blob: c70769d8803eb8973d47ba242336bd76892a72c0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module containing parsers specialized on byte streams.
use crate::{
error::{self, ParseError, ParseResult::*},
range::{take_fn, TakeRange},
token::{satisfy, token, tokens_cmp, Token},
stream::{RangeStream, Stream},
/// Parses a byte and succeeds if the byte is equal to `c`.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::byte;
/// assert_eq!(byte(b'!').parse(&b"!"[..]), Ok((b'!', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(byte(b'A').parse(&b""[..]).is_err());
/// assert!(byte(b'A').parse(&b"!"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn byte<Input>(c: u8) -> Token<Input>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
macro_rules! byte_parser {
($name:ident, $ty:ident, $f: ident) => {{
satisfy(|c: u8| c.$f())
($name:ident, $ty:ident, $f: ident $($args:tt)+) => {{
satisfy(|c: u8| c.$f $($args)+)
/// Parses a base-10 digit (0–9).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::digit;
/// assert_eq!(digit().parse(&b"9"[..]), Ok((b'9', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(digit().parse(&b"A"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn digit<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(digit, Digit, is_ascii_digit())
/// Parses a `b' '`, `b'\t'`, `b'\n'` or `'b\'r'`.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::space;
/// assert_eq!(space().parse(&b" "[..]), Ok((b' ', &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(space().parse(&b" "[..]), Ok((b' ', &b" "[..])));
/// assert!(space().parse(&b"!"[..]).is_err());
/// assert!(space().parse(&b""[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn space<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(space, Space, is_ascii_whitespace)
/// Skips over [`space`] zero or more times
/// [`space`]:
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::spaces;
/// assert_eq!(spaces().parse(&b""[..]), Ok(((), &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(spaces().parse(&b" "[..]), Ok(((), &b""[..])));
/// ```
pub fn spaces<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
/// Parses a newline byte (`b'\n'`).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::newline;
/// assert_eq!(newline().parse(&b"\n"[..]), Ok((b'\n', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(newline().parse(&b"\r"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn newline<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
satisfy(|ch: u8| ch == b'\n').expected("lf newline")
/// Parses carriage return and newline (`&b"\r\n"`), returning the newline byte.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::crlf;
/// assert_eq!(crlf().parse(&b"\r\n"[..]), Ok((b'\n', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(crlf().parse(&b"\r"[..]).is_err());
/// assert!(crlf().parse(&b"\n"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn crlf<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
no_partial(satisfy(|ch: u8| ch == b'\r').with(newline())).expected("crlf newline")
/// Parses a tab byte (`b'\t'`).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::tab;
/// assert_eq!(tab().parse(&b"\t"[..]), Ok((b'\t', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(tab().parse(&b" "[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn tab<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
satisfy(|ch| ch == b'\t').expected("tab")
/// Parses an uppercase ASCII letter (A–Z).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::upper;
/// assert_eq!(upper().parse(&b"A"[..]), Ok((b'A', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(upper().parse(&b"a"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn upper<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(upper, Upper, is_ascii_uppercase)
/// Parses an lowercase ASCII letter (a–z).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::lower;
/// assert_eq!(lower().parse(&b"a"[..]), Ok((b'a', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(lower().parse(&b"A"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn lower<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(lower, Lower, is_ascii_lowercase)
/// Parses either an ASCII alphabet letter or digit (a–z, A–Z, 0–9).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::alpha_num;
/// assert_eq!(alpha_num().parse(&b"A"[..]), Ok((b'A', &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(alpha_num().parse(&b"1"[..]), Ok((b'1', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(alpha_num().parse(&b"!"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn alpha_num<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(alpha_num, AlphaNum, is_ascii_alphanumeric)
/// Parses an ASCII alphabet letter (a–z, A–Z).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::letter;
/// assert_eq!(letter().parse(&b"a"[..]), Ok((b'a', &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(letter().parse(&b"A"[..]), Ok((b'A', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(letter().parse(&b"9"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn letter<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(letter, Letter, is_ascii_alphabetic)
/// Parses an octal digit.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::oct_digit;
/// assert_eq!(oct_digit().parse(&b"7"[..]), Ok((b'7', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(oct_digit().parse(&b"8"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn oct_digit<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
satisfy(|ch| (b'0'..=b'7').contains(&ch)).expected("octal digit")
/// Parses an ASCII hexdecimal digit (accepts both uppercase and lowercase).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::hex_digit;
/// assert_eq!(hex_digit().parse(&b"F"[..]), Ok((b'F', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(hex_digit().parse(&b"H"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn hex_digit<Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = u8, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
byte_parser!(hex_digit, HexDigit, is_ascii_hexdigit())
parser! {
/// Parses the bytes `s`.
