token.span=>
if let ::core::option::Option::Some(__ret) = ::core::option::Option::None::<#ret> {
return __ret;
let __ret: #ret = { #(#stmts)* };
let box_pin = quote_spanned!(block.brace_token.span=>
Box::pin(async move { #let_ret })
block.stmts = parse_quote!(#box_pin);
fn positional_arg(i: usize, pat: &Pat) -> Ident {
let span: Span = syn::spanned::Spanned::span(pat);
let span = span.resolved_at(Span::mixed_site());
format_ident!("__arg{}", i, span = span)
fn contains_associated_type_impl_trait(context: Context, ret: &mut Type) -> bool {
struct AssociatedTypeImplTraits<'a> {
set: &'a Set<Ident>,
contains: bool,
impl<'a> VisitMut for AssociatedTypeImplTraits<'a> {
fn visit_type_path_mut(&mut self, ty: &mut TypePath) {
if ty.qself.is_none()
&& ty.path.segments.len() == 2
&& ty.path.segments[0].ident == "Self"
&& self.set.contains(&ty.path.segments[1].ident)
self.contains = true;
visit_mut::visit_type_path_mut(self, ty);
match context {
Context::Trait { .. } => false,
Context::Impl {
} => {
let mut visit = AssociatedTypeImplTraits {
set: associated_type_impl_traits,
contains: false,
fn where_clause_or_default(clause: &mut Option<WhereClause>) -> &mut WhereClause {
clause.get_or_insert_with(|| WhereClause {
where_token: Default::default(),
predicates: Punctuated::new(),