blob: f0aa5026ebb3ce3913431321fca6bb45d8b996f1 [file] [log] [blame]
#[cfg(feature = "suggestions")]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
// Internal
use crate::builder::Command;
/// Produces multiple strings from a given list of possible values which are similar
/// to the passed in value `v` within a certain confidence by least confidence.
/// Thus in a list of possible values like ["foo", "bar"], the value "fop" will yield
/// `Some("foo")`, whereas "blark" would yield `None`.
#[cfg(feature = "suggestions")]
pub(crate) fn did_you_mean<T, I>(v: &str, possible_values: I) -> Vec<String>
T: AsRef<str>,
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
let mut candidates: Vec<(f64, String)> = possible_values
.map(|pv| (strsim::jaro_winkler(v, pv.as_ref()), pv.as_ref().to_owned()))
.filter(|(confidence, _)| *confidence > 0.8)
candidates.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal));
candidates.into_iter().map(|(_, pv)| pv).collect()
#[cfg(not(feature = "suggestions"))]
pub(crate) fn did_you_mean<T, I>(_: &str, _: I) -> Vec<String>
T: AsRef<str>,
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
/// Returns a suffix that can be empty, or is the standard 'did you mean' phrase
pub(crate) fn did_you_mean_flag<'a, 'help, I, T>(
arg: &str,
remaining_args: &[&std::ffi::OsStr],
longs: I,
subcommands: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a mut Command>,
) -> Option<(String, Option<String>)>
'help: 'a,
T: AsRef<str>,
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
use crate::mkeymap::KeyType;
match did_you_mean(arg, longs).pop() {
Some(candidate) => Some((candidate, None)),
None => subcommands
.filter_map(|subcommand| {
let longs = subcommand.get_keymap().keys().filter_map(|a| {
if let KeyType::Long(v) = a {
} else {
let subcommand_name = subcommand.get_name();
let candidate = some!(did_you_mean(arg, longs).pop());
let score = some!(remaining_args.iter().position(|x| subcommand_name == *x));
Some((score, (candidate, Some(subcommand_name.to_string()))))
.min_by_key(|(x, _)| *x)
.map(|(_, suggestion)| suggestion),
#[cfg(all(test, features = "suggestions"))]
mod test {
use super::*;
fn possible_values_match() {
let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
assert_eq!(did_you_mean("tst", p_vals.iter()), Some("test"));
fn possible_values_match() {
let p_vals = ["test", "temp"];
assert_eq!(did_you_mean("te", p_vals.iter()), Some("test"));
fn possible_values_nomatch() {
let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
assert!(did_you_mean("hahaahahah", p_vals.iter()).is_none());
fn flag() {
let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
did_you_mean_flag("tst", p_vals.iter(), []),
Some(("test", None))