| echo 'Removing old CONTRIBUTORS.md' |
| echo 'Downloading a list of new contributors' |
| echo "the following is a list of contributors:" > CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| githubcontrib --owner clap-rs --repo clap --sha master --cols 6 --format md --showlogin true --sortBy contributions --sortOrder desc >> CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| echo "" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| echo "This list was generated by [mgechev/github-contributors-list](https://github.com/mgechev/github-contributors-list)" >> CONTRIBUTORS.md |
| cargo test --test {{TEST}} |
| cargo test --test {{TEST}} --features debug |
| cargo test --features "yaml unstable" |
| cargo bench && just remove-nightly |
| rustup override add nightly |
| cargo build --features lints && just remove-nightly |
| find . -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm {} \; |
| find . -type f -name "*.bk" -exec rm {} \; |
| find . -type f -name ".*~" -exec rm {} \; |