/// If you have a stream implementing [`RangeStream`] such as `&[u8]` you can also use the
/// [`range`] parser which may be more efficient.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # use combine::parser::byte::bytes;
/// # fn main() {
/// let result = bytes(&b"rust"[..])
/// .parse(&b"rust"[..])
/// .map(|x| x.0);
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(&b"rust"[..]));
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`RangeStream`]: super::super::stream::RangeStream
/// [`range`]: super::range::range
pub fn bytes['a, 'b, Input](s: &'static [u8])(Input) -> &'a [u8]
where [
Input: Stream<Token = u8, Range = &'b [u8]>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
bytes_cmp(s, |l: u8, r: u8| l == r)
parser! {
/// Parses the bytes `s` using `cmp` to compare each token.
/// If you have a stream implementing [`RangeStream`] such as `&[u8]` you can also use the
/// [`range`] parser which may be more efficient.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # use combine::parser::byte::bytes_cmp;
/// # use combine::stream::easy::Info;
/// # fn main() {
/// let result = bytes_cmp(&b"abc"[..], |l, r| l.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&r))
/// .parse(&b"AbC"[..]);
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok((&b"abc"[..], &b""[..])));
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`RangeStream`]: super::super::stream::RangeStream
/// [`range`]: super::range::range
pub fn bytes_cmp['a, 'b, C, Input](s: &'static [u8], cmp: C)(Input) -> &'a [u8]
where [
C: FnMut(u8, u8) -> bool,
Input: Stream<Token = u8, Range = &'b [u8]>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
let s = *s;
tokens_cmp(s.iter().cloned(), cmp)
.map(move |_| s)
macro_rules! take_until {
$type_name: ident, $func_name: ident, $memchr: ident, $($param: ident),+
) => {
pub struct $type_name;
type PartialState = usize;
pub fn $func_name[Input]($($param : u8),*)(Input) -> Input::Range
where [
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: AsRef<[u8]> + crate::stream::Range,
take_fn(move |haystack: Input::Range| {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
match ::memchr::$memchr( $(*$param),+ , haystack) {
Some(i) => TakeRange::Found(i),
None => TakeRange::NotFound(haystack.len()),
take_until! {
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `a` is found.
/// If `a` is not found, the parser will return an error.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::byte::take_until_byte;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take_until_byte(b'\r');
/// let result = parser.parse("To: [email protected]\r\n");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("To: [email protected]", "\r\n")));
/// let result = parser.parse("Hello, world\n");
/// assert!(result.is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
TakeUntilByte, take_until_byte, memchr, a
take_until! {
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `a` or `b` is found.
/// If `a` or `b` is not found, the parser will return an error.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::byte::take_until_byte2;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take_until_byte2(b'\r', b'\n');
/// let result = parser.parse("To: [email protected]\r\n");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("To: [email protected]", "\r\n")));
/// let result = parser.parse("Hello, world\n");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("Hello, world", "\n")));
/// # }
/// ```
TakeUntilByte2, take_until_byte2, memchr2, a, b
take_until! {
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `a`, 'b' or `c` is found.
/// If `a`, 'b' or `c` is not found, the parser will return an error.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::byte::take_until_byte3;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take_until_byte3(b'\r', b'\n', b' ');
/// let result = parser.parse("To: [email protected]\r\n");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("To:", " [email protected]\r\n")));
/// let result = parser.parse("Helloworld");
/// assert!(result.is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
TakeUntilByte3, take_until_byte3, memchr3, a, b, c
parser! {
type PartialState = usize;
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `needle` is found.
/// If `a`, 'b' or `c` is not found, the parser will return an error.
/// Optimized variant of [`take_until_range`](../range/fn.take_until_range.html)
/// ```
/// use combine::*;
/// use combine::parser::byte::take_until_bytes;
/// assert_eq!(
/// take_until_bytes(&b"\r\n"[..]).easy_parse(&b"abc\r\n"[..]).map(|(x, _)| x),
/// Ok((&b"abc"[..]))
/// );
/// // Also works on strings as long as `needle` is UTF-8
/// assert_eq!(
/// take_until_bytes("\r\n".as_bytes()).easy_parse("abc\r\n").map(|(x, _)| x),
/// Ok(("abc"))
/// );
/// ```
pub fn take_until_bytes['a, Input](needle: &'a [u8])(Input) -> Input::Range
where [
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: AsRef<[u8]> + crate::stream::Range,
take_fn(move |haystack: Input::Range| {
let haystack = haystack.as_ref();
match memslice(needle, haystack) {
Some(i) => TakeRange::Found(i),
None => TakeRange::NotFound(haystack.len().saturating_sub(needle.len() - 1)),
fn memslice(needle: &[u8], haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let (&prefix, suffix) = match needle.split_first() {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Some(0),
for i in memchr::memchr_iter(prefix, haystack) {
if haystack[i + 1..].starts_with(suffix) {
return Some(i);
/// Parsers for decoding numbers in big-endian or little-endian order.
pub mod num {
use crate::{error::ResultExt, lib::mem::size_of, parser::function::parser, stream::uncons};
use super::*;
macro_rules! integer_parser {
pub $type_name: ident,
$output_type: ident, $be_name: ident, $le_name: ident, $read_name: ident
) => {
pub fn $be_name<'a, Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = $output_type, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
parser(|input: &mut Input| {
let checkpoint = input.checkpoint();
let result = (|input: &mut Input| {
let mut buffer = [0u8; size_of::<$output_type>()];
for elem in &mut buffer[..] {
*elem = ctry!(uncons(input)).0;
if result.is_err() {
pub fn $le_name<'a, Input>() -> impl Parser<Input, Output = $output_type, PartialState = ()>
Input: Stream<Token = u8>,
Input::Error: ParseError<Input::Token, Input::Range, Input::Position>,
parser(|input: &mut Input| {
let checkpoint = input.checkpoint();
let result = (|input: &mut Input| {
let mut buffer = [0u8; size_of::<$output_type>()];
for elem in &mut buffer[..] {
*elem = ctry!(uncons(input)).0;
if result.is_err() {
/// Reads a u16 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_u16;
/// assert_eq!(le_u16().parse(&b"\x01\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_u16().parse(&b"\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub U16, u16, be_u16, le_u16, read_u16
/// Reads a u32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_u32;
/// assert_eq!(le_u32().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_u32().parse(&b"\x01\0\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub U32, u32, be_u32, le_u32, read_u32
/// Reads a u64 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_u64;
/// assert_eq!(le_u64().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_u64().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub U64, u64, be_u64, le_u64, read_u64
/// Reads a i16 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_i16;
/// assert_eq!(le_i16().parse(&b"\x01\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_i16().parse(&b"\x01"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub I16, i16, be_i16, le_i16, read_i16
/// Reads a i32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_i32;
/// assert_eq!(le_i32().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_i32().parse(&b"\x01\0\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub I32, i32, be_i32, le_i32, read_i32
/// Reads a i64 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_i64;
/// assert_eq!(le_i64().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_i64().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub I64, i64, be_i64, le_i64, read_i64
/// Reads a i32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_f32;
/// let buf = 123.45f32.to_le_bytes();
/// assert_eq!(le_f32().parse(&buf[..]), Ok((123.45, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_f32().parse(&b"\x01\0\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub F32, f32, be_f32, le_f32, read_f32
/// Reads a i64 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::parser::byte::num::le_f64;
/// let buf = 123.45f64.to_le_bytes();
/// assert_eq!(le_f64().parse(&buf[..]), Ok((123.45, &b""[..])));
/// assert!(le_f64().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub F64, f64, be_f64, le_f64, read_f64
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", test))]
mod tests {
use crate::stream::{buffered, position, IteratorStream};
use super::*;
fn no_rangestream() {
let buf = 123.45f64.to_le_bytes();
.map(|(t, _)| t),
.map(|(t, _)| t),
let buf = 123.45f64.to_be_bytes();
.map(|(t, _)| t),
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", test))]
mod tests {
use crate::stream::{buffered, position, read};
use super::*;
fn memslice_basic() {
let haystack = b"abc123";
assert_eq!(memslice(b"", haystack), Some(0));
assert_eq!(memslice(b"a", haystack), Some(0));
assert_eq!(memslice(b"ab", haystack), Some(0));
assert_eq!(memslice(b"c12", haystack), Some(2));
let haystack2 = b"abcab2";
assert_eq!(memslice(b"abc", haystack2), Some(0));
assert_eq!(memslice(b"ab2", haystack2), Some(3));
let haystack3 = b"aaabaaaa";
assert_eq!(memslice(b"aaaa", haystack3), Some(4));
fn bytes_read_stream() {